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High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

Poking her stomach made her let out a tiny little giggle. Seemed she was ticklish, at least a tiny bit. She place her hands on top of Riku's, feeling for the first time since she was a tiny child sleeping with her parents that she was safe and secure in someone's embrace. She felt serene. About halfway through watching the movie she started to get drowsy. Soon after that, she had fallen asleep. Riku's movements to get a snack or take a drink didn't wake her, so it was pretty obvious it wasn't a very light sleep.
Stretching his arms he sat up a bit with her still against him as he wrapped his arms around her waist to hold her again after he moved a bit with sitting up or whenever he would try to eat or drink. Looking over again riku saw her as asleep, leaning in for a small soft kiss before deciding to mess with her a bit more by slowly sliding a hand under her shirt and feeling her chest before pulling his hand out if she woke up.
Sakura moved a little bit when he kissed her, but she didn't wake up. Then he put a hand up her shirt.
She moaned in her sleep a little bit, adjusting herself, which mostly entailed scooting back a little, her butt rubbing against his crotch, before settling, not waking up. Her moving in her sleep caused her skirt to get messed up more than it already was, given she kinda just forgot what she was wearing. It got bunched up so now her panties were not only very easy to see, but very easy to start messing with.
Riku slowly started to kiss her neck softly but only a little bit as he continued to move his hand and fingers around before rubbing her thigh and slowly moving up. He wondered if something happened and she didn’t really get a lot of sleep or was the movie not even good. She was a weird one for him sometimes but at least he could tease her a bit.
"Nnn. Riku"
She mumbled in her sleep, along with moaning a little bit more as his hand went up her thigh. She moved along with his touches, but still didn't wake up. She started to slowly get wet, and by the time he got to her panties he could feel they were just a tiny tiny bit wet if he pressed into them a bit.
"Nng. Ec-chi"
He actually kind of wished now that she did have some actual boobs, one the biggest things he likes beside the outfit, it would have even made him want it so much more and even more often than here. With a sigh be continued to run both his hands against her before eventually stopping and deciding to let her sleep as it wasn't even something to do when she was sleeping.
By the end of the movie, she woke up a bit drowsy.
"Mmm... Hm? What?"
She looked around, and saw the movie just ended, then realized she must've fallen asleep.
"Oh. Sorry Riku. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you. You just made me feel so relaxed and warm. I couldn't help falling asleep"
She turned around, putting her hands on his chest and looking up at him, eyes still sleepy.
"I had a nice dream though. I can't really remember what it was though. All i can remember is i felt really nice, and you were in it. Mmmm. So it should be about 9 right? It's a bit early to just go to sleep, so why don't we do something a bit more active? We can go up to my room and play games. That always keeps me awake.... Sometimes too much. Good thing it isn't a school night. Or do you have another idea in mind? I'll go with whatever you want to do"
“ that’s fine then we could do that...” as he sat up and leaned in a bit so there foreheads touched as he closed his eyes for a moment before looking over at her and putting a hand to her cheek as she waited for her to get off then so he could stand up and stretch before following.
Sakura kisses his nose before she gets up, then she goes up stairs before he gets up to follow. Sakura goes into her room and then closes the door. Lucky for Riku, her bedroom door has a plate with her name hanging off a nail in it. Once he got up stairs, her door was slightly opened. When he came in he'd see Sakura had changed clothes. She was now wearing a light blue top that showed her stomach, as well as a new, simpler skirt and still wearing her knee socks. Her room, despite what she said previously, was rather pretty. Her bed had cute kitty sheets on it, she had a desk with various manga running the length of it at the back, as well as a large bookshelf against one wall that was full of half manga half anime. She had a decently sized tv sitting on a small stand on the opposite wall to her bed, and a bean bag chair in front of it. Next to this stand was a case where all her games were, as well as a console.
"I hope this looks like a cute night outfit. It was the best i could think of this quickly. We can get started right away"
She took his hand and led him to the bean bag, sitting him down against it. She gave him a controller and then started a game up, taking a controller for herself, and sitting between his legs, her back resting against his chest.
"Wanna make this better? Whoever loses gets a penalty game"
He looked over at her as she rushed off a bit, slowly following as he opened the door and walks into the room now seeing a slightly different outfit now. “ ummm is...” a bit caught off guard for the moment before he sits down with her on top of him again, holding his controller a few inches in front of her stomach as he had to wrap his arms around her and try to hold the controller with her in front of him. “ well what is it though...” wondering what she was even thinking for it anyway.
