High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

Riku went down with her just for some snacks before going back up to wait a bit then as he laid down wondering again with no surprise what to even do now than watch tv.
“ well ok then...” seeing the soup as he leaned in to kiss her again. “ hmm was even wondering about trying her new cooking or something...” giving a shrug as he sat down in front of the bowl and slowly started eating. “ I think It’s cool that you know how to cook too though, I don’t think I could make something like this...I know how to cook some stuff but still...”
"You should really be thanking Mama. She's the one who got me into cooking. We used to spend hours just cooking things together.... we kinda had to stop after we got Papa sick though." She sat down too, digging into her own ramen.
“Hmmm well hopefully it wasn’t too long though...” wondering what bad thing even happened anyway as he hoped she got a ton better now then. “ should be mostly fine then now.” Turning on the to and just relaxing as he ate with her.
"Ah, you think... No, no. It wasn't because the food was that bad. We just made so much, and Papa refused to let any go to waste. He ate way too much and got sick..... Mama was always helping so the food always tasted good"
She blushed a bit then shyly ate her dinner.
“ jeez..and you made this yourself though...” wanting her to know he actually liked it a lot as he eventually just got the soup now as he had a bit of it left still even though he was able to still finish most of the soup after the noodles.
He even wondered then if she even knew what he meant, though not caring himself for the tease as he didn’t feel like it anyway. With that he moved back to the couch now just waiting for her.
Soon he would decide to just forget about it as he stood up again and walked over to sit down with her for the ice cream, giving a nod as they soon started to eat together again.
“ jeez I really wish you would tell me before, I didn’t bring clothes or anything...” really never liking the fact that he couldn’t just change or have something new when he woke up already.
“ jeez you say weird stuff...” mostly ignoring it then. “ I guess I have to come back then if you even want me...” wondering if she even wanted him to actually do that, but get his clothes first then.
“ well if you really wanna go then, waiting a bit before putting an arm around her to hold the girl close as they would walk to the house with Riku getting some things and finally coming back as he went up for the shower.
They didn't really talk on the way there, or the way back. They just put their arms around each other and walked in silence. When they got back there was a note on the table from Sakura's parents. They were going to be out for the night. When Riku went to take a shower Sakura went to her bedroom and stripped down to just her panties and a short purple camisole.
Riku finally came back into the room already changed as he looked over at her, " do you usually just wear this when your at home?" Just being a bit curious as he of course decided then to reach over and even touch her ass.
" if it's hot then I would just be in boxers and a shirt anyway.." seeing of course they were the same, " yup perverted girlfriend, probably the only girl I really know that is perverted like a guy..." not minding at all as he gave her a smack now before moving to give a kiss.
"Eep" She jumped a bit when he spanked her, then when he kissed her she put her arms around him and leaned into it
"Heh. I'll bet more girls dress like this than you'd think. It's comfortable"
" well of course mostly alot of the girls would be like this or wear some shorts..." laying on his side next to her with a yawn as he watched tv with her casually.
" I know it's stupid but still with the fact that I would never be able to get a girl being the nice kind of shy person I am. Like I always say, with that hard to get kind of aura at least that's what I thought after seeing you rip the letters, I was always wondering if I should even give up or not. Like all the stupid stereotypes, I would have thought you denied them with the fact that they probably wouldn't look cute either anyway. I mean I don't even think anyone would see me as cute..." feeling like he wanted to let her know his feelings even before he asked her out.
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