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High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

After she made a good number of pancakes, she went up stairs, then thought for a minute, going back down to the kitchen, then shortly after went back up and went up to Riku.
"Riku. It's time to wake up. Riku"
She gently woke him up, and once he opened his eyes, he'd see that she was standing beside the bed, wearing an apron. And ONLY an apron.
"Good morning sleepy head"
With that he eventually woke up rubbing his eyes as he looked over to the cute girl in front of him as he saw her in an odd apron but turning to the side a bit riku could see her arms weren't covered and most of the side of her body that he was looking at were not covered as well. " mor....ning?" Awkwardly finally realizing before his face turned red with blush. " oh...u-ummm..." the boy really had nothing to say from not expecting but also stating a bit.
"Does it look good on me? I've read a few manga where one of the characters does this, and the guy always gets happy. Is this a good way to wake up?"
She took a step back and gave him a little twirl, showing off a side view, as well as her back side.
He couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of such a weird girlfriend. She always liked the idea of being with him, helping him get off it seems when he wanted seeing it was oddly twice now, and now she dresses the way every guy like him likes to see a girl. " w-Well yeah..." scratching his head " but you didn't have to do this for me I really worth that much to you?" Not seeing himself as special but not doubting anything that's she's done to be bad but it's crazy to have a girl do something awesome like that just for him.
"That's a silly question. Of course you are..... Is it weird being dressed like this feels oddly comfortable? Oh, right. I made pancakes for breakfast. We shouldn't let them get cold. So hurry down"
She turned around and skipped out of the room, her butt on full display as she left. She went down stairs and got a play ready for him, with two pancakes, soaking them in syrup.
"Damn...." was the only thing he could really say at all made even for a while. A cute naked girl with an apron that seems to know how to cook and doing that just for him. " I feel bad for other guys if this is the thing your willing to do if you ever found a best friend and a boyfriend..." giving a smirk as he couldn't help but want to rub it in their faces that this kind of thing is happening to him and that it was her own choice and not his as riku stretched, went to the bathroom and downstairs so they could eat.
"I hope you slept well. The pancakes are toasty and syrupy. Go ahead and dig in. I think we have some whipped cream in the fridge if you want some. I'll go check"
She went over to their fridge and opened it.
"Hm...I thought we did... is it in the back?"
She bent over to look further into the fridge, moving stuff aside.
" jeez I swear your bodies asking for it..." teasing as he looked at her nakedness for a bit before going back to eating some of the pancakes and relaxing. " well that ass though...." giving a chuckle as he said it just at the thought of letting her hear his compliment about it right in front of her but knowing that he was actually serious.
"Hm? Did you say some-ooh. Here it is. I knew we had some"
She took out the whipped cream, which was in a can, and put it on the table. Then she got herself some pancakes and put syrup and whipped cream on them.
"So what should we do today? We could go see a movie. Uhm, not a scary one this time." She takes a bite of her pancakes.
"Let's see, it's still too cold to swim, but we could go to karaoke... oh wait, that's probably not such a good idea, since i guess i'm not a good singer. You can sing though, so maybe it could still be fun."
“ if you want that’s fine, I just found another song I could sing to you if you want..” giving a playful wink before glancing over at Cannes whip cream with a perverted grin on his face and maybe even a bit of a chuckle as he knew the only other use it was for, he continues to eat before actually manage to finish it and go over to lay on the couch thinking.
"I can't wait to hear it then"
She finished her pancakes up as well, then took his plate to clean, cleaning the rest of the things she used too. Considering she made the pancakes from scratch, there were a fair few dishes she had to take care of. This gave Riku plenty of thinking time. Finally she finished cleaning up and then looked down at Riku from behind the couch.
"So. Did you decide on something? Or did you actually spend all this time staring at me from behind?"
She reached down and poked his cheek playfully.
" well you the one doing it so." Looking up at her and sitting up, " well if you wanna do that then we should change though it's probably only one or two that I would be doing so I guess we wouldn't be there super long or something." With that he stood up as he went for the shower again then starting to change now.
While he was taking a shower, Sakura put on some clothes. She spent most of the time he was in there trying to pick out something she thought he'd like. By the time he got out, she had just finished changing.
Riku soon finished himself as he got out of the bathroom with a yawn but he was dressed up already as well. Walking back to the room he leaned against the wall looking over at her before putting his jacket on his shoulder. " let's go then..." as he turned and waited in the hall before walking out with an arm around her.
