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Parallel (LunarWolf and Guardian)

Apocalypse was actually yanking the paper away from him and looking at it before he growled under his breath. Man was he irritated and got told to fuck off by Dominique when he tried stating that she was to lead one of his factions. "I want nothing to do with this stupid little war of yours. It holds no interest to me." she spoke with a shrug before she was getting to her feet so that she could leave the room.
Damian watched her face showing that he was a little confused as to why she was suddenly acting out and had to wonder if it had to do with Jack he had see the male with her often until recently when he had been transferred to a different unit because the king didn't like the male getting close to his daughter
Dominique was walking out of the room and it wasn't long before Venus was running up and the elder female was scooping the child up. "Hey sweetheart. You don't want to go in there right now. The adults are talking." she told the child, who just pouted a bit. "Oh but I wanted to see daddy, Damian, and the other people. I wanted to play with them." Venus whined a bit which had Dominique giving a faint chuckle before she spoke, "Why don't we go to your room and play with your dolls."
Damian listened to everyone argue about the best way to get rid of the threat form the other kingdoms and and he couldn't help but feel that this could have all been avoided if they hadn't kidnapped the angel queen and refused to hand over the demon princess
Who would have figured that one of the younger generals would be the one to speak up and commenting that it would have been avoided if they had kidnapped the angel queen, or refused to hand over the demon princess. "That bastard child is no princess. If anything, me refusing to hand her over was for their own benefit. Having a half-breed such as that on the throne would only lead to the fall of the demon kingdom." Apocalypse spoke. It wasn't long before a servant was coming in and speaking to Damian in a low voice, stating that his pet had ended up collapsing and that she was in the quarantine area. This would be the first time that Damian would end up entering there, if he decided that he was going to go and get her himself, and he would see the horror that awaited behind that door.
Damian nodded his head and then excused himself and headed to the area she was while he knew he shouldn't be there he also knew that leaving her there wouldn't be for the best and needed to get her back to the room.
The servant was leading him towards the quarantine zone and was pushing open the doors, not even acting like it was a legit quarantine zone. There was no gown or mask, or even gloves being put on at that point in time. Which would seem almost fishy at that point in time. The room was actually well lit and there were a number of people that were just wandering around there were also another of them that were just laying in bed. All of the serious injuries had been healed, although now they were just stuck with the more minor injuries. "Strange to see the esteemed lord's little pet here." one of the humans scoffed after a moment in time, arms folded across his chest. "This is Miss Ariel's master." the servant spoke after a moment in time which had a few of the others looking over for a moment. "This is the quarantine zone but it isn't what you think it is. This is where the Lord tosses all of the humans that have pissed him off after torturing them for days on end. They are left here for days on end withering in agony before the lord finally sends doctors to tend to a few of them." the servant that had lead him into the room spoke after up after a moment in time, explaining the situation. With that he was giving a bow and backing away, leaving one of the slaves that was in the room to lead Damian to where Ariel was at. After she had ended up collapsing a few of the healed slaves had taken to getting her settled on a bed, and one of the woman were watching over her right now. "Seems like she collapsed from over usage of magic, and she is running a slight fever." the woman spoke, more so to the others that were around, not even seeming to notice that Damian was there.
Damian walked over and touched her head gently before he scooped her up "its time for her to get back to the room I will make sure she is well taken care of" Damian cradled her close to his chest and after moving by the others he slipped out of the room. while it seemed that he was indifferent seeing what he had had effected him and once she was well enough he was getting her out of there
"You had better take care of that poor child. And don't be blaming her for not saying anything. That vile creature threatened to cut out her tongue if he found out she said anything. So you are better off pretending you know nothing, or it will be her that suffers." the woman spoke after a moment in time as she got to her feet and folded her arms across her chest. Once he had left, the others went back to doing as they usually did... just sat around and talked waiting for that vile creature to show up again and torture them.

