Lost in Space (Reboot) OoC


Jul 24, 2020
Northern Europe
Where we plot.

Some basic but important information
The breeding protocol was always there as a contingency plan, in case any sort of disastrous event should reduce the human population aboard the colony ship to numbers below expected viable biological diversity through free choice of partner. Even with the colony ship intact and arriving at it's intended destination there was a protocol in place by which each adult man and woman were required to produce at least two children, a third and fourth child giving the parents a financial bonus for each additional child.

The contingency plan however was a little different, firstly in that it required all males and females over the age of 15 to breed at least three children without any promise of a bonus for a fourth or fifth. The children should preferably all be conceived within no more than a year of each other.

Choice of partner for each child was a free choice but also subject to strict regulations:

1. No couple already having produced a child were allowed to produce another until they had filled the mandated quota of at least three more children.

2. If a coupled male and female did not conceive a child within 6 months they were to be assigned new breeding partners.

3. Due to lesser probability of women over forty falling pregnant they were to choose younger males with more viable sperm to breed with and vice versa, younger females with a greater probability of falling pregnant were to choose older males with less viable sperm to breed with.

4. No colonist, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, were allowed to refuse breeding. Punishment for refusing to breed or secretly using any sort of contraceptive was banishment from the colony or be forced to breed without their consent. This applied to both males and females.
the only contraceptives allowed would be condoms or diaphragms to allow husbands and wives to still enjoy sex without risking pregnancy if they already have a child between them. All other methods such as birth control pills or implants, injections and whatever else of a more permanent nature would be illegal.
  • No one should feel that they need to write non-con to fully enjoy our group.
  • Non-con scenes should be labeled as such in the thread name so those wanting to avoid, not read them have a warning.
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I personally like the idea of having colonists from earth.

Maybe the adults. We can cut I dunno 15-20 years of The Endeavour's time en route.

I personally feel that 2046 is just too soon for humans to have achieved warp speed or any similar FTL technology and while it makes sense in a sub-light context to use cryogenics to transport humans across vast space that would not allow any of the colonists to survive the crash at all since they would all be frozen.

I would say that those 12 dozen Jupiters that got destroyed belonged to a sort of skeleton maintenance crew (livestock and such would need to be cared for and also scouting missions to nearby planets, moons and asteroids), whose descendents were to become the first colonists to land on New Earth, build up the colony before those humans stored in cryotanks were to be awakened to take their place in the colony.

(Did I only have this conversation in pm with Lea?)
Maybe the adults. We can cut I dunno 15-20 years of The Endeavour's time en route.

I personally feel that 2046 is just too soon for humans to have achieved warp speed or any similar FTL technology and while it makes sense in a sub-light context to use cryogenics to transport humans across vast space that would not allow any of the colonists to survive the crash at all since they would all be frozen.

I would say that those 12 dozen Jupiters that got destroyed belonged to a sort of skeleton maintenance crew (livestock and such would need to be cared for and also scouting missions to nearby planets, moons and asteroids), whose descendents were to become the first colonists to land on New Earth, build up the colony before those humans stored in cryotanks were to be awakened to take their place in the colony.

(Did I only have this conversation in pm with Lea?)

I think that makes some good sense, and yes I'm guessing that's what happened.
Also, from the Elizabeth classroom scene, it sounds like there may have been some teenage hormones flowing. If you want any rolls made, please send me modifiers you think are relevant.
For Cait and Owen I am thinking they used some kind of protection (then again no contraceptive method is 100%, is it now?).

Jaali and Teri for sure. Just remember that Lucas bred Teri the day before as well.

Then (as yet unwritten) Abeba and Owen had a little romp on their expedition, or on the way back.
I'd say roll for Abeba x Owen and for Teri x Jaali (and then we can determine paternity if it turns out she is pregnant already.
Right now I can't find the actual posts where it was discussed that The Endeavour left Earth in 2046 and crashed in 2090 but since no one opposed this I assumed everyone was on board with it. I have noticed though that some player have mentioned their characters having been born back on Earth. I would as that this is rectified for the sake of narrative logic since others have made suggestions that their characters were born en route.
I'm not sure what's going on LOL

I assume my characters were born on earth and were in cryo for the trip, as nothing was mentioned to negate their backgrounds when I submitted them. If my backgrounds need to be retconned, can someone explain what has been going on if people have been alive during the 40+ year trip? What roles/jobs were available, what training, what experience, what was the environment like on the ship. etc... or am I misunderstanding something?

