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The Sea Jewel (JohnizBeast and NightSorceress)

Tidas tilted his head and said "Ummm there are multiple human kingdoms... out capital city is located right next to one of the oceans.... The Castle is literally built onto the side of of a beach. I think Kai would be very close to the ocean."

It seemed Triton was much less informed about his people than Tidas had thought. "I will keep her safe, she will have the ocean. A pool that is connected to the ocean has already been made at the capital for her... also just to let you know I am actually half merman." He said.
Kai at this point sat back down leaning against Tidas. She knew her brother would not be happy until he felt comfortable with Tidas. She knew the only to do that was to let him and Tidas sort this out. Besides she was tired and they had to swim back at some point.

“And what about say you want to have more, and I am sure now you are aware how delicate her body is. Our kind struggle with such things, that is why most families only have one or two children, because it can be painful and dangerous. We can only couple on land, leaving us exposed” Triton didn’t want to hear the details about his sisters sex life however they wanted more children, how was Tidas going to be able to do that without killing her.
When triton asked about children he smiled and put his hand on Kai's tummy and gently rubbed it. With his other hand he made sure to keep Kai steady as she leaned on him. "If Kai and me are not able to have a child that is fine, I will still love her forever. For now though we have made a promise not to do any kind of vaginal penetration. Though once we are married I do plan on making love to her a fair amount. If she gets pregnant again I will do everything I can to take care of her" He replied to her.
“But how are you going to keep her from being in pain?” He question. he did not want his sister hurt in order to please this human man she loved. Triton was still worried. The pain the mermaid endure being intimate was one reason why he himself had not taken a bride.

Kai looked at Tidas and then Triton. “I want to have children Triton.” She said softly “and I want to be with the man I love”
Tidas let Kai make the first reply telling her brother that they where going to have children together. Once she was done he made sure to explain to Triton how he was going to make sure to impregnate Kai without hurting her. "I have a way I have found out how to do it, if I just put the tip in and masturbate I can cum inside her without causing her harm" Tidas said. Yes it was an intimate detail but it seemed Triton was unaware or didn't have any idea of how to make it work. So he thought he would show off his creative mind just a bit.
Triton raised an eyebrow it was more than he thought he would know about them. He didnt even know what to say afterwards. His eyes looked to Kai now she looked tired. “My dear sister you look as though you need rest. I am sorry that in all this you were the one to be hurt.” He sighed and then looked to Tidas “She needs to rest, and I know she will not be returning home to do so, so take her back to your castle but I hope tomorrow I may return with possiably my father and we discus things further”
Tidas smiled as Triton explained to his sister she needed to rest. He was happy to see her family loved and cared for her so much. Though soon Triton was talking to him once again and Tidas replied "You and your father are more then welcome, just be subtle about coming. Most humans don't know merfolk like us exist so we are trying to keep it on the down low. Tell your father to shrink or something if he can.... it would be hard to keep a giant old man coming out of the sea a secret. Though you are both more then welcome."
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Triton nodded. “Yes I will make sure we appear.....more human” He then looked to his sister “Rest, you need rest” and with that Triton left the two alone.

Kai looked to Tidas now. “I am sorry for what happen. I wish they did not see what they saw. I wish you had a chance to meet my father, he really is a great man” She sighed. She hated how things happened, she wished had chance to introduce everyone properly.
At Triton's reply Tidas said "Thank you, very much that means a lot to me Triton. I look forward to seeing you and your father tomorrow." With that it seems Triton had left.

