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The Sea Jewel (JohnizBeast and NightSorceress)

As Tidas held Kai close to him he nodded and said "Yes I was, my father and mother both have magic. Though my younger brother wasn't born a mage, he also resented me for that." Tidas replied though he tried to quickly change the subject "So tell me what is your home like?"
She found it odd that his brother was not born with magic but she had heard of times where that did happen. When he asked about her home she smiled “my father is a great king my people love him, my mother died giving birth to me and it was just my father and brother growing up.” She missed her family so very much
"I am sorry about your mother, though it sounds like you have a wonderful father and brother. I can see why your people love your family, your a wonderful person." Tidas replied to her as the continued to ride along the sea side. "I am sure that is why your so interested in going back"
“My father always made sure my brother and I felt loved, he knew it was hard growing up without a mother especially for me, but made sure I knew about her, and I am told I am just like her.” She smile a little looking down her cheeks blushing from him calling her wonderful person. “I don’t know how wonderful I am, after all i disobeyed my father direct orders and got to close to your kind, in hopes I knew better than him and could unite our two people”
"I am sure you carry on your mothers spirit Kai" Tidas told her now turning to look at her as she mentioned wanted to united his and her people. "You know its not to late for you to unite our people Kai." With that Tidas moved his hand to hers and held onto it.
She looked down at there hands now, hers look small compared to his, she never would have paid it much mindhad they not been close like this. Her heart was beating in her chest now she should be pulling away from him. But she didnt want to. She looked up at him. “That would mean you and I would have to get along” she smiled a little “Are you up for that?” Her words were not harsh, they were light but it was a question that needed to be asked, a question that would set the tone for their people as well as them.
As she asked him if he was okay with getting along with her, Tidas couldn't help but smile and reply "Of course I am ready for that, I have been ready for that ever since I meet you Kai" With that Tidas decided to be bold. He leaned in and gave Kai a gently but firm kiss on the lips before backing up a bit waiting to see her reaction to it. Though he didn't let go of her small soft hands, loving to hold onto them as it only made him want to keep her for himself even more.
Kai was processing his words when suddenly she felt his lips meet hers. She was shocked at first but without even realizing it her lips moved to kiss him back. Her kiss was gentle and shy everything that she was. “I thought you didn’t like me....the way you have treated me.....Tidas I am living breathing creature, I have feelings, I have emotions, I have needs, I don’t want to be just some toy for you” she wasnt saying any of this to cause a fight her words were very soft he knew she could occur his rath by saying any of this but she knew it would be worth it to see if there was anything in his heart that was real for her.
Tidas was confused by her response, how could she think he didn't like her. He tried to make her his woman on day 1, he wanted nothing more than to spend then to date her. "What do you mean you thought I didn't like you? I tried to get you to be woman, I even set you up with a room in my castle, made sure you had everything you needed even though you where planning on leaving me." He replied.

Then when she began to talk about herself as a feeling, thinking individual he frowned and let her hand go now looking out the window "I know that.... I just didn't want to let anyone else have you."
She closed her eyes as he took his hand from hers. “Tidas on day one you took me against my will, you hurt my body to the point where the pain became to much i passed out” she paused and drew a deep breath. “I don’t want to be your woman...I wan more than that. I want to have love, not need or desire, I want love, i want to be cared about not as some pet but as someone you cherish. I want your respect, I want your compassion”
As she talked about their first night together all Tidas could do was look out the window not saying a word back about it, leaving a moment of awkward silence. When she then began to talk about what she wanted he couldn't respond to that either all he could do was stare outside the window. Eventually after another moment of awkward silence he finally responded saying "I have tried doing that before and all I got in return was pain, so your going to have to understand if I am hesitant to give myself to someone completely ever again."

Though right as he finished talking the carriage and to a stop and the door opened with one of the servants saying "My lord and Lady we have arrived at the port!"
She hated the silence knew it didnt mean anything good. She was sadden to hear his reaction to what she said. She had hoped that they were starting to head down a path of understanding. It seemed though that had stalled. “I understand, but at the same time I hope you understand if I am hesitant to give any part of myself to you until you are ready.” She then looked to the door that was opened. She looked to Tidas now not sure if he wanted to get out at this point.
Tidas just ignored the last part of what she said, he was far from ready to give his heart to someone again. Especially since he planned on never giving his heart away again. Though soon it was time to leave and Tidas got out of the Carriage along with Kai. They where close to the port where just days ago Tidas had met Kai. Some people where loading crates of wine into the back of the carriage which made Tidas smile.

