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The Fibers of Fate (Jovialtraveler x MysteriousD)


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014
It was a dark and stormy night off of in Kanagawa. The rough weatherwould've chased most people away, but the huge amount of ships around the area were there on important business. Since the collapse of the Revocs Corporation, alot of the world has been trying to fill the financial void left, plus the massive level of monopoly had forced alot of governments to pass stricter anti-monopoly laws to counter act this, but even then, a few nearly collapsed into anarchy. Other places benefitted from the collapse, with alot of nations in Africa being contenders. They rarely if at all had anythig to do with Revocs corporation so alot of businessfolk fled there years ago and so now, the rising economy as helping them, somewhat at least. Other places had local stuff or just wore old/used clothes, like the US.

Diego Vendrix never wore a Revocs garment in his life outside maybe a temporary one like a scarf. He always felt uncomfortable when he did. Not physically, but mentally. Granted, right now, he was not wearing much outside of a wetsuit and having a strange red needle strapped to his back. It was about five-feet long and the eye of the needle was big enough to slip his hand through and use like a sword. Of course, that was not what it was for.

They were to subjugate Life Fibers.

Speaking of, that's why he was here. While companies, such as the Takarada Conglomorate where excavating the artificial island for resources and materials in rebuilding Japan or scavenging the S.S. Naked Sun, Diego was here as part of his work to his old boss. His old boss was a former friend of the mysterious Isshin Matoi, who worked with him on Life Fibers. The US government attempted to make a weapon to subjugate and manipulate the ife Fibers, but once his boss realized what they could do, he subtlety shut down the project and had it considered a failure. The Great Needle as it was called worked as intended if not better, but the old man viewed it as something to be used sparingly.

So Diego got it and was asked to find out what happened to Isshin. Needless to say... alot. "Found you," Diego thoughtot himself as he found the giant scissor blades and began pulling them until they were free. He didn't do much diving and only got the stuff from a friend of his for this. One benefit in pursuing this mission was a nice amount of funds left by his former boss. Why else would a kid like himself be doing this? Well... he was 18 now so he couldn't call himself a kid, but he still felt like one. He looked up something on his smartphone and knew where he needed to go and it would only be a short walk. Too stormy to call a cab. With the Scissor Blades now on his back, he began the trek.

To the Mankanshoku residence.
Ryuuko was eating dinner with Mankanshoku’s, and while the atmosphere may had started a little tense, what with Satsuki in the same room, Mako had been able to defuse it with her goofy antics. They even brought a smile to Gamagoori’a face, a rare site unless you found the big man around Mako. At first, it had been strange seeing her best friend and one of her toughest enemies acting all lovey dovey, but Ryuuko had eventually adjusted.... just like she and her sister had to adjust to normal life. Sure, it had been a while, but every now and again someone would see something that caused a flashback, and the rest of the group took it upon themselves to held the friend snap out of it.
(Good god that’s a long starter)
Satsuki finished her plate, bowed, and said that she’d be going home. She’d actually done quite well for herself after the collapse of Revocs, becoming a regional manager for one of the rising stars of the newly growing fashion industry. Ryuuko nodded, finishing a few minutes later and heading to the room she’d used to stay in during high school, looking around the place with a nostalgic sigh, glancing over to where Senketsu had hung, holding back her tears. She’d really grown fond of him, and his loss had hit her like a freight train. Even now it still stung.

Mako came in a few minutes later, tapping Ryuuko on the shoulder. “You okay?” She’d mellowed over the years, but she was no less supportive, and still lit up any room or situation she walked into. “Yeah... yeah, just.... memories.” Ryuuko nodded. “....okay, but if you need anything, I’ll be at gamagoori’s place. Just give me a call.” Mako smiles and turns to head to the Ira, saying goodbye to her mother and father.

Ryuuko left the room a few minutes later, bowed to Mr. and Mrs. Manshoku, then left. She was renting an apartment, when she arrived, she made sure to close all the curtains and lock the door before stripping down for her shower. She was unaware that she’d just missed Diego, having walked right past him on the street with only a glance at the needle, and the duffel bag with the scissor blades in it.
Diego had been walking past and not paying attention much to his surroundings, only subconsciously noting the girl walking past him. He knocked on the door of the Mankanshoku residence. He asked for Ryūko, looking for her. The family was nice enough though they told him that he just missed her.

Diego paused before he realized that the girl he just walked by minutes ago was Ryuko. He quickly thanked the Mankanshokus before he began running after Ryuko.

