To end the resets. (private for spud and Vail)

Papyrus loosened up even more, Papyrus looked into Asriels eyes and smiled even warmer. His face was so close to Asriels face, nodding slowly "I feell very very nice around you.. in.. in ways that other Monsters can't make me f-feel.. And you never have to make it up to me. Honest! Just being here with you is.. Its enough. I promise.. You're.. You're very sweet. Do.. Do you mind if I pet you?" Papyrus asks, looking away with his face turning pink and red. He felt so odd around Asriel. But it was a nice kind of odd. A kind of odd that made him happy.
" B-but I want to make it up to you. I cant explain it. Please understand that I did so many bad thing. I lost count a longtime ago. It became a game...I just cant imagine hurting you ever again." As fare as Asriel knew Papyrus only knew on one time of him ever causing harm to Papyrus. But he remembered, all too well. He nodded, to his asking to pet him. " You can do whatever make you happy." He smiled to him, adjusting himself more, crossing his legs trying to hide his growing member. He didn't understand why this was happening. the last time he had a body he was just a child. all this was so new to him.
Papyrus could tell that the guilt he must have was eating him alive, he could see it on his face. Papyrus's hand moved to Asriels cheek and he gently started petting him and caressing his cheek, looking deep into his eyes. "Shhhhh.. you don't have to apologize.. Honestly" He put his hand on his own thigh and leaned in a bit more, Papyrus's hand going behind Asriels ear and gently scratching. Ever so lightly feeling the soft fur behind and under his ear, "you're so fluffy.. I could cuddle you all day!!" Papyrus blushed and giggled a little, that thought making him feel really odd. Tensing up his legs and thighs, it being easy to see.
Asriel leaned into Papyrus hand, it honestly felt nice. As his hand moved to his ear, a soft most came from him. His body falling limp in his touch. "I think I would like that, a lot." Asriel moved closer to Papyrus, leaning his head on his shoulder. That urge he felt growing stronger. Without thinking her leaned his face closer to Papyrus, snuggling his face against his jaw. The way Papyrus touched him like that made his mind go blank, he just acted. "And I like this a lot too."
Hearing Asriel moan like that made his mind spin! He never felt this before, his mind spinning and he could feel something happening, down there. Some kind of activity, it wasn't bad.. But he had to sit a little differently to be comfortable. Papyrus went into what looked like shock Asriel resting his head on Papyrus's shoulder like that made his hands shiver. He didn't think it could get any better then it did, feeling Asriel snuggle up against his face like this was heart stopping! His hand tensed up but then he calmed down, just slightly. Enough to keep rubbing Asriels ear and face, his hand went down to his neck and Papyrus smiled. His whole face was beat red and he loved it. "I like this too. It. Feels.. Good. Right, in a way.." His hand petting a bit harder and scratching just under the fur, feeling it envelop his hand. "You're so cute.."
For the first time Asriel was aroused. Although he kept adjusting his robes to cover it, he found himself touching himself through them. He never knew his ear was so sensitive, he was not putty in Papyrus's hands, leaning into his touch. "Yes, feels wonderful Papyrus." He moaned out, his body trembling. "P-please, don't stop." He said, still touching himself through his robe, this was something new he had never self before. It was calming the urge he was feeling, making him relax more. At the same time, it felt wrong to be do this in front of Papyrus. But with him touching his ear the way he was, he couldn't stop himself. Hearing Papyrus say how cute he was, he moaned out in a soft whisper. "...Papyrus..."
"Y.. Yes Asriel" Papyrus whispered and pushed his face against Asriels a bit more, he could feel this urge inside him starting to build. His eyes half closed and his cheeks getting less pink, things starting to feel right.. Everything felt so right, he knew what he wanted. His hands moving to Asriels ears, caressing them slowly.. teasing them with his hand. His other hand started moving upwards and he bit his lower lip a little, he saw Asriels hand moving over around his crotch and Papyrus started to pant. He wanted to so badly.. He needed to, it was the first time he felt it.