Dominique was walking down the hallway when she spotted Damian and the angel that was in his arms, although the expression on his face told her everything. "Tea with honey, it will help fight off sickness. And plenty of rest." she spoke before she was giving a small wink and disappearing off down the corridors, heading to exactly where she knew Jack was at the time.
"thank you and tell Jack I said to man up" Damian knew how Jack felt and knew if the male didn't say something too it would be to late for him to do anything other then watch her from afar.
"Sure I'll pass on the message." Dominique waved and ran down the hallway, her hair swaying behind her. It didn't take her long to find Jack and she was sliding up behind him before she cooed in his ear, "By the way I was told to tell you by Damian to man up."
Jack jumped a little when she snuck up behind her and then he turned and looked at her "well I will take that in to account but considering what he is referring I don't know if I should push my luck"
Dominique gave a faint smirk before she spoke, "Shit is about to get really fucking ugly, and fast." With that she was giving a shake of her head before stretching her arms above her head a bit, not even caring if the bottom of her breasts ended up showing beneath her crop top that hung just a smidge below her breasts as it was.
"that isn't anything new but this could have been avoided taking the angel queen hostage had been a really bad move" Jack had a feeling he would be shipped out to the front lines soon so he decided to do and Damian had said and manned up. with little warning to her Jack grabbed the back of her head and pulled her in to him and kissed her. his grip wasn't tight so she could push him away if she didn't like him kissing her
"Meh daddy already tried to order me off to lead the men, I told him to fuck off. I want nothing to do with his silly fight. And one of the younger generals did point that out to him as well." Dominique spoke although she was quite startled by his next actions, which was all of a sudden, not to mention slight randomly, pulling her to him and kissing her. This actually had her blushing a bit and a few of the guys around were giving cat calls. "Get a room you two." another spoke with a faint chuckle.

Ariel did eventually end up rousing a bit although it was more because of the sick feeling that she had, exactly why she was sitting up and just letting out a slow breath. Nope she wasn't going to be sick, just push that feeling away. She did look around for a brief moment and realized that she was back in the room she usually shared with Damian, but she didn't see him. The last thing she remembered was being in the quarantine area, then she had ended up collapsing.
Damian returned with the drink Dominique had recommended and then smiled "settle in I have something for you so that you will feel better and then we need to talk" Damian was going to be careful with how he said things since he didn't want the king finding out about his plans.

Jack moved back after a moment and then rubbed his neck "sorry I shouldn't have done that with out your permission "
Ariel just looked towards him a little warily especially when he said that they needed to talk. "I.... I'm sorry for whatever I did to upset you...." she spoke in a soft voice and found that her hands were shaky. Although this was a combination from being sick and exhausted, and being frightened.

Dominique looked at him for a moment in time before she spoke, "No need to apologize."
"its nothing you did now drink your tea it will help you feel better" Damian settled on to the bed next to her. in the past few months they had grown close and while the first time they had sex was rape when they did it now it was mutual and they both wanted it.

Jack nodded his head "if your sure I just don't want you to be angry with me" Jack was a slaves son so some habits he had picked up form his mother and being slightly submissive was what had stuck with him
Ariel was giving a small nod and was clutching the cup slightly in both hands, grateful that it wasn't a regular tea cup. Although she didn't take a drink right away, just let it rest on her lap for the time being. She could see the liquid in the cup quivering a bit as her hands shook.

Dominique looked at him before she spoke, "You would have known if that wasn't cool. As far as I'm concerned, you can do whatever you want to me." With that she was giving a wink before her attention was turning towards one of her elemental creations as it returned. Her wind elemental which had been patrolling the forested area, although it was more to inform here that there was nothing out of the ordinary. "If you'll excuse me. I have to go and play dolls with a four year old." Dominique cooed before she was giving him a kiss on the lips and walking off. "Dude.... you just basically had that beauty tell you you could fuck her and she wouldn't care." one of the guys spoke and was patting him on the back.
Jack nodded his head "of course" Jack knew that Venus like playing with her sister and those she considered family since it made her feel less alone. he then looked at the guy who was batting him on the back and glared "show some respect yes she is beautiful but she had an amazing mind and personality." Jack then headed off as he needed to complete his patrol before checking in with his commander and then starting all over again. this was the one thing he didn't like about having patrol since it was so dull but he also knew that it was better to do so then to not.

