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Parallel (LunarWolf and Guardian)

Damian held her close to her to him "its ok baby girl your sister and Ariel are going to be ok but I need to ask you a favor can you boost their powers from here give them a little extra strength if not that is ok" Damian knew the girls powers were strong he just didn't know what all she could do but he also didn't want to push her to do more then she could
Venus looked at him before she spoke, "Big sister says I should never do that to her power...especially when she is mad. She doesn't want me to get hurt. But I can help Miss Ariel." With that she was nodding before she was looking over towards Felix and he was moving towards them swiftly and covering them with his wings just as part of the medic tent was pelted with shards of rock, which came through like mini bullets, from the barrier breaking open. Seemed like the titan had found a weak spot, for the moment anyways.

Raphael was already drawing Ariel away before the barrier could shatter and the two woman, being the closest to where the barrier shattered, were ducking down and covering their heads to try and avoid serious injury. They did get a little cut from but nothing major. "You alright Ari?" Raphael questioned which had the white haired female giving a nod before she spoke in a soft voice, "Yes I'm okay." With that she was calling her staff to her hand and speaking a different spell softly, one that her father had taught her long ago. His strongest defense magic, one that he had barely been able to maintain at times. But it was to be used by those with truly pure hearts.

While this happened, dark clouds seemed to form around one of the other titans and that bolt of black lightning was crashing down to the ground, being picked up by the dark haired woman. She had an emotionless expression on her face despite the large titan towering over her, not like it phased her at that point in time. There were a few other angels around that were taking care of the little guys that had followed after the titan, but she was there to deal with the titan itself.
"then help Ariel but stay close to me while you do it ok" while Felix had protected them from getting him a few had bounced off Luke and woke up the male who was now irritated and had a lot more smoke billowing out of his mouth. but he was for at least the moment relatively calm so Damian wasn't worried yet but if it got worse then he was going to be calling in Rose to settle him done
Venus was giving a nod and would have gotten up but Felix spoke, "Safe your strength for now. Lady Ariel has it handled for the time being. Feel how the magic changed, how it feels more pure and gentle. This is one of the ultimate defense spells that one with Crystal magic can use. Her father was able to cast this as well, before he fell to corruption, which was after his daughter had been taken from him." It wasn't long before Raphael actually came drifting into the medical tent with Ariel, the pair of the bleeding from a few minor cuts but they were fading away.
Ariel just looked towards Luke for a moment before she spoke in a soft voice, "Rose shall be back soon." She was brushing some of her hair out of her face before she was looking towards Raphael, who was disappearing once again. The white haired angel walked towards the entrance and was peering outside, just watching what was going on. She could definitely tell where Dominique was at, and she could tell that the other woman was using that dark magic. It seemed to faintly appear on Ariel as well, more as an illusion that Ariel had set up with the bracelet, so that they could see how far it had spread.
Damian shook his head "I hate when she uses this". Damian knew better then most that it would only get worse unless they had a way to knock her out cold so that she couldn't hurt anyone while she calmed down and then darkness went away
Ariel looked towards him for a moment before she spoke, "She does this to protect everybody. She does this to prove that she is against her own father, and prove that she can be trusted. Miss Dominique will be okay." She was looking towards the barrier once again, watching as the other titan went back to throwing stuff at it before she was looking towards Felix. "Felix. Take Adrian, Lance, and Rose. Take it down now that the other one is distracted as well." she ordered which had Felix giving a grin before he was heading off.
"I understand that but dark magic is dangerous and she knows it she just refuses to listen" Damian then settled Venus back in her bed and looked out a different flap to see what all was going on out there
"For some people.... dark magic comes naturally. For Miss Dominique. Dark magic is her natural magic. That was the magic she was born possessing. Everything else was.... forced upon her at a young age. A guinea pig for her own father wanting to make the ultimate weapon. But I doubt he ever suspected her to turn against him." Ariel spoke although she was giving a faint shudder at even the mention of that vile man.
Damian looked at Ariel and then motioned to Venus silently saying to be careful of what was said around the child while her father had tried to hurt her he wanted to make sure that she didn't know the true horror for some time if at all possible
Venus wasn't even paying attention at that point in time, she was just staring out the window. "Woah.... black lightning." the girl spoke after a moment in time. Ariel was simply sitting down on the edge of one of the cots before looking at her right arm, using magic to see how far the corruption had spread on Dominique.
A number of days had gone by since the fighting had started, although it hadn't really seemed to die down at all, instead the angels had ended up taking to retreating back to Aetherial for a while. But not that they were heartbroken about it, they had managed to destroy another one of the titans that belonged to Apocalypse, although now they weren't able to locate Dominique at all. It was as if her own magic had swallowed her up, and had resulted in Venus going into a panic mode, but she found a new "sister" figure with that of Rose, Iris, and Ariel. She could always be found around one of those three if she wasn't clinging to Damian, but it was obvious that she was very upset and hurting, under the belief that her sister was dead.