I admit I am confused.
and were in cryo for the trip,

If they were in cryo for the trip then please explain to me how they made it to the planet, who woke them out of cryo which from my understanding isn't exactly like just waking someone from sleeping. To me it makes no senes the survivors were in cryo at all for that reason alone.

You offered no explanation to this in your opening Journal Entries (which I now realise is written in third person not first which to me is weird as far as journals go), nor did anyone else but rather the introductory Journal Entries I have seen so far all seem to assume that everyone was awake and going about business a usual. Lucas @apollo247 was about to go on an exploratory mission to the planet they ended up on which doesn't exactly suggest he had been in cryo. It also was not his first such mission.

as nothing was mentioned to negate their backgrounds when I submitted them.

That might be because the discussion had not yet been brought up when you posted your characters. Though I think it was being discussed between myself and @LeaT at the time.

can someone explain what has been going on if people have been alive during the 40+ year trip?

Somehow I feel I already did that.

I would say that those 12 dozen Jupiters that got destroyed belonged to a sort of skeleton maintenance crew (livestock and such would need to be cared for and also scouting missions to nearby planets, moons and asteroids), whose descendents were to become the first colonists to land on New Earth, build up the colony before those humans stored in cryotanks were to be awakened to take their place in the colony.

To this we can add another scenario as well. Maybe there was no set destination but rather they were looking for one, which might explain how they ended up where they are. For this scenario though keep in mind that this isn't Star Trek or any other sci fi that take place centuries into the future (with all that means in the context of advanced technology that might allow a skeleton crew of maybe 10 people or even just a holographic android) but rather that The Endeavour would be the first interstellar ship to leave Earth's solar system with no FTL drive to propel them light years in a matter of hours or days.

What roles/jobs were available, what training, what experience, what was the environment like on the ship. etc... or am I misunderstanding something?

There would have to be farmers, engineers, scouts and security along with teachers, medical staff, and everything else needed for any small society.

What the environment would be like on the ship. I am sure I can write up a suggestion and that we all can come up with something together regarding, for instance, a large bio dome at the top of the ship inside which a small city could have been built with all the facilities (including farms and pasture, necessary to sustain a small community of maybe 5-600 humans. However I fail to see the relevance of it to the story since The Endeavour is gone and there is very little reason to delve into it except for the exercise of doing so and maybe the fun of it as well.
I see, I was coming in with a movie perspective (I haven't seen the reboot series and do not recall much of the original).

The point is that my character backgrounds were based on the movie situation, where by people had lives on earth, before leaving to head off in the ship. They would have been woke up from cryo stasis by the computer/automatically upon reaching a destination.

My opening journal entries were third person as I hadn't realised, at that point, that the thread was supposed to be 1st person musings.

The relevance to the environment is it affects the characters background.

Background affects inner monologue, roleplaying, comments made to other characters about their past and the actual reactions of characters. if Jason is a Botanist who had only ever seen plants on training videos or something (for example), his reaction to real ones on an actual planet wold be different than if he had spent years studying the real things on earth, also other background elements would be very different in both Cara and Jason's background (did they even have Marines on board the ship, or any sort of military presence? Cara obviously did not leave to join the mission to get away from her mother, as she was born in space and her mother would have been on the ship. I need to at least know these details to rewrite their backgrounds... and comments already made by characters will just have to be ignored.
I was coming in with a movie perspective (I haven't seen the reboot series and do not recall much of the original).

That's more insight into the canon than I have to be honest. Everything I know about the canon I have learned from this group whenever the topic comes up.

My opening journal entries were third person as I hadn't realised, at that point, that the thread was supposed to be 1st person musings

Fair enough, though Journal Entries was perhaps a clue to the narrative perspective. Maybe that's just me though, (intended as self-reflection not sarcasm)

The relevance to the environment is it affects the characters background.

