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To end the resets. (private for spud and Vail)

Asriel chuckled as Papyrus said 'wow' Not even he could find the word for how that felt. Even now, Asriel was in total bliss. He nuzzled against Papyrus face, slipping a arm under his neck pulling Papyrus head to his chest. "I'm not going anywhere, so take as long as you need my friend. " He smiled, gently kissing Papyrus's forehead." If its okay with you, I think I would like to do this again with you." Asriel said resting his chin on top of his head. For the first time in a long time, he was happy, more than happy. Just laying here like this.
Being pushed into Asriels chest like that he felt safe, he always felt safe. But right now was an amazing feeling, security and safety. His hand moving to Asriels side and ever so lightly grabbing him, cuddling with his new best friend. "Good.. I don't want you to go anywhere.. And of course!! That was so much fun! I wouldn't mind doing that every day!!" he giggled and shivered when Asriel kissed his forehead. Holding on tighter and warmer, kissing Asriels neck and humming happily.
Asriel smiled, holding the skeleton in his arms. His eyes closing, nodding. This was the most at ease he has been since coming back to his body." Good, I want to stay as long as you let me." His thumb now slowly rubbing the back of Papyrus's neck vertebra. "Papyrus..." He whispered, "Thank you, for being such a good dear friend. You will always be my favorite, no matter what. We are good friends, and I want nothing more than to please you like this, everyday if that's what you would like..."
Papyrus's eyes widened and he looked up at Asriel, "really!? You wouldn't mind!! Well... I want to pleasure you like this all the time too!! If you will let me.." He smiled warmly up at Asriel and then put his hand on Asriels chest, pushing himself up ad looking down smiling wide. "We should probably clean this up. We will always be good friends!! And I will never be upset to do any of this!!" he chuckled and kissed Asriels cheek blushing a bit. "do... you want to.. do anything else?" He was down for anything, "I wouldn't mind trying and doing this again! Maybe.. I am a bit thirsty though, I could get us some water first?"
Asriel smiled down to hit partner, seeing that smile meant everything. He was will do to anything for him, he cared so deeply about his friend. "Of course I would. Always..." he gave him a light squeeze before letting him go. The mess needed to be taken care of. And since it was al on him, he was stuck until it was dealt with. "Yes, some water would be great. Thank you." He didn't want Papyrus to leave, he was so content the way they were. His mind started to wonder, wanting more of what happened. He needed to be touched again.
Papyrus stood up and smiled down on Asriel "I'll be right back my friend." He pulled his pants up rather quickly and walked out of his room, not wanting to let anyone see him other than Asriel. He walked down into the kitchen, grabbing two empty glasses. Filling them with some ice cold water that was kept in the fridge, putting Asriels down and chugging his. He then refiled his glass of water and wiped his mouth on his sleeve, just to clean up any remaining water. Walking back upstairs he then raised an eyebrow, walking over to the bathroom and grabbing a towel. Drapping it over his forearm he walked back into his room, smiling warmly. "Got a towel for you! So you don't have to get up" he chuckled and sat down on the bed, passing Asriel his drink and putting the towel down next to him.
Asriel watched as Papyrus leave to room, smiling to himself. That monster mad his soul swell, and it was a wonderful feeling. He pulled his robes off, tossing them to the side of the bed, not laying nude. closing his eyes and placing his hands be hind his head the was already fantasizing about what just happened. Just the thought made his manhood start to grow again. Hearing the door open he opened his eyes. smiling to his friend. "Thanks" he took the water and towel, sitting up on his elbow, as he cleaned his stomach. There was much more than he thought, only making his arousal grow. "Wow, we did make a mess, huh?"
Papyrus seeing Asriel fully nude made him tense up hard. Seeing the smooth tense looking body of Asriel made his breath heavy, seeing those abs and some pecs outlined through the short fur. Papyrus bit his lower lip, seeing Asriels cock laying on his own thigh he nodded agreeing with him. "a bit of a mess.. It was fun though!" He chuckled a little, his hand moving onto Asriels knee and looking at him smiling. "Was your water alright?? Not too cold was it!?" Papyrus cared about him so much that even the tiniest inconvenience to Asriel seemed like a catastrophe. He could feel his own cock growing a little, his hand moving up Asriels thigh and feeling the lean muscle. "I.... You're alright?"
Once Asriel thought he was clean enough, he tossed the towel to the side. Looking down to where Papyrus put his hand, then to Papyrus face. He felt a somewhat dark feeling growing in him. The way Papyrus looked at him, he control. Shaking his head of those thoughts he looked back at the skeleton. " Yes, everything it great, perfect if I may be so bold." He sat up more, leaning closer. "How are you? Are you...alright my friend?" he moved closer still, his face was inched fro his. Placing his paw on Papyrus's cheek, his forehead now touching his.
Asriel being so close made him shiver with delight, his cheeks starting to glow pink with giddiness. "O-Of course.. I feel great right now. Especially when I'm with you.." Papyrus giggled and gave a quick kiss before looking back deep into those eyes. The nice caring eyes, Papyrus's other hand moved to Asriels side and then up to his chest. Holding him a little bit and gripping some of his fur. "I'm glad I can make this perfect for you!" his face lighting up with extreme happiness. His hand moved to Asriels chest and he felt the muscles, looking down and smiling gently stroking and caressing what he could.
Asriel smiled and pushed his lips against Papyrus, he did want to talk anymore. He wanted that rush again, that urge that was only satisfied but is friends touch. Asriel wrapped his arms around him, slowing pushing Papyrus on his back. Pulling one arm free he reached down his pants, wanting to hear that sound again when he touched him like this. His paw lightly gripped his member. "I need you, so badly. You have no idea how you make me feel. The urges I have with you." Asriel moaned out, pushing his cheek against his.
His cock started growing in Asriels hand and he pushed his cheek against Asriels smiling and giggling, he was starting to feel like he wanted more too. His paw touching his member made him shiver and he bit his lower lip, "mmnnn~" he moaned softly as he bit his lip looking up at him. "I want to hear and feel you too" Papyrus whispered into Asriels ear, pushing his own hands behind Asriels back. Grabbing and feeling the muscles, his hands moved down to Asriels ass.. He wasn't sure why, but he wanted to grab it, so he did. Squeezing and feeling each of his chubby cheeks. Made him blush and look down at His paw feeling his cock again.
