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Parallel (LunarWolf and Guardian)

Jack glared at him "we are not spies we don't have the time to play stupid games like this but if you want us to leave we will be more then happy to." while Jack was having a pissing match with he male Damian had walked over and gently touched Ariels shoulder and then knelt down next to her "how are Iris and her baby" while she had refused to eat any food Alaric brought her Ariel made it a point to bring her food and she had eaten that since she felt it would be safe for her to eat and not put her or her child at risk
"Do not put your hands on my sister." came a voice and Damian's hand was being swat away by that of Andrew, who was standing between that of his innocent twin and her current patient, and this human. Ariel just looked up for a brief moment in time although she didn't really say anything, nope she really didn't feel like saying much, and her main focus was on that of Iris, nothing else really mattered at that point in time. "Lady Ariel, here really isn't the safest of places to be tending to a patient. It is safe to move her? If so let us get her back to our camp, we are too out in the open." Lucifer spoke after a moment in time, his tone completely different when speaking to her. This had Ariel giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Yes we safely move her."
Damian looked at him and simply frowned at him he wasn't hurting her and he hadn't done some of the things that the king had wanted him to in fact once they grew closer he had ignored the male the whole time. Damian was protective of her and had made sure that the male couldn't hurt her at least not while he was with her but it seemed that the other male didn't know or didn't care about that fact
Andrew just looked over towards his sister for a moment in time, the pair having a mental conversation. "If you say so Ari. He hurts you, I'll kill him." was all Andrew said. It wasn't long before Lucifer was actually moving forward and picking up Iris before moving to the middle of the clearing, allowing his wings to form before he was taking to the sky. Dominique was wrapping wind around herself and grabbing ahold of Damian and Venus, drawing them up into the air with her. Jack she knew could shapeshift into something to fly, and Rose was going to take Luke. Andrew was grabbing his twin's hands and drawing her close to him before he was allowing his own wings to form, and taking to the air.
Jack sighed and then shifted and took flight while he didn't like heights he knew that flying was the quickest way for them to get where they were going.

when Rose went to go pick him up Luke growled a little more form being on edge about all the strange people then flying. while he knew Ariel, Damian and Iris he barely knew of Dominique and Jack and the others were complete strangers to him. when they did arrive where ever they were going he had a feeling more strange people would be there and he would be even more on edge
"Growl at me again and I'l leave you here." Was all Rose could say after a moment in time as she was allowing her wings to form and was taking off up into the sky after grabbing his hands, Lance taking flight behind her. Soon enough the army camp could actually be spotted, the banner of Aetherial being unmistakable. And coming to greet them just happened to be that of Gabriel himself. "Good to see you all back. We got a tent set up for the newcomers. Lady Ariel the medical tent is all prepared for the injured as well." Gabriel spoke as everybody was landing outside of the camp, Andrew setting his barefooted sister down lightly.
once he was on the ground Luke growled at all of those around them and then proceeded to go in to guard mode and didn't let anyone near them. before Rose could do anything though in way of lecturing Luke he spoke "if you could all back up just a little Luke hasn't been exposed to this many people who aren't a threat to him ever in his life and he has taken a liking to Rose and since he doesn't trust or like people easily this is all a little much for him granted Rose has been working on making him less feral" Damian looked at the male when he growled again more to try and get people to stay back from her
"Umm yeah he is going to have to settle with me being around people. As one of the generals of the Aetherial army, I need to be around my men. I need to lead them and command them." Rose spoke after a moment in time before she was thanking Lance when he mentioning that he had her armor with him. Well that was a piece of information that none of them would have known, that Rose was actually one of the five generals of the army. The other four being that of Lucifer, Lance, Gabriel, and Andrew. For the longest while everybody had thought that it was just the four guys and then Raphael was the fifth general, but that wasn't accurate at all. Not considering Raphael was in truth a female, who tended to disguise herself to hide her true gender, and she acted more as an assassin than a general.
Damian nodded his head "but for now humor him give him time to get to know those around you right now then slowly introduce him I have a feeling if you told him to do something while you worked he would do it" Damian found the males loyalty to her rather amazing given she had only been there a few months
Rose looked towards him for a moment before she spoke, "I'm not going to allow this to interfere with my duties as a general." With that she was shaking her head a bit then watched as Lucifer was heading off to the medical tent with Iris in his arms. She looked at Gabriel before she was inquiring, "Where is Raphael?" This had Gabriel giving a faint chuckle before he spoke, "I'm sure Raph is around somewhere, normally is. Now that Miss Ariel is back, and you'll be taking over as general, I'm sure Raph will be taking to shadowing our queen. As usual when you aren't around."
"hence the reason I said to give him a simple job that would keep him busy" Damian had a feeling that Luke would do well in a protection assignment since he was so deadly but to try and do things the normal way while he was there would be trouble some for them all
"I don't know who to have him protect." Rose spoke after a moment in time before she was looking towards Dominique as the woman stayed that he could stay with Venus. It seemed like Venus had taken a liking to him, as the child was standing over by him at the time. The child was just looking around with wide eyes at everybody that was around her.
After a little bit a figure dressed in all black seemed to come up out of nowhere, blonde hair was braided down the back. It was honestly very hard to tell if it was a female or a male with long hair, and that is how Raphael preferred it, usually anyways. Although now that she was around people, and since these newcomers were in their camp that meant people trusted them, she was pushing down her face mask.
"Welcome back Rose!" Raphael spoke, not even bothering to disguise her voice like she normally would at that point in time. Clear indication that she was female. "This is Raphael, one of the Arch-Angels. She acts mostly as assassin and Shadow for Lady Ariel when Rose isn't guarding her." Rose spoke after a moment in time which had the black-clad woman giving a slight bow.

