High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

"Hm? Are you still talking about that? Strange time to bring it up..... Don't worry, i'm not going to leave you for a Lucario...... The chest spike is a deal breaker" She turned and kissed his cheek, continuing her game.
" Yeah maybe stupid to say that again..." seeing it now like her but still having that feeling. Riku stood up for the remote then laid back down next to her with the blanket as he watched for a while before giving a yawn and laying back on the bed so he didn't have to move much if he fell asleep.
Riku slowly sat up and put the blanket over them as he turned off the tv and kissed her forehead and closed his eyes, “ you know I love you...” saying it softly as he hugged her close and closed his eyes to finally asleep.
"And you know i love you" She had turned her game off, putting it on her night stand as he covered them with a blanket, kissing his nose and cuddling with him as they drifted off to sleep together.
With that a new day came as he slept still with her always being strangely early which he really didn’t get other than some of the surprises like her making breakfast or when they were at his house and she had to leave in the morning. Eventually as always he woke up for the bathroom and ate with her.
He yawned looking over at her, leaning in to kiss her deep before going to the bathroom and putting the game away before deciding to sleep again more before going to watch tv.
Riku yawned, holding her close as he watched tv for a while then, closing his eyes to sleep a few times then going back to watching as he just felt really lazy like her tight now and didn't want to do much at all.
Riku pokes her cheek, “ jeez you weren’t even really sleeping you dummy...” leaning in to kiss her cheek and wrap his arms around her waist as he gave a yawn then turned back for the tv deciding to still just lay there until she would want to go.
“ jeez well it’s my turn now dummy...”hugging her close for a moment before leaning in to kiss her forehead as he slowly got up and left her on the bed. “ just stay and sleep then for a bit...” as he went down then eventually back up with a tray as it would seem he did the same thing as her by cooking breakfast for both of them.
".... M'kay" She decided to do as he said, just not wanting to get up. When he came in with breakfast, or rather lunch given the time, she sat upright against the back of her bed
"Heh, so this is how it feels? I like it. Being spoiled a little bit"
“ spoiled with wanting to screw me...” making the comment as he sat down with her and gave the food to her as they ate together. Riku sat there with her causally as they didn’t really do anything than watch tv and eat now.
“ it was always crazy as hell to even have that though...” mostly ignoring it as they’re eventually finished and he laid down again, “ so just wanna stay or what...” Wondering if she didn’t have anything she really wanted to anything big or at all today.
Riku just shrugged as he didn’t really care or mind,sitting up and putting an arm around her as he just continued to really relax and just watch. “ yeah that’s fine...” pulling the blankets a bit more.
Riku got up for the bathroom after a while again as he stretched wondering what to do than watch tv for a while and play some games before going back to eat and watch tv for the whole time just being a lazy day.
Sakura was reading some manga on her phone most of the time, snuggling with him as he watched tv, then again when he left and came back. Shortly after 7pm
"Oh..... Uhm..... Riku. Would you mind running down to the convenience store and getting some uh..... Juice? Pleaaaaase?" She gave him puppy dog eyes and hugged him cutely
" not that hard to see you look like your planning something..." seeing it was kind of a bit random and sudden as he got up, " I'm probably gonna buy something anyway, just text what you want and I'm bored anyway...." shrugging as he didnt mind being in the crowd of people as he took a shower, changed, and went out.
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