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Would you rather?

Dry & clear prose. Love color with my prose and all, but purple prose implies incoherency. Words serve to illustrate and convey meaning. Obstructing the essence of a sentence to the point where meaning is lost erases the very purpose of communication.

Would you rather be an introvert stuck at a social function where you must endlessly interact with the attendants, or would you rather be an extrovert stuck on a deserted island with absolutely zero human contact?
Just being an extrovert sounds frightening enough by itself. I choose the former.

As a ghost, would you rather haunt a bustling tourist destination or a decrepit old mansion?
Bustling tourist destination. I could choose whether I'd want to be around people or not at any point I wanted to! And I'd be able to steal people's hats.

Would you rather find the perfect love of your life but have them be completely asexual or would you rather find the perfectly kinky hookup who barely speaks to you about anything but sex?
Ooooof, that actually is a tough one (shallow, perhaps, but my libido won't go along well with complete ace-ness, I think...)

I don't think I can really have a fair answer in the spirit of this question; all of my "well, this one with these caveats" feel like trying to find loopholes
What if I found the perfectly kinky hookup and convinced them that all of my other likes were actually kink things? "Oh yes, make that mac 'n cheese..."

Would you rather always stay in the country of your birth but be at least upper middle class, or always be travelling, but on a shoestring budget? (assuming that it's still a livable budget, I mean)
I'd rather stay in the country of my birth. Travel is great and I'd love to see the rest of the world but imagine having to move every month or two months. That would be the most infuriating thing ever. Also, imagine all the paper work like a new ID or setting up utilities every time you move.

Would you rather fight a great white shark in the ocean or a giant squid in the ocean?
Ayo, I don't fucks wit no ocean, man. Man ain't sposed to tread in them waters and homies got fish allergies, y'heard? That's real. But ayy, I'd fight the fuck outta a great white shark if it was on land. Steal it's teeth and sell them shits on Da Boardwalk. Make sum shark fin soup and eat like a mofuckin p i m p.

But lemme ask y'all: Would you rather have your entire lifetime of experiences and cherished moments converted into a movie that you can watch whenever you want to remember them, or your whole ass life turned into a book that can be read and interpreted by anyone?

Definitely a book. I never enjoy seeing myself in video, and I don’t think old mind that others can read it.

Would you rather spend a week trapped inside a church or inside a film set?
Oh, a film set! I'd get pizza and stuff and I'd see how they did all the things, that'd be great! Never mentioned the film set had to be abandoned, just that I would be trapped. :D

Would you rather have an expensive vacation or three cheap ones?
assuming a cheap vacation lasts just as long as an expensive vacation, I would even take two cheap ones over one expensive one lmao.

Would you rather lose your sight or your memories?
What a mean one, @ƒeral! I’ll choose memories and probably regret it.

Would you rather be stuck eating the same kind of food (i.e. chicken) with any variety of spices, or have to eat the same kind of spices applied to any variety of food?
I would rather eat the same kind of food with a variety of spices, because I'd get to change and alter the flavor. With the other option I'd be stuck with the same flavor profile on anything hence it would get old quick.

Would you rather live forever or die when you choose to?
Die when I choose to. I can hardly bear the cruelty of humankind as it is now. I don't want to witness it forever.

Would you rather be able to zoom in the universe to see the smallest things that exist, or zoom out to see the whole structure?
Zoom Out. There's so much of the universe I'd love to see, but we're limited to this insignificant blue ball that we won't even get a tiny fraction of close to seeing the true nature of the universe.

Would you rather: spend a week with your dream person in total bliss, but after that week you'll be alone for the rest of your life; or spend a lifetime in the company of a person you can tolerate (but you'll never be alone).
I'm assuming you meant 'can't' tolerate...I'd rather spend a week with my girl and I can live alone if I need to. That week will be special.

Would you rather cook for your loved ones or take them out to the finest restaurants?
Bring all of my loved ones to the finest restaurants. Meaning I get to bring the dead ones back to life. I wouldn't mind having one more meal with them all.

Morpheus makes you the offer of the blue and red pills. You can go back to blissfull ignorance, or can acknowledge an unpleasant reality, but possibly correct it.
Would you rather have the red or blue pill?
I'd take the red pill. This shit is about to get nasty so let's hop into the Matrix and see what's up.

You are immortal but cursed to agony for the rest of your life or you have a single week left but will accomplish all you wish and die happy?
Single week. Not even close.

Would you rather the superpower of Flight (at hypersonic speeds) or Regeneration?
Magnetism. Seems more fun and way easier to control.

Would you rather be a superhero or a villain?
Hiking. I don't like hurting animals.

Would you rather be rich or famous?
Also rich. Money can solve more of the problems in my life than good looks ever could, lol.

Would you rather find out that mythical creatures exist, or find out that alien life exists?
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