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The Sea Jewel (JohnizBeast and NightSorceress)

Kai had to let go of Tidas’s hand has they took their seats even though she didnt want too. She took a sip of the water and then looked to Givatchi “I don’t eat any meat so fruits and vegetables are what I love. Tidas has been telling me how amazing your fruit salad is so it would be hard to say no that” she said warmly to Gicatchi who seemed proud of his resurant.
Givatchi smiled and bowed "So be it! I will make our famous fruit salad, a favorite of our Queen and hopefully our Princess! and for you Prince Tidas I assume it will be the same!" Tidas nodded and said "Yes Steak and vegtables please!" With that Givatchi left.

Tidas then turned to Kai and said "I have been going here since I was little, when ever my parents come in town we usually come to eat here"
She thank Givatchi and then once he was gone she looked at Tidas. She looked him just looking at him studying his face now. It seemed more relaxed now different than before. Was he letting his gaurd down. Was he becoming more comfortable with her did he no longer need to be this mean tough man around her. “It’s a nice tradition that you have with your parents. Are they away often?”
Tidas shook his head at her and replied "No they cannot come around often, its not that they are away but they live in the captial city. They have a castle there. Since this is the main port in our land the heir has typically lived here. A way for them to practice ruling before a prince becomes king, my father and his father before him oversaw this port when they where princes. Then when they became king they moved to the captial...." He then looked out the window next to them with a sad look on his face "Though before that I need a Queen....."
She looked at him listening to his words “so you grew up away from your parents?” It broke her heart a little thinking about the wonderful life she had with father, how he was there for not just as a king but as a father. She felt his loneliness now and understood a little why he was the way he was like that. “If you could make the choice, without having to worry about tradition, is that how you would want your son to be raised?”
Tidas shook his head "My father didn't become king until I was 17. So We lived together until them. For the past 8 years I have lived on my own here. My family visits from time to time but most of the time it is just me and the servants" When she asked about how he was raised Tidas shook his head and said "No, I am fine with tradition, if the time ever comes when I become king then I will be ready." As Tidas finished talking Givatchi brought out their food. "FOR THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS!" he shouted.
She looked down a little he was so calm with the idea. She didnt know if she would ever be comfortable with the idea of a child of hers ever being forced to live by themselves. What if Tidas’s father were to do when their child was only only 4 would the child be sent away then? But suddenly she shook her head, she was thinking about children with Tidas she couldn’t believe it. How could she. But even as she thought it was crazy, the egg inside her that he had fertilized when he rape her was making it way to her womb ready to bury itself in her wall and allow their child to grow inside her. She looked up and saw Givatchi with the food “it looks wonderful”
Tidas would have never let a child stay by themselves and govern a city. He could easily appoint someone else to look over the town until his son was of age. "Yes it does Givatchi! Thank you so much!" Tidas replied before digging into his food. Givatchi turned to Kai and said "Please my Princess have a bite to eat and tell me how it taste"
She watched as Tidas ate his meal and she smiled and then she looked at the amazing fruit before her and it made her hungry. “I will gladly try some of your fruit salad” she smiled and picked up her fork and dung in. It was amazing. “Givatchi this is outstanding thank you”
Givatchi watch carefully as Kai took a bite of the fruit and ate it, clearly wondering to see what her response would be. Though when she told him it was outstanding he clapped his hands with a big smile on his face "Wonder! Wonderful! I am so happy to hear it! I will go away so you two can enjoy the meal!" With that Givatchi left the two alone again. "He gets like that, he takes great pride in his restaurants food, especially hoping an important person like you would enjoy the food."
She smiled at Givatchi was excited. “You have out done your self” she said happily then she looked at Tidas as he ate his meal. “I hope yours is good as well?” She questioned hoping he enjoyed what he was eating like she was. She continue to eat the fruit it was amazing for her to be able to eat this she thought the human world it would be difficult to eat anything like she was use.
"Oh yes I always love his cooking, the food here is the best." Tidas replied as he ate his food. After a nice lunch Tidas made sure to pay Givatchi and headed back to the carriage with Kai. As they walked back he said "Thank you for going with me today, it has been a while since I had someone come with me." Before they got to the port Tidas stopped walk and turned to Kai. He then put his hand on her chin and gently tilted her head up before leaning in and giving her a deep loving kiss.
“I am glad we go to have lunch together, it was nice talking with you instead of fighting” she smiled teasing him a little bit. She was glad he was treating her more kindly, she would never have grown use to his harshness. She liked this side of him better. She was suddenly stopped from her walking as he stopped she looked at him and felt his hand on her chin. Her lips soon were on hers and she kissed him back her mouth hungry to feel his kiss.
The kiss they shared was deep and long eventually he broke the kiss though taking a moment to breath. "Lets go back to the castle Kai.... I was hoping we could spend some more time together" Tidas asked as he escorted Kai back to the carriage.
Her hand rested on his arm as they kissed she loved the feeling of the kiss, there was a warmth to it that she never thought she would feel from Tidas but it was there. She was sad when the kiss suddenly stopped. But he wanted to spend more time with her. “I would like that Tidas” she said as they made it back to the carriage and she climbed inside.
Tidas could tell that Kai enjoyed the kiss, after the kiss all he could do was smile. After everything he really thought there was no chance between the two of them. Now he thought he may just have found a Queen.... though the idea of her leaving as soon as she got a chance still lingered in the back of his mind. Once the got into the carriage, sitting on the bench across from them was Selena.

