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To end the resets. (private for spud and Vail)

Papyrus held onto Asriel for a while.. Just watching him, seeing his eyes close. He saw his little snout just twitching as he breathed. It made Papyrus giggle and hold him closer, Papyrus kept petting and holding him like a teddy bear. It was so calming. Papyrus thought he might fall asleep himself, feeling his ears and little tufts of fur. Then he heard someone coming inside the house! Papyrus stood up quickly and pulled his pants up! tucking Asriel in the bed and kissing his head again, getting out of his room quickly and running downstairs. Finding Sans going through the fridge, Papyrus walked next to him. "Hello Sans!! Did you go to work?" Sans looked up at him and drank a big glass of orange juice. "uh.. something like that.... maybe... what have you been up too?.." Papyrus scratched the back of his head and looked to the stairs. "Uhm. Well! I was just doing my stretching! Then" Papyrus wasn't sure if he should tell Sans that Asriel was here. Well, if Asriel woke up then he would be surprised. "Asriel came over! He was super tired. So I let him sleep in my room! He didn't sleep well. Seems like no one did! How did you sleep?" Sans looked upstairs and he looked a bit angry. "uh.. so..... why doesn't he sleep at home then..." Papyrus was kind of shocked and looks around. "Good Question!! I'll ask him!" Sans shrugs and keeps drinking orange juice.
Asriel stirred a little as Papyrus slipped out of bed, He smiled in his sleep feeling a kiss on his forehead. Papyrus bed as nice, best of all, it smelt like him. Asriel didn't want to ever leave. He wondered if maybe once on the surface that maybe they could live together. Asriel snuggled deeply into the pillow, pulling the covers close to his face and he dreamed about a life with his best friend would be like. His ear twitched hearing voices, then he realized he recognized the voice of Sans. He sat up, noticing he was still nude. Jumping out of bed he threw back on his robes. Unsure if Sans would just walk in. Asriel knew that he was far from one of Sans favorite monsters right now. It would have only gotten worse if he found him in his little brothers bed naked.
Sans sighed and shook his head. Papyrus looked at Sans and wasn't sure why he was getting so angry, it seemed a bit out of no where and it made Papyrus angry. "Why are you so upset with Asriel!? He has done nothing wrong! And you're treating him like hes evil!.. While he's in our house I want you to treat him with respect! He is our guest!! And you will treat him like one!! Understand?!" Sans took a step back and raised an eyebrow.. Papyrus was easy to get angry.. but not this easy. There was something up. Something was different. Maybe Asriel was manipulating Papyrus. Sans smiled and shrugged.. "sorry bro.. you're right.. i've just been grumpy lately.. i won't let it affect my manners.. heh heh" Papyrus smiled and stood up straight "Good!.. Now I'll go tell him you're home! he's been sleeping for a while" sans put his hand on Papyrus's leg and shook his head. "nah.. i'll be polite and go get him.. just tell him i'm here.. and say sorry for the other day" he smiled and walked up to Papyrus's door. Walking inside and closing the door behind him. Papyrus was a little proud of Sans.

Sans saw Asriel standing in Papyrus's room and he scowled walking closer. "good nap.. huh?" he walked really close and frowned harder. "i know somethings up........ when i figure it out... i'm going to kick the shit out of you.. if you're lying to my brother. if you're trying to hurt him to get to me.. you better pray that you have the ability to reset.. cause i'll break your fucking neck. fluffy goat." Sans looked around the room seeing what's wrong. Nothing looked weird.
Asriel heard the door open and held his breath, the blood drained from his face seeing that it was Sans. He was so thankful he woke up and got dressed when he did. As Sans approached, Asriel back away till his back hit a wall. He held up his hands. "S-sans, I don't want to hurt your bother. I want to be his friend, a real friend this time. I don't want to hurt him, and I really d-don't want to fight you. Please, Sans. I'm not that thing anymore." Asriel was terrified. But he knew that Papyrus wouldn't let anything happen to him. But the last thing he wanted was to fight.
"you better not.. and you better not be up to a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g.. or i will find out. whatever you're doing to my brother.. i'll figure it out quick" he snapped his finger and squinted at him. "so knock it off.. this is your only warning. got it?" he raised an eyebrow and then walked out of the bedroom and glided down the stairs smiling at papyrus. "he'll be down soon.."
