High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

"That sounds like fun."
Just then, Yumi's phone rang and she looked at it.
She quickly grabbed her stuff, fixing her clothes and bolting.
"that was weird."
Riku shrugged not really minding at all now with the fact that he had two sluts now of course as he would doubt that Sakura would be the one to bring her to him if he didn’t have the chance of randomly running into her. With that he would decide to turn on the tv and relax.
“ did you have anything then you would want to do, was just thinking about maybe going out to eat later if you might want...” shrugging as he felt like walking around through the busy two way long streets, wanting to finally feel the night life a bit more being out like they mostly did but probably never able to actually go somewhere for a while and eat together.
“ weird you didn’t even say then before, though it’s just cause I wanna try going out...” shrugging as one laid down on her lap now wondering if he would fall asleep then or just try to watch tv for a while.
Slowly he turned putting a hand on her cheek as he laid back looking up at her, “ besides all the weird sex stuff...” Sticking his tongue out “ I’m wondering if I didn’t buy you that charm if we would still be friends or anything have you ever wanted to try out dating this fast or did you feel like I rushed you or something when I confessed not even after the first week or whatever of when we kind of hung out a bit?” He really wanted to know then how things would have worked and that if he asked her then would she accept it or not.
".....Well, i'm kinda dense, so we probably still would be stuck as friends. But by then i think i'd at least realize my feelings for you.... I hope at least. If it were you, i'd definitely say yes though. You're so kind to me, and you're gentle. You don't ever force me to do things i don't want to. You love me so much. I spent over a decade of my life thinking nobody would ever love me in that way. Being with you makes me happier than i've been in so many years." She put a hand over the one he had on her cheek and smiled sweetly down at him.
“ I have no friends at all, I don’t really care about anyone accept for myself that’s why I don’t force anyone if I don’t even talk to them or anything. But I mean I have you, and there’s really nothing I would want to really make you do and I’m not even a mean person anyway, it’s more like a mirror kind of person where if your really nice to me I can be nice as hell to you then, or if your a bitch I would just ignore..” giving a shrug with his explanation. With that he took his hand away before holding her other one on her lap as he closed his eyes, “ guess we could just lay here then...” as he stood up and scooted to let her lay down then lay next to her with an arm around.
"Yeah. Anywhere with you is the best. Oh, i thought of another reason i love you. When you hold me in your arms, my whole body feels nice and warm" She cuddled into him and got nice and comfortable
" your body always feels warm you dummy...." teasing her again, seeming to always make some things she say as dirty. Riku poked her stomach and laid his head with her hair covering I'm his face as he scoots more against her. " well we can go when your hungry then."
Riku just snuggled against her with another kiss loving the normal company when she wasn't a horny devil, it felt weird and nice but it was something he had asked anyway from her which she didn't seem to mind to do. After a while riku of course fell asleep for a while as they waited for the day to be less hotter from the afternoon heat as well as when she wanted to go out herself.
Riku finally woke up next to her with a yawn as well, looking over at her but still laying down as he turned to lay on his back. " so you wanna go on a date then?" As he decided to ask again anyway before stretching and standing up. " maybe we can go to one of those plazas for food if you know one that's near..." leaning in to kiss her cheek and putting a hand on her thigh just to touch it.
"we could go then for a real date..." as he pulled her up, before letting go to go for the bathroom and coming back as they left and went out to eat, both his hands in his pockets of his jackets as he walked casually with her looking up at the slowly darkening sky.
Finally getting to the station and eventually the train, he sat down with her looking around weirdly that it was mostly empty he gave a sigh as he leaned back to relax while they waited.
"Mmm" She leaned against him as well. After about 10 minutes their train car was completely empty.
"It's so strange to be alone on a train. Usually i'm all squished... and trying to avoid perverts touching my butt"
Jeez I want random perverted girls touching my ass...” giving a joke as he wrapped an arm around her, going on his phone as he let her just lay and relax against him until they would finally get there.
"Actually a random perverted girl sucked you off. In a pretty garden too. I could get grabby next time we're on a crowded train together if you want.... And i wouldn't mind if the pervert touching my butt was you"
Riku simply shrugged at the first thing she said about the girl, standing up as they finally got off and back into the station. " well that wouldn't really work if you were behind me then someone might do that to you..."
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