Asriel crawled on top of him, pulling Papyrus pants down enough to free his growing manhood. He sat up, getting a better look at what he looked like. "Wow, that looks...just wow." His paw slowly stroking him, taking in the view. closing his eyes as he felt Papyrus hand now on his ass. His back arched "Oh, Papyrus...." He felt like he was floating, his own member now fully erected. He want to try something. Playing his cock on top of Papyrus, the using his hand to hold them together. Slowly he started to move his hips, rubbing his cock against his.
Papyrus noted the reaction from Asriel seeing his cock, Papyrus smiled a bit conserned for some reason.. "D.. Do you like the way it looks? I know it looks a bit strange.. b-but.." He was about to brace himself, thinking that Asriel didn't like it. Really hopping it wasn't true, Then their cocks laid together. The soft underside of their members touching, feeling like he was about to pass out from the excitement. Their cocks only getting closer from his soft paw, holding them both and stroking them "ooouuuhh~" Papyrus moaned out, arching his back forward and grabbing his butt harder. Papyrus spread his legs a bit more so that their cocks could rub against each other more and more, Papyrus panted a bit and looked down. Seeing their cocks leak and the liquids mixing with the pre-cum. Papyrus grabbed Asriels little tail, a bit possessively. Like he owned it, his thumb stroking up and down feeling it in his hand.
Asriel moaned softly, this felt better than he could ever imagine. "I like it. I like everything about it Papyrus. Its yours, and it feel so good~" He threw his head back, moving his hips in short, small thrusts as griped them tighter together. He felt like he could do this forever, being this close to Papyrus like this. Their pre-cum acting as lube. " I like when you make that sound, so much." Asriel leaned down, lighting kissing his jaw. His hips moving slightly faster. A small whimper came from his as Papyrus took hold of his tail. Even if it was just a little rough, Asriel found himself enjoying it.
The thrusting was almost too much, but then Asriel did something that made Papyrus lose all tension in his shoulders. He said he liked his body and everything about him, Papyrus usually wasn't self conscious or had low self esteem. But he wanted Asriel to love everything about him as much as he loved everything about Asriel. He smiled and felt his own hips bucking and thrusting at the opposite times as Asriel, his back arching and his face clearly in pleasure. he moaned a little louder and moved his hands up Asriels back. Grabbing his shoulders and hugging him tight, feeling his light kisses. It was starting to become too much, he could feel his cock twitch and throb from this stroking and playing. "You make me feel amazing!!~ I.. a-ah!" Papyrus closed his eyes tight and his back tensed up.
Asriel was feeling himself getting close, he didn't want to just yet. He slowed his movements a little. Just want to enjoy this for as long as he could. When he felt Papyrus hips bucking up with him, he just about lost control. He wish that they do this over and over again, for the rest of the day and night. He felt that he could never get over this feeling. "Papyrus, please, bite me again." Asriel said, pushing his neck again papyrus mouth, "Harder this time." He begged, he knew this bring him over the edge. But he needed it, as much as he tried to slow thing down, he found himself losing it and thrusting hard against Papyrus.
Papyrus started to tremble, his body getting teased too much. His mind starting to flutter and float away from him, Asriel pushed his neck against his face and begged. Papyrus had a thought for a split second that he might hurt Asriel, but then it went away when he felt the surge of pleasure course through his body! Asriel bucking and thrusting his hips uncontrolled, losing control of himself and his body. Papyrus moaned and then bit really hard on Asriels neck, leaving a nice red mark under the fur. Biting even harder, feeling his teeth sink into Asriels skin and fur. Papyrus Held onto Asriels back harder and his toes curled up. He had to Buck his hips one last time, cumming All over Asriels paw and cock, lubricating it much more, some of it landing on Papyrus's spine. Making him shiver hard.
The bite was painful, then when Asriel felt papyrus teeth sinking into his neck deeper, the pain was too much, he lost himself in the mix. Crying out, he felt himself unload, harder than before. He didn't understand, he didn't think he would bite that hard, but when he did Asriel enjoyed it. He didn't want to worry him, because though it did hurt, he liked it. His member throbbed against his. His thrust jagged and he felt like it wouldn't stop. " I love you!" Asriel screamed out as he gave one last buck of his hips before falling on top of him. Asriel trampled and he light stroked their cum soaked cocks gently. He felt numb, and weak. "That was...that felt...oh papyrus, don't ever leave me...I need you so much. You are my best friend."
Asriel screamed out that he loved him and he couldn't do anything but blush, his whole face covered in red. Hugging him tight and stopped biting. Asriel dropped down exhausted and Papyrus didn't let him fall, he held on and laid him down gently on top of him. Smiling wide his eyes nearly filled with tears, he was too happy. Papyrus rubbed Asriels back, from top to bottom. Feeling his nice slow fur, he kissed Asriels cheek and then pushed the side of his head against his friends. Asriel looked like he was going to pass out at any moment, So he pushed him onto his chest. Holding him tight and caressing his ears, "I won't leave you.. I never will! you're my best friend too.... and............ a-and" papyrus leaned in and whispered into Asriels ear "I love you too. You're so nice and sweet.. I'm glad you got your body back.. And I understand now why Frisk gave her soul for you!" he hugged tighter and closed his eyes laying his head back on a pillow.
Asriel laid on Papyrus chest, sighing happily as he stroked his back. He felt so comforted, closing his eyes, wanting to fall asleep right there. Whatever they were doing, it seemed to be very draining. Asriel moaned, he loved the way it felt when Papyrus touched his ears like that. in fact, every way he touched Asriel was so wonderful. Hearing Papyrus say he loved him, filled his soul, feeling like it was going to burst. He was also happy that Frisk gave him back his life, at first he hated it. But know, laying with his best friend like this. Nothing could match this joy. Feeling Papyrus relax, he sighed. "Do you think we should clean up? Then maybe a little nap?" He looked you at him smiling

