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The Fibers of Fate (Jovialtraveler x MysteriousD)

Diego was enjoying his food along with the tempura that was their appetizer. He was also seeing Ryuko eating across from him as well. He nodded in agreement at her statement.

"Yeah though we should be able to. Granted, I don't know fully what the Needle can do," Diego noted to her as he looked at it. He took a drink of his soda. "How is it like with the transformation?" he asked, asking her and Senketsu, who appears to have fallen asleep.
“Well the costume is a bit drafty, but it’s also the only way to draw out Senketsu’s full potential, and my own. I always feel a little tired if I overdo it, and if I stay transformed for too long, I could pass out or worse, but the power... I never would have survived as long as I did without it.”
Diego wondered what Ryuko meant by the outfit being drafty, especially how she seemed to have blushed a bit when she mentioned it. "Well, I'll watch out for you so you're not left vulnerable," he told her what he was eating with a smile. "But yeah, I will try and find some more information and such on them..." Diego said as he kept eating.

Unbeknownist to them, they were being spied by a mysterious figure, staring at them through binoculars, wearing a strange cloak.
“Thanks.” Ryuuko turned her attention back to her food, smiling. The night had been pleasant. He seemed like a really nice guy, and that was rare.
"How are you enjoying the food?" Diego asked her as he kept eating while in some thought. He was also thinking more about what Ryuko said and just about her in general. She was quite pretty and confident too.
“It’s great. Eating alone always feels... lonely, doesn’t it? I sort of got used to eating with family during high school with Mako, but... I wanted to move out and make my own life.”
"Yeah... I know what you mean. I haven't been able to eat much with my family in a long while," Diego confessed to her. "Yeah, but let me guess... she's been wanting to spend more time, huh," Diego asked her though he wondered if Mako a boyfriend of ehr own, which could explain why Ryuko looked lonely.
"Who's that?" Diego couldn't ask as he saw Ryuko chuckle before seeing her look a bit downcast. "You ever thought of finding someone? I met with Mako a bit and she told me that you had people look at you or something," he asked her. Mako seemed nice, but she was confusing as heck.
“I suppose. Just don’t have the time; and everyone here knows as an....” she mutters the last bit, “exhibitionist....”
“Well, you are very pretty, but you’re still someone to be treated with respect,” Diego said, blushing when he realized he called her pretty.

“I guess you never got to do anything really fun as a kid,” Diego wondered as he took a sip.
Ryuuko thought he was going to be judgemental, but was pleasantly surprised. “I’m... thanks, Diego... you’re not bad yourself.”
Diego blushed at hearing what Ryuko said and wodnered how lonely she was here. "I guess you've been feeling lonely. Your best friend has a new boyfriend and your older sister is busy with work," Diego guessed. It would explain why she looks so much happier she had Senketsu again. Though they were both lonely.

He did wonder what she meant by exhibitionist though.

"Well, maybe we can hang out or such while we're working to stop this cult," he said to her.
“Gee.....thanks for pointing that out.” There it is.
There’s the sarcasm.
“But yeah, that does sound pretty nice. Maybe we could keep in touch when this is over?”
Diego softened at hearing her sarcasm. "Well, but at least we can spend time with one another," Diego said sheepisly as he was finishing his food and he saw her smile when mentioning about keeping in touch.

However, he had a bad feeling about something. Then something crashed through the window.

"HERETICS BLASHPHAMERS! You are a threat to our Great Weaver of Fate and you will pay!" a shout bellowed as they saw a person there. It was a person wearing some sort of robe. though it was warping into some sort of out fit. The robes were like Goku uniforms though made of patch works and Life Fibers.

"This must be one of the cultists!" Diego said before he managed to block a strike with the Great Needle.
Ryuko opened the guitar case and grabbed both blades, leading with the heavier red one before the slimmer, quicker purple one came in at the cultist’s stomach. Ryuko wanted to see how strong this guy really was before transforming herself, to know what they were up against.
Diego blocked another hit with the needle, the hard clang shaking Diego up. "These seem to be patchworks made out of some of those Goku unicofrms," Diego noted as he saw the cultist pulled back and defended himself from the attack of Ryuko. "HERETIC WEAPONS!" he shoted before he lumbered back before Diego saw a horrif sites.

She did indeed hit his stomach, but the blood was being drunked and the stitches covering the wound, coming from the uniform. There was the robe and the wraps around them, appearently made of Life Fibers.

"You're just a scout, right?" Diego said. The cultists just made an odd noise that Diego heard before but culdn't remmeber where. "YOU ARE THE TRAITOR," the cultist shouted at Ryuko and he launched red fibers at her.
Ryuko gasped and dived aside, pulling the pin on her glove and transforming as she rolled, before jumping back into the fray. Since he didn’t seem hurt, that meant she could go wild and really see how tough he was. She slashed at his shoulder.
The cultist yelled out in pain while Diego got up and he went forward to try and stab the cultist in the cloak and bandages. Diego then saw it... the Life Fibers recoiled and limped over to the thread. Diego pulled and the Life Fibers were obeying, causing the robe beginning to unstablize.
Ryuko saw the cultist trying to get away, and held him down, blushing as she remembered exactly why she hadn’t liked the outfit to begin with.... god, she wouldn’t even wear a lacy bra, but this was way worse.
Diego turned to see Ryuko holding down the cultist. "Good job!" he told her before he realized what she looked like. However, he focused back on the cultist, the only proof being a blush on his face. While Diego did indeed look at stuff when he was younger, looking at the real thing was different, especially someone as attractive as Ryuko.

"You... are a traitor. Your body will become a vessal," the cultist said as he stabbed himself with a ceremonial knife he had in a sleeve, and the life fibers were mixing in with his body and began trying to implant themselves in Ryuko, before they paused. Diego stabbed the man in the shoulder and the red threads fell. When he pulled it. the red threads followed, obeying Diego. "This thing works then," he said surprisingly. As he wiggled it , the man was struggling to move.

"Ryuko! Cut the main thread!" Senketsu told her.
“On it.” She said, slashing it between both blades, then shivering as she looked down at were the fibers had touched her. She felt... unclean.... like something tainted had touched her very soul. She let out a breath, watching the cultist, now covered in rags, and bleeding on the floor. “Diego.... I’m starting to think I was right about that these guys aren’t as weak as we thought... either that or I’m really rusty.”
The Cultist shrieked when the Life Fiber was cut. "Nooo!!!! MY PRECIOUS!" he said with a hiss before the cloak fell apart. He struggled to get up and the bandages held up. A red string was still attached to the bandages and needle that Diego was managing to manipulating it to fix the dude so he wouldn't die. "We better get him to the hospital. I don't want him dying," Diego noted. The cultist had calmed down.

"Purpose... purpose... why take my purpose... my fate...?" he said in a questioning if not pleading tone before he hit unconsciousness.

"Well, I'm guessing the latter. That and my guess was that he fought alot different than the guys you fought in the past," Diego said as he was doing his ebst to not stare at Ryuko so he wouldn't bother you. He was takign deep breaths to calm down from the fight.
“Right... most people try to dodge...” Ryuko let Senketsu change back, thankful that Diego hadn’t said anything about it, before taking her phone out of a jacket pocket and dialing 911, informing them that there was man with multiple wounds from jumping through a window. It was plausible, since glass was pretty sharp, and she hadn’t cut that deep.
Diego had looked at the man to check while Ryuko was falling whatever Japan had instead of 911.

“That thing about purpose... I’m wondering if they joined the cult because of that,” Diego noted before he turned and saw Ryuko was back to normal.

“Shy again? Is it because of him?” Senketsu asked Ryuko teasingly.
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