Lost in Space (Reboot) OoC


Jul 24, 2020
Northern Europe
Where we plot.

Some basic but important information
The breeding protocol was always there as a contingency plan, in case any sort of disastrous event should reduce the human population aboard the colony ship to numbers below expected viable biological diversity through free choice of partner. Even with the colony ship intact and arriving at it's intended destination there was a protocol in place by which each adult man and woman were required to produce at least two children, a third and fourth child giving the parents a financial bonus for each additional child.

The contingency plan however was a little different, firstly in that it required all males and females over the age of 15 to breed at least three children without any promise of a bonus for a fourth or fifth. The children should preferably all be conceived within no more than a year of each other.

Choice of partner for each child was a free choice but also subject to strict regulations:

1. No couple already having produced a child were allowed to produce another until they had filled the mandated quota of at least three more children.

2. If a coupled male and female did not conceive a child within 6 months they were to be assigned new breeding partners.

3. Due to lesser probability of women over forty falling pregnant they were to choose younger males with more viable sperm to breed with and vice versa, younger females with a greater probability of falling pregnant were to choose older males with less viable sperm to breed with.

4. No colonist, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, were allowed to refuse breeding. Punishment for refusing to breed or secretly using any sort of contraceptive was banishment from the colony or be forced to breed without their consent. This applied to both males and females.
the only contraceptives allowed would be condoms or diaphragms to allow husbands and wives to still enjoy sex without risking pregnancy if they already have a child between them. All other methods such as birth control pills or implants, injections and whatever else of a more permanent nature would be illegal.
  • No one should feel that they need to write non-con to fully enjoy our group.
  • Non-con scenes should be labeled as such in the thread name so those wanting to avoid, not read them have a warning.
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Not entirely sure but from how I've understood it from those in the group with a firmer grasp on the canon Dr Smith is something of the villain in the story.
@Colonel_Liam thank you for laying out a plan for determining pregnancy. I'm posting here to not sully your thread with a lot of commentary.

If I am following the probability properly, it seems the baseline chances for getting pregnant are about 50%. This sounds high from reality, but we are talking a fantasy RP so that might be fine. I also suggested somewhere along the line that there are fertility drugs available, especially for the older women, so that might give a boost as well.

Average statistics for getting pregnant in a given month are:


You are welcome to use or ignore this information as you see fit. I don't suppose it considers being actively bred by multiple partners in marathon sexual encounters with the fate of the human race in the balance. So there's that.

It can be open to discussion, but my preference would be for you to do the rolls and not have it be a group effort. I would then inform any pregnant characters privately so they can weave it into their narrative as they see fit.
Yes, I was planning on people informing me of any modifiers they desire, an I would do the rolls in secret and inform of results when relevant.
And yea, this system is a little less realistic, but I figured hat was part of the point to some extent.
Sounds good. I feel if you are doing the work I'm happy to let you be the wizard behind the curtain! Thank you for taking this on.
Also, we should discuss where to inform Liam of the modifiers for each of our characters. I strongly advise against doing so here, as it is very easy for them to get buried.

Same with a PM, as further discussion on other topics would have the same potential result.
How long to pregnancies play out (roleplay wise)?
All done in one post...

"Oh my god!! I'm pregnant!!"

Fade to black...

...Time passed...

Fade in...

"It's a beautiful baby boy, congratulations! It has two heads, so I assume the father is your... uh... father?" :D
Uh-oh, I didn't mean to use my license to kill, to kill the whole dang RP!! LOL!

(No worries, I merely look at the lack of activity and joke about it. No biggie.)
How long to pregnancies play out (roleplay wise)?

9 months IC time of course but I also feel that once enough of the females are pregnant we timeskip ahead to when the first of them is due. and then once the first batch of kids is born. We start the breeding all over again. By then the colony would of course have evolved, perhaps even split into two camps or something.
perhaps even split into two camps or something.
If that happens, it'll happen because of the final part of the breeding protocol, or the protocol overall. Assuming this to be the case, I'm genuinely curious how many women will opt to remain with the faction/camp that decides that rape in the name of the breeding protocol is fine. I assume that number will not be very much higher than zero. Because that part of the protocol affects (and potentially traumatizes) them the most.
I'm genuinely curious how many women will opt to remain with the faction/camp that decides that rape in the name of the breeding protocol is fine. I assume that number will not be very much higher than zero. Because that part of the protocol affects (and potentially traumatizes) them the most.

Firstly. It is only rape if the woman does not consent. And yes so far we have one such situation going on and one or two in queue, but at least one of the Mercer twins (possibly both) doesn't seem to find it all that problematic. It won't all be rape and abuse from Lucas and Capheus, just a strict adherence to the protocol.

And as I mentioned earlier. Capheus did offer Khandi to submit willingly before he forced her.

But ... If this is going to be an issue among the players involved ... then I honestly don't know what to do.
No issue, I'm just wondering about how the different characters might feel.

Sure and I wouldn't be even half as confident as you are that all the female characters would side with Charles.

But with the constant mention of it, both IC and OoC, I am starting to wonder if I shouldn't retract Capheus as a character just to get some peace and quiet about it.
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