She had a fair bit of a distance ahead of him though he was able to follow her thanks to the fact that where she turned around to was a bit of a dead end so he didn’t have to guess where she was going. He had also saw where she entered so he managed to get inside the apartment and went up to what was her room.

He was panting, since running in a wetsuit was pretty tricky. He rang the doorbell before sitting down to wait. While he did, he noticed something on the scissor blades when he took a closer look. It was a small patch of cloth.

When it was touching the needle, he felt something resonate...

Something to keep in mind for later.
Ryuuko puts on a bathrobe and Heads to the door, making sure it was drawn up tight before opening her door. “What is it?” She asked, not rudely, but bluntly. Now what she’d wanted to say was “wait until my shower is done,” but that would’ve been a bit much. She didn’t recognize the stranger, but she could see that he carried himself like a soldier. “Oh.”

She’d gotten used to military organizations asking about life fibers over the last few years, and while it had died down, one or two still showin d up every month. “Let me answer your first few questions right now. No I don’t know anything useful about the life fibers that isn’t common knowledge for military folk at this point, no I won’t be carted off to be a guinea pig, and no I won’t do it for any amount of money.” Okay, NOW she was being rude.”If you have any other questions, they’re going to have to wait until after my shower, but I’ll try to be quick.”
Diego was not a soldier. Sure he had an awkward tendency to stand straight and alert in front of authority or people he respected, but that was because he was a colossal dork. He didn't know how anyone would mistake him as a soldier. He was of average height and was a little doughy, though he was chubbier as a kid and early teen before he worked to slim down some. The stretch marks were still there. His glasses covered his open brown eyes which fit his dark-colored hair and his skin color was pretty tan, enough to indicate he wasn't Caucasian.

"Well, too bad none of those I was going to ask you. I was going to ask you about the Scissor Blades," Diego said before he presented the familiar weapons Ryuko wielded just months ago. "But I will wait out here for you to shower in peace. Take your time," Diego said, giving her a smile. From what he gathered, she was dealing with alot of crud the past few months and he wanted to try and assure her.
She looked down at the blade, looking shaken, before shutting the door and catching her breath. “And just when I was getting used to normal life.” She stripped and showered quickly, back at the door, in sweatpants and a baggy shirt this time, within ten minutes. “Inside. Don’t let anyone see you with those. Where did you even get them?” She shut the door as soon as he entered the room.
Diego noted the look on her face. Ryuko looked surprised and shaken to see them. He sat down outside as he was waiting for her to shower. He felt a bit guilty about getting her invovled, but he needed to know more. His old boss's final work hypothesized something horrible about the Life Fibers... about their true nature and true purpose. And he would need her help to defeat them...

The Moirai Cult...

Within about ten minutes, he saw her once more, this time in sweatpants and baggy shirt. He quickly went in and sat down on the floor, feeling utterly exhausted. It was a long day.

"I fished them out from the ruins of the city," Diego said as he put down the blades on the floor, having kept the cloth, wanting to see why it was reacting with the Great Needle.

"I did it because I wanted to talk to you. Your dad... he was an old friend and partner of my boss. I heard of weapons that could deal with Life Fibers and then all of this happened," Diego said to her, noting she had an uneasy look when staring at the Great Needle.

Looks like she was like him in that both were scared of pointy things...

"What happened to him?" Diego asked her.
“Killed by Nui. Creepy girl born of life fibers, and one of the tougher people I’ve had the... privilege of fighting.” She couldn’t stop glancing at the needle and fidgeting, the life fibers in her uneasy in the presence of a life fiber subjugating weapon after all this time. She slowly picked up the red blade, staring at it with an odd mix of melancholy and contentment, before her eyes went down to the scrap tied to the handle. “What’s this?” She held the fabric and stared... she was getting a feeling of deja vu.
"I don't know. It was on the Scissors," Diego answered Ryuko as he was seeing her gaze at the Scissors blades with an odd look. "Though it has been reacting to this," Diego said before he showed off his weapon.

He was careful to not startle her.

It was a maroon sewing needle, big enough for the eye of the needle to serve as a form of handle. However, said handle was also tied to some threat and such. It had an odd form of power.

"Those Scissors could cut up Life Fibers... I suppose this Great Needle is its counterpart... it seems to manipulate life fibers. To get to respond different possibly or maybe purely physical," Diego said as he laid the needle on his lap, looking at Ryuko before he adjusted his glasses.

