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High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

Soon he let her go, " well fine ill go first then, and I don't care if you start hating me or just ignore what I just said but Sakura....after that day...that keychain means a lot to me now, like I said twice already a new friendship maybe something more than that that's new to both of us....I'm really just gonna say it now so be prepared to say no...." doubting his chances like any boy. " sakura...after all this small time of having fun in school and the fun first trip we had our of school...well I'm confessing right now, probably no surprise that I've kind of had a bit of a crush on you since that day....but like I said if not we could be just friends..." giving a smile to show he wouldnt be mad or anything.
After he admitted he liked her, Sakura froze, looking at him for just over a minute. Then she finally did something. She took a step forward and hugged him, speaking into his chest.
"Me too"
She didn't say anything after that, just held him tightly, her face glued to his chest.
He blushed as he froze himself then looked down at the girl in front of him as she hugged him. " so I guess I just met my first high school girl then..." wrapping his arms around her and hugging the girl tight. The charm met more than their friendship and love for each other now, it has and had been just something so much more. Riku just held her there as they both enjoyed the moment, letting go after a little while wondering if she would even want to invite him then or maybe at least walk with her again back home.
She let go as he did.
"So..... Does this mean we're..... going out now? I've never done that before..... Please take care of me"
She bowed deeply to him, and she was blushing the entire time.
"So....What do we do now?"
" well it's still just the start of the week, probably be better to take you home then since it has to be before night..." knowing then that their parents would say the same and not be out when it wasn't the weekend. " everything is new for me too, but I promise that I will..." slowly turning to walk out of the school and into the sidewalk so they could go back now.
She walked beside him, actually close to him now, stealing glances at him all the time. Now and then her left hand would brush against his, probably not intentionally, she just seemed distracted.... granted, it was by him.
As they walked, he could feel the hand a few times before waiting again for it to brush up against his before lacing his fingers around here and holding as his other hand was in his pocket. Eventually they reached the house as he let go of her hand and again out both of them into the pockets of the jacket as he turned to look at her. " well I'll see you tomorrow then if there's nothing else..." giving her a chance to say or do something as otherwise he would leave.
When he took her hand, Sakura was surprised, but she squeezed his hand too. They held hands all the way to her house, where he finally let go.
"Uhm.... Yes.... I'll see you tomorrow then... Riku-kun"
She bowed to him again before going inside.

The next day at school instead of being distracted by a manga during class, Sakura was distracted because she kept looking at Riku. Then lunch came and they went back to their spot under the sakura tree.
"Uhm.... Riku-kun.... This time instead of sharing a bento i thought uhm..... Here"
She took out a different bento and offered it to him.
With not having anything left, he soon turned and started to go back into his house for school tomorrow. Like any other day they followed the same old and maybe even a bit harder routine at least on some days for the class as lunch finally started for them soon enough after finishing their PE for the day. " oh...sure.." not expecting it but not minding it either as it was the same as basically sharing one anyway but maybe a bit easier now that they had possibly separate ones. Riku nodded and took the bento from her before sitting down and waiting for a moment for her to sit and get comfortable before they would eat together.
Sakura took out her normal bento too, sitting beside him, leaning a little bit against his side. Her bento seemed to have less food in it this time. Her food was pretty normal aside from that. Riku's bento though was omurice with a few healthy sides. It looked like great care was taken to make this so well.
" it must have been weird and maybe still that your bringing bento's for me. I was even thinking of just buying before from somewhere but I don't mind it if you don't..." giving a smile as he really appreciated and was happy more than before that he had a girlfriend that brought him food mostly everyday which would have been of course strange if other people knew about it, but right now feeling even more special. With that he started to eat with her closely next to them as they relaxed.
"I hope it tastes good. Mama usually helps me with lunches, but this time i wanted to do them both myself"
She leaned a bit more against him as they ate together. Since she didn't have more food than she could handle this time she finished eating fairly quickly. The rest of the time she spent resting her head on his shoulder.
