To end the resets. (private for spud and Vail)

"Y-yeah! And maybe show you around! Not sure how much of the castle you seen, then I can show you my room. Even...have a sleep over? You will be coming over in the morning anyways. You can guard me in my sleep...." The idea cam out rather sudden, but it was all true. Plus knowing that he was on Sans shit list, keeping Papyrus around a much as possible couldn't hurt. Lightly he took Papyrus hand and slowly started walking.
Papyrus felt Asriels gentle grab, as the fur lightly touched his hand and mitten. He coughed into his fist so that he wouldn't stumble over his words. A small bead of sweat dripping down his forehead. "Of course!! I would love to! Being the princess personal guard is a lot of responsibility!! and.. I'm willing to take it!!" he smiled nervously and chuckled a little bit. His hand grabbing a little tighter as he walked with Asriel. "I bet.. you... l-look cute when you sleep.. well. I Know you do!! You look cute all the time!!" he laughed a little and looked Asriel in the eyes with a huge smile.
Asreil felt Papyrus grip tighten on his hand. He thought about how nice it felt. And the thought of hanging out with Papyrus for the rest of the was going to be great. " well like I said. I trust you the most. I couldn't ask for a better guard. Thank you. " Asreil blushed when he said that he always looked cute. He was so sweet, he could only hope that he truly changed. And that he really could be the friend Papyrus deserved.
Papyrus kept walking with Asriel and humming a little bit. Getting flustered from him saying he was the one he trusted the most, Papyrus always saw the best side of people.. even when there wasn't any. That's why he loved flowey! He could tell there was something wrong with him.
The walk to the castle did take a while. But Asriel didn't mind, not with Papyrus with him, hand in hand. He let go of Papyrus hand and rushed up to the door, opening the door for him." Welcome to my home!...though I know you been here much of the castle have you seen? I know you been in the main all and throne room. We can start at the kitchen if you want. Get something to eat, then I can show you the rest. "Asriel's excitement clearly showing as he spoke.
Papyrus nodded and he opened the door for him, "Why thank you Asriel! You're so polite!!" Papyrus slowly walked inside and smiled "Oh! No no!! You really don't need to get me anything! I'm fine!! But I would love to see around the whole place!! U want to see how you live" he stopped and put his hands on his hip, staring at Asriel and waiting for him to show him around. "I bet this place is amazing!! You're father always makes sure to keep this place clean! He's probably out.. trying to cheer everyone up i bet!"
Asriel never thought he would ever be call polite. He like it." Thank you, I want to be the best with you. But I'm hungry, so I'm going to get something to eat, if you want anything just let me know." He lead Papyrus down the hall and, taking a few turn till the reached a set of double doors. Walking in to a huge empty kitchen.Asriel frowned a little, not very sadly. " I remember being a kid and having this kitchen fiilled with cooks and servers. But that was before..." He didn't want to finish. "So, I'm going to make a sandwich. Are you sure you don't want anything?"
Papyrus looked at the kitchen and thought for a moment then smiled. "acutally! I'd love a sandwich! Made by the ever so talented chef Asriel" Papyrus smiled, he was trying to cheer him up, he could tell he was getting a little sad and nostalgic for his childhood. Papyrus walked over to the stoves and smiled "this place sure is huge!"
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