"Here let me take you to a good restaurant, it has some great fruit dishes, my mother loves it there. She is a bit of a fruit addict like you." Tidas said as they walked away from the carriage. T
She looked out at the port and Kai tensed a moment this was the place she was taken from, she closed her eyes and tried to push it from her mind. She heard Tidas voiceand opened her eyes again. She nodded at the him about going to restaurant “oh I would enjoy that.” Her eyes traveled to the the back of the carriage where they were loading the crates of wine. She sighed hoping this was for after she left.
As Tidas walked through the town with Kai the past a group of beggers, most of them where children though there was one who was older than all the others. The young maid who had tried to be Kai friend was begging on the side of the street for money. As she did a group of men passed by and just hurled so comes right at her laughing. She then frantically knelt down and tried to get as many of the coins as she could as the other beggers tried to get some as well. Tidas did not notice to focused on trying to get Kai to the restaurant.
Kai walked with him to the restaurant and looked around as they walked. It was certainly a busy town lots of people everywhere and lots of noise she looked over at one group of people. She right aware notices Selena. She is sadden in that moment. She caught to Tidas and takes his arm “Please Tidas, you have to help her....if not for her for me” she asked as she pointed to the former maid.
Tidas sighed as he saw Selena on the side of the road picking up change off the ground. "She probably was sending all the money she made as a maid back to her family, now that she doesn't work for me he family probably has to beg on the streets for money. What do you want me to do for her?" Tidas asked.
She sighed felt sorry for the girl. “I didnt mean to have the girl fired. I just don’t think it is wise for anyone other than you to get close least not until some time has past and we can figure things out a bit more”” she looked down she was not sure if was going to understand but she hoped he did.
Tidas sighed deeply knowing exactly what he had to do "Fine I will re-hire her" He replied. Tidas then walked up to Selena and put his hand on the top of her head and informed her that she was being rehired and to go to the port where is carriage was and wait for them. She had tears in her eyes as she nodded and hugged him before running down the port to wait for them to return.

Tidas then walked back to Kai and said "There it is taken care of, now let us continue to the restaurant"
Kai watched as this played out before her. She was glad for Selena. She did not want to see the girl suffer but she also needed to make sure she did maintain a distance from her. As Tidas came back over to her she smiled “Thank you for doing that” she then kissed Tidas on the cheek. “Yes lets go on to the restaurant.”
As Kai kissed his cheek Tidas couldn't help but blush, he looked away from her and said "Alright lets go". He then took her hand and let her to a restaurant called Baxes, underneath the sign it said 'A favorite of the royal family'. As soon as the got inside The owner waited at the front shouted "TIDAS!" He then walked up to him and bowed "I see you have brought a lovely lady with you today!"

Tidas smiled and nodded "Yes she seems to enjoy fruit like my mother so I thought I would bring her here and have you make her one of your famous fruit salads for her" The Chef nodded and bowed before Kai and said "Anything for the future Queen! and may I ask you what you name is Princess?"
Kai held his hand again. There was something about him holding her hand that she found some comfort in. She even looked forward to the times when he would take her hand. As they approached the restaurant she looked at the sign, she knew Tidas said his mother enjoyed this place but she clearly had enjoyed it more than just once in a while. As they entered the place she watched as the owner greeted them.

But she looked to Tidas when the owner said she was to be the future queen. She was not sure what to say. Part of her liked the sound of that, but then she remembered how Tidas stated that he was afraid to give away his heart. She wasnt sure how he would react to some one saying they were couple. “My Name is Kai sir” she smiled warmly at the owner.
"Ah Princess Kai! I have never seen such a beautiful woman walk in here since out Queen!" The owner said. Though soon a vegetable came flying out of the kitchen at him and he dunked "GIVATCHI I HEARD THAT!!!" A woman yelled at him. "Ah! Maria! Settle Down! Its Tidas's Date!" Givatchi shouted back. With that a woman came out of the kitchen and smiled saying "Oh my! I had to come myself to see if you where lying I never thought Tidas would be here with a date!" The woman said bowing before the two.

She then turned to Givatchi and said "Hurry up and get them a table! Your making them stand around to long you lazy man!" Tidas couldn't help but chuckle at the old couple as Givatchi sigh and then escorted the two to a table.
She listen as the woman yelled to the owner of the restuarant clearly a jealous wife. She clung tight to Tidas though just in case the woman choose to harm in any way. She looked as the wife came out to meet her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you ma’a” she smiled warmly at the woman now. Hope she knew it was ok for the way she acted, perhaps one day Kai herself would be a jealous wife.
Tidas blushed as Kai hung onto him, though he knew Maria would never harm Kai. Givatchi had always been a sweet talker, and his wife had always been like this. Though soon they where seated and being served two glasses of water. Givatchi himself was waiting on them and he said "So tell me Princess Kai, would you like the Fruit salad that Prince Tidas has suggested for you?"
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