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To end the resets. (private for spud and Vail)

Asriel just nodded, then felt Frisk start rubbing his shoulders, telling him to breathe. He was getting rather light headed from holding his breath. Calmly he let it out, now focusing on breathing normally. He was feeling better already. " Thank you Papyrus." he shyly looked at him, smiling warmly. He pulled the nice-cream to his mouth, taking a bit. It tasted divine, his eyes widen. "Wow, this is really good! I Almost forgot how good these were!" He took another bite " Want to keep walking? We still have a long walk back to you house." He said, still doing his best to breathe. But it was hard when he looked at Papyrus. There was this urge deep in him, not a bad one. But he wasn't sure if it was good either.
Frisk watched Asriel start to get the hang of it, she kind of wished that poor Papyrus had a ghost of his own to help him and calm him down. But he didn't look like he was doing a horrible job of keeping it together, she kept rubbing his shoulders till she thought he wasn't as tense anymore. "you're doing great.. keep it up. remember to breath!" she giggled and floated away from him watching them together.

Papyrus nodded quickly and started walking, a lot slower than usual. He made sure to walk along side his new friend, not realizing there was an urge building inside of his friend. Papyrus could feel something of an urge, wanting to stay with Asriel. "V.. very good! I'm glad you're enjoying them as much as I enjoy sp-spending time with you!!" He tried so hard to be as smooth as Sans, remembering how Sans could pretty much make anyone laugh if he tried hard enough. But the way he said it just sounded sweet and cute instead of like a layed back joke. Which wasn't a bad thing. Papyrus looked away and scratched his neck, thinking about how he ruined that line. Trying to be as smooth and cool as sans...

Frisk giggled again, "Poor papy.. His shoulders look as tense as yours did."
Asriel couldn't help but wonder how this knew so much and yet he was so clueless. He smiled and sighed realizing that she had a soul, she knew kindness. He took a few more bites of his nice-cream before looking up to Papyrus, he wondered how could you even give a skeleton a message. "So, what are you going to do when we leave? Are you still going to try and join the Royal Guard? You will have a whole world to do and be whatever you want." He smiled, he wanted to know more about his friend. And just learn thing to use against him. Frisk was right, the poor guy did look tense, was this how he looked a while ago. Maybe once they got to his house he can try what Frisk. It felt nice, surely Papyrus would like it as well.
"That's a good point.. I hadn't thought of that. I guess the royal guard may be disbanded if we will be living with humans.. I can only imagine their king will rule us! It wouldn't our place to ask for our kingdom to stay up!! Right?.. Maybe they would give us some land? I'm not sure.. Maybe I could work as one of their guards!! Or maybe I will find a new job that would make me happy! It's a whole new world out there! right? I mean.. It's not like they will have all the same jobs!!" He seemed like this was an easier conversation to talk about. He was starting to sweat from how hot the hotlands where. It was easy to see him sweating, so when they made it out of the hotlands and into waterfall again he stopped for a moment seeing flowing water. "Uh. One moment Asriel! I just need a second.. Feel free to join me!" He smiled and walked next to the water, taking his shoes off and putting them next to him. He sat right at the edge of the water, Putting his feet and legs in the water and sighing with relief. "that feels much better.. my feet where cooking back there!!"
Asriel snickered at how excited Papyrus got over the question. He even brought up some really good points. "Well, I'm just going to leave pretty much all that up for my dad to take care us. I have to get used to the fact that I'm not a prince. But that's okay, Its not like I was one my whole life. I think the only one that it will shock is my dad." He watched as Papyrus stopped, taking off his boots and placing his feet in the cool water. "heh, yeah tell me about it." He said lifting his robe showing that he did have shoes on. But the soles of his feet were pretty tough. Asriel wondered over next to him. dipping his feet in, sighing at the feeling. " I guess I should start thinking about what I should do. Maybe I can set up shop and sell flowers." He chucked at this, thinking he was being rather clever.
Papyrus took a moment to think about the flower shop idea before laughing a bit "well who else to sell flowers than a former flower. You know everything already!!" he chuckled more and moved his feet around in the water slowly, feeling how nice and cool everything was on him. "and I'm sure you're father won't mind you doing other things, things that aren't king type stuff. You just need to tell him! He's already into flowers anyways!!" He smiled wide and rocked back and forth a little bit.
Asriel looked down at his feet in the water, kicking them slowly. He had almost forgot that it was his father that took care of the gardens in the castle. " You're right, I honestly think he will be more happy to not have to worry about ruling. Maybe it can be a family business, he grows them and I sell them." Pulling his feet from the water and moved back a little lean back on his hands looking up at the mountain ceiling. " I know for awhile when we get to the surface I'm going to just look at the sky. See the real stars and sun. I just hope they are as beautiful as this."
