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The Sea Jewel (JohnizBeast and NightSorceress)

Kai tried to dry her eyes as the queen said she needed to know what happen. Her heart hurt her so bad after hearing what happen. She could see now why Tidas was so afraid to open his heart.She looked down just processing everything she heard. She didn’t say anything at first but then she softly looked to the Queen. “I think I need some time alone with Tidas if that is ok’”
The Queen nodded and replied "So be it I completely understand, I will go tell Tidas you are ready to speak with him. I will also leave out the fact you are pregnant. It is your place to tell him that not me, also I will not tell him you have been told about Julius and Tiffany. Be strong Princess Kai and know that I am here for you if you need anything." With that Queen Regalia kissed Kai on the forehead and stood up leaving the room.

About 10 minutes later Tidas came back in by himself. He then sat down on the couch next to Kai putting his arm around her "Well I guess she told you to huh? I am half merman? Crazy huh?" Though he could tell something was wrong with Kai "What happened, was my mom mean to you?" Tidas asked.
Kai sat there nervously waiting for Tidas to come back. It felt like forever when he finally was sitting next to her. His strong arm wrapped around her. She collapsed against him barely hearing what he was saying. But she heard him pick up something was wrong. “I’m Pregnant” she placed her hand on her stomach where their child grew inside her but she was also afraid of his reaction.
As she mentioned that she was pregnant his jaw hit the floor. "How! How do you know your pregnant? It has only been a week and a half how?" Tidas asked Kai. He was experiences such a rush of emotions, anxiety, fear, though deep down inside he couldn't help but also feel happy. Even so he never let go of Kai making sure to hold her close to him.
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“Your mother” she paused. “She explained I couldn’t change back into a mermaid because the same thing happen to her when she was pregnant” She didn’t lips what else to say. She was trying to process this news herself but she also was worried what his reaction would be. So far he was already in shock like she was but then that could change he could get angry or he could hate her for this.
Tidas didn't know what to say he was dumbfounded, he couldn't believe that Kai was pregnant. Though she had no reason to lie to him... and her inability to transform was a mystery to both of them. Though it made sense now. Though he wasn't angry or mad with her, instead he wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly. He then leaned in and kissed the top of her head saying "Its okay, we are going to make it through this Kai. I promise I will give our child everything I can, this is all my fault at the end of the day. So I will give me all to you and out child." Tidas couldn't help but smile. In the end this is what he wanted, for Kai to have his children and for her not to leave.
Kai needed him to hold her. She took so much comfort from his embrace. Her hand was still on her stomach as if she was trying to confirm if was infact pregnant. “But Tidas what will this mean for you, we are still getting to know each other, and no i am pregnant and we are not married what will your family think what will your people think.”
Tidas continued to hold Kai close to him, cradling her gently knowing there baby was inside her at the moment. At her words he shook his head and replied "For now we will just keep things quiet, get to know each other more and we can no longer keep things low.... if your okay with it and we still like each other we could get married if we feel it right." He then put his hand on Kai's chin and made her look up at him before leaning in to give her a deep loving kiss.
She drew a deep breath kissing back needing to feel that kiss right now felt the love in it. She slowly broke the kiss even though she did not want to. “Promise me though if you find I am not right for you, that tell me and you don’t try to stay with me because of our child. I would never stop you from being in your child’s life”
"I promise you Kai, if things don't work out between us I will not force it. I also will not abandon our child." He replied to her before giving Kai another deep loving kiss on the lips. He then decided to ask Kai something "Kai, instead of sleeping in the room across from me tonight... would you lay in bed with me. I would feel better if you where closer to me.. so I could protect you if anything happened... not to say there is any threat... its just... well I would feel a lot better if you where close by. Its just you never know who and when something could come to hurt you... trust me."
Kai listen to his words she smiled gently. She now knew what happened between him and his brother and she understood why he was asking her to share his room with him. She touched his cheek gently “if that’s what you really want and you don’t think it cause people to talk about our relationship then I will. But just know if you don’t want to share a room it’s ok I am strong I can take care of myself and our child”
Tidas shook his head and said "No I will make sure people don't talk, and I know your strong. It would just make me feel a lot better." Tidas then smiled and kissed Kai again, though this time her started a small make out session with her. Holding her close with one arm as he caressed her cheek gently why they kissed. Though soon there was the sound of someone coughing near by and Tidas had to break the kiss.

His parents where standing in the door way and his father said "Well looks like you two have talked everything out but your parents are still here as guest and you did say we where having dinner." His mother was giggling though and nudged his father saying "Oh Marshal let them be we where the same way when we where their age, heck we still are"
Kai smiled he did want her to stay with him. Part of her liked the idea of the extra time to get to know him, part of her liked she would more chances to be in his arms. As he began to kiss him she pressed her body tight against him. She shifted alittle more so she was closer to him so close he could feel her aroused nipples against him through their clothes. But then she heard the cough and she quickly pulled away from Tidas. Her cheeks were bright red.
Tidas could feel Kai's hard nipples through her top, that made him start to get a little hard though it seemed his parents where right there. Tidas then shook his head and said "Yeah so lets just eat some lunch, dad said you both wouldn't be staying long." His mother giggled and said "Yes we wouldn't want to keep you to love birds from enjoying each other, just make sure to be gentle Tidas, a mermaids body is delicate... though it seems like you already found that out, am I right Princess Kai" Tidas turned beat red at this point and shouted "LUNCH TIME!" He then stood up at took Kai hand leading them all to the lunch room.
Kai listen to his parents talk to Tidas. Her embarrassment shown brightly on her face unable to hide it. She heard his mother telling Tidas he would need to be gentle with her, she wondered if he was gentle would she be able to enjoy being with him physically. Suddenly The we’re heading into the dinning room for lunch and she was greatful for it. She clung to Tidas’s hand They made their way into the room
Tidas held onto Kai tightly as they made their way to the dinning hall. Tidas had told the servents to prepare lunch while him and his father where out so the table was already set with fruit, vegetables and freshly cooked meat. There where two sets of seats one pair from each of them. Tidas sat down with Kai in there two seats. Then Tidas and his father began to eat their meat happily.