"It seems that we have received word from the demon kingdom. Now that the king has passed away, the prince that didn't want the throne is temporarily sitting on the throne. And now that the king has passed away, it means that the treaty between the angels and demons needs to be redone, just as both parties agreed on." Raphael told Ariel, who was just lounging in the pool within the inner temple, a sacred area in which only herself and those she permitted were allowed to enter. This had her looking towards the black clad woman before she was giving a nod then spoke, "Alright. Then I guess that means I shall be traveling there. I want you to set up my guards." Ariel did turn her attention towards Venus as the child came running into the room, after Rose stopped by to let the little one go in. The child was babbling about how she had seen Dominique in a dream, but she still wanted to find her sister.
"We will find her." Ariel promised the child before watching as Raphael was heading off so that she could find a few angels, other than herself, that was going to be accompanying Ariel to the demon realm. If anything it would more than likely be herself, Andrew, and Rose. Or just herself and Rose. One of the two options, since Lance was recovering and he would usually accompany to places like that, and Lucifer and Gabriel were too busy making sure that the injured got back to their feet. Putting them through a rehab program that would help strengthen them once again, slowly but surely.
Damian stood guard outside of the temple while she was in there and when Venus had gone in he had a feeling that Venus wanted to go looking for her sister. while they were there one of the maids wandered in and spoke to Ariel softly about Iris the female was still moping and down over losing her baby.
Venus was looking over as the maid came into the room, more than likely to tell Ariel that Iris was still down about losing her baby. But there wasn't really a whole lot that Ariel could do about it at that point in time. It was up to Iris to push past the loss and come to terms with the fact that she had lost the child. "Not like she wanted it anyways. And Mister Alaric was nice enough to help make the baby! And then Iris told him a number of times she hated him and didn't want the baby. That is a terrible mommy!" Venus exclaimed after a moment in time before she was folding her arms across her chest. Yet again she had no idea what had actually transpired, but she did kind of know where babies came from. Kind of. All she knew was that babies were made when mommies and daddies were in love, or that is what her father had told her anyways. A partial truth in a way.
the maid looked at Venus "there is more to the story then you know little one I have asked her about it maybe you should do the same before you judge her" the maid tapped Venus on the nose and then headed out to get more of her work done before she headed home for the evening.
Venus scoffed before she spoke, "Do not presume to tell me what to do, and don't touch me. I don't know you. I hate strangers touching me." With that she was hiding behind Ariel who just gave a soft chuckle and put a light hand on the child's head for a moment in time. Her eyes did flicker towards the maid for a moment then looked at Raphael as the woman spoke already Ariel casting a spell around Venus so that the child didn't hear what Raphael was saying, "And there are some things that a four year old child should not know about. Such as more to this particular story. A child her age doesn't need to know about rape, or somebody being forced against their will."
"I know this but there is some things she can and Iris would know how to keep the things she shouldn't know from her" the maid wasn't normally rude but she had spent a lot of time with the girl and talking to her.
"You should really learn some manners. Now get the hell out." came the familiar voice of Lucifer as the man seemed to come out of nowhere, only having heard the tone of voice that the maid had. That wasn't okay with him. "Lucifer. Please don't. You came in at the wrong time." Ariel spoke which had Lucifer just shrugging before he spoke, 'I don't care. She should not be having that tone of voice around her queen."
as she walked out she spoke "she is not my queen Iris will be when she is crowned" with that she headed out as Damian had come in to the room and watched her head out.
"Remember where you are then. You are not in the demon kingdom. Here the queen is Ariel. So learn your damn place, or I will teach it to you. You are only alive because of my queen, while that bastard demon to the king did nothing to protect her people. Good for nothing princess. Get the hell out of Aetherial, you are not welcome here." Lucifer snapped after a moment in time, although it wasn't long before he was actually flinching at Ariel's sharp voice, just saying his name. He looked over for a moment before he spoke, his tone of voice a lot different than it had been, "Forgive me my queen. I shall keep my temper reigned in with the stupid people that don't seem to realize that this is Aetherial, and that you are the queen and not somebody else." "Lucifer. Enough. Please. It isn't important. As soon as Iris is crowned queen, then that handmaiden will be staying in the demon realm with her. Until then she is a citizen of Aetherial. Now I need you to find Rose and Andrew, I need to speak to them." Ariel spoke after a moment in time which had the man giving a bow before he was heading out of the room, although it was obvious that he was annoyed.

"He has never been able to control his temper. I don't think he ever will be able to." Raphael commented which had Ariel giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "I love uncle Lucifer but.... he is more of a handful than a child at times." This had the blonde haired woman giggling before she was holding out a hand, helping Ariel out of the water. Venus just sat nearby with her feet in the water before she was climbing to her feet and racing off over to the door.
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