Asriel flinched when Sans snapped his fingers. He didn't say anything else. Just nodded. Taking a minute to regain his thought, and for his heart to slow down. Sans had every right to act this way. Still Asriel had no idea how to deal with him. Why did ne have to fall in love with a monster with such a scary brother. This was a moment he wished he was still Flowey, so Sans couldn't bully him.

Slowly Asriel walked down the stairs, glancing to Sans, then to Papyrus. Giving him a gentle smile. "Hey, Thanks for uhh, letting me take a nap. I'm feeling much better."
Papyrus nods and smiles wider "No problem!! I hope you slept well! you did, sleep well.. Didn't you??" Papyrus looked a bit conserened that Asriel might not have slept as well as he thought he did. Sans looked at the way Papyrus was so caring about Asriel, it wasn't anything new for Papyrus to be weird about friends. So he just ignored it and shrugged, drinking more orange juice and sniffing a little bit.

Papyrus walked up to Asriel, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "If you want. We could go out and do some fun activities! Like... Build a snowman! maybe walk over to waterfall? see if Napstablook has new music??" Sans looked at Asriel over his shoulder.
Asriel smiled to his friend. He cared for him so much, he looked up to Papyrus lovingly " I did, very much. Best sleep I think I have had in years." He could feel Sans on him, causing the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. He wanted to get out of there. "Yes! Maybe you can show me some of your puzzles?" He said eagerly. Wanting to get away from the older brother. But still wanted to spend time with Papyrus.
Papyrus nearly jumped out of his clothes when he talked about his puzzles. He ran out the door, leaving it wide open. "FOLLOW ME!!!!" He ran all the way to the end of Snowdin, easy to follow tracks. Before Asriel left sans put his fingers too his eyes and then pointed them to Asriel.. Basically saying he was watching him.
Asriel laughed at how happy Papyrus was. He loved seeing that smile, he wanted to see it all the time, and be the reason he does. His happiness was ruined by Sans's warning. Asriel swallowed hard and rushed out the door after his friend. "Hey, way up! Remember, still getting used to legs!"
"Oh yeah! sorry! I didn't mean to make you feel slow!!" Papyrus slowed down and laughed a little bit. Waiting for Asriel to make it to him, when he did Papyrus hugged around Asriels waist and kissed him a bit romantically. Bending him backwards slightly and holding him in his arms. "Sorry about my brother! I seemed to be able to put him in a better mood though!!"
Asriel caught up with him, stopping to catch his breath when he felt Papyrus arms around him, then a kissing him. Asriel's turning a deep red as he closed his eyes, returning the kiss. After the kiss he opened his eyes slowly looking into Papyrus eyes and smiled. "Don't be sorry. And he did seem in a better mood since the last time I saw him." He hated lying to him like that. But he wasn't about to put his friend in the middle of their bitter fight.
His arms still holding his best friend he nodded "i told him off for you! hopefully no more outbursts! then you can come over whenever you want! maybe even in the future you and Sans could become good friends!! He pretty much knows everyone! and talks to them all the time!! So I don't think it would be hard for you to get on that list!" Papyrus smiled then took Asriels hand, letting go of his waist and walking at a slow pace for him. He didn't mind doing this in public with Asriel, especially since everyone was inside and 'sick'. "So! What do you want to do today!?"
Asriel chuckled. " Oh yeah? Must have been a real stern talking too." He took ahold of his hand, gripping it lightly as the walked. This was perfect, walking with his friend like this in the snow. And hearing Papyrus ideas about them all being friends, although he knew that him and Sans may never be friends, Asriel took so much from Sans, so many times. " I would like that, I hear he is a cool guy." Papyrus loved his brother, and Asriel wasn't to talk bad about Sans. Right now he was happy thinking everything was good between them, when to Asriel, its just getting worse. "Like I said, I would really like to see your puzzles."
"Oh! Of course! My bad! This way!" he moved a little faster and they walked over to one of Papyrus's puzzles that he didn't use. It looked like a bunch of weird sticks in the ground.. "Now! I call this one the pain surprise!! It was Sans's idea! something about old mines! Not sure what they are.. but it was a cool thought!! the human Will walk here! and if they touch any of the sticks. KABOOM!! Explosion of paint!! then i can follow their tracks very easily!!.... the uh.... only problem.. was that uh.... we only had white paint.. so....... It was worthless!!" Papyrus didn't seem mad about it thought.