Infront of of the Queen was a bowl of water with fresh fruit in the water she looked at Kai and said "I like to have my fruit and vegetables dipped in salt water, you should try them its.. well a familiar taste from home I think you would enjoy." The Queen made sure to be subtle as servants where around.
Kai took a seat next to Tidas. Her hand came down to rest on his thigh underneath the table. She didn’t even think about it she just wanted to be close to him. She was still processing the news of her pregnancy and being close to him helped her relax. As the queen spoke of how she like her food she smiled “that is a good idea your highness I would have never thought about that” she then slowly slid her hand from his thigh and began to eat her vegetables.. “May I ask how you two met” she wanted to know so badly how a human and mermaid would have come across one another.
As Kai's hand touched the side of his leg Tidas couldn't help but smile putting his hand under the table and on top of hers. It wasn't just her, he also felt comfortable around Kai, especially now that he knew she wasn't going anywhere any time soon. Though when Kai asked how his parents met they made sure to excuse all the servents who where in the room so they could tell her the real story.

Tidas's mother smiled and said "Well I was out and about just swimming around freely in the ocean. When out of no where a great white shark attacked me. It bit my leg and I wasn't able to swim. Using my magic I was able to fend it off. Though unable to swim I washed up on shore. That is when Marshal found me." With that Marshal then spoke up "Yes, I was of course in shock to see a mermaid but she was bleeding out so I used my magic to heal what I could. I took her back to my castle at the time or should I say this castle. I nursed her back to health and the rest is history"
“Oh how very romantic” Kai smiled brightly at the story, she glanced at Tidas figuring he probably never heard the real story himself, she seemed to like the idea of romance. But then her face slowly changed thinking on how they met, she would never be able to tell her child the real story. It sadden her. She slowly looked at the queen again clearing her throat. “How do you fight the urge to be the ocean, even now I can feel the pull” she was after all the only daughter of Posiden her pull to the ocean was probably greater than the queens but still she had to have it.
Both the king and queen smiled at Kai's response. "Thank you, I think it is to" The Queen replied to Rose. It was true, Aiden himself hadn't heard the story. He had been told that his mom's ship had wrecked and her father saved her from the wreckage. Though the stories had there similarities they also had major differences. Though when Kai asked about the urge to return to the sea, Tidas couldn't help but return his focus to her.

"Well you know I still get the urge... though I just look at my handsome king and think about my wonderful son. My love for them a an urge so strong that I can easily overcome my urge to return to the sea" She replied. "Unlike you though, I was born a normal mermaid, I am not from royalty. So my powers and connection to the ocean are not as strong as yours are."
At her answer Kai looked down at her stomach, a hand came up and touch her stomach thinking of how her body was full of a new life. She looked over to Tidas wondering if wanted her to stay forever with him. Wondering if he even loved her enough to want that. She drew a deep breath and then return her focus to the King and Queen. “You are right, sometimes the draw is so powerful it actually painful,“ she never told Tidas that part of why she return to just to sit in the ocean waters. Up until now she wasn’t sure he would understood.
As Kai talk about her urge to return to the ocean, Tidas could help but be hurt. He didn't want her to leave, no matter what. Though his parents could see the look of sadness in his eyes and his mother spoke up saying "For now Kai focus on your child and preparing things. You have our full support, hopefully your and Tidas's union will bring our people together. Worry about your urge to return another time. Your child comes first, just try to focus your mind on that..." With that lunch was finished and the King and Queen had to get going.

They made sure to hug both Tidas and Kai, though as the Queen hugged Kai she whispered in her ear "Be careful with your lower body, if Tidas is anywhere near as big as his father I am sure you dealt with a lot of pain. Just focus some magic down there, it will open up eventually"
She just nodded at the queen suggested she focus on her child. She hoped she could, but even now just talking about the ocean made her want to go put her feet in the water and feel the connection with it. She knew she had to fight the urge, she couldn’t give into it or else she would never be able to stay with Tidas. She would try to only go to the water when he wanted to.

Kai was shocked with his mothers bluntness about her being in pain. But she took the advice. Once his parents left she leaned against Tidas resting her head on his shoulder. “Your parents are nice”
As they left Tidas waived and soon heard a reply from Kai. "Yes they are.... though we still have a lot to discuss. Lets head up to my... I mean our room for now. There is so much to talk about" Tidas replied as he took Kai's hand and led her up to their room. Once inside he sat on the edge of the bed and said "Kai, I know the answer already but I need to hear it from your mouth... for me. You would never leave me with our child or take our child and run right?"
She was worried when he said they needed to talk. She was worried he would not want her to be the mother of his child after all. She followed him into the bedroom she was silent as they walked she was afraid to say anything. As he sat on the bed she stood frozen in place afraid of what he might say. She looked at him now “Tidas, no I would never do either of those things, just like I know you wouldn’t stop me from being a mother to our child” she was a little hurt by his question, she had to look down.
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