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Parallel (LunarWolf and Guardian)

Dominique was definitely a bit unsteady on her feet, although nothing terrible. She did look at the others that were waiting in the forest for a brief moment in time. There was Damian and then there were three of the servants that had been in the dungeons. "Where is my sister....?" she questioned after a moment in time. "She decided to go with Ariel, who went to warn our allies that they are walking into a trap." the red headed female spoke from where she was leaning against a tree, which had Dominique giving a small nod. She was still holding her right arm to her chest, the black coloring still not quite gone completely. And only Damian would know what was going on, more like what she had done, while the others would be confused.
Damian looked at her and while he didn't say anything he did raise an eye brow at her knowing full well what she had done.

while they were standing there Iris heard something and was able to tackle Damian to the ground just before a blow could be landed right where the males head was previously located. when she landed Iris managed to hit her abdomen with enough force to hurt herself and cause a miscarriage. Iris how ever didn't know that anything would be wrong at that point in time because of the secondary pain from the initial fall
Rose was just watching as Iris tackled Damian seeming out of the blue and something came out of nowhere, which would have struck where his head had been. With that she was actually darting off in that general direction, disappearing briefly. Damn archers and causing problems it seemed. How dumb they were to think that they could get away. "Hello. That wasn't very nice to do." Rose cooed at the person, who was all of a sudden quivering and was cut down by the red haired woman. She did look up for a brief moment in time before she was letting out a sigh of relief when she heard from Lance. Ariel had arrived to them safely.
Damian got up and while he wanted to help Iris up she seemed to be in enough pain that moving her at that moment didn't seem like a good idea. Damian then looked at Luke who moved to stand over the injured female and watched as he proceeded to growl at them all. "well we won't be getting close to her anytime soon" Damian didn't know if Rose would be able to get him to stand down or not
Dominique just watched for a brief moment in time before she was giving a small shrug then spoke, "We'll see about that. If I really wanted to, he wouldn't be stopping me." She looked over at Rose as the red haired female ran over to rejoin them. "Come on we need to get moving. It isn't safe here whatsoever. Ariel made it to my brother safely." Rose spoke after a moment in time.
Damian pointed at the two "your pet won't let us move her" Damian didn't know the males name so he just called him her pet since it was accurate as well Luke was more like a pet to Rose then anything else even if they did have sex now and then.
"Luke. We need to get moving. Like yesterday. Which means less defense and more letting the other two pick her up so we can get moving." Rose spoke after a moment in time before she was going over to a tree and took to climbing up into it.
Luke grumbled and hissed a little at them but then he backed off so that Damian could go and pick her up and so that they could get moving
Rose just looked down for a moment as she took to continue up the tree. Once she was to the top she was looking around for a brief moment in time. Good thing that the tree was mostly dead, which made for allowing her wings to form and taking to the air a whole lot easier.
Rose had already flown off away from the others, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary, that and keeping a look out for allies. In specific her brother since he had stated that he was going to be coming to meet her. With that Dominique was looking over at Damian for a moment before she was heading off, just wanting to get to her sister.
Damian looked at Jack and then at Dominique "do we know if Alaric is going to join us or is he going to stay by your fathers side" Damian wanted to know if he was going to have to fight his friend or not
Dominique looked towards him before she shook her head and spoke, "I'm not sure. We just saw him not to long ago. Oh and Damian.... if we do see my father, keep your distance from me. I promise he is beyond pissed off at me right now. More pissed with me than anybody else right now." This had her giving a devious grin before she cooed, "I may or may not have killed one of his damn titans. I have so much more control of the dark spear now though."
Damian nodded his head when he heard about the spear though he groaned a little "why did you have to use that there are other ways to kill the damn thing"
"Because it sounded like fun and I wanted to try it out." was all Dominique spoke as she was twirling on her heel and walking off through the woods.
Damian sighed and then shook his head "you are going to be the death of me I swear" Damian then looked at Luke a little warily since he wasn't sure what the male would do
"Why would I be the death of you? Your job was to serve my father and protect my sister. I have no guardians for a reason. Either they piss me off to the point I kill them, they just can't keep up with me, or there is no point." Dominique spoke after a moment in time before she was glancing towards the feral male for a brief moment in time, before she was skipping back over to Jack.
"I was talking about you worrying me though given how attached to Jack you have become you may just drive him a little crazy" jack would have smacked him had he not been carrying Iris in his arms at the moment. Jack however didn't liked Luke the male put him on edge
Dominique looked towards Damian before she cooed, "No need for you to worry about me." For some reason she almost felt hurt about how he had said that she was attached to Jack. Was it a horrible thing for her to have feelings for somebody. But that alone.... that was a foreign thing. The only person she carried about was Venus. Dominique was just just shaking her head before she was hurrying off ahead of the group once again.
Jack went after her and then pulled her to him and held on "he was teasing you Dominique he is happy for you don't let it hurt you, you should tease him back" Jack rested his head on her shoulder and just held on for a little bit hoping she would understand where he was coming from
"Happy.... for me..... I don't understand. Why would somebody be happy for me?" Dominique spoke after a moment in time before giving a small shake of her head. It was hard to believe at times, but her words were true. Emotions were still something so foreign to her, after all most of the time, the only time one ever saw her smile was when she was around Venus.
"because he knows you have someone you care for other then your sister that cares for you back to those closest to you it is easy to see" Jack tightened his hug a little and then shifted her a bit so she could see "watch Rose and Luke even from here you can see that while he is walking and watching our surroundings he is also watching her every move making sure that she is safe and sound"
Dominique just shook her head before she spoke, "I don't understand what you mean. I only care for my sister....." With that she was actually watching Rose and Luke for a moment in time, noticing what Jack had to say was true. Although it wasn't long before she was watching another male come out of nowhere and fly up to Rose, the red head just wrapping her arms around him in a hug. Obviously her brother.