She grabbed her bag and walked out with him, locking the door behind her. She held onto him as he put his arm around her, and they then made for the train station. After a short train ride they arrived at their destination, paying for a room. The first thing they did was get some juice to drink, and a few snacks.
"Hm. It's been a really long time since i've been in one of these. Not since last year. Go ahead and pick any song you want."
She poured herself a glass of juice, then poured him one as well, taking a sip as she looked through the songs they had.
“ another first time thing...” replying as he looked through a bit before finding a song, “ just wanted to do this because I found the same kinds of songs like I did last time with that other one...” as he started to pick one before eventually starting.
She listened to his first song, then after he finished it she clapped.
".....I feel like you're trying to tell me something. You're a good singer."
She then took a drink of her juice and waited for his next song. Once he finished that song, she was blushing. She got up and walked over to him, putting her arms around the back of his neck and kissing him.
"You're such a romantic"
She keeps kissing him, then Riku sits down on couch, and Sakura sits on his leg, arms still around him as they continued kissing. She took a second to breath then glanced at the music sheet, and then grabbed it.
"Hey, this song. I remember this one...... Do you think, i could sing this one for you? If you can't stand my singing, it's ok to just stop me. I'd like to try at least"
Riku just gave a shrug as he sat down with her as he kissed her back, “ just calm down and focus on it and you’ll be fine..” was the only he would say as he let her do what she wanted and try a bit wondering what she would want to do now for it.
"Nn. I'll try my best"
She went over to the screen and picked the song, then grabbed the mic. The song started, then she started to sing. Started to sing REALLY well. Despite what she was saying about her singing, only phenomenal was enough to describe her singing. But that was only half of it. When she sang, her face was no longer stoic and expressionless, but very animated, smiling naturally and looking stunning. Her voice was full of energy and emotion as well.

When the song ended, she returned to her normal appearance, with a bit of heavy breathing of course, given how much energy she put into singing.
"So... Did you like it?"
“ stop doubting yourself...” standing up as he wraps his arms around her. “ this is the real you that only I got to see it’s the real person that I love...”going over to hug her tight as he would always want to be close to her and know that soft voice and touch of that girl.
"Eh... So, you liked the song? I'm glad. Mm."
She hugged him back.
"..... I feel so happy when you hug me. So safe..... I think, i'm ready now. I'm still a little bit scared, but i know you'll be gentle. I know you'll make sure i don't have a reason to be afraid"
She looked up at him, touching his cheeks and standing on her tip toes so she could reach his lips, giving him a deep, passionate, erotic and loving kiss. Then she gave him another, and a third. She kept kissing him until he was sitting on the couch again, where she bent over and kissed him again. Then she stood upright and removed her shirt, and undershirt, leaving her in just her purple bra. Then she dropped her skirt to the floor, exposing her matching panties.
With Rikus face red with blush he was a bit confused, “ wait hold on. I thought we would at least have a normal date, you don’t have to always do something like this and it’s in public too. They are even back at your house anyway...” seeing as he didn’t bribing any anyway as he really wasn’t expecting something like this from her besides kisses. He felt weird how nervous but still more sexual even she was than him. “ I know..” wondering what to even do as he held her against him, looking at least to how good she looked though.
"It'll be fine. This is a private room. Nobody will come in here. Today is safe for me too. I know i don't have to do this, but i can't help it. I finally feel ready, and i know i've been keeping you waiting already. You DID just sing an entire song about being inside me, didn't you? So, it's ok. So long as i'm with you, it's ok"
She straddled him, wrapping both her arms and legs around him, kissing him again.
"Heh. Besides, it's not like we can just leave when you're like this"
She could feel his boner against her crotch, and she started wiggling her hips to tease him more as they kissed
“ jeez...” already feeling it as she rubbed herself against him feeling it grow anyway as he still kissed her again deciding then to let her do whatever as he didn’t even know what to do himself for now.
Sakura lifted her bra up to expose her breasts, then she got off Riku and undid his pants, taking his dick out. She started licking it, then put it in her mouth, blowing him passionately. After a minute of sucking his dick, she paused, his cock still in her mouth, and looked up at him. She took it out of her mouth to ask him a question.
"Riku. Could you, maybe lick mine too? I want to make sure i'm ready for, this, after all"
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