Gabriel looked over at Raphael before he questioned, "How did it look?" "Well it looks like that man has summoned up his titans of destruction not that we didn't already see that coming. One of them seems to be down so we only have to worry about two." Raphael spoke after a moment in time before she was looking at the young child that came up out of nowhere and exclaimed that her big sister had taken care of one of the big meanies.
Luke rubbed his head against her side in an effort to try and calm her down. the girl was small and he knew that while she had magic she was no threat to him.

Damian ruffled the girls head and then from the bag he was carrying he produced both of the girls favorite stuffed animals her badly beat up bunny and her new teddy bear that she had been given. Damian then let out a small groan knowing full well the child had meant well but he had wanted to keep that a secret for a while since it would not be the best thing for every one there to know how powerful her sister was.
Venus looked over at Damian as he was producing her rabbit and her teddy bear, which had her grabbing ahold of them and holding them tightly in her arms. After that she was actually retreating back over next to Luke, and giggling at him a little bit. "Dommy. Why is he acting funny?" Venus questioned, in an innocent manner. An innocent question in all honestly. This had Dominique looking over for a moment before she spoke, "You know I'm not sure. Some people just do different things that we find strange and funny but it is normal for them." This had Venus giving a small nod before she spoke, "Oh okay." This was in a way telling the child not to be criticizing him for how he acted and she was spared from knowing how twisted their father truly was.

While they spoke, Ariel tended to Iris although was soon distracted by Raphael as the woman seemed to come into the room. "Lady Ariel." Raphael bowed her head and the white haired female looked over for a moment. She was just finishing up with Iris, who she had determined was in a safe condition now. Although she had unfortunately suffered a miscarriage, there wasn't much that Ariel could have done for the child as it was. So for the time being, Ariel was waiting for Iris to wake up so that she could explain what had happened. And to explain that she would need to do a minor surgery to remove the three month old fetus from her stomach.
"Andrew said that he will keep an eye on her and alert you to when she wakes up. For the time being, I need you to come with me." Raphael spoke just as Andrew came into the room, which had Ariel giving a nod of her head. It wasn't long before the white-haired angel was rushing outside with the blonde haired woman, the duo moving past the others towards another part of the camp, an area that had been quarantined off. These weren't angels at all, instead they were villagers that they had rescued although they were deathly sick with something that had been cooked up by Apocalypse, no surprise to many.
Damian smiled a little when she asked she was curious and when something was explained she let it go rather then try and figure it out more.

Luke shifted around her so that he was more or less curled around her protecting her. if anyone besides Damian, Rose Ariel, Iris or her sister tried to get close to the little girl they would find out just how dangerous it was to get between him and who he was protecting.
"Where is Miss Ariel going?" Venus questioned after a moment in time when she spotted the young woman and went to follow after her, although she was stopped by Lance who was kneeling down. "Miss Ariel is going to tend to some very sick people. If you follow after her, there is a chance that you will get sick as well. And children haven't been able to survive this illness." Lance explained gently which had the child nodding her head. This had Dominique looking over at him for a moment before she was looking towards Damian and questioned, "Did he release the Blood Mist?" His experimental sickness basically. He had been designing it and had wanted to test it out, and using a village out in the middle of nowhere was the best idea. Nobody else would get sick since nobody ever went there at all... hopefully anyways. If that was the case, Dominique was going to find the village and destroy it. It was the best option.

Ariel was entering the quarantine area, although unlike the other angels that were there, she didn't wear an mask or gloves. She had no fear of getting sick. Her magic protected her from getting sick. Which was probably a good thing. With that she was rushing over to a few people so that she could look over them and figure out what was going on.

