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The Sea Jewel (JohnizBeast and NightSorceress)

"Well yes, if things work out though I would prefer you not mention to your father and brother that I raped and almost killed you.... if you leave that out I would visit" He replied to her then when she began to talk about he turned back to face her "Fine then lets take our time to get to know each other... see if this works out... though I cannot promise I would be able to open my heart up to you." He replied to her. He then took his handkerchief and wiped her tears away "For now lets just go inside and relax"
She drew a deep breath trying to stop her tears but a few more fell. She looked at him. “Alright lets see if you can open your heart up to me” she said softly there was a hint of hope in her voice that he would be able to do so. If he was able to then she could easily find herself staying, but without love it would be difficult to stay.
The next week went by without many problems, Tidas didn't talk much about his family life though trying to avoid the obvious subject of his brother, along with the mystery girl Tiffany. Though the maids and servants had all gotten use to Kai's presence. When ever Kai would go to check to see if she could transform Tidas would just watch from the Balcony. Though he was always happy to see her return unchanged.

One particular afternoon Tidas and Kai where in the castle library reading some books quietly when all the sudden Tidas looked up and dropped the book that was in his hands making it hit the floor. His face went pale and his jaw dropped to the floor. Standing at the entrance to the library where two people, a man and a woman. Both of them looked to be in their mid 40s, both of them wore crowns. "Tidas my son I heard you where hiding a girl in the castle, so we decided to make a surprise visit" The man said.
Kai was spending as much time as she could with Tidas, wanting to get to know him, wanting to understand him but not want to push him to fast. She worked on getting to know him at his pace not wanting to push him to fast. She found he could be funny at times, and sensitive and carring. She like that about him, but also found him to be strong and independent all things he would need some day if he was to be king. Kai would check often if she finally had the power to transform. Although she enjoying her time with Tidas her heart was home sick. But every time the ocean denied her the opportunity to return home.

Kai was sitting on the couch in the library ridding with Tidas. The two were sitting on the couch together each reading a book. Kai was leaning against Tidas her shoes were on the floor and her feet were tucked underneath her. It was the perfect way to spend an afternoon. But suddenly it alls seem to come down with a crashing of Tidas book she looked up and saw the couple standing there. She suddenly sprang to her feet bowing her head now clearly knowing this must be Tidas’s parents.
As Kai got up and quickly bowed Tidas joined her bowing before his parents. "Hiding isn't the word I would use dad" Tidas replied as he stood up straight. His mother then chimed in as the two began to walked closer to them "Oh? Then what do you call keeping a woman in your castle for over a week and not saying anyting?" Tidas looked away from them saying "I would call it getting to know someone before introducing them to your parents"

At this point the King and Queen where close enough so that his mother could reach up and grab Tidas's chin. She then turned his head to make him face her "Well I would call that bullshit" she replied. That Made Tidas father laughed at his wife and said "Just introduce us Tidas before we make you look bad infront of her"

Tidas sighed and then said "Mom, Dad this is Kai, she is a princess from a far away land.... Kai these are my parents King and Queen Regalia."
Kai kept her head bowed as Tidas’s parents talked to him. She wanted laugh when his mother called him out his lie but she didn’t she just smiled softly hoping no one would notice. She didn’t know what they would think of her especially after seeing her snuggled against him like she was on the couch as they read. As the Tidas introduced her she looked up a moment “how do you do your majesties” she said politely before once again bowing her head again.
The King and Queen smiled and replied saying "No the honor is all ours Princess Kai". With that King Regalia spoke up saying "Tidas why don't you come with me there are some things regarding the kingdom we need to discuss after that I would love to have lunch with you and princes Kai. While we talk your mother and Kai can talk" Tidas took a deep breath "Fine" he said. His mother was kind and gently woman. He didn't have much to worry about.

Tidas then hugged Kai so he could whisper in her ear "Your a princess form a far away land, your boat had an accident and you survived and have been staying here waiting to here back from your people. My mother is a nice person so don't worry". Tidas then smiled at Kai kissing her forehead before heading out with his father.

Once the boys where gone the queen looked at her and said "So why don't we sit down, though I don't think I will be able to cuddle up with you like my son did"
Kai became nervous when the king suggested that Tidas has a word with him leaving her alone with his mother. She relaxed a bit as Tidas came and hugged her, she hugged him back he whispered in her ear it was a very believable story her told and one that was easy to remember. She shut her eyes as she felt his warm lips on her forehead. She was now alone with his mother.

