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Would you rather?

Old men are funny old pervs, it's kinda cute. I'd let him fuck my ass, pussy, or slide it in my mouth if he wants.

For a guy: Would you rather a girl use her teeth so much in a blowjob that it scrapes away the skin, or have her strap on a giant cock and jam without warning hard up your ass?

For a gal: Would you rather an inexperienced guy chomp and twist at your titties so hard that it really isn't pleasant at all, or have him blow too soon and hit you dead in the eye with the shot?
Oh hmm probably my breasts

What would you rather use as a chair

A porcupine


A camel with a REALLY pointy hump
What would you rather use as a chair

A porcupine


A camel with a REALLY pointy hump

Oh, you know what, I've been on a camel before, seated between the humps of course :) But it's because of the hump in front of you, along with all that rocking back and forth while its walking that makes the experience really nice. Honestly, before long my eyes were glazed and looking dreamily off into the distance, not even paying attention to the scenery I was there to see as a tourist. I recommend camel rides to any girl.


Change the nappy of an elderly man who has drunk too much pear juice and brown sugar, or clean out a restroom of girls who don't bother discarding used lady products properly?
Well, being female, the unhygienic habits of some doesn't come as a surprise (if you had to take gym for school, you know what I mean)

Would you rather be the person asking someone on a date or the person getting the invite?
As the person who usually asks, it'd be nice to be asked out for a change haha.

Stuck on a 5hour bus with the last seat next to an unfortunately smelly individual


A 2 hour flight, but the seat behind you is an unaccompanied minor who won't stop kicking your seat?
I've actually lived the 2nd one and wasn't shy about letting the minor's adult know what I'd do if their charge didn't stop kicking my seat. Yeah, the bitch came out that day. So re-living it would be okay and I'd be calmer the second time around. haha!

Would you rather endure the yearly physical or yearly dental cleaning?
Oh god those both suck...but I can't stand dentists, they're always so condescending lmao, I'll have to go physical.

Would you rather fuck the super hero/heroine actor of your choice (in suit, of course) once a week for 10 years


Replace said actor in their role for 10 years, but only have time to fuck once a month?
Oh god those both suck...but I can't stand dentists, they're always so condescending lmao, I'll have to go physical.

Would you rather fuck the super hero/heroine actor of your choice (in suit, of course) once a week for 10 years


Replace said actor in their role for 10 years, but only have time to fuck once a month?

*stares off into the distance for a while*
I guess I would rather be fucked for ten years, but would they be in character?

Would you rather become a cat with human level intelligence for 10 hours a day


Become a human with cat level intelligence for ten hours a day
It's a good thing you only mention the transformation lasts for 10 hours a day, otherwise there's no way someone could really hide behind the façade of a real life. I'd pick the first. Having the ability to see, hear, and move like a cat with the knowledge of a human? Way cool!

Would you rather be married to someone who made life fabulously comfortable but was actually attracted to the opposite sex or be married to someone who loved you but both of you had to work to make ends meet?
I take the latter. Life would be kinda hectic, but at least we love each other.

Would you rather lose half of your height in exchange for the ability to run at the speed of sound without getting tired


Triple your height and become very slow, yet nearly indestructible and very muscular at the same time
Half my height. I'm already too big for the world I live in, and stools aren't that hard to get. Especially at the speed of sound!

Would you rather have the ability to fly like a raven (Still human, no wings, just very well controlled flight)
have the ability to teleport to any place you can see or have been instantly (no chance of materializing inside someone or something)?
Oh teleport all day, Instant Transmission my way around would make work sooooo much easier.

Would you rather...

Be walked in on screwing your best friend's sibling


Be walked in on masturbating to your best friend's sibling?

Because chaos is just the best!
Never be cold again. Breathing water could be very helpful while you're diving and swiming, but I don't like cold weather.

Would you rather be able to shoot lasers from your eyes or breath fire?
Definitely breathe fire! I have terrible eyesight so eye lasers would be a really scary bad idea for me!

Would you rather walk outside, shoeless in the snow for 90 seconds or spend the rest of your day in 100 degree (37c) heat?
Legos because, been there, done that.

Would you rather sit in rush hour traffic for 4 hours in a car with no AC in the height of summer, or listen to a mandatory political speech at high volume for 4 hours?
Car and heat is way more fun than being forced to listen to a mandatory speech at a high volume.

Hot dogs or hamburgers? And explain how you the chosen item
Hamburgers because I prefer steaks over sausages

Would you rather be without internet access for a month or sharing your room with a stranger for a week
Ooooh super villain

Would you rather have hot coffee in the summer or iced tea in the winter?
Thanksgiving, always. Why? Because I have been in retail for far too long and I see the greed and avarice that Christmas brings out in people, and the slavery materialism regardless of one's wealth or lack thereof. It's a very ugly thing to behold, but I was never a fan of Christmas, to begin with.

Turkey or ham for Thanksgiving, and why?
Thanksgiving, always. Why? Because I have been in retail for far too long and I see the greed and avarice that Christmas brings out in people, and the slavery materialism regardless of one's wealth or lack thereof. It's a very ugly thing to behold, but I was never a fan of Christmas, to begin with.

Turkey or ham for Thanksgiving, and why?
Always good to see you gaming, E_Nygma! I love Christmas for the opportunity to give to others when they least expect it (random acts of kindness and anonymous gifts to strangers).

Turkey because you can do so much with the remains, from soups, rice porridge, or even a casserole!

New Year's Eve party or New Year's Day breakfast? And why?
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