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~Hindoi Academy~ [Welcoming all Creatures]

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Before Sheila could answer Natsuru saw a young Naga looking frantically for something or someone he signaled Mizure to help him out if she could, which she gladly accepted.

Mizure began jogging to the boy, when she finally reached him she asked "Are you looking for something?"
Aiden blinked a few times as a girl, who appeared human, walked up to him and friendly asked to help him. "I ... I am looking for ..." He stared down at his schedule with a sigh. "English 105" He said, trying not to sound as nervous, but failing miserably. Unsure how to act around this new girl, or if she was going to hurt him like the other humans hurt his family, he kept his eyes down nervously.
Once she saw how nervous this naga boy was she gently placed her hand on his shoulder and said with a reassuring smile, "Turn to the left and it should be the 4th room to the right." while motioning the way with her free hand.
Natsuru was surprised when sheila suddenly dragged him towards the surprisingly large male, but calmed down when he saw Mizure's hand on his shoulder. Mizure explained what was going on before Natsuru and Sheila even came to a stop in front of her.
"Th.. Th..Thank you much." He said as he smiled slightly raising his gaze up. He noticed that a boy, he assumed from the outfit, and another girl came to join the first girl. It was his first day and already he had people talking to him. He thought that this was actually going to be a good year.
Sheila sniffed the air.
"Freshman." She muttered. Preffering to keep quiet and calm like she did upon first meeting the cousins. With a quick smile to the trio the vampire headed to calculus.
Aiden blinked, wondering how she could tell his grade simply by smelling. "Is .. is she psychic?" He asked scared of her now. She held her self so well and she acted like she owned everything around her. It was as scary as it was interesting. He didn't know what to think as he looked over at the other two that were still there. "Well, I think I should be heading to class. Thank you again for your help." He said before he slowly turned and slithered to where he was directed.
Mizure Grinned widely at the sound of his voice, exposing her nearly finished blueberry flavored blowpop and blue tongue, and said "No problem, by the way, My name is Mizure, the girly looking dude is my cousin, Natsuru and the girl next to him is Sheila." she laughed a bit after she finished her minirant.
Aiden turned his head when she introduced them, stopping from going to his class. "I'm Aiden, it is nice to meet you both." He said kindly as he nodded his head low and continued o class. He didn't want to be late, he promised his mother that he would do his best here and he would also make friends.
Mizure then realized she had to got to the same class and said "Aiden Wait up We have the same class!" whilst running after him

Natsuru ignored his reckless cousin's actions and asked Sheila, for a second time, "Where are the Art and Music rooms again?"
Aiden waited for her to catch up. "Really? That is great I was wondering if I was going to be all alone in this class." He said as he looked over to her and smiled. He had already met some nice people and his first class was with one of them. Hopefully his day will continue to get better.
Sheila barely heard Natsurus question, not one usually prone to spacing out she shook her head and looked at the boy.
"East Wing, exit the cafeteria and make a left." She answered.

Taking a deep breath she looked at a sheet with classes she'd picked herself written down.
"Calculus." She groaned. "After one hundred years youd think theyd think of something that wouldnt kill me."
After lunch had finished Liam looked at his schedule and confused as to where he was supposed to go. English was his first class of the day but he simply couldn't find the building it was housed in. He saw a beautiful girl walking past and caught up to her and what looked like her brother. "Excuse me but could you show where this building is?" He showed the girl his schedule and took a moment to look at her. At first she just seemed like another pretty face but in truth she was gorgeous. "I'm Liam En Craigen." He held out a handpaw to shake.
Calculus was dull as dust, a bunch of umfamiliar faces glanced at her trying to get her attention. Sheila didn't give them the time of day. Each one, she tought, are all fake they have no brain.

Sitting back in her desk the vampire played with her nails and waited for class to be over. She took a bglance at her schedule, Sociology, she hopped she shared it with people that she knew.
PrincessManaMi-Ai said:
Sheila barely heard Natsurus question, not one usually prone to spacing out she shook her head and looked at the boy.
"East Wing, exit the cafeteria and make a left." She answered.

Taking a deep breath she looked at a sheet with classes she'd picked herself written down.
"Calculus." She groaned. "After one hundred years youd think theyd think of something that wouldnt kill me."

Natsuru thanked her and began running towards the music room, hoping that he could at the very least get to play the piano in class, but to no avail today was just note study, which was more boring than watching paint dry.

'How bout Sociology?' thought to him self as he headed toward the west wing, just hopping that he would have someone to talk to in that class.
The bell rang, a sharp clang that jolted most people out of their daydreaming. She walked slowly, taking her time. Up one flight of stairs and she entered the room her skirt swaying as she walked.
Being in the east wing Natsuru had to run to make it to his class without being late, but as he was running up the stairs he slowed down when he notice Sheila and said "Hey, Sheila what class are you going to next?"

Mizure started laughing at the Cyclopes English teacher as soon as the bell went off, luckily because she was sitting next to Aiden everyone just thought he said some thing funny.
Aiden let out a sigh when English had finally came to a close. He heard Mizure laughing and looked over to her curiously as he pushed himself out of the desk and grabbed his book.
Mizure was laughing so hard she started tearing, then she Noticed Aiden get up from his seat and asked with a hint of laughter still in her voice "Hey, 'A' what class are you going to next?"
Aiden looked down at his schedule, finding his next class and sighing. "I have gym next. Great, this is going to be boring." He said as he slithered over to her, figuring he could walk with Mizure until they had to split ways. "What do you have?"
Hearing Natsurus question Sheila looked over her shoulder and smiled warmyl. Well as warmly as a vampire could without looking hungry.
"Sociology." She said placing a hand on her hip lightly.
Surprisingly even separated Mizure and Natsuru answered in unison with a "Same here!"

Natsuru was glad that he would know somebody in the class and get to talk with them to.

Mizure was feeling elated at the facts that, she not only had gym but would have that class with Aiden, and said "Can't Wait, I just wonder what we're doing in there today."
Brushing some hair off of her shoulder Sheila led Natsuru to the middle of the room and sat in the desk. Snickering lightly at the banshee teacher because of the creatures stringy hair and sour face.

Class started off average with the teacher explaining sociology in a high pitched voice.
"The ability to recognize social adeptations based on the brain.." She trailed off spouting useless info.
Natsuru was aggravated at the fact that he had to cover his ears because of how loud and shrill the Banshee's voice was.
Seeing Natsurus aggrivation Sheila decided to destract the banshee. The vampire started couphing obnoxiously.
"Is there something wrong Miss Rancore." The teacher squeaked. Sheila winked at Natsuru.
The vampire couphed again.
"Do you smell that?" She asked, exaggerating the word 'smell'. "Its like..." She paused. "Wet dog." Her eyes flitted to the lone werewolf in the room.

Even thoug the werewolf was in human form he visably bristled at the rude comment.
"What are you implying leech?" He asked, fists clenched.
"Nothing at all!" She said with fake sincerity.
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