Granted. This is achieved by the lowering of your own intelligence, so now suddenly people do (by unfortunate comparison) indeed seem very, very intelligent.
Granted. Saiya does not have a miserable week; Saiya does indeed have an amazingly fantastic week. Unfortunately, this is achieved through all of the negative things somehow being postponed to the following week, where they all occur on the Monday of that week.
Granted, but you are in such a rush that you go to the interview only to find out you forgot to put on your pants and so they don't hire you, saying only "we would of hired you, but you showed up without pants on."
Granted. You now have someone from the fourth dimension that will always wake you up at 8AM no matter where you are, but they’ll only ever be adjusted to your current time zone and they don’t adjust to daylight savings.
I wish I could could have a wallet with infinite cash inside it.
That sounds awesome actually *clears throat*
GRANTED, but it's very much an infinite space, the money is in pennies, and it's a 5 kilometer (3.1 miles) swim in the vacuum of wallet space between pennies.
I wish pay was adjusted for inflation commensurable to wages in the 1940s.