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~Hindoi Academy~ [Welcoming all Creatures]

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Sheila slung the bag over her shoulder and nodded. Randomly she woundered what the girl ate, being a vampire her main source of nutrition for was blood but she could eat human food for the taste.
"Ok then." Mizure said when she pulled out her cellphone and texted Natsuru saying ' Hey Natsu gyaoh.' and began walking into the hallway

Natsuru felt his phone vibrate, pulled it out of his black satchel and answered the text by saying 'Brt' and started jogging his way to the foyer

[For those who don't know gyaoh= Get Your Ass Over Here. and brt= Be Right There]
Walking alongside Mizure they decended the stairs and exited the girls dorm into the bright sunlight. It stung and she thought to herself. 'Darn I need to get anouther glamour potion.'
Walking alongside Mizure they decended the stairs and exited the girls dorm into the bright sunlight. It stung and she thought to herself. 'Darn I need to get anouther glamour potion.'

[Sorry accidently posted twice]
It didn't take long to enter the main hall of the building where a few students were already walking around and chatting to one anouther.
When Mizure saw Sheila wince slightly from the sting of the sunlight she tried to block as muck sunlight from getting her as possible.
Sheila looked down at the girl and smiled as they entered the main hall of the school. Already it was filled with creatures of all kinds, a few of them tried to talk to her but she ignored them.

She looked around for the small boy in the crowd but wasn't suprised when she didnt see him. A boy of his size could be hard to spot.
"Where is he?" Sheila asked leaning slightly towards Mizure.
Mizure was shocked at the fact that their were so many people at the school, then she was torn from her thoughts by Sheila's question and answered "He's in between the pillars on the left side" then taking a deep breath she yelled with all her might, which was surprisingly loud enough for him to hear her, "NICHOLI, OVER HERE!!!!"

Natsuru was leaning against one of the pillars talking to one of the english teachers when he suddenly hear Mizure's Voice and hurriedly got to her, mainly to shut her up.
The vampire snickered as over a dozen pairs of heads turned to look at them, then to Nitsuru as he rushed over. Sheila decided that she liked the cousins, they were hilarious.

She linked arms with Mizure and Natsuru. "Shall we?" She asked staring straight ahead at North Hall where the cafeteria was, a myschievious glint in her sapphire eyes.
Mizure being the smart ass that she was said "We, shall." while Natsuru just nodded silently. and all three of them started making there way to the cafeteria until Mizure asked, "Don't you think people'll think that three girls walking with their arms linked together is weird?". Which pretty much forced a blush on Natsuru's face
As they went through the North Hall doubledoors they were greeted by the loudness of the cafeteria. It was ahead of them through an open archway, to the left was a hallway leading to the library.

"Nonesense." She finally answered. Spotting a table of interest, filled with most of the popular crowd, she dragged them to the head of it saying.
"Watch this." As they stopped directly infront of it
Letting go of the two Sheila crossed her arms over her large chest, then she tossed some of her blonde hair over her shoulder and looked at the people at the table one by one.
Her eyes rested on someone closest to them. A muscular tiger (furry), he tried to look touph but still played with the collar oof his shirt.
"Okay so all of you scram." She ordered, voice dominent.

She locked eyes with each one of them individually, it seemed like when they did their bodies froze for a second. Eventually they all stood and left. Sheila took a seat.
"Like candy from a baby."
Mizure was in pure awe of how quickly Sheila cleared the room, meanwhile Natsuru asked, purely curious, "Did you Glamour them all to leave?"
She motioned for them to sit, looking at Natsuru she smiled softly.
"Theres a time when being vampire royalty comes in handy." Playing with her nails she looked at the long buffet filled with food.

