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The Fibers of Fate (Jovialtraveler x MysteriousD)

"And I am in a hotel room, so it and your apartment would be too confined," Diego added as he was in thought. "We'd need to go to some vast outdoor area that no one would mind got damaged or some vast training facility," Diego added while looking around. He did not know where to find either of those things, but maybe Ryuko would know.
“....I think I know a good spot, as long as you don’t mind waiting a bit. I’ll make a few phone calls and see if Nudist Beach still has one of those ships. We could use that.”
"Of course I don't mind waiting a bit. I really like hanging out with you," Diego told Ryuko with a smile as he squeezed her hand. "Though i reckon you're gonna be the more amazing from us," he added.
She squeezes back. “I’m sure you’ll do fine. I’ll train you up, just remember: don’t try to copy me. You don’t heal as quick, and you’re not as fast, or resilient. You can’t get away with the crap I pull.”
"Yeah, not to mention my weapon works differently. Probably mroe finesse required and defensive," Diego figured with a smile. He leaned on to kiss her cheek. He couldn't help it. He was a big cuddly affectionate guy, especially with her.

"Wanna get lunch before or after?" Diego said before looking at the window up above. "Is the ship big enough to be indoors? Looks like it ill rain," he noted.
“After. I’d like to keep it down, Diego.” She smiled, playfully nudging him with her elbow. “Yeah, it’s big enough....” Ryuko couldn’t help but think of all those cliche kisses in the rain. Well, she decided, she’d grab him by the collar and do it, then. So far he’d had to initiate most contact, so it was about time she pitched in.
“Well, I would suggest we do it in the boat to avoid slipping off the boat,” Diego said before he blushed at Senketsu’s chuckling. “You know what i mean, though how do you feel about fighting in the rain if it does?” He asked Ryuko.
“I’ve fought in worse, and you’ll have to get used to slippery surfaces where even your footing is another enemy you have to pay attention to.”
"All right then. I guess that makes sense," Diego told her with a smile as he squeezed her hand. "We should still get going to the boat then. If there's thunder storms, I wouldn't want to be standing on a big wet metal object outside," he says humorously as they head to the exit with their clothes. "How will we get there?" he asked.
“We jog, and hope we don’t get too soaked. I’ll make the call first, to make sure we aren’t running all that way in the rain for nothing.” Ryuko took out her cell, dialing the number and waiting a few moments. “No, I’m not calling about that. You got any ships left that are intact enough to train on or in? You do? Great. At the docks?! That’s wonderful. Thanks.” Ryuko hung up.
"Well, right now it's just cloudy. I don't think it shuld rain for a bit," Diego explained to her as he looked at the skuy. Once she finished with her, he smiled at her. "I guess we should make our way to the ship then. Lead the way," Diego told her with a smile before he followed her in jogging there, carrying the bags of new clothing on him.

Fortunately, it was still pretty cloudy when they arrived at the ship and DIego changed into his gym clothes, waiting for Ryuko as he was now on top. He wondered if she'd be fighting him with just the Scissor blades or use Senketsu on him
Ryuko smiles, making a couple detours to their places to pick up their weapons, as well as grab some gym clothes of her own. Nothing fancy; just basketball shorts, a tank top, and a sports bra.

Once they were changed, she tossed him his weapon and hefted her own. “Remember, you want to disable me as quickly as possible. If you feel a hit, stop using that limb, to simulate the difficulty of fighting with a broken or missing limb.”
Senketsu was perched up inside, looking through the window.

“All right then,” Diego said as he took a deep breath. Diego was not much of a fighter, but he was a thinker and a good one, so he would apply that to his fighting.

He would focus on using lunging moments and trying to parry with the Great Needle. It reminded him of a rapier.

“Well now,” Diego said as he felt the rain come down and he had to deal with one problem that came with the rain... his glasses getting wet.
“You’ll need a baseball cap or something.” Ryuko noted, moving slowly, for her at least, keeping her power and speed at human levels, getting warmed up until-

She swung upwards, using the blunt side, in what almost resembled a golf swing if Diego was the ball. He’d probably want to dodge that, since she was putting her considerable strength behind it, pulling her punches just enough not to hurt him too badly.
“Actually, probably more a helmet with the visor having water resistant material on it. Baseball hats wouldn’t help in strong winds,” Diego noted and indeed, the wind began picking up and began soaking them.

However, even with his impaired visions, he could still see the vague shape of Ryuko coming at him. He hopped back to avoid the blow coming at him before trying to do a counter strike at her.
Ryuko saw the strike and shifted her weight to lean out of the way, swinging hard and fast to smack his weapon, sending vibrations along it that would probably sting, but wouldn’t do any lasting harm, before snapping her foot towards his stomach for a kick, driving her heel forward. If she missed this, she’d overbalance, at least for a moment.... a moment longer than a skilled opponent would need.
Diego felt the vibrations through the Great Needle, but hold on tight with it. Ryuko was just as tough and strong as he thought. That was awesome and badass... and attractive.

Despite that, he didn't let that distract from dodging her kick by hopping to the side. He saw her go forward and he shoved her to the ground, using her momentum. Before she could get up, he pointed the Needle in her area. It was kinda low to use her fears of needles against her, but she did say to be pragmatic.
Ryuko grunted as she fell to the ground, then gasped as she saw the needle, lashing out with her weapon at his ankles, eyes wide. Seemed like that was one of the few things that genuinely terrified her.
Diego did not expect her to slash at his ankles. It barely hit, but with her force, he felt the cut. He yelped in pain and jumped back... but the ship was wet and so he slipped and landed on his back.

He struggled to stand, his socks turning red. “I-I’m sorry,” Diego said, looking terrible.
“Oh god, are you okay?” She tosses her weapon aside. What had she done!? “I’ll get a bandage, or- or- Ah jeez, I’m sorry Diego. I should’ve used the blunt end...” she took off his socks and shoes, then uses her blade to cut off some of her tank top, using the strip to bind his ankle. “I’ll call an ambulance....”
"Yeah, I think you swung so hard that you made an air slice I think," Diego said to her as he was standing up after a bit. Diego blushed a bit when he saw her cut some fo the tank top to help patch him up.

"Wait, it's my fault. I shouldn't have done then. Besides, they appear to just be surface cuts. No real damage or such," he says as he puts his hands on her shoulders, still raining on them. "Don't blame yourself, okay?" Diego said as he began to lightly caress her face.
“I should’ve had better control... I mean, I told you to be ruthless, so that’s not on you. You just did what I told you to.” She sighs.
"Yeah, but I don't wanna hurt you or spook you," Diego told her as he kept caressing her face, resting his forehead on hers. He liked being this close to her. He wanted to comfort and reassure her.
She gently kissed his lips, eyes shut as she tried not to cry. Ryuko found that she liked him as something more than a friend, even though they’d just met, and that confused her.
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