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The Sea Jewel (JohnizBeast and NightSorceress)

As she sat across from and took his wine he looked at it following it with his eyes trying to take it back though soon it was out of reach. Though soon it seemed that the bottle was replaced with Kai's hands and he quickly put his face to the table crying into her hands. "Why... why was I born a mage... with all this power... all it brings is pain... I hate it so much... I hate me so much" he said crying in his drunken state.
She looked at him. She didnt know he was a mage, she did know he had powers but she figured it was a few. She felt sorry for him. “It doesn’t have to, you just have to choose how you want to live.” Kai had powers of her own of course hers were more to with he water and the creatures found there, but she knew what it was like to carry that weight. “But i promise you one thing you will never find any answers in the bottom of the bottle.”
At her words he looked up at her and smiled, for a moment it looked like she may have given him hope in her words then he said "Answers? who wants answers?" He then started to laugh, it was a laugh that filled up the room. He then looked at her tears streaming down his eyes "I gave up on answers after I enjoyed torturing my only brother to death" Tidas said.
She was shocked at his words she didnt know what to say. Luckily for her the servant returned with the wine and broke the silence. “The prince will not be needing wine tonight, but will require water, coffee and good meal” witht that the servant. She looked at Tidas. “I am not sure what you mean by that, but why don’t you rest and eat something we can talk about it when your more level headed.”
As she told the servant he wouldn't be drinking, the servant happily smiled and left. Tidas then looked back at Kai and said "What... but the booze!". Though soon Kai was looking back at him and he replied saying "What I mean, I mean I tortured and killed by brother... it was awsome! I chopped each one of his limbs off... then groan... then I tortured him for weeks.. when he finally begged me to kill him I tied a block to him and threw him in the water. put a spell on the guy... so he would drown for the next 3 days straight... then no more bubbles!"
She was suddenly disgusted by him, how could anyone be that cruel. She thought there was hope that he could be a good man even after what he did her, but it seems as though his heart was black as the deepest pits in the sea. She pulled her hand away from him. She used it to cover her own mouth. “How could you..” she managed to say as she backed away from him.
As he repsonse he just laughed and shook his head... "See I am a monster.." He told her as she began to back away. Then at her response he just laughed and said "How couldn't I? tell me how couldn't I? He knew what he did" He said. Though soon he grabbed his head and held onto it before magic energy began to pour out of him. The whole room began to shake and soon the walls began to crack as magic began to pour out of him. "WHAT HE DID!!" Tidas screamed! As he did one of the maids ran into the room and quickly pulled Kai out shutting the door behind them.

Soon the door began to split, magic pouring out of the cracks in the door. "We must get away Lady Kai" The maid said with a worried looking on her face. As she moved Kai away from the door it exploded as magic began to erupt out of it into the hallways.
She could feel the darkness in his magic, it consumed him as the walls began to shake and crack. She did all she could to stay upright before she was pulled from the room. She was great full for the help. She looked at the worried face of the servant. She knew she had to something. She looked around and out the window she saw the ocean.

“Please old friend you will not allow me to return to you, but at least stand by me when i need you the most.” With that it took everything for her to summon the water to raise up and enter through the windows. She was careful to control it to flood the room only Tidas was in. She held it there. Her mind racing. She needed to help him. But how.

It came to her, she was always told she was like a gift a light in a very dark world, her people seemed to believe that but she always thought it was because her father raised her to be kind what if there was more than that. She looked for something she saw a vase and she smashed it. She took a broken piece and cute her hand then she walked up to the water that was now wrapped around Tidas and let her blood mix with the cool refreashing water. Hoping her light her goodness would expel whatever darkness her had.
The made gasped as Water flew through the window. "Your a mage to!" The maid asked Kai as she worked her magic, in shock as mages where such a rare sight above the oceans waters. Especially strong mages, as most had very little magic powers.

Though as the water wrapped around Tidas he let out a scream his magic fighting back against the current. Though soon it seemed Kai's blood mixed in with the water and it became even stronger. Eventually Tidas came to and realized what was going on, he then stood up to his feet and made all the water evaporate. Breathing heavy he walked out into the hall, he may have been a little drunk but he wasn't stupid. He knew that Kai was the only other person in the castle who could have done that.

"Kai... don't even use your magic on me again..." He said to her. He then shook his head to sober himself up a bit before continuing "I could feel the light in your magic... just to let you know it wasn't the darkness in my magic that made me kill my brother... I decided to do that on my own" With that he walked back into his room and used his magic to remake the door keeping it shut.
Kai watched his magic seemed to come back under his control. She was greatful, she was frighten of unchecked power like that. It could be really dangerous for her, but more so for his people. Something like that could really hurt a lot of people. She couldn’t let that happen.

As Tidas appeared from the water she just let him speak there was no use at this time saying anything, his mind was still clouded. She watched as he disappeared and then she too walked down the stairs and out to the shoreline of the castle. She looked at the water “Thank you friend for not completely leaving, I am still not sure why you will not let me return home but I will figure it out”

She stood there watching the waves move back and forth it was claiming to her after everything had just happen. As she stood there she saw a group of kids playing on the beach. She smiled, she figured it must be some the servants children as who else would be this close the castle. They were running playing tag with one another. She laughed and caught the attention of one of the littlest children. “Lady would you like to play” the little boy asked. Kai smiled and said sure.