With what he heard, he felt he was a bit stuck. He looked down on the needle and at the scissors. "I came here because I need your help. I found out a distrubing truth about the Life Fibers," he told her.
“Go on.” She gripped the sword in both hands and gave an experimental swing, taking a deep breath. “Feels like it’s been years...” she sets it down on the bed, then looks at the other blade. She’d never gotten as in tune with that blade as the other. She took the scrap of fabric and tied it to her wrist, not quite sure why. It just.... felt right.
Diego saw her grab one of the Scissor Blades and wielded it like a natural. She looked confident and assertative.

She was his type. He liked women who could likely beat the sauce out of him. Wel, also nice women and from what he saw from being around her, she was pretty nice.

"The common research was that they were parasites who fed on life force. But where did they come from? Why control people and destroy entire worlds to try and do so? But here... there is somewhere else they came from in the stars. Like the Fibers came from an unnatural source. Like something made them," Diego noted to them before he sighed in tiredness.

"In fact, the only other people who know this besides be formed a cult. The Moirai Cult," Diego said before he realized she probably wouldn't have heard of the Moirai. "The Moirai were from Greek lore, the three goddesses of fate who spun the yarns of fate," he explained.
“Seems a little pretentious, isn’t it? Or are they saying they follow something like that? I would Have imagined they’d go for Arachne.” She untied the scrap of fabric and let out a shout of alarm when it seemed to fly at Diego, consuming his shirt.... and leaving him in a familiar sailor suit. She couldn’t help but snicker at how ridiculous it looked, since he was still wearing the bottom half of his wetsuit, before her eyes went wide in recognition. “Senketsu? I thought you were completely destroyed.”

The outfit stripped itself off of Diego and chuckled a little. “So did I, but part of me must have survived on the scissor blade. Perhaps a piece fell off during my... death.”
"Well, I don't know what's going on," Diego noted before he saw the needle was glowing a bit. "What the?" Diego said looking at the Great Needle before he saw it glow more at the scrap of fabric Ryuko took from the Scissor Blade island. When he touched it, the fabric glowed red and so did the Needle.

"Yikes!" Diego said as the the scrap of fabric went to his wetsuit. As he did, the Great Needle followed, with various threads was unfolding and furling at the whims of the Great Needle though it was mixing in with the fabric. It was like the scrap cloth was it.

Before he knew it, Diego felt a bit uncomfortabe, something was on him. He looked down and saw it was a sailor fuku... that had a face. Also, he saw the Great Needle had settled down.

And then the Fuku talked... and his name was Senketsu. He was probably one of those Life Fiber special clothings, but for one to talk was something special. He winced when he felt it come off of him.

"The Great Needle. It must have reacted to your remnant Life Fibers and caused you to regenerate with the top part of my divesuit," Diego said, fascinated by the turn of events. He then winced and grabbed his side. "Also, given how the Life Fiber uniforms drink blood, it looks like you took a sip of me from the cut I got the day before," Diego told Senketsu.

"Looks like I guess that means I was responsible for bringing you back," Diego said as he noted the big smile on Ryuko and Senketsu's faces at being reunited.
Ryuuko smiled at him, not sure whether to say thank you or catch Senketsu up with her life, going in favor of the latter. “Senketsu, you’re not going to believe it, but I got a job! It only pays just enough for food and this apartment, but it’s something.” “That’s wonderful,” the uniform replied, smiling, “so who is this? That needle of his seems to be able to make life fiber garments within moments.”
Diego liked her smile. Ryuko's smile. During his short time he wa sknowing her, she had a confrontational or even a bit of a tired look, yet seeing her happy was a nice moment.

"My name is Diego Vendrix. I'm from the United States. I came here looking for Ryuko because of stuff her dad is," Diego said before he heared Senketsu comment on his needle.

"It's the Great Needle it's called. In the same way those Scissor Blades can cut down Life Fibers, the Great Needle can kinda manipulate and change them. Or in your case, brought you back to life by having the Life Fibers reconstitute you through normal fibers," Diego said as he was showing them the Great Needle.

He was feeling a bit more self-conscious being bare-chested in front of a lady though he laid down and began feeling very tired. "Sorry... just been feeling really tired last couple of days," he told her.
“If you want, you can sleep on the couch or something. I’ll see if I can’t find you a shirt.” Truth be told, Ryuuko didn’t mind his shirtless state, but it would be a bit rude to just leave him like that. Ryuuko goes to the closet and tosses Diego a shirt before taking out a clothes hanger and putting Senkutsubon it so he could sleep as well.

