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High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

" just take it slow..." simply saying as he put a hand on her head and gave a moan from the weird feeling. " aww man this....this must be weird, but it's good.." having his own slightly stupid kind of face as it started to feel good more that it was his first time as well.
She looked up at him with his dick still in her mouth, seeing how much he seemed to like it, so she closed her eyes and tried going a bit faster, her tongue licking all over his head, sucking harder as she moved her head faster too. She started to use both her hands to stroke the part of his dick that wouldn't fit into her mouth too, wanting to give him as much pleasure as she could manage. Eventually she had to stop to breath though.
"Puwah! Hah, hah, hah" She kept stroking his dick while she breathed
"Do you feel good? I've never done this, so i'm probably not good at it, but... I hope you still enjoy it. Ahhh"She put it back into her mouth and kept going, determined to make him feel just as good as she did.
Soon he put both hands on top of her head so he could keep his balanced as he leaned a bit forward over her. " I do love it a lot, your really" as he eventually released it in her mouth if she didn't pull it out when he did.
Sakura kept going as he put his hands on her head. She liked it when he did that. That was offset however by cum flooding her mouth. Her eyes grew wide as she was surprised by it.
After he stopped cumming she let his cock slip out of her mouth and fell onto her butt. She thought this stuff tasted strange, but she didn't want to make more of a mess either. She looked like she was struggling, she balled her hands into fists when she pressed together just in front of her chest. She looked down, then looked side to side with a slight grimace on her face, then she closed her eyes while looking up, finally managing to swallow every drop of his cum.
"Puwaaaah..... That tastes funny"
" Sorry...." scratching his neck feeling a bit embarassed still by doing that. " you didn't have to force yourself, maybe could have taken you to the bathroom..." deciding that he would have done something if she told or signaled him to. " well did you want to do anything else then? Maybe eat somewhere?" Deciding to ask her if she wanted to stop it here to do something else or even if she wanted to forward with the possibility of both of them giving their first time to each other as a couple.
After he suggested she go into the bathroom she thought for a minute.
".....I should've thought of that.... Can i have that water now please?"
Still sitting on the floor she held her hand out so he could hand her the water. Once he gave it to her she chugged half the bottle in one go.
"Fwah. Thank you.... I think.... I think i'd like to continue.. If you're up for it of course. Oh wait... We probably shouldn't go further without uh.. protection. If you want to do, uh, other stuff though, i guess that's ok"
She stood up and sat beside Riku, holding hugging his arm with her head resting on his shoulder.
He scratched his neck a bit, " yeah I didn't really expect it and I'm fine with that but I would need to buy though...maybe even now if you want..." putting his pants back on and sitting down again next to her.
"Wouldn't it be embarrassing to buy them? I don't think i could go through with it. Oh, it's supposed to be really nice out today. Can we go on a date in the park?"
She grabbed his arm again when he sat back down, looking at him as she asked.
"I guess there isn't a lot to do at parks, but it could still be fun to walk around and just be together there"
" well that's fine then..." as he took a jacket and held out his hand so he could hold hers before they started to walk out down the sidewalk and to the park, the other hand in his pocket as he casually looked around liking a bit how busy everything seemed around them before eventually walking down a path to the actual park itself.
On their way out she grabbed her own jacket, throwing it on then taking Riku's hand as they walked to the park. Once they got to the park, it was quite active. A bunch of kids were playing, they weren't the only couple out for a walk either. There were also a few people playing some games too, mostly sports related.
"It's nice here. Especially with you"
She squeezed his hand a little harder
" everything just got better for me to be honest just cause of you and well I mean at was weird and cool to finally make a friend for a bit and actually do something out of school. But I'm even happier right now that I have something to care about more than a friend now..." leaning to kiss her cheek. " I might be stupid and repeat things but at least it shows you that I care and that I am serious..." Soon they walked down closer to the playground area as he watched most of the younger kids and the other couples and parents for a bit as they walked but not minding she would want to stop and watch as well.

He was also just happy at the fact that school was still boring of course but it was completely different with her now being there as it mostly made everything worth doing or a bit of fun just by being around sakura. " I really like kind of being in a busy place."
"I like being anywhere with you..... Well, i'd rather not be in a scary movie still... but other than that, everywhere with you"
She locked her arms with riku's as they walked through the park. They spent a good long time wandering around doing nothing in particular. After a while they stopped to get some drinks and sat down on a bench.
He sat down and leaned back with a nod before looking around just deciding to watch some of the people around them while they relaxed. " same too, it's more fun with you I would really love seeing you wear something like this more, stockings and skirts like that are the best thing, best thing..." playfully giving a small random poke to her stomach.
"You really like skirts and stockings. Mama said boys like socks and stockings like this. So i get that part, kinda at least. But do you like skirts because it's easier to get at my panties? Ecchi"
She turns away from him and sips her juice. It's obvious she's just playing with him, trying to act cute. She leans back against him a little and acts coi for a few minutes. Eventually they finish their juice and decide to leave the park and walk around town a bit. They look through a few shop windows, heading into some shops but not actually buying anything for a few hours, then they drop into a convenience store.