"take a few deep breaths Ariel ok what I need to speak to you about isn't bad and your not in trouble" Damian helped steady her hands before lifting the cup to her lips "come one drink up"
Ariel was just giving a slow nod before she was taking a small sip of the tea, which actually did help her relax a bit as well. She was a little more steady with her hands, able to hold the cup on her own at that point in time. Granted she was holding onto it tightly with both hands, there was no strong fear that it was going to spill everywhere. "Then what is it you are wanting to talk about...?" Ariel questioned after a moment in time.

While this happened Dominique had discovered that Venus wasn't even in her room at the time, actually she wasn't even in the palace. The child had decided that she wanted to go outside to the garden. Although she was alone other than the light elemental that followed the child around, invisible to the eyes of all other than Dominique and Venus, only because she wanted the child to know that she was safe. So Dominique was heading out of the palace, and headed outside. There was something that was bothering her, and that was saying something. Probably something that her father had done.

"Tell me that you have gotten rid of the child growing in the slave's womb." Apocalypse spoke to Alaric who shook his head before he spoke, "Nope but at the rate she is going, she will end up miscarrying. She refuses to eat anything that is brought to her. Guess if she starves herself and the babe dies, oh well." Not like he really wanted a kid anyways, he was miffed that the damn pill hadn't worked at all. Yet some how neither Rose or Ariel were pregnant, and neither of them had taken the pill to stop them from getting pregnant, nor was any kind of protection used.
"I want to get all of you out of here if he thinks he is going to lose he won't hesitate to kill you" Damian had had enough of the king over these last few months the king had become more and more insane and he was done with working for a male who couldn't be bothered to listen to others around him anymore. even with his generals there he would do as he pleased.
Ariel just raised an eyebrow for a moment in time before she spoke, "You should be glad that I can tell if a person is lying or not." With that she was taking another sip of her tea before she was looking towards the window. The cup was being set down and she was getting up, running over to the window to gaze outside, her hands on the glass. She could feel Andrew close, which told her that he had come with the others. More than likely with the first group that was going to strike, or with a group that was sneaking in to rescue the hostages. "Umm.... I think things are about to get very ugly. I do hope you know somebody that is able to calm the young Lady of the house down." Ariel spoke in a wary tone. The window gave her a good view of the garden, where Apocalypse was currently arguing with Dominique who was holding Venus in her arms. Man the woman looked behind pissed and her heart went out to the child, who was obviously frightened. Who would have figured that a strange breeze suddenly seemed to swirl around the room, despite the windows being closed before the child was appearing on the bed, crying and babbling that daddy was mad. And daddy had hit sister because she talked back. "Oh sweetheart. Come here." Ariel spoke and wrapped her arms around the neck, who was quivering in fear. Her father had threatened her life as well it seemed.
Damian walked over and rubbed her back "now now little one I won't let anyone hurt you so don't worry" Damian wouldn't he would have to die before he would let someone harm Venus she was a sweet and innocent child. Damian then looked out the window "I think Jack would be able to do it but I wouldn't want to send him to her with her father there since the male maybe inclined to kill him with out a second thought
Ariel just looked for a moment before was looking at Venus as she was saying something is a soft voice, about how daddy had threatened to kill somebody named Jack if Dominique didn't help him. And had then threatened to have Venus thrown into the quarantine area to suffer for a while. "I don't want to get sick." Venus sobbed which had Ariel just hugging her close before she was humming softly, the child slowly beginning to just sniff as she listened to the woman.

"Go fuck yourself. If you hurt anybody that I care about, I will fucking kill you." Dominique spoke in a dark voice before the wind was swirling around her and the man was sent stumbling backwards a bit before she was turning and heading off inside. The winds around her were almost dangerous, but at least they didn't hurt anybody, but they were well aware that they were present. One of the guards that actually worked with Jack and the others was running into the room before he spoke, "Um I think we should hold off on our patrol. Where we are suppose to patrol next is right where the young Mistress of the House is and.... there is a very dangerous aura round her right now. She isn't happy... At all."
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