High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

“Never knee it until we just randomly found it before/.” Giving a shrug as he still of course saw it to be cool as they stood to just look at it a bit before he started walking down to the rows of restaurants which were a bit closer but still few hundred feet away from the statue still to get even closer than anything. Standing on the street again he looked around, “ did you have something then to eat?” Wondering if there was something she would really want or they would just what they had then.
“Seriously cool as hell...” looking over at her as he took her hand and slowly dragged her by as they looked for some places he would want to eat then before deciding on a small sit down and familiar restaurant he really liked to go to sometimes and a bit cool knowing they had one around her as he pressed a button to walk through a sliding door and sit down with her before the lady in the middle of the counter moved over with the menu.
“ one of my favorite stuff from this....they have an eel bowl just plain eel....” putting the menu down as he leaned to kiss her on the cheek before waiting for the moment and ordering. With the ordering done and just the wait, Riku went back on his phone of course not knowing what else to do.
"I've never been a fan of eel. So...*Shudders* Eely"
"Other fish is fine though. And if it's buried by other stuff i can mostly eat it. What kind of food do you dislike? That way i can be sure to avoid making it"
“ I think it’s the best sushi and the best cooked fish...I would kinda wanna go here everyday...” giving a shrug, “ I mostly like meat and seafood stuff with maybe rice just do that then and your fine.” Continuing to wait a bit as looked around.
Eventually the food did come as he slowly started to eat already even the food of course being a bit too hot as he couldn’t really help it, freezing from how hot it was as his mouth a was a bit opene before slowly being able to eat normally and swallow. Riku could already see now that it was already a bit into the mid day as he just sat and relaxed himself with her.
Soon he was able to eat normally then, only having a quarter left after a while but even still trying to finish it. With that they both eventually left for the street again as he stretched putting his hands in his pockets as he wondered then what she would want to do now as he thought for a moment, “ maybe walk and go back after...”
“ well we saw that, maybe the shopping district here or one of the parks. I think that it’s busy here then anything else...” as they walk off more to the main bigger are of the city where it’s more busy and there’s mostly more things to see with all the smaller shops and things around with the time already being spent there it had soon turned to complete night.
“ well I mean it was a while to get to the train and walk and stuff, it’s long and we didn’t do a lot...” explaining as he leaned against her a bit as they still continued to walk around for a while more before making it back for the train again after they would either find or even buy a few things from the different places around.
Riku just relaxed when th her for a while as he pulled her a bit to lay against him as they sat down, leaning back as he still did his own thing and walk with her back to the station again and the eventual walk back to her house as well with wondering if it was just to drop her off, come in and then leave after a while, or even try to see if she could get him to stay which he really couldn’t care about with being there so much now that it was stupid.
They arrived back at her house, just outside the door
"So i'm guessing you're going back home now? Can i have a goodbye kiss?" She closed her eyes and looked up at him, pursing her lips in anticipation.
“ yeah I guess...” giving a shrug as he slowly follow d next to her and reached her house so he could drop her off then at least. “ jeez your hopeless...” gently flicking her before putting his hands in his pockets and closing his eyes to kiss her deeply before slowly pulling away with a sigh. “ well bye then...” turning to walk off now.
Soon Riku made it to his own side as he went inside and did his own thing before going to sleep for the night and having the start of a new day.
They next saw each other on Monday. They actually ended up running into each other just outside the school gate
"Good morning Riku" She bowed to him and they went in, going to their shoe lockers. Something unusual happened this time however, as there was a love letter, but in Riku's locker
He looked over at her and nodded with a smile, “ same...” slowly walking inside with Sakura as he stretched with a yawn before leaning down to take off his shoes then back up to open the locker and see the strange letter. “ ummm o...k? B-but is not even special or anything...” as he decided to open and read it then.
"Hm? A letter?"
She looked at it too, standing beside him, and the letter read "Dear Riku-san, i know you don't know me, but i've seen you around school and you seem like a really nice person. I'm not good at writing letters, but i'd really appreciate a chance to talk with you. Please meet me behind the gym at lunch"
"Wow....... cliche"
Riku sighed and shrugged, “ well I mean me as a person I’m mostly one to mind my own business and I would call myself a “mirror person” “ as he started to explain. “ just the idea that if you do something really cool for me then I really like doing the same back or if someone would just be mean and stuff I’d hate and completely ignore them...I’m really a person to kind my own business and not really go off so easily like some people.” Crossing his arms as he put the letter in his pocket then and put on his shoes, “ I’m probably the nicest person that you’ll seriously ever meet...but of course there’s the thing where I can be helpful as hell but I don’t have friends to do that for...so kind of a dream to proving that.” With that he turned and went to class before eventually walking off and going for the meetup behind the gym as he would decide to text Sakura then that he would try to get back so they could maybe eat lunch together again.
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