High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

"......uhm......... Ok?" They get to class and go about the normal school day, then at lunch she goes to their normal spot and after getting the text she replies, saying "hurry back. Your lunch is waiting"
He waits a few minutes, then a girl walks up, blushing and fidgeting her fingers. She kept a few feet between them, looking mostly at the ground.
Girl-Uhm.... Hello.
“ yeah and thanks for always doing that for me....you got a kiss waiting for you..” he teased as he sent her the text before walking over with a stretch and a sigh looking over at a new girl, slowly and awkwardly walking over to her as it was very much someone he never really saw before. “ so....guess your the only?” Scratching his neck feeling now a bit nervous, “it’s fine if you wanted to talk for a bit so I don’t mind..”
“ is there something you wanna ask or need? Ummm well I kinda have to hurry a bit though cause I’m meeting up with a friend...” giving a warning as he leaned back against the wall a bit as he was kind of confused but should probably know anyway what she really might even want to say to him but not wanting to of course really rush or anything.
“ u-ummm...” of course suddenly blushing a lot himself as of course he kind of expected it anyway but still knowing it was embarrassing. “ u-ummm...well would you mind if I think about it then for a bit? I really got to go anyway...sorry..” as he turned to run back to the spot seeing if she would be there.
He shrugged and leaned in to kiss her deep before sitting down and taking the lunch so he could finally eat now. “ well damn....how am I so special anyway...” wondering what really took her sudden interest into him and why it would have been even weird then to not see her around.
“ well I mean you should already know already, weird that she pulled me away and just asked me out. Just told her I would think about it then...” of course seeing that he did that so he wouldn’t really hurt her. Riku soon started to eat wondering then what he would even do with something really weird like that.
“H-hey I didn’t want to be a dick like that and just say it!” He sighed and crossed his arms, “ why would you even think that dummy...” already seeing she was being protective but knowing of course he wouldn’t even do that to her anyway.
“ I never said I even liked her, tell me when I said that and I don’t even seriously know her so even if I liked her what sense would that even make..seriously your suddenly putting your expectations so low that you’ll think I’ll just fall for any girl. Your the first one and that’s special as hell, why would I not have that...” leaning in to kiss her deeply again as he wrapped his arms around her with his hands on her ass.
“ didn’t really see much, kind of like your maybe a bit bigger...” shrugging as it still wasn’t much anyway. “ I don’t even think she would be like this to me though more than you, I like it a bit...” being able to hold Sakura and do something like that whenever he mostly wanted as he leaned back a bit more and started to turn and eat again with her sitting against him.
“ I think names kaori...” giving a burp as he sat up again and put his stuff away with his hands to his side as he let her sit there then. “ whole thing was even damn obvious..”
“ looks like you even know her or something. Wonder how the hell she even went for me with that though, still weird as hell anyway.” Giving a burp as he stretched looking up and relaxing before looking around boredly. “ well then you tell her...”
“ well I don’t even know her really and stop the cute little mad face...” seeing he didn’t have any reason really to just break up with her like that as he holds her ass again as they sit down for a bit before pulling her off so he could get up and stretch before they would go.
“ I didn’t even say anything that I would do anything with her...” as he looked over waiting so they could finally go back then. “ I already told you a lot that I wouldn’t even try to date someone else..”
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