High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

He gave a shrug, “ well won’t work for me.” Stretching as they would finally walk back then until school was done where he would walk out with a stretch and yawn wondering then if he would be walking with her or not.
Riku shrugged and put his hands in his pockets, “ probably same, just waiting a bit but maybe gonna go...” leaning to the side as he still wondered if he should really just go than wait for her then.
“ kind of but don’t really know if I should just text them and go or not their not usually late but whatever..” deciding to still wait a bit ashewalked overand sat down using his phone.
“ yeah don’t really feel like waiting anyway and if they weren’t even busy with anything they would be here already...” crossing his arms with a sigh. “ well I guess...are you wanting to hang out or something?” Not really minding of course as he eventually follow her while he texted Sakura about meeting her there then or just go home
Kaori-Eh? I'm just.... doing a nice favor i guess.... For someone i like..
She blushed and looked down as they walked to the park. They got to the ice cream stand and Kaori paid for both of them. They sat on a bench as they ate it. Riku didn't get a reply from Sakura yet.
Of course Kaori would still be even oddly forward about her liking him like that so suddenly as he sat down and ate with her before glancing over and seeing that Sakura didn’t even send him a message or anything. “ jeez wonder what she’s even doing or if she even just left already...” not really caring as he leaned back and continued to eat quietly for a bit. “ was there any other reason that I was someone who was so interesting to you? I know it’s still weird to ask but it’s because I still don’t feel special enough and I’m not even popular to be noticed by anyone. Of course some girls don’t go for that and like casual nice guys but still...” Riku could never really understand that with the lifelong fact he had been a loner and that no one seemed to notice him oddly but the weird idol, the shy Sakura, and now a girl with a weird love interest in him. “ and like I said again, I don’t hate you or anything but I mean of course it’s just a weird new feeling to me knowing someone thinks I’m worth their time and their devotion and I don’t hate that feeling ether...I’ll probably still need to think about it for a little while if you don’t mind though...”
Kaori-Eh? What i like about you? Well..... other than you looking.... nice*she blushed a little* You're a good runner, and i've never been very good at, well doing anything physical actually. I'm sorry if this sounds weird, i swear i'm not a stalker or anything, but i help the teachers some times and i happened to see some of your graded tests. So i know you're smarter than most people. I also know that you're very kind. You're not afraid to speak your mind either. I'm not very good at talking to people i don't know.... which you can probably tell.
She had been fidgeting the entire time, and couldn't look at him at all.
“ well yeah there has to be a bit of attention for that...” as he finally finishes and leans back, “ yeah I think I told you or not? But I’m a mirror to other people. When I’m not doing stuff with people I really don’t care and just do my own thing but I mean it’s all about the treatment like everyone knows but yeah I could be the most nicest person you could ever know or I could just treat you like you don’t even damn exist. I’m just saying that because I’m not a person to start conversations and stuff, I’m more of a reactive person..” explaining a bit of his own personality a bit more, “ for now though while I’m still thinking we can be good friends then maybe...” putting a hand on her shoulder with a smile as he sighed and relaxed.
When he put a hand on her shoulder she tensed up and her face turned red. She still couldn't meet his eyes
Kaori-Really? That sounds nice. I'd love to be your friend. It is normal to be friends when you've just met someone after all.
He quickly pulled his hand away as he felt her tense up, “ d-did I do something awkward?” Wondering if she was surprised from him touching her like that of course. “Ahhh sorry...” as he sighed and leaned back with crossed arms as they sat and relaxed. “ sorry if it’s weird that I’m asking but am I the only guy you’ve had a crush on?”
Kaori-Ah! No! No no! It's just.... i was just surprised is all. I'm not used to boys.... well, used to boys in general really. I have had a few crushes in the past, just none in high school.... None of them ended..... happily.
Riku shrugged, “ same, don’t even have friends anyway accept you and two other people..” giving a small smile as he at least finally liked that fact. “ had some crushes but didn’t even try, mostly ignored everyone anyway, and I still do mostly cause screw everyone accept the friends I have now then..maybe we should go and if you want too I could walk you back home.” Checking the phone and wondering for the moment what Sakura was even doing at all now.
Kaori-All of my friends are girls. Well.... not all of my friends anymore i guess. I've tried being friends with guys..... but it always turns out they only care about my..... chest. You're different though. You said it yourself. You care about people, not what they look like.
“ I really don’t care about anything than personality really..” crossing his arms as he looked up at the stars now waiting for her to say something about the offer then as he didn’t really feel like being out anymore.
“ well you got me right after school and we had that walking...” seeing how she didn’t know it would be already dark out a bit early now as he wondered what to even do then if she still wanted to walk or if he could even just go.
“ that’s fine...” giving a shrug as he would follow her all the way back to her house and just talking causally about stuff before stopping in front and wondering for a moment what to say than just say bye and leave.
She bowed and went inside as he turned to leave. Then his phone went off and finally got a message from Sakura.
"Sorry about not showing up. I got grabbed by a teacher and roped into doing some work."
“ fine anyway, I could have even helped though you dummy. Just hung out a bit with a friend and stuff so nothing really happened...” texting back with a sigh as he decided to just walk back home now.
A few minutes passed and then she sent another text
"I tried to make it look like i had cum on my face to send you a pic and freak you out, but i couldn't think of a way to do it."
Then she sent another message
"Wait, you have friends?"
“ jeez you just equally pissed me off by saying that...” as he really felt like that for the moment she would do something like that to him even whether it was even a joke or not. Riku simply ignored the other message of course as he wondered if she already forgot or maybe if she didn’t know about the girl that had a crush on him.
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