" was actually gonna ask and I was hoping for that answer too. I thought that your mom helped only a little bit and it was mostly you actually. But I like this alot as usual so don't worry about it at all." Riku continued to eat more but of course couldn't really finished it as he sat up and wrapped an arm around her as they continued to relax.
She smiled softly and made herself comfortable for the remainder of lunch. Then of course it ended and they needed to return to class. For the rest of that week they continued to have their little chats, Sakura made lunches for him, and they usually cuddled after they finished eating. At some point they actually remembered to exchange phone numbers too, so they could actually communicate without being right in front of each other. This came in handy friday night when Sakura sent a simple text at around 9:30 pm.
She wrote, "are you still awake?"
He couldn't help but see now that with the tiring early days of high school it already felt worth it with the fact that he wasn't alone anymore and he finally had a girl that he cared about the most out of anything. Following their routines together throughout the week and sometimes preparing for the weekends, he looked over to see a text from her. Riku right now had been finishing a bit of the homework for a bit as he looked at the text and responded, " yeah I'm here." Sending the text and getting up so he could stop and relax.
Sakura had just taken her bath. She was in her pajamas, white ones with cat prints on it. She was hugging one of her pillows to her chest as she looked at her phone. Then she replied back to his text.
"We've been dating for a week, but we haven't actually gone on a date. You've met my parents already too, but i haven't even seen your house. Can i come over tomorrow?"
It took her 3 full minutes to press send after typing that. She'd never been to a boy's house, well at least not a boy she wasn't related to. And she certainly had never been to a boyfriend's house either.
" yeah that's totally fine, just need to know when though I'll see you at the house tomorrow." Sending the text with a smile face on it though of course not minding if she wanted to just talk more about anything over the text.
" that's fine, shouldn't be a too bad of a walk hopefully. I'll be happy to see again like always..." smiling a bit at the simple thought before he laid was laying down on the bed to relax and do other things on his phone while he texted her.
"I'll see you tomorrow then"
After sending that message she quickly went to sleep. She woke up early the next day, eating a quick dinner and picking something to wear. Then she left and arrived at his house around noon. When she got there she knocked on the door. She stood outside his house in what she hoped was a cute outfit, this time having a shoulder bag with her so she could actually carry things.
With that it seemed it was already over for the night as he did his usual things and went to sleep for the night as well. Eventually he woke up with the knock as he wasn't really a morning person on the weekends, quickly changing and coming down as he opened the door, standing there look at her up and down. " well damn....thats probably my favorite outfit for you to wear for two obvious reasons..." as he went back inside to let her in and close the door behind her. The room looked as large as hers and mostly the same accept with the fact of the different layout and colors of the wall but still different enough to her that she felt she was in a completely new place. " dad had work and mom went out to do stuff..." shrugging as he sat down at the couch and turned the t.v. on.
"Eh? Two reasons? What are they? Do you like pink?"
She followed him inside and sat on the couch beside him.
"So...your parents aren't home? It's just.... us...."
When she sat on the couch she put some space between the two of them. Considering she clearly liked to cuddle this was unusual.
" well its because who doesn't like that damn skirt and stockings. Best things ever, I'm a simple guy with that I really like in outfits...well I guess..." seeing as they were and it was odd that they were open to certain things that mostly everyone would know about in this situation but of course not wanting to do really anything unless she wanted it. Riku sighed and laid back against the couch as they watched tv but not minding at all if she wanted to watch anything else as well.
"So boys like skirts and knee socks? Hm"
They watched tv for a little while, then Sakura piped up.
"Do you mind if i see your bedroom? I've always wanted to know what.... well, really just what any bedroom aside from mine or my parents looks like. Do you mind if we go in there? We could have a drink and talk...."
“ let’s go then...” giving a shrug as he turned to walk upstairs and to his room, opening it shecould go in and see inside as he laid on his bed wondering what she would even want to do for talking.
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