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The Sea Jewel (JohnizBeast and NightSorceress)

Kai drew a deep breath as she heard Selena on the other side of the door. She had nothing against the girl but she felt funny having her want so desperately want to be friends who knew how long she would be here and she didn’t want to hurt her. Kia got up from the bed and went to the door.

“Your not bothering me. Thank you for the food” she looked across the hall way now to Tidas door figuring he was drunk again. “But I I am not hungry”
Selena sighed and nodded "Okay I understand..." with that Selena walked away clearly depressed. She began to think that Lady Kai really wanted nothing to do with her, she was a lady after all and Selena was only a servant girl.

By the time morning came there was another knock on Kai's door this time it was the older maid Savannah walked in alone "I have a number of dresses for you to try out, since your going out on the town with Prince Tidas it is important that you are properly dressed. Regulus informed us you did not bring many outfits with you so please choose from these dresses and I will help you get dressed"
Kai hated treating the girl like that. But she knew it was safer to keep her distance from her. She cause far less pain in the end.

As the next morning came she was awaken by the sounds of the maid knocking on her door. She rose from the bed answering the door. She looked at the dresses as the maid spoke her eyes fell on a pale blue one. “The prince would still like to go to town with me?
The maid saw what dress her eyes fell on and quickly took it out for her. "Of course he will be, just give him some time to pull himself together. Also breakfast is on its way the Prince expects you to eat a full breakfast before you leave" Savannah told Kai
Kai looked up at her a moment as she began to get out the dress the she was eyeing. She smiled to herself excited to wear it and part of her was excited to show Tidas, which she didn’t understand why she suddenly caught her thinking about it more and she shook her head. She focused on what Savanah was saying. “Alright, well I will wait for him to be ready, but I don’t think I am hungry though but thank you” In truth Tidas was not sticking to his end of the deal so she needed to take a stand and not keep on her end of the deal.
Savannah smiled as Kai dressed herself in the wonderful dress "You look very Beautiful Lady Kai" She told her. Though when She mentioned that she wasn't going to eat Savannah just sighed and said "I will inform Lord Tidas... he should be in shortly." With that Savannah bowed then left wishing Kai a good day.

Soon Tidas came in the room dressed to go out "The maid told me your not eating again? what is going on?" he asked
Kai looked at herself in the mirror, aside from breast coverings she never really had a need for clothes. But now that she had them she wanted to wear more clothes. She couldn’t believe that thought even crossed her mind. She was starting to like things in the human world. She turned from the mirror to see Tidas standing there. She looked at him now and sighed “We had a deal and your not sticking to it” she said softly.
Tidas shook his head "You where serious about that? I don't get you...." He then took a deep sigh and said "Fine, fine, fine... I will not drink tonight just eat breakfast lunch and dinner today and give me a break will you? and you do look beautiful in that dress"
“Of course i was serious, it is not good for you or your people” she explained. “I am glad you will not drink” she smiled as he said he liked her dressed. It made her feel good when he liked her dress. She felt beautiful in it. “What do you mean give you a break?” She questioned him with a puzzled look on her face.
He just shook his head at her words and replied "Your a very nosey person aren't you?" he replied to her first to comment. Though when she asked about giving him a break he replied "It just seems that all you do is question and look down on the way I live my life. I was just hoping we could have a good day today without any of that"
She looked down a little “I am alone here Tidas, your the only one who knows what I am and why I am here. I want to get to know you, You are are fighting me tooth and nail on this.” She felt sad in that moment. She was trying so hard and he was not willing to even try.
At her words he walked up to her and put his hands on her shoulders and said "Then today lets just enjoy ourselves, no talking about boos, no talking about what we are not going to do. Just have some fun and enjoy our lives okay? I won't drink and you will eat okay?"
She nodded a little “I can do that” she smiled, she was hopeful now that at least they could be civil. She was so afraid of being stuck here forever and she would have to be alone. At least that was what she hoped.
He sighed happily and replied "Good now eat some breakfast, when you done meet me in front of the castle I will be waiting in a carriage". With that Tidas left the room and Savannah quickly came in with a plate of fruit and bread. "Tidas informed me you have changed your mind?" She said.
She smiled feeling a sense a hope now more than anything. Perhaps things could be ok on land after all. As Selena came in she smiled at her. “Thank you for bring me breakfast” Kai quickly ate excited to start the day.
The old maid Savannah replied "Your welcome, and I would like to apologize for the poor service Selena has been providing to you. She will no longer be working with you, I know she has upset you on multiple cases. Please forgive us" Savannah said as she bowed before Kai.
She looked at Savannah now and shook her head “oh no she is doing a great job, she actually really friendly and pleasant, but that’s the concern I am not sure how long I will be here and I do not want to hurt her in the end by departure”
Savannah shook her head and said "Well no need to worry about that, you won't be seeing her again that I why she didn't come to deliver breakfast this morning. From now on I will be the maid who services you." She then put the plate of food in front of her "Eat up I am sure Tidas is awaiting you, when your done just head to the carriage in front of the castle"
Kai felt guilty when Savannah explain Selena would no longer be serving her. She picked at her breakfast eating some of the fruit and a small bit a bread when she was done she thanked the maid. She then checked herself in the mirror again before going down to the carriage. She was very excited for a chance to see the city
As Kai entered the carriage Tidas was waiting for her inside "Come on lets get going, we are going to miss the shipment!" Tidas exclaimed seeming very excited. He then motioned for the carriage to go and they set off for the city which was only about a 20 minute ride. "Sorry that young maid was bothering you so much, I had her sent back to her home in the city last night" Tidas said.
Kai had a seat in the carriage she had never ridden in one before and she was excited to see what it felt like. At his excitement over the shipment she smiled “what shipment?” She hoped it wasn’t more wine but it wouldn’t surprise her. At his words about Selena she shook her head “oh you didn’t need to that she is just young and excited that I am close to her age, I think she was looking for a friend but under the circumstances I figured it wasn’t a good idea” she looked down feeling bad for the girl
"My favorite wine comes in today, I ran out of a couple days ago when you destroyed the 2 crates full... you know when you where sneaking around my wine storage. Like I said I am alcohol free for now, but when you leave its fair game.... lets just not talk about" Tidas said realizing they would go back to arguing if he continued to the conversation further.

Tidas shook his head and replied "No need to worry, whats done is done, I think she went back to the slums where her family is from"
Kai looked down as he spoke. She didn’t mean to knock over his wine and she didn’t mean for Selena to loose her job. She didnt know what to say. He was still being nasty to her even though he promised today he wouldn’t. She had a tear in her eye. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea” she said softly still not being able to look up at him. “If you stop the carriage now I can easily walk back to the castle and leave you in peace.”
Tidas could only sigh as Kai told him she would turn around, he then put his arm around her and said "Just forget about it, lets just enjoy the day, see look outside". Through the window they could see the large lake the surrounded his castle with the mountains in the distance. "When I was young my powers got the best of me..... and I destroy the country side around the castle and even some of the mountains.... Lucky not many people where around but the ocean flooded in and created the lake that you see now"
She glanced up as she suddenly felt his arm slip around her it felt good to have some gentle contact. As he explain about the lake now she looked at the water. “Where you born with your magic like I was?”
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