Then his eyes snapped open, he forgot about Frisk. He shivered, hoping that she didn't see them like this.
Papyrus nodded and kissed his forehead. He grabbed the towel that he used to clean up Asriel and sat up, cleaning his own cock. Bending over and cleaning Asriels too giggling a little at what just happened, "Do not fear! I can clean you!!" Papyrus threw the towel on the floor and then laid back down with his best friend. He wrapped an arm around him and yawned a little bit, Papyrus was tired too... but.. He didn't want to fall asleep! He didn't really understand what they did.. or what it was called, but he knew that they should probably keep it a secret. Maybe it was something that only best friends did!... Best friends who had romantic feelings for each other. Papyrus laid Asriels head back on his chest and pulled a blanket up for them to cuddle under smilitng. Both of them covered up.

Frisk came back up from the ground blushing a little bit, she was a lot older than she looked. Going through the underground thousands of times was like living till she was in her late 30's.. But still the energy of a little kid! She knew about sex, love. Babies.. She asked toriel.. maybe followed two people on a date...... for way too long. She knew about all of it, but she didn't think they would fall this deep for each other! She thought they might act cute and cuddle, maybe Papyrus would make dinner and have their first kiss. But, she could tell they really liked each other a lot. She floated up to Asriel and smiled "you liked it?.. it... you two sounded like you where having a lot of fun. I'm happy for you two!" she was genuine, even if she was a bit flustered. She didn't want Asriel to think this was weird between them, it was just love.
Asriel smiled at his energetic friend as he got to work cleaning. "Thanks buddy." Once Papyrus made it back into bed he wrapped his arms around him, snugging into Papyrus chest. For him to be all bone, he was very comfortable. There was no doubt that they were now more than friends. What they did felt like nothing Asriel had felt before. He wished he was so tired, then again, maybe doing that to much could be a bad thing. But now that's all he could think about, was having Papyrus touching him, and making more of that stuff come out of him that felt so good. Asriel closed his eyes and sigh, a smile on his face that wouldn't leave.

Hearing Frisk, Asriel felt his face grow hot. He knew he could answer her with out Papyrus catching on. " That's was nice, I really enjoyed sharing this new fun with you Papyrus."
Papyrus pet him more and kept cuddling him, "You're very welcome.. I did that because I care about you!! I don't think I would do anything to.. anyone... e-else.." he put his chin on top of Asriels head and rested his neck with a wide smile. "You're my best Friend! and. I want to make you feel like this every day!! I'll do whatever you want. Cause I know you will make me.. m-make me feel amazing!!" he smiled and giggled a little, petting the back of his neck. "You're the best.. Now sleep. You deserve it"

Frisk giggled seeing his face turn red. "don't worry. I've seen things like that before! you didn't scar me" she giggled again and patted his head. "Sleep well!" She floated back down into the floor.
"Yeah, I could do this everyday with you. That's for sure. I could also do this right here too." Asriel sighed, he knew Papyrus wasn't a big nap taker like his older bother. So it seemed that all that was just as draining on him as well. As Papyrus petted him, he could feel himself drifting off to deep peaceful sleep. No nightmares, feeling so safe in his arms.
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