"Of course the winner gets to pick. That's where the fun in a penalty game is.... I think. I've never actually gotten to.... play with people really. Let's start"
She started a match, and Sakura.... did not perform well. In fact it would be fair to say she was terrible at it.
"..... So this is the difference between playing AI and playing people...... Boo. So you win. What do i have to do?"
She spun around, sitting on her knees while facing him.
RIKu wasn’t really someone to play fighting games but he wasn’t really too bad at it as he easily had a few mini combos there that made the easy win. “ well if you play normal and a bit hard AI it really isn’t even different actually...” putting a hand on her head and running it through her hair. Soon he turned to pin her on the ground, “ well I don’t really do stuff like that it’s stupid...” seeing it weird to mostly force someone todo anything. “ I mean unless your thinking about the other thing..”
After being pinned to the ground, Sakura blushed.
"Uhm.... We still can't do..... that, since we don't have protection.... But i'll do anything else you want me to.... I did lose after all. Go ahead. I'm ready"
She parted her legs a little and spread her arms to give him full access to her body. She also closed her eyes. Seems she wanted to be surprised if he decided to do something to her.
“ get the other bag I left and check it..” deciding to just use that to make her look inside. Riku just sat there, feeling weird with even knowing the fact they haven’t dated for long and that she was the weird one in throwing herself at him even like this. It was really a weird change from her normal casual and aggressive personality like when she ripped notes and hat it was even oddly easy to get things like this.
".....that's it? Ok. I'll go get it"
She got up and went down stairs, fetching the bag and bringing it into the room.
"I'm not sure how this is a penal......."
at that moment she took the box of condoms out of the bag
She stared at it, then noticed there was something else in the bag too, and pulled out the second box. She looked from one box, to the next, then she looked at Riku. Soon she started shaking, she dropped the boxes and dived into her bed, sitting against the wall and using a pillow as a shield.
"Ok, i admit it, i'm afraid of having sex and want to wait a while, please don't use all of those on me Riku-sama! I don't wanna break!"
She wasn't crying, but her eyes were a bit teary and her lip was quivering as she hugged her protective pillow.
“ jeez I’m not gonna force you anyway. I don’t really care anyway if we have to wait for a damn while I wasn’t even thinking about just that but I do like the damn outfit though like I said a lot already. But you said at least have it...” stretching as he yawns a bit seeing that she had to know that fact.
"........So....I just confessed all that for nothing?.... Now i feel embarrassed. I'm glad you don't mind waiting..... but did you have to buy two boxes? And hide them from me? That really startled me. Oh, since you like my outfit so much"
She got off the bed and stood in front of him, giving him a little twirl, her skirt lifting up of course, exposing her white panties, then she fell to her hands and knees in front of him, her top hanging just low enough to show her breasts, and that she removed her bra.
"Sex might be a bit much for me right now.... But i really want to do other things with you. I love you after all. And i want to make you happy. And.... when you touched me that time, it made me feel really good, and made me happy. So i'll do my best to make you feel good until i'm ready to give you all of me. So... Go ahead. If there's anything you want me to try now.... I'll do my best"
She crawled towards him a bit so she could nuzzle his cheek with hers.
He blushed a bit, “ you don’t have to force yourself just to make me happy all the time. I mean like I told you if your there then it’s fine but is this something your really willing to do?” As he looks to see her nakedness under the shirt at least as a bulge starts to appear in his pants anyway. Of course Riku really didn’t mind it but still he just wondered about her.
"..... Hm"
She sat in his lap once more.
"When i was a little kid, i was a really energetic kid. I was always smiling, i loved to talk to people, and get to know them. Mama said i was like sunshine shaped into a person... It's kind of mushy, but that's what Mama said... But, then the other kids said i was annoying. They kept saying it was creepy that i was always smiling, and spoke so loudly and happily. They started to bully me a lot.... I can't remember most of what happened of course, but i do recall crying a lot. I thought if being the way i was made them hate me, they'd like me again if i just changed. So i stopped smiling. And i tried my best to talk slowly too. I did this for so long...... It kinda took over my personality. Now i have trouble smiling and conveying my emotions through my voice. This didn't actually solve my problems either. It stopped the bullying, but replaced it with seclusion. Once i got into primary school, then middle school. People wouldn't talk to me because they didn't know how to. I've overheard them talking about me before. They said stuff like, She's so hard to talk to, i just don't know what she's thinking, it's so creepy. Her face is so static and empty, she's like one of those creepy old dolls. I started to just accept that people didn't want anything to do with me. So i stopped trying to talk to others. I made myself an island. When high school started last year, i thought things might change when some pretty girls invited me to karaoke. It was just the four of us, and i thought they might become my first friends in so many years. But... after hearing me sing i guess they hated it so much they couldn't stand looking at me."

