High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

Sakura held onto Riku possessively, giving her a.... well it wasn't really a glare, but it was an implied but stoic glare.
Kaori-Ah, yeah, it makes sense you don't really like me. I wasn't aware that Riku-san had a girlfriend at all. He.... never told me. I swear i wouldn't have pressured him if i knew!
Sakura looked up at Riku and then reached up and pinched his cheek
“ ah hey!” Pulling away from her hand as she did that, “ forgot to kind of tell you with the fact too that I’m usually with most of the time so mostly first time being without her all day I kinda forgot...but yeah...been dating her for a while sorry! And still I don’t really like the idea of just telling someone than letting them find out...” as he sighed with crossed arms.
"Baaaaaaka" She poked his cheek and held onto him again.
Kaori-I'm am sorry Sakura-san... maybe, could we be friends?
"......mm" She nodded and then some weird girl walked right up to them wearing a scarf covering up to her nose, really stupid looking sunglasses and, well at least the little white hat was cute. Aside from those her shorts and knee socks along with her pretty blouse looked perfectly normal.
“Ah! H-hey!” Being caught off guard by the poke as he almost tripped over himself even before standing up straighter with a sigh. “ well anyway...” deciding to try and change the subject then but not really knowing to what at all as he heard some footsteps and turned to see a strange but familiar looking girl probably from the hair as he didn’t guess that it was exactly the other sex crazed girl probably but it was something that idols would have even worn.
"............should we back away slowly?"
Yumi-Guys. It's me, Yumi. I'm in disguise
".....you stick out more than anyone here. Also, you look creepy"
Kaori-Nice to meet you. My name is Kaori
She bowed and then Yumi reached out and felt up her breasts
Yumi-Wow, nice set. No wonder this guy wants to hang out with you.
Kaori-Eh? Uhm.
"And now you're touching a school girl. You definitely come off as a creep."
Yumi-aww, feeling left out Sakura-chan? Here!
She got behind Sakura and squeezed her little boobs too
"Eh! That's not what i-ahn! No, pinching"
Yumi-Heheheheh, sorry, sorry. So, let's get going, yeah?
Riku sighed, maybe this idol girl was a physical form of his more perverted emotions as he mostly saw her now more of a perv than him and oddly unlike him always doing that it was always the opposite of having to either see someone he now knew do it to someone or either of the two original demons to come after him for sex. “ jeez do you not have any self control for once...” flicking yumi on the forehead as he was kind of acting like the mature normal one out of all of them besides kaori and mostly Sakura as they finally headed off together now.
She rubbed her forehead and then followed them as they went to get into the theme park. Once they were inside the began walking through, looking around, especially Kaori who clearly hadn't been there before.
Walking through with the group he had his hands in his pockets looking around at their various rides and games as he just took in the new surroundings around them like everyone else, not having a preference of where to really go first instead of course letting the group choose.
They wandered around for a little while, then Sakura and Yumi both decided on a rollercoaster at the same time. A big one at that. Kaori tried to run away, but they both grabbed her and dragged her back, making her sit down. They ended up with Kaori sitting next to Riku, and the girls right behind them. The ride started and Kaori was actually trembling, death gripping the bar. The second they started going down the first hill she started screaming, and death gripped Riku
Riku crossed his arms as he looked a bit intimidated by the ride, maybe the fact that this was a new coaster and he hadn’t been on one anyway in a long long while as well. He looked over kind of surprised as he found out then that kaori was scared of rollercoasters, knowing that as if sakes was scared in the movies she would hold him the same way as he sighed thinking about having to act like the mature one for her as they finally got on, holding the bars on the first hill for a moment before raising his arms up as they hit the bottom then went up as he yelled and screamed of course as everyone usually did before glancing over and feeling the girls arms holding his as he tried to mostly ignore it before eventually they got off and he slowly moved her sit down and lean against him.
When the ride finally ended Kaori's arms were still locked around Riku's stomach, and she was frozen like a statue, forcing Riku to nearly carry her to get off. Sakura and Yumi were both quite happy, high fiving each other and talking out which ride was next.
Soon he sat her down down for a moment before standing up and getting on a knee facing away from her as he started to explain to her simply, “ I don’t think you can really do anything for a while so just get on my back then...” waiting for her to hopefully be able to get on before standing up and carrying her easier as he followed slowly behind them. “ well guess I’m not really gonna do anything until I help make kaori feel better...” explaining to them that they didn’t have to wait for him at least for the long then for the first two or three rides he would guess at the least.
Kaori basically just fell onto his back, and her breasts, even through her clothes, felt incredibly soft and squishy.
The other two didn't seem to be listening as they just went ahead to the next ride.
Riku could of course feel it, even having a small grin on his face as he loved the size and softness the most from breasts in general, being able to hold and squeeze in his hand like he was feeling now as the boy sighed to calm down and lifted her up on his back as he followed behind and looked for another place for them to sit as he let her fall and lay on his lap.
Kaori rested on his lap for a while, then after around 20 minutes Riku got a message from Sakura. It was just a picture. The camera was in a ferris wheel carriage and was pointed down to the next carriage. In the next carriage was Yumi, with her shirt pulled up, doing a double peace sign, and her tits pressed against the glass.
“ god you are stupid....” making a comment as he saw the picture and facepalmed with a sigh leaning back on the bench, scratching the back of his neck, “ jeez can’t even have a normal damn day without having to see some tits almost 5-20 minutes after just getting here...” looking down and hoping that his doubt was right that kaori was the nice and proper girl not to really do something like that unless the mood was really right for it unlike either of the two.
It seemed now he was unlucky that the girl in front of him heard what he said as riku didn’t even notice it that she wasn’t even asleep or anything like he thought as she didn’t really move at all until now where he jumped a bit from the small surprise not knowing she had heard the comment but hoping she had just woken up and not heard it. Riku let her rest still putting his hands to his sides on top of the bench still waiting then for them to finish so he could possibly show how annoyed he was.
Riku didn’t really notice or look at all as he could tell that she would have woke up or she was just moving a bit and not really paying attention much at all, of course using his phone for now as they still waited.
After a while the girls found them.
Yumi-you two sure missed out. we had a ton of fun. though i guess the stud is getting something out of it eh?
Kaori-Ah! Sakura-san! This isn't what it looks like! He was just helping me because i uhm... i'm sorry
"Hm" She walked over and just pat her head.
"It's fine"
“ jeez...I swear...” giving a sigh as he leaned over and flicked both yumi and sakuras foreheads. “ I thought I said I wanted a normal day as a group with none of that stuff.” Slightly annoyed for the moment, “ and don’t even say anything like “oh I know you still liked it...” or something, I do but you’ve done it too many times at least right now for me to be really interested...” of course flicking Sakura for encouraging her to do it if she was gonna ask for a reason.
“ well at least I’m doing something useful so that doesn’t make any sense...” as he finally heard kaori seeing as she was awake. “ well glad your feeling a bit better then, shes just being stupid sometimes...” shrugging as he saw them walked off and again left them as it was even more of a date with kaori if it could be called that than a group thing. “ well if you feel better we could go then I guess just us.”
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