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Corrupt a Wish

Granted. You have a third foot grow out of your head. It's Henry the Eight's foot.

I wish I could draw
Granted, but everything you draw somehow turns into a self-portrait high-lighting a new insecurity until you drown under the weight of your complexes.

I wish Dr Bellwright didn't grant this wish
You can now draw a bucket of water from a well, all day every day, on a farm for no pay. Congrats.

I wish my future was more secure
You future is now in a High Security Prison. You are guaranteed free food, free excercise, roof over your head, basic medical.

I wish ten wishes!
Congratulations. You are now forever happy and can no longer feel any other emotion except happiness. Even if it’s at inappropriate times like funerals, in pain, or in awkward situations.

I wish I could teleport.
Granted, but now whenever you enter any structure or vehicle the temperature drops below freezing.

I wish I could speak any language I wanted to.
Granted. Unfortunately, you never speak the language you need when you need it.

I wish we could develop faster-than-light travel during my lifetime.
Granted. It is incredibly expensive and only used for the top 0.001% of the population to use to flee the planet they destroyed.

I wish to be an amazing artist.
Granted, but you're amazing in that people will pay a lot of money for your art, but it still looks like a child drew/painted it.

I wish I could get money for nothing, my chicks for free.
Granted...but you're now in Dire Straits. ;)

I wish I never needed to worry about personal monetary issues again.
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Granted, but instead you need to worry about your country's monetary issues as you became announced finance minister.

I wish I wasn't so tired.
Granted, however now you can no longer grow tired or sleep at all while still needing sleep to function.

I wish to become an amazing writer and author.
Granted. Unfortunately, your publisher is completely incompetent, so no-one gets to find out how amazing and talented you are.

I wish I always had enough money to travel when I wanted.
Granted. Due to an incredible streak of bad luck, all of your travels will be cursed with flight delays and all the sites you wanted to see will be " Closed for Maintenance "

I wish I could speak to technology
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