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Would you rather?

That one's rather conditional. The wife? Sure, kiss her under it. Her sister...? Hell, no, I'm outta there.

Would you rather holiday in Siberia or the Sahara?
Siberia ... Heat and I will never be friends. I love the cold.

Would you rather forget everything bad immediately again or be able to remember everything?
Drive up a mountain ... less dangerous, I think ...well, depending on the mountain, lol.

Would you rather jump off a cliff into the water or out of a plane (with a parachute, of course)?
Jump off a cliff… I’m not brave enough to free fall from a plane.

Would you rather drink coffee or tea?
Neither but if I had to choose perhaps bungee chord.

Would you rather make a home cooked meal or eat at a 5-star restaurant if money wasn’t a problem?
Baking a cake is so fun! I made a lemon blueberry one for Easter and omg… *chefs kiss*

Would you rather have a desktop computer or a laptop?
I’d give up sweet foods. Savory foods mean to much!

Would you rather have cats or dogs or both? Why?
I always aim for the former, but end up with the latter, lol. XD

Would you rather be bitten by a dog or scratched by a cat?
I'd rather do neither, but if I absolutely must choose... bitten by a dog. Cat's claws are fuckin' sharp, and can do a lot more damage than you think.

Would you rather have the superpower of Invisibility, or the superpower of Telepathy?
Smoke at midnight hands down. Not a huge fan of wine, but I don’t mind it on occasion. Especially if it’s sweet ^^

Would you rather reunite with an old flame or reunite with your childhood best friend?
Ehh-- honestly neither; both ended badly relationships. But maybe reunite with childhood friend to finally get closure, I suppose.

Would you rather change your past or change your future?
Churn fresh butter. I loved the one my great aunt made on her farm. One of many highlights during summer vacation at my grandparents' place. ^_^

Would you rather lose all your teeth or all your hair?
Build a snowman!

Would you rather drink hot chocolate or hot tea?
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