"I've really liked spending today with yo-eh?" Her phone interrupted her, and it turned out her ringtone was a cat meowing.
"Sorry, it's Mama. I'll be right back. I'll take care of what i wanted to get after i'm done. You can go ahead of me"
She bowed and stepped outside, answering her phone.
" well maybe yeah but they just looks nice with the stockings best damn combo..." Finally they start walking again, having a good time like the first they did go out together at least. "Same..." giving a smile as he was about to talk but stops from the phone ringing. " sure that's fine then..." as he leaves her outside to do his own little thing.
She talks for a few minutes outside, then hangs up and goes into the store. She goes up to Riku.
"That was Mama. The explanation is a bit long winded but.... the short version is my parents will be out the rest of the weekend.... So, if.. you want to spend the night we can watch movies and play games i guess... If you want to"
She separates from him to get some snacks, and it just so happened while they were walking and talking for that short amount of time, they parted just 2 feet away from where the condoms were.
" sure that's fine then..." blushing a bit and looking away when she cuts off the end of her own sentence. " oh..umm...s-sure if you really want to..." putting his hands in his pockets with a sigh to calm down as he idly walked down to the end of the isle and turned to look at his surroundings before seeing the familiar and embarrassing box that he only had heard or seen from certain places...but now he was face to face with that very thing and the possibility of even using it for himself for that weekend. Of course he felt very embarrassed as he looked around and waited for a moment before he took a box making sure to hide it mostly from just her.
Sakura didn't notice what he was doing. Instead she was looking for her favorite chips and candy. This convenient store was different to the one she normally went to, so she didn't know where everything was. Since Riku had already gotten most of what he wanted he'd naturally have plenty of time to pay for his things without her noticing. Especially since after Sakura found her snacks, she learned this particular convenience store had quite the selection of Ramune. Based on how carefully she was looking at each bottle, it was safe to say she quite liked it. She ended up buying her favorite chips, a few choice candies, a small bag of cookies, as well as about a dozen Ramune, all different flavors. This easily took her from "quite liked" to "approaching addict" really quickly. She met Riku just outside the store.
"Sorry for keeping you waiting. I'm ready to go now"
Riku sighed as he was lucky she didn’t get to see anything as he would have decided to at least buy two small boxes for them if she ever wanted it but not rushing it at all as it was funny to expect that e didn’t even do much for her to really want him like that more than a friend or girlfriend now. With a sigh he walked when he was done, leaning against the wall as he looked around boredly not really having anything to do or just think about in general for now.
"Hm? Riku?"
She caught his attention then took his hand, glad her stuff fit into one bag. They walked the fairly short distance to Sakura's house and went inside. They just put their bags on the kitchen counter for the moment. Naturally though Sakura put her Ramune directly into the fridge.
"So what should we do first? We have Netflix if you wanna watch a movie. I've got lots of games in my room too."
While she spoke she took her sweater off, though she did keep her knee-socks on, since Riku kept saying how great they were.
“ I guess we can watch for a bit, I just mostly like laying..but maybe do that after then.” already liking the idea of a cute girl with stocking sitting on top of him and also being able to tease her a bit as they sat like poking or even giving a small tickle as the we’re gonna watch a movie. With that he sat on the couch laying down as he turned on the tv.
She got some chips and candy, as well as a drink for each of them and put them on the coffee table so they could both reach them easily. Then she laid down in front of Riku, letting him hold her.
"Mmmm. I didn't know i'd like cuddling this much. You can pick whatever movie you want..... Please don't pick something scary though... If you pick something scary i'll never wear these again"
At that she rubbed her knee sock covered leg against his. She didn't really think this through since he was wearing pants, so that wouldn't do as much, compared to if she rubbed against his bare skin. Regardless, it still got her point across at least. She settled herself into him, her back pressed against him, getting nice and comfortable.
“ then you would be naked until you changed..” teasing a bit as he sat down with her on top of him as she leaned back. Wrapping his arms around her, he got the remote and started to pick a normal movie that wasn’t scary before wrapping his arms around her again as they both just relaxed together for a while.
"Nice try Hentai-san. Since we're in my house, all my clothes are here anyway"
She turned a little so she could stick her tongue out at him. She really could be childish sometime. She turned back towards the tv, glad he didn't pick a scary movie and relaxing in his embrace.
"I don't think i've seen this one before. Guess this'll be our first couch movie"
She watched the movie with him, now and again either taking a chip or having a sip of her Ramune.
“ yeah but it would take time though so I would still see it...everything is a first, and so is that one thing...” as he poked her in the stomach then laid his head on top of hers as they watched as he did the same of taking some food or drinking and goinrg back to hold her again.
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