Papyrus moved his other hand to Asriels cheek and slowly pulled him away, looking into his eyes and then leaning in quickly. Closing his eyes and kissing Asriel slowly, a passionate gentle kiss that seemed like it lasted for hours. his other hand still ever so lightly touching his ear.
Asriel at first wondered why he pushed him away, even if it was gentle. He thought he did something wrong, maybe he saw how he was touching himself and was offended. Then when Papyrus kissed him, it was as if he was being electrified, but it felt nice, it felt...right. Asriel fell in to him, wrapping his arms around his neck pulling Papyrus in, returning his kiss. Asriel was floating, or it felt like he was. He pulled away, blushing wildly. "I'm sorry, you did have to... we don't need to...I mean, Papyrus, what if Sans comes home and see's this." He felt that maybe he was pushing his boundaries "Maybe, we could. You know, your room?" He felt that maybe he needed to be alone with Papyrus, really alone.
Papyrus had been so swept up by the moment that he didn't even think about if Sans walked in! If he did.. He would be shocked for sure. Papyrus nodded and thought that if they went to his room they could kiss and.. cuddle a lot more, without the fear of someone catching them. "Of course, I'd love that" He didn't feel uncomfortable anymore, he knew why he felt like he was going to throw up.. He wanted to kiss and touch Him, He was so handsome and.. Amazing! Papyrus wanted to be a little romantic, grabbed Asriel and lifting him up like he did before when he carried him through Hotlands. He walked up the stairs to his room, closing the door behind him and looking down at Asriel. Leaning in and kissing him Passionately without putting him down, just holding on tighter and closer. "we.. could sit on my bed and do this st-stuff.. its much comfier there" Papyrus whispered.
For the first time Asriel was in Papyrus room, it was neat and clean just as he imagined. The bed was a...rather odd choice. But he didn't mind, his room could have been in any kind of state and Asriel would have liked it just fine. Again, he returned his kiss, his soul beating heavily in his chest as if it was trying to burst out. Slowly he pulled Papyrus on top of him as he laid his back on hi bed. breaking the kiss he spoke. " I would like that, so much. You can even pet me more if you like, I don't mind"
Papyrus looked down at him and nodded, his hand moving to his ear. Stroking and petting just the way he liked it, the way that made him moan before and made papyrus shiver from head to toe. His other hand went on Asriels shoulder, holding him and leaning into another kiss. He laid on top of Asriel, pushing himself onto him and feeling his warm body under him. It was ecstasy making Papyrus feel warm and nice on the inside, being this close to Asriel made his own manhood start to grow and he had to pant a bit from it. Feeling his pants become more restricting, he felt Asriels member against his leg. Only now realizing what it was. His hand grabbing Asriels shoulder harder, Papyrus looked much happier than before. If it was even possible.
Again, Asriel felt himself go limp as Papyrus stroked his ear. He could touch any part of his body like this and he would have felt like this. But he had to ask himself if this was something friends do. He seen many monsters kiss and hug. This felt like something more, he needed more. Moaning he lightly nudge his hips up against Papyrus leg. It felt good, everything right now made him tingle. For some reason he pushed his tongue out, licking Papyrus. " This, feels so good." He said reaching up, gently placing a paw on Papyrus jaw, pulling him back in to a kiss.
Being pulled into a kiss like that made his shoulders tense up, he loved it. Papyrus had no regrets about what was happening.. it was clear that this was what a real date was like. He felt nothing but Romantic interest in Asriel and wanted to keep it like that. Papyrus's orange magical tongue started poking and prodding outside of his mouth, getting curious about how Asriel tasted. His tongue licked his lips and he moaned a little. Leaning into him more, his member only getting harder. He pushed his thigh into Asriels manhood a bit harder and Papyrus's back arched a bit upwards, then forwards, laying his chest on Asriels and holding onto his ear with great glee. His thumb doing all the rubbing, in large circles. Only getting faster and faster, till he found this great speed and stuck with it.