Asriel kept a hold of Papyrus hand as they walked, Following him she couldn't help but stare up at him and smile. Once to the puzzle, and listening to Papyrus explain, he laughed lightly. Feeling a little sorry about the issue of only having white paint." Well, now we wont need things like this. You know, maybe the humans will need a skill such as yours? And Sans is smart, he came up with a brilliant idea. I hope we can work things out so we can be friend. Because I like having you, and I don't want there to be any...issues between you two because of me."
"Issues? What kind of Issues would arise from me being your friend!? I thought Sans was calming down around you!" Papyrus raised an eyebrow and scratched his chin, looking at Asriel a bit confused. "And there won't be any issues! I promise!! You worry too much" Papyrus giggled a little and looked back at his puzzle. "I hope so.. Humans could use some puzzles in their lives!! It would be pretty neat!"
"No, no! He is! That's not what I meant. There are no issues! Just, we are good friends now because we were friends before. It takes some monsters time to build friendship like ours...well maybe not just like ours." Asriel coughed and blushed a little, knowing that there friendship was something special, something...more. " And you're right, I'm sure the humans would loves these. But we might want to leave out how they were used to catch them." He chuckled, Papyrus energy was always so refreshing." How many do you have laying around like this?"
Papyrus nodded and looked at his puzzle. "True! not everyone can build friendships as fast as you or I! There are plenty that are less fortunate!" He smiled and giggled a little, looking at his puzzle a little harder and rubbing his chin. "OH! Good point! We probably shouldn't say that.... they.. Might get upset about that." Papyrus looked down and thought for a moment. "Probably like.......... 20... or... 100.. 1000.. I lost count a long time ago! I usually try to make different puzzles every week! So uh.. If you walk around this forest long enough, you'll find I made my mark on it!!" He smiled and looked at Asriel a little proud.
Asriel sighed, happy he didn't let the cat out of the bag. The last thing he wanted was to give Sans another reason to kill him. He looked at Papyrus shocked, the looked around, stepping a little closer. " Whoa, no kidding. That very impressive Papyrus. Are umm, any of then dangerous?" The thought made him seem a little uneasy, making a mental note to not walk around this part of Snowdin alone. Better yet, without Papyrus.
Papyrus quickly shook his hands to get most of his fears away "No no no no!! Most of them need a special item that I keep in my room for them to work anyways!! Ad the others are very harmless! Everything is very safe!! No need to worry Asriel!" He smiled and laughed a little. Seeing the worry in Asriels eyes was a bit disheartening.
"Sorry, I should have known better! I didn't mean to offend." Asriel felt stupid that he would even think that. Papyrus was so kind and gentle, he would never cause harm. But if Sans was helping, there was still the chance that some might." So, umm. Its starting to get late, and I haven't really eaten much. I should be going...." He didn't want to leave, but he was getting hungry, and he did have a long walk ahead of him.
Papyrus jumped a little and ran after Asriel "J-Just a moment! If you're hungry then I should come along too!! I mean.. You're the prince.. Right? The prince shouldn't wonder around by himself! He needs a guard! I... Could guard you!!" Papyrus didn't even seem excited about being a guard, he was more excited about getting to stay with Asriel. "It would be irresponsible of me to let you go by yourself!! N-Not that you're defenseless!" He quickly stumbled over himself trying not to offend his friend. "I just.. maybe we could go back to your place! Or find a nice quiet place to eat.. I know Sans wouldn't want to hear us at my house. So its probably not the best place to be!" Papyrus smiled almost like he understood that Asriel and Sans won't get along together.
Asriel raised a brow at Papyrus. "Hey, that's a great idea. You may not be in the royal guard...but I don't see why you cant be just my guard." He smiled widely at him." I mean, I trust you the most our of any monster. " He blushed a little when he brought up the fact that Sans would want to hear them, thinking about the sounds why were making before when they were doing, whatever they were doing. His body tingled thinking about that, he wanted to hear Papyrus make those sounds again." Yeah, right...and the castle is big no one can really hear us..."
Papyrus nodded quickly "Exactly! So we can go back to the castle and have some food! tell some jokes!.. do.. d-do other things if you want" Papyrus blushed thinking about what they would do, thinking about Asriel naked made him shiver a little bit.
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