Kai now had Tidas's full attention and he made sure to listen to every word she said. Shaking his head Tidas replied "Don't apologize it is not your fault, honestly it is my fault. I understand why they are upset. I raped you and almost killed you Kai, I could never blame them for hating me. If I where in there shoes I would have done the same thing. I am sure your father did it because he loves you so much"
She shook her head. “I should have been strong enough to know my father had placed magic in the ocean waters to find me, I should have been able to sense it as soon as I entered the water. I as just so foolish I needed the ocean, and I let that need cloud everything else.” She looked down she truly felt like it was all her fault this had happen. If she was a stronger person she could have avoided it all.
Tidas shook his head and said "stop it, we both should have notice, should of, could of, would of... it is what it is at least it is over now. Things are better your family is visiting tomorrow so lets just go home and get you some rest." Tidas then picked up Kai and began to run across the water using magic. The run then turned into a skate as he began to jet across the waters surface. "Don't worry you can swim again tomorrow, for now you rest in my arms"
Of course he was right it was a matter of ‘could of, would of, should of’ but she did still feel awful about it. She sighed a little but then suddenly he had her in his arms. She wrapped Her arms around his neck. She held him as he moved them back towards the castle. “Tidas’s and can swim, and you better not be running across that water for much longer some one is going to see”
"So? Everyone knows I am a mage and your legs look human right now. I am the prince, I am allowed to leave my castle if I want to. As long as you don't let your legs into the water we will be fine darling" Tidas reassured her as they skated across the water together, the castle coming into sight.
he was right they all did know about his magic, hadn’t been shy on using it anyways. But still she wanted to make sure he was still comfortable, since he had shown it when he was in a darker state of mind. “Alright my love.” She smiled and leaned against him. She was tired. “Thank you for bringing me to the ocean today. It was nice.”
He smiled at her reply and said "Your welcome lover, I am happy that you enjoyed yourself I know we both needed that" Soon the reached the beach of the castle and Tidas skated right off of the water onto the same. He then began to walk normally as he carried Kai up to the castle though waiting for them where Tidas's parents. His mother ran up to them and said "Where have you two been! We have been looking for you all day!" Tidas sighed "Sorry we wanted to take a day to ourselves in the ocean after everything that happened... we needed. I didn't know you where coming today."
Kai sighed happily “I can’t wait till we can go out there again, with out my family interrupting us” she laughed but soon her laughter stopped she looked at the shore seeing his parents waiting for them. She bit her hip and wiggled down from Tidas’s grasp. His mother looked upset. “I am sorry to worry you both, we just needed a little time”
Tidas's mother sighed and shook her head at the two's reply while his father smiled before saying "Well that is fine if you two need some time together to work through things, though as a prince and princess you need to make sure people know what you are doing. If next time your out and there is an emergency or a crisis the leader being gone without anyone knowing why or where could cause things to get much worse. Just make sure to let people know your leaving so it doesn't look like your missing" Tidas nodded and said "Sorry father, next time I will make sure to say something."
Kai bit her lip part of her knew the king was right. She was taught this lesson by her own father, however she had never been good at following it. She looked at the king and queen now “what brings your majesty’s back here? I hope it wasn’t because we went missing”
Tidas's mother shook her head and the king replied "No we just took some time to be with you. After hearing what happened we thought it would be best to spend time with family is all" Tidas smiled at their reply and said "Well speaking of which we ran into Kai's brother and father while we where out, and they will be stopping by tomorrow." Tidas's mother clapped her hands together and said "Oh that is perfect! We will make sure to stay to meet them! What are their names Kai?"
Kai looked down when they said they were to support them after what happened. Her hand touched her stomach a moment before she quickly realized there was no need to be touching there any longer. It took her a moment to realize she was being asked a question “My brothers name is Triton, my fathers name is Posideon”
The king smiled and said "Wonderful! I have never meet your father or any of your family so I am very excited to meet him! I am sure he will be happy to see you and Tidas getting along so well!" Tidas then cringed a bit at that statement "Well.... that might not be the case. You see when me and Kai met I kind of raped her and they know" As soon as he finished talking his mother slapped him across the face hard enough to leave a red mark. "HOW COULD YOU!! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!! BOTH MY SONS!! WHY!! HOW COULD YOU TIDAS!!" his mother said with tears in her eyes.

He father then started to yell at him and why he did that his mother put her hands on Kai's shoulders and said "Kai I am so sorry! You know you are not a prisoner and don't have to stay here right!?"
Kai heart sank when he told his parents the truth of how they met, the truth of why she was here originally. When his mother hit him she moved slightly to protect him but she didn’t she felt it would only make things worse. When his mother came to her she looked into the woman’s eyes “I know I am not especially now that I am no longer pregnant, but I am choosing to stay with Tidas” she reached for Tidas’s hand. She hoped his parents would not be able to figure out that their grandchild was conceived as part of her rape. She worried what they would do to Tidas if they found out.
Tidas's mother nodded and said "Well I am still sorry, I am happy things worked out but.. still I am deeply ashamed by my sons actions." Tidas's father shook his head at Kai's words and shouted at Tidas "You know how Lucky we are! Lucky things Work himself out! We could be at war with her father right now! You put all of our people at risk! Your no better than your brother! NOT FIT TO BE KING!!" Those words hit Tidas hard and Kai would be able to see it on his face was his father walked away his mother following after trying to console him.
Kais eyes were wide now at the Kings words. She could see the hurt on his face. That was some low blow she wanted to comfort Tidas but at the same time she felt angry “hey don’t say things like, I know your upset but everything is ok.” She paused as she called after the king “Abd maybe if you were a better father both your sons would have turned it ok, instead you send them away”
The King turned around at Kai's first words. He then looked at her as in anger as she said her next words. With that the King was walking back to Kai and he shouted "HOW DARE YOU!!" He then stopped in front of her. "You may be a princess but your still a child! You don't dare talk to me like that woman!" Tidas's mother then came up and grabbed the kings arm and said "Stop! Your letting your anger get the best of you again!" With that the king pushed his wife to the ground and said "unhand me woman!"
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