Asriel opened his mouth, letting his tongue slip in, pushing his against his. Asriel's other hand lightly running down Papyrus thigh bone. Hid manhood growing so hard that it was almost painful. He trusteed up again, started a rhythm trying to ease this build up he had growing. He had never felt anything like this before, it was almost like a drug. He broke from the kiss moaning out." Please, touch me more! Anywhere you want I just want to feel you." His breathing became heavy, and shaken as he begged out to Papyrus. He mostly want to touch himself like before. But now using his leg, it felt so good.
Asriel touching his thigh like that made his own cock grow to its full size. Easy to see from both of their positions, if he wasn't fully hard then Asriels moans of pleasure and want would have made him! He pulled away and saw his cute face moan out for him to touch wherever Papyrus wanted. The look on Papyrus's face was shock and excitement, he smiled bashfully and his cheeks turned red. His hand moved down to where Asriels manhood was.. he noticed him touching there before, he wanted to help him. His hand laying there and feeling how hard and big he was, panting from it. He started rubbing and applying pressure, taking the pressure away and then applying it again. Getting faster and faster, wanting to see his reaction to this.
Asriel's eyes rolled back in pleasure when Papyrus touched his fully erect cock. Letting out a loud moan that made him tremble. The feeling was amazing, nothing he felt before. "Oh...Papyrus. T-that feels so good." the hand on his thigh tighten, his hips bucking up with each rub. Feeling something growing in his gut. He leaned up, rubbing his face against his jaw. "P-please, more, just like that." his moans growing louder the harder he rubbed. He reached down, wondering if he had the same hardness in the place he did. Feeling that he did, he repeated the same action on Papyrus. He felt much larger than himself. "Is, this okay? Doing this? Because I really, really like it." Asriel said, arching his back, pushing harder against the touching Papyrus was doing.
Him rubbing against his jaw made him push his own face against Asriels rubbing back while closing his eyes. The begging made his body clench and his desire's rise, he kept pushing and rubbing the way he was. Then he could feel Asriels paw against his own member, pushing and rubbing. It almost made Papyrus collapse, but he held on tight and bit his lower lip really hard. Moaning softly into Asriels ear "a-Asriel!~ y.. you're.. I.. Feel so strange.." He panted in between breaths quickly, his hips moving in tandem with his paw. Feeling asriel buck and thrust made him shiver, he was starting to get an idea. "I. don't mind it at all.. I want to try something.. actually." He stopped rubbing Asriel and grabbed his hand moving them both away. Then he pushed his hardness against Asriels and started rubbing his against His partners, leaning over and groaning with a very pleasured look on his face. Moaning a bit and closing his eyes very tight. he leaned down hugging Asriel tight and pushing his face into the fluffy neck.
Asriel didn't fight him as he pull his hand away, feeling his manhood against his, he almost cried out in total pleasure. He could feel his sticky pre-cum under his robe. He thrust his hips up, enjoying this feeling Papyrus was giving. He needed more. He reached down and started to pull his robes up, he wanted to feel more of Papyrus. He had no idea what he was doing or why. All Asriel knew was that everything right now felt like bliss. And he wanted it to last forever. He wanted to be with Papyrus, like this, for as long as he could. "Oh! Please, more! This feels so good!" Asriel cried out. "You are really, and truly my favorite, friend!" He cried out.
Papyrus felt Asriel pull his robes up, his hands moving to Asriels thighs and grabbing the way he did to him. That way that made his body shiver and shudder with pleasure. Asriel pulled his thighs up enough to expose his cock, showing him the nice cute looking cock. Papyrus didn't see it for a moment before pulling his face away from his neck and looking down. he could see it, dripping with pre-cum and standing on its own. Just like that His face turned red, and he felt like he knew what to do.. his hand moving down to it and starting to pet it slowly, feeling its hard strong ridges.. its nice bumps, it made papyrus melt from touching it. He knew if he felt this way about seeing Asriels.. Then there was no way Asriel wouldn't want to see his. Papyrus swallowed rather hard and then sat up a bit pulling his pants down and showing Asriel his orange glowing partially see through boner. Dripping its own orange liquid and standing on its own.