I suppose it does in a way yes, but maybe nothing too elaborate though.

if Jason is a Botanist who had only ever seen plants on training videos or something (for example), his reaction to real ones on an actual planet wold be different than if he had spent years studying the real things on earth

Or in a large bio dome perhaps.
(did they even have Marines on board the ship,

I wouldn't rule it out as part of the security crew. Assume Lucas and his team had gone on the planned scouting mission and lo and behold they either encounter some sort of advanced apex predator (maybe like I dunno a pack of Velociraptors let loose in our time), or, as unlikely as it statistically is, a hostile alien civilisation. The scouts, botanists, geologists and what not, would need military personnel to protect them, right? Sp ... perhaps not Marines by name but some sort of special forces for sure.

Cara obviously did not leave to join the mission to get away from her mother, as she was born in space and her mother would have been on the ship.

This is a bit more problematic though and I can see how it doesn't fit with her having been born on The Endeavour

and comments already made by characters will just have to be ignored.

I can live with that. (reluctantly but I am overriding my OCD for the sake of not forcing everyone to rewrite everything they have written so far)
@MsBloom @Jack Stalker

May I offer a slight literary solution to our problem?

What if we said Cryo was something like the future equivalent of flying coach? Then we say the limitations of cryo was that someone would have to be thawed out 1 week or 1 month a year lest they have some ill affect. In order to not overwhelm the ships services, this would have been done on a rotating basis so our surviving 'cryos' would have been on their animated rotation instead of cold storage at the time of the disaster.

I like this on a couple of levels, first it allows some flexibility in backgrounds. It also allows a certain caste system to manifest itself into the story as the 'cryos' would likely have required less of an investment to join. (I introduced a variation on this with Mia being from a servant class.) It would also help explain why Jason is a bit of a rogue among all these established families. The final advantage I can think of is that it also explains why some characters have pre-existing relationships and others do not.

On another level, if the cryo pods were also escape pods, then we would have a mechanism to introduce new characters into the story.
Hello Everyone,

I want to welcome @captain_bond back to the group. He will be continuing his role as Nate. I will be taking on the Charles character unless and until we find a suitable replacement.

Thank you.
On another level, if the cryo pods were also escape pods, then we would have a mechanism to introduce new characters into the story.
Particularly if the system was designed to automatically jettison them in the event of an emergency. I also like this whole idea. Since the Mass Effect games have been used as technological guideposts already, I refer to how the game "Mass Effect Andromeda" actually involved a massive colonization effort by humans and the other non-hostile alien species from the franchise, but of particular note is the use of cryo-sleep for the colonists. Even though they had FTL drive, they still had to traverse the galactic void, which took several hundred years, for whatever reason. Regardless, those cryo-pods were built to withstand disasters such as the destruction of their "ark" and the resultant trip of the pod through the vacuum of space.
@MsBloom @Jack Stalker

May I offer a slight literary solution to our problem?

What if we said Cryo was something like the future equivalent of flying coach? Then we say the limitations of cryo was that someone would have to be thawed out 1 week or 1 month a year lest they have some ill affect. In order to not overwhelm the ships services, this would have been done on a rotating basis so our surviving 'cryos' would have been on their animated rotation instead of cold storage at the time of the disaster.

I like this on a couple of levels, first it allows some flexibility in backgrounds. It also allows a certain caste system to manifest itself into the story as the 'cryos' would likely have required less of an investment to join. (I introduced a variation on this with Mia being from a servant class.) It would also help explain why Jason is a bit of a rogue among all these established families. The final advantage I can think of is that it also explains why some characters have pre-existing relationships and others do not.

On another level, if the cryo pods were also escape pods, then we would have a mechanism to introduce new characters into the story.
Sure, sounds good.
What if we said Cryo was something like the future equivalent of flying coach? Then we say the limitations of cryo was that someone would have to be thawed out 1 week or 1 month a year lest they have some ill affect. In order to not overwhelm the ships services, this would have been done on a rotating basis so our surviving 'cryos' would have been on their animated rotation instead of cold storage at the time of the disaster.

A brilliant solution.
So, I'm wondering about the feasibility of a plot device we discussed previously: the presence of jettisoned supplies floating about in the system between the star and their planet, or even beyond it. The main concern I have, is how much fuel the Jupiters have. While they seem to have been designed to launch and touch back down repeatedly, how much fuel would they have left the Endeavour with? I personally advocate for a possible suspension of disbelief, and all three of the Jupiters are fully fueled, for whatever reason. Or they were when the Endeavour went boom, anyway, If we wanna introduce variations, complications, etc. we can say one of the Jupiters' fuel tanks were damaged in the disaster, things like that.
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