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Parallel (LunarWolf and Guardian)

"I'm alright. Just suffering from morning sickness. But better than I was earlier. Everything is much calmer, but the darkness gets stronger." Ariel spoke with a soft sigh before she was looking at Rose who was dismissing herself so that she could go and train with her brother.
'I know I can feel it as well, and I found out what happened and why he is upset' Iris then went into detail about everything even showing her the memories she had gotten from her brother so that she could see exactly what all he had learned as well as what had been said to him
Ariel was just listening for a moment before she spoke, "So he was basically taking his anger out on me for no reason is what it seems like. He could have asked me about it, spoke to me." She was a bit hurt at that point in time and giving a small headshake before she was looking over at Raphael when the woman mumbled something under her breath.
'he was told you didn't want to speak to him so he was under the impression you were angry with him, I do think it would be best for the two of you to talk face to face and sort it out" Iris did agree her brother had snapped at her for no reason but at the same time he had every right to feel as he did as well
'At that point in time I hadn't really wanted to speak to anybody at the time. Nobody was allowed in the room at all. Just like now. The only people allowed here are that of Raphael and Rose.' Ariel spoke after a moment in time although she was getting to her feet when she felt the strange new magic and she headed towards the balcony. Who would have figured that there would be an astral projection of the dark god standing there. Instantly Raphael was on her feet and standing between the pair of them.
"Greetings. I've just come to deliver a message. Prepare for war. Soon my armies will be upon you and there is nothing you can do to stop me." the dark god laugh and went to grab Ariel's wrist, only to get stopped by Raphael, so her arm was being grabbed instead. Ariel could see the black mark seeming to appear although Raphael didn't seemed fazed at all. "The fact that you are trying to corrupt me. I shall not turn against my queen. Now begone." Raphael spoke and was drawing her sword, slashing through the projection.
"Raph!" Ariel spoke in a worried tone and was examining the woman's arm. Raphael just drew her queen to her gently though when she felt the woman trembling before she spoke to Iris through the connection, "Please tell Ian that his wife needs him. And be warned that the dark god may come to pay you a visit. To inform you that he has declared war against you as well."
'i was still connected so I saw and will be on alert but you need to tend to my sister I will see if Ian will return to her side" Iris didn't know if he would or not since he was hurt by what was said to him. if it had come from Ariel he probably would have taken it better then he currently was.
'If this is how he is going to treat his wife, then perhaps he should stay away.' was all Raphael could say after a moment in time before she was headed out of the room so that they could go and get some food.
'you know others have feelings too, would you rather he stay away and calm down or take his anger and hurt feelings out on his wife when she has done nothing wrong?' Iris knew her brother was still trying to calm down even after their sparing session he was still upset and she knew he didn't want to take those feelings out on Ariel again
"Yeah I get that. But he is angry for no reason. Anyways we are going to go and eat." Raphael spoke before she was heading off down to the kitchen with her queen and was speaking with the chef softly. The chef was giving a smile before heading off to get them food made up so that they could eat. Ren was coming into the dining room with Andrew and was smiling at the pair, before giving them hugs.
'Raph just take care of my sister and leave me to deal with my brother but call me if she asks for him and I will forcefully send him back' Iris knew if Ariel asked for him she would have a better chance of forcing him through a portal then if she hadn't
Raphael just listened although she didn't answer at all at that point, there wasn't really anything to say at that point in time. 'No if he truly cares he'll come back on his own. And hopefully soon. They are suppose to be married.' was all Raphael could say after a moment then looked at Lucifer as he all of a sudden came into the room as well.
'true but all married couples fight' Iris had a small laugh in her voice figuring eventually she would have to deal with that drama as well she just hoped it was with the one she loved like her brother had and not someone she could barely tolerate
'Well this is a one-sided fight where she doesn't even know what she did wrong. He never said anything to her at all. The moment the barriers merged he was just gone, no word or anything. He could have at least said something.' Raphael spoke before she was taking a bite of her food, and watched as Ariel sipped at the soup that was in front of her.
'she knows she asked me to find out what happened and I was able to do that for her' Iris then stopped a couple of guards and gave them their orders so that they could get to work on doing what she wanted
Raphael was giving a mental nod before she was giving a sigh then looked at a few of the guards that came up towards her letting her know that something in the darkness seemed to be moving towards them.
Raphael eventually ended up telling Ariel that she was going to go to the demon kingdom, and see how everything was doing there. This had Ariel giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Stay safe and be careful."
Raphael was arriving in the demon kingdom after some time and was sweeping into the throne room, a few of the guards just allowing her to enter with no questions asked.
Iris sat on her throat breathing heavily covering her arm as just like with Ariel he had gone to grab her and with no guards he had managed to get ahold of her arm and she was currently fighting of his mark. Since she had been helping with the injured she hadn’t been wearing her bracelet and didn’t have her scythe on her at the time
"You are injured." came the familiar voice of Raphael as she walked over before she was grabbing onto the female's arm gently, drawing that corruption to herself at the time. This freed Iris from it, and it didn't bother Raphael at all. She was putting a bracelet around her wrist before she spoke, "Always keep your bracelet on."
“After this I certainly will I didn’t want to risk damaging it so I took it off but now I think I’ll go and put it on and then lay down for a bit and thank you for helping me” Iris smiled at her weakly as she was worn out and exhausted
Raphael was giving a nod of her head before she questioned, "Care if I steal one of your generals to spare with?" With that she was brushing some hair from her face and sweeping her hood up over her head.
“Go ahead just don’t hurt them so bad that they can’t fight if it comes down to it” Iris smiled at her and then stood up and headed to her room to rest
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt them. There is something I am wanting to show your army commander though." Raphael spoke after a moment in time before she was leaving and heading off to find the army commander. That she knew wasn't Ian, he had essentially given that up when he had left the demon realm. But it was hard to be in two different places at once.
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