High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

Riku soon started to sit up a bit as he held himself over her, trusting slowly as he kissed her for a moment before pulling back and completely sitting up still moving.
She kissed him back and touched his arms, moaning more with every thrust. When he sat up she took his hands, lacing their fingers together
"Ahhn, Riku" She looked up at him with misty eyes and a slightly red face, her mouth half open as she breathed
He didnt really move much at all other than the thrusting still as he had his hands on her knees to hold her until she took them, doing it harder and faster before sitting up again and eventually even cumming as he laid his head on her chest.
"Ahhhhn, Riku, you're so hard. So big, nnn. Hiyaaaaaaaaan!" She came shortly before he did, her pussy gripping his cock and wringing out every drop of cum it could. She weakly put her arms around his head when he laid his head on her chest. She breathed deeply, her heartbeat clearly audible with how quiet they both were.
With that he slowly stood up, stretching and putting his clothes back on. “ probably gonna eat then...” turning as he would leave her to go downstairs and see if he could even try to make something.
After a bit he finally was able to cook something mostly simple, just being a small plate of tempura which was one of the things he really liked to eat with soup of course whenever he did go out to eat with his parents usually. Sitting down riku started to eat as he watched tv as he left Sakura alone for a while.
Riku was busy a bit with just using his phone as he looked over to see and lean over to kiss her cheek before looking at the tv for a moment then to the phone again, just relaxing and eating with her casually with no plans at all really like always.
" so another bored day at home then? Maybe we could go for the train and find somewhere new to eat or check out the shopping...I like riding the train..." giving a shrug as he sat up and finished eating with her, " and I wanna see you were your regular clothes anyway too."
He shrugged with a nod as he finished, then stood up with stretch as he would go off doe the shower before changing and waiting for her so they could walk to the station at least before really deciding where to even go then. “ did you know in particular or were you thinking about a small adventure?” Putting his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
Sakura put on a short skirt, black leggings and a button up top. As they walked towards the station, she held his arm
"I don't really know. I haven't exactly had a good social life the last decade so... i don't really know where to go"
“Well same anyway...” giving a shrug as they walked down for the map and decided to pick himself where they would have to go then for a while before going for the tickets and after a while, into the area to wait for the actual train before evenautlly getting in and waiting of course. With that he mostly stood up using his phone as the train was mostly always crowded anyway.
Just a place that I want to go to again, nice place to walk a bit and hang out and stuff. Just mostly good....” as he crossed his arms still waiting and trying to see if he couldn’t fall before they would eventually walk out back into the station and turn to get out of there finally.
“Would you want to eat here then or see what’s around? I've only been to this sort of outdoor plaza thing once before and it’s pretty good. There’s some good places to walk around in like there’s a long street you can walk down that’s always kinda busy and has a lot more variety of restaurants there and a huge theater. And what’s even weirdly crazy is that there’s this long middle street you can walk down and at the end of it you can see a huge Godzilla statue thing that actually makes sounds...”
“Stupidly weird and cool as hell, I even saw a small store that was kind of close that sold like figures and mugs and stuff..it’s a long clear and obvious pathway and you could even take really epic pictures..if you wanna go there we could also find somewhere near it to eat....” offering as he slowly walked down the street as they finally made it a few feet farther away from the station but wanting to make sure she really really wanted to go before rushing off with her.
“Jeez fine...” teasing a bit as they headed it down the street for a little while before he turned to another larger more busy street walking again and eventually hearing the distant sound of the roar before turning to finally see the statue a bit next to the actual movie theater itself. “ well yeah that huge huge statue, easy to see even from a few miles away from here...” standing there in the crowd with her to look up at it and hear the roars.
She followed him and once they arrived, she looked up at the massive statue and her mouth was agape.
"Wooooooow. That's amazing." She squeezed his hand
"I can't believe i never heard.... actually, it makes sense i never did when i think about it"
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