She lifted her arms and put them around the back of Riku's neck, looking up at his face.
"Then... I met you. Someone who actually wanted to be my friend. Someone who had fun hanging out with me. You paid more attention to me than anyone has in a long time, except my parents of course. I was scared, and you made me feel safe. You gave me a gift just because you knew it would make me happy. You promised to stay by my side and always help me.... and i believe you. You even put me before yourself. Heh. You just asked me several times if i was ok with you touching me, and now i'm babbling like an idiot. I guess what i'm trying to say is. I want to be with you forever. My fear may be holding me back right now... But when it's you, i want you to touch me. And i want to touch you" She gently took hold of his hands and put them on her breasts. Then she placed her own hand on his crotch.

"So please. Explore my body as much as you like. I want you to. And i hope you'll let me do the same?"
“ I was like you but I had that since mostly the beginning, I really wasn’t someone to make friends but have someone take me as a friend. Someone that would just walk up and say hi and even talk for a bit and with that you could see they were your friend. No one did that, they would walk past me or something or even someone I knew would sometimes walk past me like I was a ghost with no hi..I mean I’m kinda the opposite but also still kinda different, I don’t mind not talking much and being myslef but I also like having the very rare chance of being able to help someone that really needs it. I was fine with not caring for anyone anyway since I started moving to the higher grades, just my first experience of people ignoring me like that..”

“ and you could maybe tell that I’m not someone to run into trouble so that’s why I always ask. I’m never really an aggressive person, I would just not say anything and ignore them. But screw it I forced myself to try once and it was from you...” giving a slight shrug as he laid his arms to the sides before she took them and moved them to the same spot again as he couldn’t help but blush a bit again. “ I like helping and I kinda was thinking anyway that I had to do something since you shared your food with me more than I thought would be even once. I kinda feel the same too though..” soon the bulge growing a bit as she even started to touch before he could feel her small chest in his hands as he looked at her. “ I love you Sakura...” leaning in to kiss her deeper as he moves his hand to start to touch her more.
"I love you, Riku" She kissed him back, moaning as he rubbed her breasts. She reached down his pants so she could touch his dick directly. She continued to kiss him, her tongue in his mouth, her hand stroking the head of his dick, her moaning into his mouth as she passionately kissed him.
"Please touch me more. Your hands feel so good"
Riku pulled her up against him a bit as he sat up himself, lifting her shirt up completely to look at her breasts as he squeezed and even gently pulled on her nipples as they continued to kiss. One hand going to grab her ass again as he broke the kiss for a moment before just giving another quick one and leaning in to suck on one of her nipples.
"MMMM. My nipples are so sensitive. It feels so good when you pull on them like that too..... It's more embarrassing than i thought..... You can do it more"
She lifted her shirt over her head, taking it off and throwing it on the floor, then she got his pants off, with his help of course, and got his dick out.
".... I have an idea. Lay down Riku"
She put her hands on his chest and made him lie on his back, stroking his dick with her hand to get it nice and hard.
"I can't use my breasts.... But i can still do this"
She straddled him and put her hands on the floor behind her to brace herself, then put his cock between her thighs, and started moving her hips and legs to jerk him off with her thighs.
He lifted himself a bit with his elbows as he looked over at her, “ well second best thing...” he said with a small chuckle as he sat up completely, “ but it’s actually better just like this...” slowly moving himself off her and getting up to sit on the bed before pulling her with her back to him as he sat her down with his dick between her thighs again. “ that should work...” moving his hands to pull and tease her nipples.
She let him move her, then after they were on the bed, she moaned as he teased her nipples.
"Nnng. Yeah, this is easier..... Why are you so good at this?"
She started moving again, trying to go a little faster in this position, her nipples hard now and Riku could already feel how wet her pussy was.
"Am i doing this right? Nng. Do you feel good Riku?"
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