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Would you rather?

depending on the show-- i'd go with the game show. experience and a prize trumps value for me.

would you rather be fluent in every language known to man, or have the ability to communicate with animals?
Control sound. I'd set so many people on mute, lol.

Would you rather be three feet taller or three feet shorter than now?
I'd rather raise cattle-- I don't know if I'd get in trouble growing Marijuana or not!

Would you rather have the ability to be resurrected once-- no matter what the accident or fatality was-- you come back good as new (but only once), or would you rather have ten years added to your lifespan (but accidents and such can still occur and cut it short.)
Being resurrected once. When I see how many old people spend the last years of their lives, it doesn't seem like something I want to experience.

Would you rather travel to the past or to the future?
I would rather go to the future. The past doesn't have anything better than what I have now!

Would you rather speak every language just well enough to survive or speak another language perfectly?
I would rather be able to speak one other language perfectly. Weighing the benefits, being able to speak every language enough to get by seems perfect for travelers, but I’m not the sort of guy who wants to go traveling all over to all manner of countries. If I can speak one other language perfectly, that opens up a ton of options. New people to talk to. New media to consume. And it would look great on a resume.

Would you rather bring back someone from the dead to live another full life, or erase one person so they never existed in the first place?
I'd rather bring someone back from the dead. The issue with removing any variable from the world is the butterfly effect can come into play and something or someone far worst might appear.

Would you rather keep everyone you know and love now but never meet anyone you can feel close to ever again, or forget everyone you ever loved and cared about now (you know they had existed but you forget everything about them) but be able to meet new friends and loved ones in the future?
Invisibility. A lot more fun to be had.

I can always make a jetpack or something similar to handle flight. Could also do the same for invisibility but the power and tech requirements are exponentially higher.

Superpowers again: The ability to hit anything you are aiming at (Bullseye / Deadshot) , or the ability to phase out of reality. (Shadowcat)
Oh, definitely phasing. There are already many, many occasions where I've wished I could simply phase out of reality and escape for a while.

Would you rather watch a movie or read a book?
A book. There is an age old adage that "The book is always better than the movie."

Largely true. Would you rather win the lottery, or be given (For free, you just have to put in the work.) a step by step plan to build the next big thing that is immensely more profitable?
Learn to dance well. When I was younger I used to be involved in dance, like Jazz and Hula, but I feel like I wasn’t able to retain that asides from messing with Hula Poi Balls. I would love to learn how to belly dance.

Would you rather eat fruits or vegetables every day? Why?
Vegetables. It's much healthier for the body, and you can eat it raw or boiled/fried/baked. More variety. ^^

Would you rather be super strong or super fast?
Super fast. I'd rather be able to get to places quickly - especially in an emergency - than be able to lift incredible amounts.

Would you rather be able to Phase through matter (no range, because only you can do it, but you can do it at will) or Teleport (unlimited range, but you can only do it once every 10 minutes because it takes a toll on your body)?
Arms for legs easily! You could do so much more with that and can learn to walk on your hands much easier!

Would you trade your eye sight for Super Hearing or Super Smelling?
Absolutely not, both of those sound like genuinely awful things to live with.

Would you rather grow 5 inches taller but have your vision severely compromised or shrink by 5 inches but have really incredible eye sight
Chess master.

Would you rather be remembered for the person you are or for something very unique or useful that you invented or created?
Well, seeing as I've just started doing it...decorate the home for Christmas. It's about giving a bit of happiness to others as they drive around looking for lights to enjoy.

Would you rather let children enjoy the magical lie of Christmas (ie Santa Claus), or be honest and blunt right from the start?
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