Papyrus kept his feet in the water and watched Asriel as he got more comfortable, Papyrus looked down and hunched over. Sticking his hand in the water and playing with it a little bit, smiling down at the water. "That would be really nice.. A family business! That could be really cool! And I've heard that the sky is a thousand times more beautiful during the day and night than the ceiling is here!" He looked up and smiled, "Not exactly sure though.. There are parts of the underground that are stunning!"
Asriel kept his gaze up for a while longer before looking to Papyrus. He couldn't help but smile. They both seem much calmer than before. Taking time to relax really did them both some good. He thought back about all the times he was sort with Papyrus, being rude, calling him names. And yet, he still came and talked to Asriel. It felt nice to see him so at peace. " Yeah, I've heard the same. Its sort of scary though. We have no idea what's waiting us up there. And leaving here, its all what most of us have always known. A lot is going to change, I just hope its for the better."
Papyrus sighed happily and nodded. "It'll be a change.. That's for sure! But it will be a welcome one! everyone has dreamed about going to the surface and just.. Exploring! Something that we all need to do!! So I don't anyone will think its daunting or scary. The scariest thing about the surface is the humans!! And we'll prove that they're not out to get us!" Papyrus chuckled and then looked back down towards the water smiling. "th... thank you Asriel. I just wanted to say thank you. You've always been my friend and helped me out. Sure there where some times when you where grumpy.. but... I now know why! And I don't blame you one bit" He looked to Asriel and smiled wide, his own heart fluttering for a moment. Or that's what if felt like. "Thank you"
Asriel tilted his head at him, wondering if he knew how he died the first time. If so, then he would understand why Asriel was so concerned about leaving, and seeing humans. A cross between anger and fear started to rise. He got so caught up yesterday with Undyne, he didn't really think how me would react when he saw another human on the surface, or a crowed. He frowned slightly. " I wish I was as brave as you. I'm honestly kind of...scared." He looked from Papyrus and stood to his feet. "You ready to get moving?" He held out his hand to Papyrus to help him up. Smiling kindly to his friend.
Papyrus nodded, pulling his feet out of the water and putting his boots back on. He looked up at Asriel and saw that caring face, he giggled and blushed. Taking his hand and standing up with him. "th.. Thank you. I bet you're brave.. I could help you! If you need. If you need help! I could. Well.. Teach you how to be more brave?" he giggled and started walking with Asriel. "Yes we should probably get going. No need to waste time!" His cheeks got a bit red and he looked a little flustered.
Asriel chuckled and shook his head. "How about you just be the brave friend? I'll be your side-kick or something. " He cleared his throat, the way Papyrus looked at him just then started to make it hard to breath again. Remembering what Frisk told him he rolled his shoulders and took a few slow breaths again. Calming himself once more. "Plus, we have a lot of brave monsters, I think we will be fine with out." Just then he had a thought. " Hey, you know Undyne and I are going up the surface here shortly, and I think you will be great to have a long, seeing that you are also human like in some ways. We would need to get you a disguise. Would that be something you would like to do?"
Papyrus's eyes widened and he looked super excited! "R-REally!? You think that!! You think I would be an added help!?! I would love too!!" He shook his fists up and down really fasts super excited about being invited on this mission. "Undyne Said I might be able to help!! But I would love to Go on this mission with you!!! You won't be disappointed! I will be amazing!! do... do you m-mind if i hug you? T-To say thank you!!" Papyrus wondered if it would be alright.
Asriel laughed loudly at how happy and excited Papyrus was about the idea. He asked to be nice, but also because he was really brave, he would just have to talk to him about remaining calm if they see any humans. That they were there to just watch. " Well yeah, for now I'm the Prince so I'm sure I have say who can go. But we have to keep out group small. So I thinks its best it just be the three of us. Don't tell anyone though..." He held open his arms and nodded." Sure, just be gentle...I'm also not as tough as you...well in this body. "
Papyrus quickly hugged him, hugging him as if he was glass. His arms wrapping around tight but gently, his hands gripping onto his robe just enough. Resting his chin on Asriels shoulder.. just for a moment "Thank you Asriel. I will stay calm if I see a human! Promise, I will act professional and calm!" He hugged him for a little while longer before slowly letting go. "You're very nice Asriel. A true friend!" Slowly moving away from Asriel he smiled at him with a gentle thanks.