"Good to see you Lance." Rose spoke in a soft voice before she was turning her attention to behind Lance when she saw the flags of the royal guards, and gave a slight grin. Not only was Gabriel there but so was Lucifer. Man when those two were together.... the battlefield usually got wiped clean. "And Lady Ar...." Rose started although she was cut off when the white haired female flew up, close beside her following that of her twin brother who was carrying Venus at the time.

Was Rose overly concerned with her queen being shot from the sky? Nope, not anymore than she was anybody else. Especially since she could see that Adrian was there as well. The angel who could control the wind. Arrows weren't something that would be able to get close to them with him around. It wasn't long before Lucifer was taking to dropping down towards the ground after allowing his wings to vanish, landing in a crouch a number of feet ahead of the group that trekked through the forest. It wasn't long before he was catching Ariel as she dropped out of the air and was setting the young angel queen on her feet. Soon enough Venus was being caught by the elder man and she was being set down on the ground.

"Renounce your ties to that of the vile king and you may accompany us to our camp, and to safety. If not.... then I will cut you down here and now." Lucifer spoke in a harsh tone, despite his queen standing right there. But he was definitely the more verbal one of the duo that was for sure, and he was usually the one who dealt with negotiations as it was. Already he was setting the little girl down and allowing her to wander over to Ariel, although the young angel queen didn't let her take off towards her sister quite yet. Nope especially not since there was a rather large open space between where Dominique was at and where the trio were standing. Done intentionally on Lucifer's part, more for the protection of his queen.
Jack looked at her "in time maybe you will" Jack then moved from her a little hurt but he also knew her emotions were also strange to her. Jack then walked over and took Iris from Damian and walked her over to Ariel laying her down so the young female could tend to her. Jack then looked at the male who was standing before him and spoke rather calmly "none of us would have left if we weren't ready to leave his service"

Damian nodded his head but his attention was on Ariel and Iris as he was worried about the two of them.

Luke was rather "verbal" about his dislike of the male. sometime during their walk he had returned to walking on all fours and growling in response as he didn't trust the people infront or him
Lucifer just scoffed before he spoke, "Spies do that all the time. Pretend to leave the service of their master, just to get intel to bring back to them." With that he was looking over towards Ariel as she was kneeling down on the ground next to Iris, placing a hand on her stomach where the pain seemed to be radiating from. She didn't say anything at all and he knew that it was safe for the time being, especially with a number of the angel elites up in the air and now his own children were dropping down into the clearing, their wings fading away. "God to see you are alright, Rose." Lucifer told his daughter, who just gave a chuckle. "I do hope you caused some hell while you were there." "Of course I did father." Rose spoke with a chuckle before she was looking towards Venus and speaking, "Come along. It is safe for you to go to your sister." This had the child bolting over to Dominique, who was scooping her up in a tight hug.
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