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Parallel (LunarWolf and Guardian)

Venus had just been picking flowers and working on making some flower crowns when the male was all of a sudden landing as a dragon in front of her, this had her giving a startled scream. Then she saw the hound that was there. One of daddy's scouts....probably not a good thing since they usually traveled three at time when scouting. And they were vicious as hell most of the time. The child did calm down went she felt the warmth of the light elemental surrounding her, shielding her from any other dangers.

Dominique had been chatting with Damian although soon found herself getting distracted and standing up, looking towards the forested area for a moment. At the current point everything was quiet, although she knew that something was up. The air spoke to her, and let her know that the advanced guard was approaching. "Be on guard. The king's advanced guards approach and fast." she spoke after a moment in time which had a few of the angels hurrying off to let their generals know. Although it wasn't the advanced guards she was worried about, they would be easy enough to deal with. No it was going to be troublesome if the Royal Elite Guards ever showed up. You knew he was serious if they were attacking you.
Luke struck out and sent the dogs as they came at them flying, his tail was wrapped around Venus it would take a lot to get through dragon scales let alone his hide. Luke spotted some of them and when they came to attack her he roasted them where they stood. while someone of them were headed after him and Venus others were headed to the main camp to attack there
Venus was sobbing, just crouched on the ground with her arms wrapped around herself. "I want big sister." Venus sobbed after a moment in time as she was sniffling a bit, already know that her sister would hear that she was wanted. She would know that she was wanted, that was the nice part about the light elemental being with Venus.

Dominique was just standing at the entrance of the main camp, although it wasn't long before Rose was coming up beside her with her scythe in hand. "Get to your sister. I can see you want to get to her." Rose spoke after a moment in time which had Dominique giving a nod before her strange wings were forming and she was taking to the air. Rose stepped forward and was giving a whistle before she called out, "Stay sharp. They are coming."