Feeling Papyrus's hand on his now bare member gave him a new feeling. He whimpered as he started petting him. everything about this felt so right, and just a little wrong. But the wrongness of all this made him more excited. Feeling Papyrus move, adjusting, he looked down, seeing his made him shiver. Without a thought he reached down, holding him in his paw. It was different than his, but still felt nice as he took a firm grip on to it. Rubbing his paw against it. He looked at Papyrus. "Are you okay with...whatever this is...?
"G-goodness!" He moaned when he was grabbed by the soft warm paw. His back arching forward and pushing into Asriels neck again, his hand followed Asriels lead and he wrapped his hand around the cute white cock. He nodded into his neck and groaned softly, panting. He started kissing and nuzzling Asriels neck, bucking his hips in pleasure and agreement with what was happening. Something that felt this amazing couldn't be bad.. His own hand starting to stroke and rub up and down Asriels shaft. When Asriel did it, he could feel the tip of his cock get extra excited and it made his back arch more and more. His balls getting tenser and tenser as time moved on. "You.. I.. This is aamaz-zing.."
Asriel couldn't help but be turned on by Papyrus's pushing against him. Something was building inside him as Papyrus stroked his cock. His hips moving along with him, pushing harder, jerking his body as he lost himself in the skeletons touch. His own paw rubbing harder on Papyrus manhood, loving the feeling he knew he was giving him. Without warning, Asriel cried out, followed by a soft moan, he was cumming, and hard. His hips bucked up as he unloaded load, after load of his seed all over his stomach. "!" His paw now rubbing harder against Papyrus cock. Wondering if the same would happen for him.
Seeing and hearing his pleasure skyrocketed Papyrus past the point of pleasure himself. Seeing his cock shoot out those liquids, he knew it was from what he was doing and hearing him moan out like that. Then his soft fluffy paw got faster, His eyes rolled back and he bit Asriels neck. Not enough to hurt him, but almost like he was showing him just how much pleasure he was putting him through. so much he needed to nibble and bite something, his hips bucked with his stroking and his own cock shot out his seed. "NmmmNnnnnNNN~!" Papyrus moaned into his dear friends neck.. Shooting what seemed to be a constant stream of hot somewhat glowing liquid all over Asriels stomach and chest, some of it going on Papyrus's chest.. He had to pant and calm down, feeling tired and satisfied.. His hand moving off of Asriels cock and holding onto his hip. "oh.. my..... goodness..." he panted in between each word. "that.. I'm.. so sorry I got you.. D-dirty" he blushed from embarrassment like he did something wrong.
Before Asriel could start coming down from his high, he felt Papyrus's teeth on his neck. At first he was confused why his friend would bite him, then he realized just how good it felt. Tilting his head and closing his eyes. It sent a chill through him as Papyrus moaned in is neck, he loved he made noises like that. Soon, he felt the warmth of his seed on this stomach. Asriel felt some sort of satisfaction by what he did. He want to make him do all those things again, make those sound, bite him. But right now, he felt weak, in good way that made him smile. Taking his paw from his manhood and on to his other thigh. "Don't be my friend. That you ever...done anything like this...?" All he wanted to do was just lay there rest with Papyrus. He didnt even care about the mess, but he did want to make a bigger one on Papyrus bed. "Perhaps we should, clean up?"
Papyrus huffed and puffed, falling over and wrapping his arm around Asriels chest, holding him close and cuddling him. Slowly breathing and smiling wide, "I've never done anything.. anything like this before in my life. I agree. wow!" he laughed a little bit and pushed his face against Asriels smiling, feeling his warmth and soft fur. "We should probably clean up.. I'll go get some towels. Or something, just give me a moment." Really enjoying hugging Asriel he smiled. Papyrus had the suspicion that friends didn't do this and that they where.. much more than friends after today, but he liked Asriel so much that he didn't mind at all.
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