Raphael returned to the group although once again she was pulling up her face mask and her hood, hiding away her blonde hair. "Leaving again?" Gabriel questioned. This had the woman giving a nod before she spoke, "Back to the palace to see what more I can learn." With that she was seeming to almost vanish.
Damian nodded his head "yep he wanted to test to see how potent it was he felt there was a flaw in the design apparently some people have the chance of being naturally immune to it and that a cure could be found" Damian shrugged a little at that if it was true they had a weapon against the most if not they had to be careful or they could all end up ill and spreading the disease
Dominique was giving a small sign before she spoke, "Of course he would do something like that." With that she was shaking her head a bit before looking towards Rose as the red haired female came back up to the group, although she looked far different than what she had before, with her new outfit on and everything. Definitely looking more like a general and warrior.
"yea but I didn't like the idea of the mist and I implanted a flaw in to it that won't show right away" Damian explained what he had done a simple herb tea would counter act the effects of the mist but he didn't know if the king would figure out that he tampered with it or not
"The people who have been effected by it for a long duration, are severely ill. After a week they start coughing up blood, and children rarely survive if they catch it." Gabriel spoke after a moment in time before he was looking over towards the quarantine zone. The angels could feel the warmth of their queen's magic radiating about the area, curing those that were sick.
"this I know fact" Damian looked over when he felt the power radiate out "you can inoculate against it as well thats what the king did this would allow his men to go in after its release and get what he was after"
Gabriel just gave a faint chuckle before he spoke, "I am not super concerned about it, especially now that our queen is back." "Our queen being gone for so long put many of the angels in turmoil." a new feminine voice spoke after a moment in time which had a few people looking over at the new woman that came up. Dressed in armor, with twin swords at her hips. Although this armor was a little different from what the angels were wearing that was for sure. "This is my wife Persephone, she is a valkyrie." Gabriel spoke after a moment in time as he took his wife's hand and just held her to him, just listening as she mentioned that Eternity, her queen, was getting really annoyed with Apocalypse. Even more so now than priorly. "And there has been a time when she wasn't annoyed with him?" Gabriel questioned her with a chuckle. This had her speaking, "True. And she is a lot calmer now that her daughter is back safe and sound."
Damian raised an eye brow at that but said nothing. when he heard some grumbling he turned and looked at Luke who had some how gotten Venus to climb on to his back and was walking off heading who knows where. Damian wasn't really worried about her getting hurt since he knew how protective Luke was and he would keep her safe from anything that could harm her.

Luke was headed to a field he had seen when they had flown over it was filled with wild flowers and he had a feeling that the. little girl would enjoy playing there. when they arrived and Luke let her get off his back he moved to sit where he could watch both her and the surrounding area
Venus was looking around when they arrived at the field before she was just looking around with a small giggle. "So pretty!" With that she was running over to pick a few flowers, not overly worried about anything happen. Luke was there, and there was always one of the elemental spirits with her from her sister.

Dominique just watched Venus get carried off by Luke although she wasn't super concerned at that point in time. After all that man did anything to Venus, Rose would probably get to him before Dominique could. The red haired female was a terrifying enemy as well, that Dominique had seen a few times to the past. "Allow me to show you guys to your tents." Gabriel spoke after a moment in time although it wasn't long before he was looking over as Ariel returned to the group with Rose following behind her. "How are the patients?" he questioned. This had Ariel tilting her head before she spoke, "Good. Gabriel. I want Moka contacted. I wanted to know everything there is to know about this strange illness. And who better to ask than.... the embodiment of Pestilence herself." Moka, AKA the Rider of Pestilence was one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. And a very close ally to the angels....although getting her to leave her laboratory where she was always doing rather dangerous experiments, well would be with anybody else around, wasn't an easy thing. She had a thing for mixing diseases together and creating something new, that the world had never seen before. Moka could easily bring back the Black Plague if she so desired, and mixed with with Tuberculosis and a few other deadly diseases, a terrifying combination. "As you wish, my queen." Gabriel gave a bow before he was sending a messenger off to do that.

As he did this, Andrew was drifting over and wrapping his arms around his twins, just drawing her close to him in a hug. This left Rose to give a small wave of her hand before she was heading off with her own brother, more than likely to go and spar. She was bored like that.
Luke walked over to a rock and climbed up on to it and then settled down to watch her as she played. while he was watching her he was also keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Luke sat still as a stone for close to an hour or so before he spotted one of the hounds that scouted a head for the kings advanced guard. Luke jumped off the rock and landed dragon from in front of Venus just as the hound lunged at her
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