Raphael seemed to form next to Ariel, who was currently just standing at the center of the camp listening to everything that people were talking about. "Lady Ariel, there is an attack coming. Let us retreat to the medic tent for now." Raphael spoke which had Ariel nodding, and she was turning on her heel, following after her.
Luke had his tail wrapped tightly around her but not so much that she would be hurt . Luke wanted to take to the sky but since he couldn't get her on to his back so that he could take flight he was stuck on the ground and open to attack from all sides.
It wasn't long before the wind that had been blowing through the field just seemed to vanish and everything got eeriely quiet, including the animals. Some of the advanced guards were emerging from the forest as well, a few of them almost smirking when they spotted the pair. "The king's little brat, and the dragon thing the king was keeping as a pet." one of them spoke, one that Luke would know rather well. He was one of the guards that enjoyed torturing him, and had made sure that the poor boy suffered from some serious psychological problems whenever he was around. Growing up, Luke would have learned that whenever the man was around, Luke was getting hurt in some manner.
"Oh lookie. The king's little henchmen." came a familiar voice which had Venus crying, "Big sister!" Sure enough there was Dominique just hovering in the air her arms folded across her chest. It wasn't long before she was dropping down to the ground before she spoke in a dark tone, "Aren't you boys cowards to be going after an innocent child. And I'm betting had Luke not been with my sweet sister... you would have slaughtered her. That thought alone.... that pisses me off." Venus was managing to get away from Luke and was running over towards Dominique, who was using her ability to manipulate wind to stop an arrow before it could hit the child. Her eyes went dark before she spoke, "Stupid idea. But.... for now... I will deal with you all later. I need to take my sister to safety." With that she was smirking as the ground beneath them seemed to turn to mud and they were being sucked in down to their waists, stuck there for the time being.
there would be no later for her Luke was pissed and once she was out of range his head shot forward and he grabbed the male who had tormented him as a child and bit the male in half while his front leg lashed out and struck the other two. it would take Rose coming to get him once everything settled down to get him to shoot back since he hadn't learned how and shifting was involuntary for him
Not that Dominique really cared at all that he had killed them, no at that point in time the safety of her sister was her priority. She was returning to the camp and landing on the ground, putting Venus down in front of her before kneeling down. "Venus. I want you to run to the medical tent, stay there with Miss Ariel. Okay? You will be safe with her, I will come and get you later when it is safe." Dominique told the child in a gentle voice before she was reaching up and taking off the black onyx necklace that she usually wore, and was putting it around Venus' neck, telling the child that she was to hold onto it. Venus knew that it was her sister's favorite necklace, so the fact that she was giving it to Venus meant that she would have to come back and get it.
Damian rushed up and joined her "I'll make sure she gets there before I head off to help Jack he is holding a group of men off not far form here" Damian would make sure that Venus got there safely before he headed out this way he knew she would safe.
Dominique was giving a nod of her head before she was getting to her feet and turning around to walk towards the edge of the camp. "Big sister! Be careful!" Venus called out towards her before she was grabbing Damian's hand so that they could get to where they were going.
Damian smiled at her "your sister is one hell of a fighter don't worry she will be safe and besides there is a big dragon wandering about now I don't thing we will have to worry to much" Damian was worried about wether or not Luke could shift back if not they would have to find a way to get him to shift back
Venus was giving a nod before she was following after Damian towards the medical tent, already injured angels were being brought there. A figure in black was standing outside the medical tent at the time, more than likely as a guard although the person was stepping aside for that of Damian and Venus so that they could go inside.
Damian walked her in to the tent and took her right to Ariel before he bent down and kissed the females hair "stay safe and keep Venus with you please" Damian wouldn't order her around but he wanted to make sure that they both stayed safe and sound that way no one was able to harm them and so that her sister didn't get pissed off
Ariel had been assisting a formerly injured angel with getting to his feet when the pair came into the room. "No dizziness?" she questioned him and when he was stating that he felt fine, she was ordering him to walk to the other side of the room and back over towards her, just monitoring him. When she was assured that he was in fact fine, this is when she was stating that he was good to go. She did look over as Damian came into the room with Venus, the young child running over to hug Ariel. "Oh, yes she can stay with me." Ariel was nodding before she was ruffling Venus' hair.
"thank you I'll try to come back" Being human fighting was more dangerous since getting him back before he died was a lot shorter of a window then for supernatural with that he headed off
Venus and Ariel just watched him leave for a moment. "Miss Ariel...." came a voice from behind her which had Ariel looking over to see the angel of fire standing there and she was giving a nod. After that he was heading after Damian so that he could assist him with the fighting as well.
Damian made it to Jack who was holding his own but was more then glad to see the other male. Damian stepped in and showed those around him why he had held the position he had and how he had gotten there. gone was the kind and gentle male and standing before the was a warrior through and through one who would not be so easily taken down
The fighting seemed to go by for what felt like hours before everything just seemed to go dangerously quiet. The opposing army had seemed to retreat, which had many of the angels on edge at the time. Ariel stood outside of the medical tent with Raphael at her side, Venus inside curled up on one of the cots taking a small nap. "My lady! We have a problem!" Gabriel yelled as he ran over almost breathless and was pointing towards where a large shape could be seen approaching. This is when one could notice the faint shaking of the ground. It seemed like the titans were headed straight towards them....which definitely wasn't a good thing. "Andrew. It seems it is our turn." Ariel spoke, and Andrew was coming up next to her. The twins were holding hands before allowing their wings to spring forth and they were taking up to the air. Yeah they were definitely polar opposites, yet identical twins all at once. "Heaven's Grace." Andrew and Ariel intoned together, and magic seemed to swirl around the pair before a barrier to forming around the camp. And it was good timing as well when one of the titans was deciding to throw something at the camp, which struck the barrier. Sometime during the time Rose had gotten Luke to shift back, and had him laying on one of the cots in the medical tent as well to rest, while she was outside just looking towards the titan that was headed towards them. This is when she was noticing the second one coming from the opposite direction. Man this seriously sucked.
Dominique was just looking for a moment in time, an emotionless expression on her features as she just hovered in the air. Although it wasn't long before a faint smirk was forming on her lips before she cooed, "Oh this will be fun."
Damian looked over at her from where he had walked to. "try not to use that power please I would rather not have to sedate you" Damian knew she would enjoy that fight but he really didn't want to have to knock her out since it would just upset her sister
Dominique looked towards him before she spoke, "You wouldn't have to sedate me. I did state that I would control it. I have to learn to control it. Besides.... father planned this out. Everybody is exhausted from fighting, and it is only a matter of time before the barrier shatters. Already I can tell that Andrew struggles, indication that defense magic isn't his specialty." With that she was cracking her neck a bit before she was looking towards Lance and Rose as they were returning to the camp with a few more injured. Even the siblings seemed a little out of breath and there was a wary look in their eyes.
Damian sighed and shook his head "I know this but that power is unstable at best and you know it and just because you are learning doesn't mean now is the time to try again"
"And what other choice do we have at this point in time?! Had this fighting not been going on for hours then the angels would have probably stood a chance against the titans. But they are all exhausted, just as you are exhausted. I don't feel that because.... the elements are always around me. I can use the elements around me to recharge just as many of the other elementals." Dominique spoke after a moment in time before she was looking over sharply when something struck the barrier and she could actually see a crack forming.

