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Would you rather?

A hike! I love campfires too but the smoke that gets stuck to you for a few days sucks.

Ice cold tea or lemonade?
Lemonade. I do love a cup of tea, but not iced. Plus lemonade is very refreshing - especially if it's a little flat. :)

Food choices: Italian or Mexican?
Jelly donut, though cream filled once in a while is great too.

Would you rather fight a lion or a bear, assuming you're forced to fight bare handed?
The Lion. It would weigh less and can't climb as well. Regardless, I think I am a loser.

On top or on the bottom?
Of what? The mountain? The pile? The ladder? The food-chain?

Top, I guess.

Would you rather sing a song, or draw a picture?
Drunk, the only reason being I'm super shy around people I don't know. Granted I'd be worried about what dumb things I'd say drunk... at least it helps me get over the hardest first hurdle!

Walking through a Dark Tunnel or a Dark Forest?
Give me the dark forest any day. The animals in the forest are much easier to understand and negotiate with!

Would you rather have a sundae on Thursday or a thirsty day on Sunday?
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150 years.

People these days tend to be more focussed on the now, such that they seem to forget that there's a bigger picture with long-term ramifications. Being able to see the distant consequences might help shape the now.

For your bowl of vanilla ice cream: chocolate topping or strawberry topping?
Being able to see the distant consequences might help shape the now.
The usefulness of such an ability depends on how seriously people take the warnings of the person or persons who have it.
For your bowl of vanilla ice cream: chocolate topping or strawberry topping?
Honestly, neither, as I have only ever preferred butterscotch, but if I had to choose I would choose strawberry.

Would you rather have enough money for a lavish mansion, but not a car or any other luxury; or the skills and materials (the skills can be just your own or spread out amongst your friends and/or family) to build your own more modest home? Assume in either case, utilities and property taxes are also not your responsibility.

Would you rather have enough money for a lavish mansion, but not a car or any other luxury; or the skills and materials (the skills can be just your own or spread out amongst your friends and/or family) to build your own more modest home? Assume in either case, utilities and property taxes are also not your responsibility.
Thank you for clearing that last part up, sweetie.

I'll go with the lavish mansion, just because I don't need it, so would sell it for something smaller and get a car and luxury stuff with the leftover mons.

Would you rather.... drink urine in a desperate attempt to possibly survive in the wilderness where there is no water or other fluids available, orrrrrr, definitely Die?
(I know it's easy, don't judge, gosh)
Fuck it, Urine ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ I may or may not end up dead either way, might as well try it.

Would you rather spend 7 days with a screaming toddler but able to go outside with them (no babysitters) or would you rather spend 7 days locked in a small solid white room with nothing to eat and drink but unsalted soda crackers and tap water?
I'd take the lock-up. The promise of isolation and weight-loss is very appealing.

Would you rather go bungee jumping with a novice operator, or go skydiving with a novice operator?
Apples! Just recently picked around 5 baskets of apples from a tree and I can't wait to turn them into pie next weekend.

Would you rather work in something you love but which barely gets you to make ends meet, or work in something you hate but which pays well?
Something I love... mostly since that's pretty much my life now making barely ends meat. Will say it's not all sunshine and rainbows either... but I'm most happy with what I picked anyways.

A nice vacation away somewhere new or a stay-cation remaining at or around home spending your time somewhere you are familiar with?
A nice vacation away so long as I'm not paying for anything LOL

Would you rather drink warm vinegar or eat a frozen pickle?
Too cold. You can at least bundle up when you are too cold where being hot there isn't much you can do once you are stripped naked to stop it.

A 10 out of 10 story that starts amazing but never gets a climax and conclusion, or a 7/10 story that while it doesn't blow you mind it's enjoyable enough to view and gets a solid conclusion?
Depends of context. If it's an RP? The never-ending 10/10. I wouldn't want it to end anyway. If it's a book/tv/movie series? The 7/10. Getting cock-blocked by a DNF kills my enjoyment retroactively so I'd rather settle on that then not get an ending.

Would you rather live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse, or live a long, slow life that ends later than you'd like?
Iโ€™d rather die young enjoying what I have then live old and regret what I didnโ€™t do.

Would you rather live in the real world with powers or live in a fantasy world as the only one without powers?
I would have to go with real world with powers. Being shown what I could possibly do but never actually accomplish it would be quite challenging.

Would you rather be able to fly, but it to be as difficult as running or be able to turn invisible for only as long as you can hold your breath?
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