Then towards the right of the room she saw what she wanted, a room with a red blood drop insignia above the door. Standing she said.
"Hold down the fort." And went towards the door, fangs elongated.
Liam walked into the office getting his dorm room assignments and his class schedule. He thanked the secretary and smiled politely at the woman before heading across the courtyard and walked into the boys dorm and found his room assignment. It was completely empty on the other side which surprised him because he had arrived late in the year. His body covered in cinnamon and black fur. He didn't have a regular mouth but in fact a muzzle and when his fur got wet it smelled of cinnamon cookies for some reason.
Walking into the 'blood room' Sheila looked around. The walls and surfaces were covered in various shades of black and red velvet. She she talked to the attendant, a very helpful succubus, to the left of the room and got herself assigned to one of the ten small rooms. Walking to number seven she pull back the curtain and spotted her meal. It was a boy about her age; tall, muscular, and tan. She sat on the couch beside him and looked down at his hands handcuffed to the wall. He relaxed a little when he saw her, assuming that she was just some harmless beauty.
He opened his mouth to speak, probably something along the lines of 'Help' or 'Whats going on?' but she pressed a finger to his lips and looked into his mossy green eyes. It was then that her blue eyes turned ruby red and her canines elongated to long sharp points. Before he could scream she pulled him into her arms and sank her fangs into his thick neck.
His body twitched from the pain as she began sucking his blood slowly. The endorphins weakened his restrain until he moaned from pleasure.
It took one bite from a vampire to get a human hooked. They began craving the rush of adreniline and endorphins rushing through their veins. The boy moaned once more before she pulled her fangs out' licking her lips of the sugary sweetness. Thats how she liked them afterall...sweet.
Exiting the room she thanked the attendant and made sure she had no blood on her then sat back down at the table with the cousins.
Mizure didn't really hear when sheila sat down while she was stuffing her face with any cold food she could find. Natsuru understood but was starting to get hungry as well, then suddenly he felt a small pain that reached from his nose to his lower lip but what really surprised him was that he smelled the faintest scent of cinnamon, then Mizure finally looked up from her plate of cold cuts and screamed "Natsuru you shifted your nose into a dog muzzle!" Natsuru began panicking and hiding his face with his small hands.
Liam walked into the cafeteria and he took a seat at a table that was empty setting his stuff down. After he was sure his stuff was ok he got in line for lunch and when it was his turn he grabbed a small basket of berries, honeyed tea, and the salmon lunch. An aura of command seemed to swirl around the young adult werebear as he said a prayer and began to dig into his lunch. It was clear that he was shy and didn't know who or what he should talk to.
After sitting down Sheila caught the scent of something dekicous and strange at the same time. For the moment she ignored Mizure and Natsuru, swiveling her head towards the newcomer and stareing.
Mizure finally got Natsuru to calm down enough to have him shift back but the heightened sense stayed and he smelled the scent of cinnamon and pulled his attention to where it was coming from, he noticed that Sheila had smelled it too, but when he was who it was coming from, it was as if another side of himself came out if only for a second because he licked his lips at the sight of the werebear.
Sheila turned her eyes to Natsuru at his reaction to the werebear. She leaned foreward and placed her chin on her palms.
"See something you like?" She teased drawing out the 'k' motioning to the boy.
Natsuru was snapped away from his 'other' self when Sheila addressed him, but when he finally processed what she said he just blushed furiously.
Her giggle to his reaction was light and airy. How fun it was to tease him when he blushed so easily.
Sighing she stood and looked at her wristwatch, ten minutes to class.
"I guess Ill get going."
"Ok" Natsuru said still blushing slightly, he signaled Mizure that is was time to go then added, "Where are the art and music classes?"
A small car pulled into the drive of the academy. Of course, when you ask someone to hurry, they always seem to run late. Aiden shook his head and got out of the car. Having nothing in his life, he didn't have any luggage besides a small outfit that he got for the school. He would need to find a way to get more shirts before the school year was over. He slithered his way up to the main building and into the main office. There he waited for a few moments, hoping someone would notice him instead of having to draw attention. After he had gotten directions to his dorm, and then to his class he sighed. He was lucky that he hadn't missed his first class but he wouldn't have any chance to get ready. He slithered down the staircase and looked at his map, looking frantically for his first English class.
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