Asriel melted into Papyrus's hug, it was the first real one he had in awhile. He pulled him close, enjoying the feeling of Papyrus against him like this. He did want it to end. "I know my friend, you have my trust, you always have. Even when I didn't deserve it." The hug felt like it was a lifetime, even then it didn't feel long enough. As Papyrus pulled away, Asriel instantly missed his warmth. Feeling his face grow warm. " Yeah, same to you my favorite friend." He returned a kind smile as they headed back to Snowdin. The closer they got, the more he wanted to turn back. Asirel didn't want to see Sans.
They didn't take long to make it back to snowdin, it wasn't that far from where they where. Papyrus started running a little when he made it back home, making it to the front door and opening it for Asriel. "Home sweet home!! Make yourself at home as much as you want! If you like I could get you some food?" he kept the door open and waited for Asriel.
Asriel did his best to keep pace with Papyrus when the made it to Snowdin. That worry and fear crept over him as they got closer to the brothers house. He knew Sans was still angry with him, though there was the thought that it was because he was drunk the last time the spoke, maybe this time will be different. As Papyrus opened the door, Asriel peered around as he slowly made his way in. As Flowey he used to just look in the windows from the outside. Being invited in was strange, it left him with a sinking feeling in his gut. When he was asked for something to eat he shook his head. " No thank you, I'm fine." Walking into their living room he looked up the stairs, he knew whos room was which. Still he had an idea what they would look like, though he was never able to see inside them. Turning he looked to Papyrus with a side smile. "This is such a lovely home you have Papyrus. "
Papyrus walked in with a smile, closing the door behind him and putting his hands on his hips. "It is isn't it!! It's very clean! My doing, of course.. One moment. SANS!! WE HAVE A VISITOR!!!" There was no response and Papyrus scratched his head in confusion. "He must be at work.. Not sure if you knew he was a sentry at the edge of Snowdin! I guess he still needs to be there, just in case another human falls down! Needs to be on full alert.. Weird though.. he usually waits till about half way through the day to go to his job. Not sure why he went so early.." Papyrus smiles at Asriel. His shoulders still seemed very tense just from looking at them.
There was a moment of panic as Papyrus yelled for Sans. The last thing he wanted was to put him in the middle of their rivalry, although he felt there was no need for one anymore. But that was going to take more time to fix due to all that Sans knows. Once if seemed like Sans wasn't home Asriel sighed and plopped down on the couch. The comfort was nice after the moment of tremendous stress. "maybe he is still asleep...?" He regretted asking that out loud. " If he is we should leave him, its been a rough few days. We all should just relax while we can. " He said patting the spot next to him. "C'mon, I know you work too hard already. Now is the time to enjoy our peace." He said with a bright smile.
He shook his head "No. He would have at least said something if he was home.. That would have woken him up for sure!" Papyrus looked back at asriel patting the couch, he looked cute doing that. his cheeks so plump looking with that smile, Papyrus shivered a bit from seeing that and plopped down on the couch. Resting his hands on his lap and trembling a bit on the inside. "s-so... I.. Do you want to watch Television?" He cleared his throat a couple of times and looked down to Asriels lap so that he wouldn't have to look him in the eyes.
Asriel laughed. "That would have woken me up at the castle. Maybe I should hire you as my alarm. At least I know I could 'count' on to." He chuckled at his pun, even though it was a bad one. Seeing Papyrus sir next to him he saw that he was tense again, thinking how to calm him. He started to reach over to try what Frisk did to him. the thought made his freeze in mid reach. Dumbfounded he looked at Papyrus, wondering if he should ask, or if it would be okay to just do it. Taking a deep breath he leaned over, placing a paw on the back of Papyrus neck, lightly rubbing his spine.
"i.. wouldn't mind being your alarm clock and being in your room" he basically whispered to himself, he stretched his back out a little bit before Asriel grabbed his neck. He shot up and sat straight up a little confused, Asriel started rubbing and massaging his neck and a bit of his shoulders. Asriel could feel his neck and shoulders start to loosen, the soft fur making it really hard not too. Papyrus closed his eyes and let out what could only be described as a slight moan, closing his eyes and feeling how nice it was. "wow.. You. That feels very nice Asriel. Thank you.. I think I needed this!" he smiled and opened his eyes looking back at Asriel smiling happily.
The thought of Papyrus in his room, followed by the light moan made Asriel shiver, goosebumps covering his body as if he had a chill. He was relieved that he didn't mind him touching him with out asking. With his free paw he adjusted his robe, feeling his manhood growing for some reason. He was embarrassed by this. "Yeah, well I want you to feel nice around me. I know I messed up...a lot. But I really want to make it up to you..."
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