She looked at the queen now waiting for her to say something and when she did her cheeks blushed “I am sorry you had to walk in on us in such a position.” She said softly once again bowing her head but this time doing so more to hid her red cheeks.
The queen shook her head and put her hand on Kai chin making her stand up straight "Do not apologize and stop bowing, Unlike you I am not from royal linage so it makes me uncomfortable if you keep bowing to me. Anyways after what happened with Lady Tiffany I am just happy to see my son with a woman again"
She looked up as the queen had instructed looking at her now she looked kind. She noticed Tidas had her eyes and her hair she smiled to herself noticing how he looked like his mother in some ways. But then she heard the name again she had heard before Tiffany. she wanted to know who this woman was that everyone knew of but she didn’t and her eyes were begging to be told but she knew better to ask. “I the happy one to be able to find such a wonderful host as your son”
At her reply his mother smiled and said "Thank you, that means the world to me" With that she motioned for her and Kai to go sit down on the near by living space. She sat down on the couch across from her and said "So I want to know what my son has told you about his brother.... it is a terribe story in our lands and I am sure you have heard of it, after hearing that he slaughtered an entire castle full of people including his own brother I want to know how you feel about being with a man like that... does it worry you at all?"
She took a seat now as his the queen had instructed. She was glad that it made her happy that Tidas was a good host. But then she mentioned his brother. She looked down a moment she couldn’t hide the fact she knew he had killed his own brother. “I know that he killed his brother but I don’t know the details around it so its hard to say if I am worried, I don’t know if happen out of self defensive or by another cause” she was honest as she could be with the queen.
The Queen sighed deeply and replied "No self defense, he broke into that castle and slaughtered everyone. Though I do not blame him... his brother... our son had it coming. After what he did and how Tidas was afterwords I was worried I had lost two sons that day. You seem like a nice woman, but I am very protective of my son, I don't want to see my sons heart get broken again."
She wanted to know more his mothers answer was a vague as everyone else in the castle. She hoped she would finally have an answer but sadly it seemed like she was never going to get her answer.She looked at the queen again taking her hand “I am sorry for your lost” she held her hand a moment. “I don’t want to break your sons heart I would just the chance to get to know him”
She looked up at her realizing that she was tip toeing around it. She knew that Tidas kept and she replied to Kai saying "My son might keep it hush hush around here about Tiffany and his brother but I am the Queen and he is the prince. He doesn't have the authroity to keep my mouth shut. It seems like Tidas is serious about you, and you are serious about him. On top of that there are other things that are suspect to me..... though before I tell you let me ask you this. Have you been able to return to the ocean or have you been staying here because you want to?"
She looked sharply at the queen now. Her eyes nearly popped out of her skull. “I Um” she found her stuttering not sure how the queen would know “I am not sure how you would know my place is the ocean, but at first I stayed here because I couldn’t return to my home, but now after spending some time with Tidas I just want to be able to return home to tell my family I am ok and I would like to come back Tidas”
The Queen took a deep sigh she then pulled up her dress just enough so that he leg would come out. She then got a glass of water that was sitting out on the table that Tidas had been drinking earlier and poured it on her leg. Where the water hit her skin turned to scales, the Queen then replied "No human eats only vegtables and fruit, heads to the ocean every day for a couple minutes and can control the water as you do. And no Tidas does not know, his father is telling him right now. He is half Merman, though the only showing signs on him are his ability to breath underwater and his magic so we decided not to tell him. Now tell me, who are you and what do you think of my son"
She watched as the queen spilled water on her leg and she saw the scales. Her hand came to her mouth now in sheer shock. she never expected her to show her anything like that. “Your a mermaid too..” she finally said at her question though “my father is the king of the ocean, I was trapped here....” she didn’t want to his mother what Tidas did to her when she first arrived “At first I didnt like your son, and I am not sure he liked me much other, but after some time we found common ground and we are starting to care about each other” she smiled a little think about her and Tidas together. “The ocean is stopping me from returning home, I am not sure why or how to fix the problem but when I do return home it will only be to make sure my family knows I am safe and happy then I would like to return here”
"Yes I am Kai, like you I am a mermaid" She responded to her. "Oh so your Poseidon's daughter? at least he didn't lie about you being a princess from a far away land" She said as she mentioned her father was king of the ocean. She then giggled a bit as Kai began to talk about her and Tidas's relationship though when she began to talk about the ocean not accepting her back Queen Regalia put on a very serious face "I may know why the ocean won't take you back but in doing so I need you to be very honest about a personal question.... have you and Tidas ever had sex?"
She knew who her father was, she wondered if he lived in his kingdom or if she was a mermaid from another part of the ocean as her kind was everywhere but rule over by one man, her father. She looked up at the queen now. “You now why the ocean is keeping me here on land no matter what I try?“ her heart was beating in her chest wanting to know why so badly and then she asked if they had had sex. “Yes” she said plainly not wanting to go into any details.
At Kai answer The Queen re-positioned herself taking a deep breath. "Great, my son has knocked up King Poseidon's daughter. This is okay though, I am going to be a grandmother it is a good day, but a complicated one" She then took Kai's hands and said "The only times I have not been able to transform are when I was pregnant with my two sons... Kai your pregnant."
Kai looked at the queen now, her look on her face was completely dumbfounded. Pregnancy had never even once crossed her mind as a reason why she couldn’t transform. “But I can’t be....not like this” she more to herself then to the queen. Tear filled her eyes as she thought about the fact her child would be a product of her rape
"Shhhhhh" The queen said as she wiped her tears away. "I know its scary Kai, but we will do everything we can to support you and Tidas. Please be strong, and don't worry once you have the baby you can return to the ocean." Queen Regalia said as she whipped away Kai's tears.
The queen would not know what her son had done to Kai she couldn’t even begin to understand. “Someone has to let Tidas know...” she trailed off. she did not know he would take the news, would he be happy or upset, would he hate her because he wanted to take things slow or would be excited that he got what he wanted and she was going to be the mother to his child
The queen nodded and said "We will don't worry, for now there is something I need to tell you. If you are going to be the mother of Tidas's child that you must know what happen between him, his brother and Lady Tiffany. If you are ever to understand him you must know what happened" The Queen then took a deep breath "Tidas's brother Julius was always jealous of him, Tidas was born with magic, as the heir to thrown, and he was born with none of that. All he could do was breath underwater. Lady Tiffan and Tidas where in love, and a week before their engagement was to be announced... his brother Juluis kidnapped her, raped and tortured her. In order to save her and Tidas the pain of being married to Julius she killed herself.... Julius tried to dispose of the body but Tidas found out before he could... that night Tidas stormed the castle, killed every guard, servant and maid there. He then captured his brother, tortured him and killed him....... Tidas is far stronger than both me and his father combined.. we couldn't stop him if we wanted to."
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