Upon seeing Kai Selena just lowered her head like a child who was afraid of getting scolded. Soon the cariage left for the castle leaving them in awkward silence.
Kai looked at Selena and looked down. She wasn’t sure what to say to the girl now after all it was because of her she got fired. After a long moment sitting in awkward silence she looked at her. “Selena I am sorry”
Selena shook her head and replied "No its my fault... I am just a servant girl and you are a noble. I over stepped my bounds, I should be the one begging for forgiveness. Please forgive me Lady Kai for being so rude." As She talk Tidas just looked out the window deciding that it was best if Kai handle it since it was between the two of them.
She sighed a little “it’s just not a good idea for you be close to me. My life is uncertain and you could end up getting hurt” she sighed alittle she looked at Tidas now knowing a lot her future depended on him. She took his hand now.
As Kai mentioned not being around Tidas just shook his head, he started to think all his efforts today where worth nothing. In the end it seemed Kai still planned on leaving never to return. As she took his hand he pulled it away from her and added on "Kai is planning on leaving us when she gets the chance, when don't know when it will be but she plans on leaving. So she just doesn't want you to get close to her because she is not planning on coming back either apparently"

Selena seemed surprised by his statement "Oh that makes more sense" Selena replied sitting back in her seat.
She looked at him suddenly hurt on her face clear. She looked down now. Everything she felt for him today he seemed to kill in a quick moment. He didn’t want her here and he didn’t want her to come back. As she sat silently for the rest of the ride back to the castle tear were sitting in her eyes now.

As the carriage pulled up to the castle Selena got out and Kai remained seated the two were alone again. “If you wanted me to go and never come back why did you kiss me like that?” She questioned him softly. She was not understand what on this sudden coldness from him.
The rest of the car ride was silent, no one said anything it was an intense atmosphere. When Selena finally got out Tidas was readying himself to get out but waiting for Kai to leave first. Though instead of getting out it seemed she asked him a question "Me?! You think I want you to leave? Your the one going about this as if your trying to leave as soon as possible with no intention of coming back. Not letting the maids get close to you because your worried they will be hurt when you leave right? So what of how I feel when you leave? you keep talking about leaving... I have already told you I want you to stay... you asked me why I kissed you, but I am the one who should be asking why did you kiss me back if you just plan on leaving?" Tidas said to Kai with hurt in his voice.
Kai was shocked by his reaction, he wanted her to stay. She looked at him blinking a few times causing the tears to fall from her eyes. “But you said you weren’t sure if you could ever be with me the way i need, I thought maybe the kiss today was sign you were willing to true but I wasn’t certain. I am don’t know what you want” she said as a few more tears falling from her eyes. “And even if I stay I still want to know why I can’t go home, I miss my family, and I want them to know where I am, I want them to know I am safe....and happy. And they could come see me here.”
Tidas watched as tears fell from her eyes he looked away from her as she talked. "Its not like I know where you live, or how to get there. I have been able to breath underwater for as long as I can remember, it is apparently because of my magic. I wouldn't mind taking you home sometime. I already told you what I want, I want you to be my wife, and have my children. Though now I have decided I want to take things slow... see if we are right for each other but it sounds like all you want to do is leave. Then again I cannot blame you" Tidas said looking away as he handed Kai a handkerchief for her tears.
She looked him so much shock on her face. “You would want to see my home with me?” She never thought he would want that he shocked her even more telling her he wanted to take things slow “I want to get to know you as well. The real you. I don’t want to just leave and never look back, not without trying to make this work. Not without trying to get to know you...and not because I am stuck here, but because I want to know you” She blurted out all at once as more tear fell.
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