High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

“ sometimes I don’t even what to do...” as he put a facepalm emoji of his own and sent it to her. There wasn’t a time that she wouldn’t be equally as annoying then, but just having to wait and know when it would start sometime. With that he stopped completely until the next morning arrive finally now.
Finally Riku had made it into school as well, making it into the class as he looked around and of course seeing her again. With that he walked over and sat down, leaning back as he really had nothing to say to her as he was still a bit pissed but also because he didn’t have anything to even say or talk about at all.
“ you probably have to owe me something else then too...” as Riku was even feeling it a bit and that he hadn’t even done it in a long time anyway. “ then hope it’s better than usual...” giving a sigh to calm down a bit at least for her.
Riku sighed, still feeling that it really really sucked that Sakura didn’t even really have boobs at all which would make things really good for him right now. “ jeez would have been hotter...” simply saying as he sat up and leaned back. “ well yeah you should already know then. Maybe behind the gym or something, and maybe with your gym clothes too at least with the shorts maybe...” liking that part of it of course.
"If that's what you want, goshujinsama" She quickly leaned over and kissed his cheek, just before people starting flooding in. During gym class, she got his attention, as they didn't have co-ed gym class this time, and had him come over to the gymnasium.
"Is this to your liking goshujinsama?" She gave a little twirl and then put her hands behind her back, leaning forward a bit as she looked at him. He could see down her shirt this way.
“ should be fine then.” As he walks a bit close to her and waits wondering if she of course knew that he would let her do it for him now as he leans against the wall.
He could already feel it growing big and hard in her warm mouth as he put a hand on her head and leaned back more against the wall behind him. “ jeez dummy...” simply saying as he let her suck it.
Riku looked around for a moment before closing his eyes then looking around again seeing that there would still even be a few people around and maybe even worse with kaori maybe looking for him or even waiting outside but of course not caring really about it at all as he moved deeper inside of her, “ suck it more so I can cum...” thrusting himself a bit faster before he cums in her mouth.
She put her hands on his butt and bobbed her head faster, sucking him harder and deeper, then she moaned a little as the cum filled her mouth. She took his dick out of her mouth and then swallowed his load down, opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out while panting and looking up at him.
“ damn....” chuckling a bit at the feeling of doing that again and even in a more public place where there was more of a chance that people would even see him as Riku pulled away from her and zipped his pants.
“ jeez fine...” putting a hand on her head, “ let’s go then if your done...” grabbing her ass a bit as she stood up and wrapped an arm around her shoulder as they finally walked back now.
He walked out like usual not really caring too much about her just for now as he put his hands in his pocket and walked with the girl wondering for the moment as well if kaore had something or if she would even see him walking out with her and maybe the worst thing happening would be a fight between his girlfriend and a girl who had a crush on him.
“ mmm don’t really know, maybe find a good place to eat again instead of cooking then...usually do that anyway, unless you have other stuff you really want to do. I don’t really plan stuff anyway..” starting to walk to where they would usually find somewhere to eat then.
"I didn't really have plans today. I'll have fun doing whatever you want to do right now" She clung to his arm as they walked together, passing the park and ice cream stand he and Kaori went to the day before.
“ walk around the town like always then go home unless you want me to stay or something...now it’s hard sometimes to come up with new stuff to do all the time. Maybe we should invite her and someone I know for a little group lunch thing if you want..could be fun then...”
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