Ariel was looking towards Andrew for a moment before she spoke, "Brother, it is okay. I can maintain the barrier for now." "Are you sure?" Andrew questioned after a moment in time which had Ariel giving a nod with a smile as she hovered in the air, and was letting go of his hand to clasp her hands in front of her chest. Although it wasn't long before she was taking off one of her bracelets and was handing it to Andrew before she spoke, "Give that to Miss Dominique. Tell her to do as she must. That should she need a guide back to sanity, to focus on the bracelet." Ariel gave her brother a kiss on the forehead before she was flying away from him and over to where the barrier was cracked.

This had Andrew going down to do as he had been told, handing the bracelet over to Dominique. This had the woman blinking a little bit before she spoke, "That angel would really.... potentially risk her own self being corrupted." This had Andrew chuckling before he spoke, "My sister cannot be corrupted. Many have tried, all of failed. Even the former angel of corruption tried, and he couldn't. But that is how it is meant to be. There has to be those people in this world that cannot be corrupted, just as there needs to be those people who are always corrupt." This had Dominique giving a nod before she was taking the bracelet and sliding it onto her wrist.
Damian shook his head and then headed off to check on Venus and the others since he wanted to be sure that everyone was safe and sound while she did what it was she wanted to do even if he didn't agree with it.
Venus was still asleep in the tent, an unknown male sitting in the medic tent at the time. Unknown to Damian anyways, although he was somebody that Venus knew, and Ariel trusted to be there. The male's name was Felix, and he was an angel who controlled fire. Why exactly was he there? Ariel had asked him to stay there and keep an eye on Venus, make sure that nothing happened to her, which was fine by him. He had gotten along with the child, at least until she had fallen asleep. At least she had been asleep, although now she was bolting up as if she had woken up from a nightmare, her eyes wide.
Damian walked over and scooped her up "hey little one whats wrong" Damian didn't want to see her upset or worried about anything. granted it didn't help they were all sitting in a battle field. Damian then looked over and Luke who had fallen asleep a small trail of smoke was coming out of his mouth which had Damian a little confused
Venus looked towards Damian for a moment before she spoke, "I had a bad dream. Daddy's giants were on their way here, and lots of people got hurt, especially big sister and Miss Ariel." With that she was shaking her head a bit and was then looking towards Felix who was speaking gently, "No need to worry much. Everything should be okay."
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