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Parallel (LunarWolf and Guardian)

Damian looked at the male and then spoke "send Jack to her he should be able to calm her down at least enough for it to be safe to do the patrol in that area" Damian then moved to Ariel and Venus and guided them out of the room mumbling softly to them to keep their heads down and not make a sound. Damian didn't want to risk them getting caught and in trouble as it would mean he was separated from the two females
The guard was giving a nod and running off so that he could find Jack, thankfully it didn't take him long. "Jack, your assistance is needed. Lady Dominique is in a very bad mood, and Damian thinks you would be the best to try and calm her down. Otherwise.... it isn't safe for you guys to continue your patrol. She is where you need to patrol right now." the guard spoke to the other male as he ran up, slightly out of breath. It had been a while since many had seen Dominique this pissed off, but many could already feel the dark aura that seemed to emit from the young woman.

Ariel was giving a nod before she was carrying Venus in her arms, who had ended up falling asleep. With that she was following behind him, keeping close with the child in her arms.
Jack looked over at him and nodded his head "I'll talk go talk to her so patrol a different section of the castle. it didn't take long for him to find her since all he had to do was follow the killing aura. "you know I get your pissed at your father right now but you are scaring most of the other guards" Jack wasn't going to tell her just yet that Damian was taking Venus and the others out of the castle to get them away from her father.

Damian moved through the tunnel and when they got to Rose and Luke's cell he opened it up and told them to get the hell out so they could go and get Iris. Iris had been eating recently but only if one of the three of them brought the food.
Dominique looked towards him for a moment before she spoke, "That asshole fucking hit me, and then threatened to hurt my baby sister. He threatened to hurt a four year old. That is not okay." With that she was folding her arms across her chest in an annoyed manner.

Rose was looking up after a moment before she was going over to Ariel, speaking to her softly. "Yes Lucifer and Lance are on their way. But... they are walking into a trap." Ariel spoke in a soft voice. Something she had learned from Damian, and this had Rose giving a nod before she spoke, "I can get to them and warn them."
Iris shook her head "I can send a warning fast and no one will be able to stop it" Iris's charms sounded for a moment before a blank faced form appeared "just look it right in the general face area and tell it who you are sending the message to while picturing them in your head and then tell it exactly what you want them to know. this charm can't be killed or stopped from getting to where it needs to go." Iris figured it was better if they had more then one or two fighters there since she didn't fully trust Luke yet as he seemed to still bounce between being feral and trying to be normal

Jack nodded his head "I can understand your feeling rather well but you have a lot of the men on edge and the last I saw Damian and Ariel were leaving the castle with her to keep her safe'" Jack knew the tit was only them there so he wasn't worried about telling her that information at the time
Rose just looked towards Ariel for a brief moment in time which had the white haired female just nibbling on her lip for a brief moment in time. "As much as the offer is appreciated. Our allies may believe that it is Apocalypse merely trying to trick them or something. It would be better if Rose did go." Ariel spoke after a moment in time although it wasn't long before Rose was tapping her lips then spoke, "Actually no, Ari you go on ahead. You will be safer with them. They will listen to you. I would say take the girl with you but.... I don't know how her sister will react." "I will tell big sister I went willingly. Because it is true." Venus spoke after a moment in time, as she was clinging to Ariel tightly.

Dominique looked towards him for a moment in time before she was giving a small frown before she spoke, "Damian left the palace.... and didn't stay at the side of his master. Interesting." With that she was actually finding herself moving and pulling Jack closer to where she was and the pair seems to be levitating in the air, just as the grounds beneath them seemed to give way.
Iris shrugged and the figure vanished returning to its place on her bracelet.

Damian smiled and then gently petted her hair "you know this will not be easy Venus things will change drastically for you" Damian knew the girl was terrified but if she went with Ariel while she would possibly live in the palace things would be different there.

Jack looked down and then sighed a little and shook his head "you know being a shifter doesn't mean I can magically sprout wings" Jack wasn't mad at her he was more annoyed that the ground had given way and if she had not been there he possibly have falling to his death
"Don't blame me. Seems like father has decided to awaken the damn monster in the depths." Dominique spoke as she was looking down although there was an almost scary grin on her lips. A faint giggle escaped her lips before she cooed, "Oh and it is a shame I'm partial to siding with whomever Venus sides with. And if she is with the Angel Queen now. I guess that means.... I've become an enemy of my own father. Works for me. Gives me an excuse to go all out."

Venus was giving a nod before she was being picked up by Ariel. Rose was taking off her cloak and wrapping it around Ariel before she spoke, "Be careful and be safe. Don't take flight unless you have to." "Yes I know. You guys stay safe as well." Ariel spoke before she was speaking something an a symbol was appearing on the shoulders of Damian, Iris, Rose, and Luke. Something that would increase their healing should their get injured. With that the white haired angel took off in the general direction that Rose had pointed her, the red haired female already reaching out to her brother.
"I'm not blaming you if you had done it you would have warned me so I could shift" Jack smiled at her lightly and then looked down again and visibly pales while he could and sometimes did shift in to flying animals he wasn't fond of heights while in his human form as that often made him nervous and uncomfortable
Dominique just gave a snicker before she spoke, "I wouldn't have had the time to warn you. Lets see. There are three of these things. So.... I wonder how badly I can piss off daddy if I decide to destroy one of them." This had her holding out a hand and he was floating over to where it was safer, and he was on stable ground. Her eyes seemed to go from their normal blue color to almost pure black, and the elements seemed to form around her. A dark smirk formed on her lips before she held out a hand then spoke, "Lets try this out. Dark Spear.... I call you forth." The sky above her seemed to get dark before there was what appeared to be a black lightning bolt that came down, appearing to strike the female. Although after things cleared up it appeared that the black lightning bolt had taken shape in her hand although there was a look of pain across her features, and the skin that touched the accursed dark spear seemed to slowly take on a black color. The corruption setting in, although it would fade away once she released the magic. A new trick that she had learned, which was essentially combined darkness and lightning together, creating something deadly and unstable.