She looked around for a blanket, before tossing a large one onto the couch, and rearranging the pillows to make a bed of sorts.
Diego smiled at her before he got a shirt. It was a pretty big one and so he put it on. He went to the sofa. "Thank you," he managed to say before removing his glasses and then just crashing onto the sofa and falling alseep immediatel on the sofa. It was a long day and he needed the rest.

Hours past by...

Diego began stirring. He felt... kinda bleh. Made sense given he was still a bit tired, he didn't shower and slept in half a wetsuit and he was hungry. However, he did feel better and a bit more focused. He groaned a bit as he put on his glasses and checked the time.

It was about 11 AM in Japan and he got here at around 10 PM so he slept nearly 12 hours at Ryuko's place.
Ryuuko was making a lunch for herself, the laptop on the table as she took her class online, occasionally writing a note. She was in Senketsu, glancing over at the screen every few seconds. “Oh, you’re up. Sorry if there isn’t anything for you to wear. Hope you have some clothes in your bag.”
Diego got up and he was feeling a bit light-headed though he saw Ryuko in her pajamas were taking a class online while making lunch. She was wearing the talkign fuku, Senketsu, on her. "No worries. Thank you for the hospitality," Diego said to her as he was on his feet and feeling a bit better.

Looking at her working on her paper reminded Diego that she was just like him. Diego was going to college, but took a semester off so he could pursue this. Granted, he was lucky his university was pretty accepting (the fact that his old boss pulled some strings to ensure he wouldn't get any loss and even get some beenfits from this little thing helped though).

"We'll talk later though we should probably exchange phone numbers," Diego told her. Once they did, Diego waved at her good-bye before began taking the long trek to his hotel. He arrived, checked in and he took a long shower and got dressed into some new clothes before taking another nap.

When he would wake up, it'd be the late afternoon. He decided to call Ryuko and see if she was there. He wanted to talk to her so why not invite her out to eat?
Ryuuko has worked on school all day, periodically glancing at the old scissor blades, still gleaming despite having been submerged for months.

She picked up her phone and looked at the number, remembering it was Diego. “Hey. What’s up?” She asks, putting away hEr school supplies, then glancing at the clock. Has she been working that long already
"Hey Ryuko, I was wondering if you'd like to meet up so we can continue talking about what we were discussing last night. Maybe I can invite out for dinner or something," Diego proposed to her while he was looking online for someplaces for them to be able to eat.

"What are some things you like?" Diego asked her.
“That sounds nice,” and a little bit like a date, but if he got handsy, she could take him. She wasn’t going to say lemons, that would be.... odd, so she said “well I like seafood. Are you allergic?”
"No, I like seafood," Diego told her with a smile. He was a bit surprised to hear her say yes, given that he heard she had a bit of an abrasive or at least aloof attitude to her. Then again, hard to say no to free food. "So we could probably meet at this place..." Diego began saying as they were making plans to go to a casual place. It was quiet and out of the way so they could talk without being noticed.

Hours past by and before Diego knew it, he was waiting for Ryuko outside the establishment. It was very casual so he was just wearing a t-shirt, cargo shorts and shoes. He had the needle with them, having it with him like a walking stick to disguise it.
Ryuuko came wearing Senketsu, with the scissor blades in a guitar case. She’d decided to opt for subtlety when it came to carrying them around, but she wanted to keep them with her. She had decided to wear a jacket and leggings with her kamui, along with a pair of sneakers. All in all, she looked like she was in a rock band, but that suited her just fine. “Nice place you picked,” she looked around. Truth be told, she was getting used to being more friendly, but she was trying, darnit.
Diego saw Ryuuko arrive, wearing Senketsu. It was definitely an iconic look, plus he figured the sentient fuku deserved to know as much as Ryuko did about their place. He saw she carried a guitar case, where he suspected the scissor blades were in. He couldn't help but smile inwardly. He definitely would've had a crush on her if they went to high school together.

"Yeah, it's pretty decent and out of the way so we should be able to talk without anyone bothering us," Diego said as he led them inside. And indeed it was quiet. They were the only people in here besides the chefs and the person manning the register. Diego led them to a distant table.

Once they ordered their meals, Diego turned to her. "All right, what questions do you have regarding everything I told you yesterday?" Diego asked her.
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