High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

"I don't remember being the one to start doing it in such a public place. In the middle of the day at that. Did i forget to mention i'm not going to touch you either?" She looked back at him and stuck her tongue out, as Yumi started a new song and dance.
“ well I mean in general anyway, that was maybe twice for me, but you’ve done it a ton more than me...” Sticking his tongue back at her, “ wanted it way more than me and you even brought her to do it for the second damn time...so you’ve done it more extreme than me...” not really minding at all as he was very much right in everything.
"I didn't call her to have a threesome.... I called her because you dodged my question about her. I asked if she was cuter than me, and you just danced around the question. I'm your girlfriend. Of course i want you to say i'm cuter. For that, extra punishment"
“ why would you even think I wouldn’t say your cuter, I mean yeah I don’t hate her and she’s pretty but I already have you as the only person I love. I’m not really that stupid to cheat on you even if she is an idol...but still it’s really stupid how you went with it though even when I didn’t. Like I seriously wasn’t damn expecting it and didn’t really want it until you guys gave me no time to react because of my confusion...”Riku sighed not knowing what to really do then.
"In that case, texting me "of course you're cuter" instead of saying her boobs are better but i'm probably cuter, would've been better." She got up and stripped down to just her panties and a t-shirt, then laid on her stomach again.
“ why would I text when your there, it would be like I ignored it anyway...and I mean you should already know that no matter what even if a girl has some looks you don’t have or whatever else, it won’t make me love you less..so don’t dodge that fact..” leaning in to kiss her cheek as he looked over at her ass of course but just relaxed.
Riku was now stuck again with almost naked Sakura wondering what to even do with her as he yawned, went to the bathroom and laid down as he would sleep too.
After sleeping a bit late like always as he wasn’t someone who liked to wake up early, he evtuwlly woke up and went for the bathroom before seeing her gone and thinking now she would have left then as Riku just decided to change into some new shorts and a shirt.
Finally he would walk down to hear or see nothing in the room as he decided to check a bit before now knowing then that she already left. It was weird and cool that she wanted to spend time like this with sleeping over suddenly but even cooking him something before she left as he starts to test her, “ I don’t know anyone who would do this...I really do like that’s it’s just one of the things I love about you...” smiling a bit as he started to eat.
Over the next two weeks, Sakura kept reminding Riku not to masturbate, and she also didn't have sex with him or touch him at all the entire time. To make matters worse, the entire two weeks, whenever they were together, she would tease him. Sometimes she would just flash him her panties, or press her chest against him. A few times she stayed over at his house, or he stayed at hers, and she would walk around just wearing panties and a t-shirt exposing her stomach. Then she'd "accidentally" let him see down her shirt. She never wore a bra the entire two weeks either. At the end of the two weeks, after school on friday, they went to Sakura's house and started playing games, Sakura still dressed erotically of course.
Riku didn’t really mind at all even when he said that it wasn’t really a punishment and more of a break he even needed. Like before he already felt like they had sex oddly a ton and even just being able to see her half naked or whatever was seriously fine with him. “ not really a punishment, told you I was fine with it. I mean you do it sometimes anyway so I’m already way used to it, not anything different than doing it more often...” shrugging as sakuras punishment was just really nothing now.
Riku sat on the bed next to her as she laid on the ground, just continuing to play then as he didn’t really have anything to say now then after that.
Finally Riku mostly stopped as he laid back on the bed with a sigh wondering though if they would be eating something soon, but also even again what the other girl was even doing.
" well if your hungry too, did I also say yet that your a sexy ass cook..." teasing a bit with a chuckle but being serious. " or I could probably cool something if you want this time if your tired...." standing up and walking out to the bathroom for a moment then coming back and waiting for her answer. " It like that dumb song that I sang before...I mean everything about it..." deciding to take his phone out and play the song even singing some parts to make the true points he had for her.

"Heh. Well aren't you the romantic? It's ok, i like to cook. And i like being your sexy cook. Any requests? Ramen. Curry. Or, you could eat me" She sat up and tried to look cute, like a girl out of a manga.
" maybe dessert with...whipped cream?" Asking with a wink and a chuckle. "you could do a surprise with that or something. Probably...ramen even if you can...." leaning in to kiss her cheek and hugging her tight. " you do know I love you with all my heart right?" Just wanting to hear it from her now.
"I don't think ramen with whipped cream would taste very good. Hmmm, curry and whipped cream probably wouldn't be good either" He kissed her and hugged her, catching her off guard
"Eh? Yes. I love you too, Riku" She hugged him back
" I didn't say whip cream for those things dummy. I mean maybe for something after we're done eating..." giving her another hint, maybe it's not food that I might use it on..." as he decided to sit on the bed again then, " well if you really to cook then I'll be the lazy one for a bit .."
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