Venus was the one who spotted the lightning which had her getting the angel queen to stop for a moment, and the elder female was looking back. "Big sister...." Venus cried and Ariel reassured her that everything was going to be okay, that she was going to be okay. "No... that magic.... that is corruptive. Big sister couldn't handle it last time. She lost her sanity and started to kill people.... it took forever to get her back." Venus sobbed and Ariel knelt down in front of the child and spoke, "It will be okay. I promise. She made you a promise right, that she was going to be at your side. Which means she needs to live, and needs to come to your."
Jack watched her and worried a little but hoped that she would be ok once she was done with it. Jack moved carefully out of the hall so she could h=do her work with out having to worry about him being to close to her and risk getting hurt
Even with Jack backing away he would see the titan that was under the palace work on climbing out of the hole, a giant hand coming out and landing where he had formerly been standing. Now that was terrifying. Dominique was giving a grin before she spoke, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Lets see what we can do." With that she was actually tossing the dark spear down at the thing, the moment it left her hand she was hugging her right arm to her chest tightly. Man did it hurt like no other, the black had spread up to the middle of her upper arm, and she felt like her arm was on fire. There was a loud roar of pain from the titan before it suddenly stopped moving which had Dominique floating down a bit closer. It did make one final attempt to swat at her, which did actually send her backwards into the wall but thankfully the elements around her cushioned that or it would have been a lot worse. Still had her collapsing to the ground though, although she probably would have anyways.... using that damn magic was definitely taxing but it had worked it seemed. "Success." Dominique cooed.
Jack moved over to where she was and gently pulled her to her feet careful to avoid touching her black arm since he didn't know if he touched it if it would cause her pain or not "ok lets get out of here now before someone comes looking to see what happened t this one and see's us both" Jack would rather fight another day then wait around to be found
Dominique only seemed to be half paying attention to his words at that point in time. Nope there was that familiar sanity loss feeling, just like last time but for the time being she was keeping it together. "Once we are away from here.... I need you to do something. There is a needle in my pouch, I need you to use it on me." she spoke after a moment in time, her voice tight. No she knew this feeling, it happened the last few times as well, and it hadn't ended pretty whatsoever. With that they were entering a courtyard, one that everybody tended to stay away from just because it was where Venus always played when she wanted to be outside but didn't want to leave the palace at all. "That was fun.... I want to find one of the others and kill them as well." Dominique cooed after a moment in time as she was stepping away from Jack, although the strange blackness seemed to be fading away, inching back down her arm.
"no" Jack didn't yell it but his voice was firm as he gently took her arms and pulled her to him "you promised your sister you would go back to her now you need to keep it" Jack had the needle and he didn't want to use it if he didn't have to. Jack knew that if he had to use it, it would make things a little more difficult for them in the long run
"I know I promised her, and I will.... after I've taken care of those other two monsters." Dominique cooed after a moment in time before she was giving a small giggle. Almost an eerie giggle to be honest, but that was pretty normal for her. She had the tendency to be quite sadistic. Who would have figured that it was actually Alaric coming up quickly behind them and taking the needle from Jack, and sliding it into the woman's neck, pushing the plunger in. "Grab her and follow me." was all Alaric said as he tossed the needle away. The magic around Dominique seemed to calm and the blackness took to fading away more quickly although she was going more limp in Jack's arms.
Jack caught her and then glared at the male before he scooped her up and headed after him. he would have found away to get the female sane especially since he didn't like her being pumped full of drugs simply to calm her down
"Deal with it. There is no getting her calm when she is in that mood. Last time this happened, back before you came here, she wiped out the entire west wing. This was back before Venus was born. Almost a hundred people were killed, and it took us days to get her calmed down." Alaric spoke after a moment in time. It wasn't as if it knocked Dominique out, it was more she was a little out of it. Like how a person was when they were in the hospital and they were just given morphine, how they were a bit loopy and completely out of it.
Jack said nothing since obviously the male knew everything about her and he figured if that was the case then staying quite was the better option
"Its true..... That did happen...." Dominique did end up mumbling after a little bit, seeming to be a little bit more with it at that point in time. It wasn't long until they were reaching the garden where Alaric was pushing open the secret door that would lead them out into the forest.
Jack just looked at her and then nodded his head a little before heading through the door and out in to the forest to go and find the others
Alaric just ended up closing the door behind them, not following after them at all. Dominique just wrapped her arms around Jack's neck since he was still carrying her although she was telling him that he could put her down.
"not until your a little more secure and stable" Jack was talking about on her feet and nothing else as her head still lulled form side to side a bit. once she was fully better he would set her down
Jack gave her a blank look and only set she down once they were near the others since he figured she would kill him if he carried her all the way to them and embarrassed her.
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