It wasnt long before he whole group was laughing and running Kai trying to catch them. More children came to play and soon there was more children then she could count. They all wanted to play witht the “beautiful lady” as they called her. There laughter could be heard filling every window in the castle and Kai bright laughter was right there with their childish excitement.
In his room Tidas had to use his magic to fix the damage to the room. It didn't take him long, and once he finished he made his way to the Balcony. There he was able to watch Kai play with the children. Watching he just sighed and said to himself "She would have made a good wife and mother... its to bad".

Soon he decided to go down and talk to Kai as he was starting to get sober already. His magic always made the buzz and drunkenness go away so quickly. It was something he couldn't help, the magic coursing through his veins just ate up and destroyed the alcohol.

Eventually he made his way down to the shore where Kai and the children where. Though as soon as the children saw him the ran away leaving Kai and Tidas alone on the shoreline. "Sorry.. children don't really like me" He said to Kai.
Kai hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. It was amazing to her how something as simple as playing with the children made her feel better. Her cheeks were bright and rosey from laughing so hard. Her sides even hurt. It was what she needed, it seemed to charge her.

Suddenly though all the laughter stopped and Kai was there alone with Tidas. She looked up at him, her smile faded away as she tried to catch her breath. “I can’t imagine why that is” she said plainly, it was to snarky of a comment though, she was not that person. She drew a deep breath. “You need to show your people kindness if you want them to love you.”
Tidas shook his head "You don't get it do you, I don't care if people love me or not. I came down here to make sure that you where okay after the incident." He then walked up closer to her "Also I wanted to let you know something.... not everyone is looking for a happy ending, some people just want the ending to come. So don't push your ideals of some sort of fairy tale on me. Grow up and don't lump me into one of your happy endings. I am fine with all the darkness in my soul"
“Why does happiness scare you so much. It’s like you think it will destroy you if you even have an ounce of happiness before you” she looked him now. “You have shown me what its like to feel completely hopeless, to wish for death so I wouldn’t have to endure any more.” She looked at him now her eyes unwavering “But even after all that, even after I am unable to return home, I still look for the happiness even in the darkest of places, and I never ever want to give into the darkness”
"It's not that I scared of it, its that I think happiness is a lie." He responded to her before she explained herself. As she talked he just smiled and shook his head "see, you know it. Hopeless, despair, sadness... they are all stronger than happiness. Happiness is a lie, its just there to distract us from reality. Cold, hopeless, never ending reality." He then started to laugh "See your lying to yourself, you say words like unwavering, and never giving into the darkness but just the other day you had given in. You might be able to lie to yourself but don't you dare try to lie to me" Tidas replied.
“I said I never WANT to give in, I would rather fight for a chance then to just give in. Being held captive, I was left with little choice.” She looked down. And shook her head “But you are not captive, you have your freedom to choose. You choose to live this way! You have all the freedom in the world, you have all the chances in the world, why why do want to live like this”
"Its funny how often a person or should I say mermaid doesn't want things to happen but they do anyways huh?" Regulus replied to her first comment. He just shook his head at her comment and replied "Because I found out even with all the freedom in the world and all the power its still not enough to escape despair. Nothing is, despair and anger are the only invincible and unstoppable forces in this world."
“Only if you let them be” she looked at him her words were soft. “I could have fallen into despair when I couldn’t return home. I could have killed you out of anger the last night when you were drunk and helpless in an act of revenge for you did to me. Instead I helped you. Instead of fallen into despair I played with the children and i felt happiness” she wasn’t sure he was ever going to understand.
"You can try as hard as you want but it still happens" Tidas replied to her before listening to the next thing she said "Your just young and inexperienced, in time you will find out. The ocean has already abandoned you..... how long before everything else does?" With that he turned around and began to walk away. "I will see you in the morning when we head into the city"
Kai shook her head “the ocean has not abandon me” She looked at him as he walked away. She used her will to send the ocean in front him, it built a high wall blocking his path back to the castle. It was a great rush of water and the ocean breezes was intense. It below about her long hair “what has made you like this Tidas! What has harden your heart so completely!” She needed to know, she needed to understand.
As the water rushed in front of him Tidas stopped in his tracks and take a deep sigh clearly annoyed by the wall of water in front of him. As she spoke to him he turned around and face her before saying "Reality made me this way..." With that a magic circle appeared below his feet and then he jumped high into the air right over the wall of water and continued to walk towards the castle.
She looked at him for a long moment. wanting so badly to understand. But he gave her no insight into what had happen. what had caused him to be this heartless creature before her. As he disappeared around the water she sighed and released the water it crashed down like a heavy wave upon the earth and retreated back to the rest of the ocean. She watched him walk away. She was trying so hard to understand and it seemed he was not going to allow her to understand.
Tidas was blocked off the the world, he didn't care about what others thought of him. Let alone would he open up to a woman he just met, one that was planning to leave as soon as she got the chance. At this point in time Tidas just saw Kai as one of the many people who would just be come in and out of his life in the blink of an eye.

He just made his way back to his room and popped another bottle of wine. "She gonna leave anyways...." he said to himself before he began to drink
She sighed as she saw the sun begin to set again. With no place left to go, she headed back to the castle, making her way up the stairs and back into her room. She close the door and just collapsed on the bed. She felt so alone, she had no friends or family here and the only person who knew what she was the man who rapped her. She wanted to so badly get to understand him and he was never going to let that happen.
As the sun set Tidas began to drink eventually passing out in his bed. Though soon there was a knock at the door "Lady Kai I have brought some dinner for you.... I know you said you weren't hungry but I wanted to bring you something. Its some fresh fruit and bread... if I am bothering you I will just leave" Selena said from the other side of the door.
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