To end the resets. (private for spud and Vail)

Papyrus thought for a moment. "yeah. I was fine! I woke up.. knocked on Sans's door. Got no response, So I had cereal! Watched a little TV, Then walked outside and started my stretches! I Was fine.. Then yo-" Papyrus's eyes widened a little and he stopped talking looking a little concerned "Then I talked to you and my hands got shaky! My head was light.. I'm not sure! Maybe.. Do you have something on you?? Did you accidentally rub against something on your way to Snowdin!?...." Papyrus stopped walking and thought for another minute. Rubbing his chin and thinking. "Maybe... What if you touched something?? And everyone else touched something too!! We're just experiencing the first symptoms of this weird occurrence!!?" Papyrus looked like he cracked the code! He might have figured it out. "Do you think it could be that!?"
Asriel was in deep thought as Papyrus told him about his day so far. When he stopped walking Asriel walked for a few more feet before he noticed Papyrus wasn't walking with him anymore. He looked around the turned around facing him. I..uhh..don't think so..." He uncrossed his arms and placed his hands on his hips. "I was staying closest to the barrier. But that doesn't explain why I didn't feel any of the symptoms till I got to Snowdin..." He paced for a moment before a light went off in his mind. " Wait! I didn't start feeling sick till I started talking to you! But none of that helps right now. Lets get to the village and see how it looks. We don't have to talk to any of them, just see if they are out. They are always..." He stopped trying to think of the right word, the laughed and shrugged.
"Strange?" Papyrus chimed in pointing his finger into the air and laughing a little bit. The Tem's where weird, everyone knew it. They seemed to follow their own rules when it came to how they acted and talked. "Maybe it does mean something.. I'm not sure. But the Tem's are our only lead for now! So we might as well go and check them out!! Come on!! I know the way!" Papyrus grabbed Asriels hand and held on tight, starting to run ahead of him and pulling him along. Running so fast, practically dragging Asriel along through the marsh of glowing mushrooms. Papyrus didn't need to turn them on, he knew the way and smiled wide. Looking back at Asriel with a big innocent sweet looking smile, excited to see if what they where talking about was true.

Frisk appeared giggling and covering her mouth behind them, she came up right next to Asriel and looked at him. "having fun?"

It didn't take long for them to make it to Tem village.
Asriel chuckled and nodded in agreement. " Yes, very." Smiled and listened to what Papyrus had to say about the matter. Remembering when he was Flowey, he thought Papyrus was an idiot. Now, after spending this time with him, he learned he was so wrong to think those things about this amazing monster. Asriel was about to say something when Papyrus took ahold of his hand and started running. Asriel stumbling behind him, feeling his arm was about to get pulled out of socket. Just when he was about to yell at him to stop, Papyrus looked back at him with that face, he felt he melted from the inside. He strained a smile in return. Seeing Frisk come up beside him he just laughed softly and rolled his eyes. Knowing that he couldn't really say anything to her at the moment.

Once there, Asriel used his free paw to rub his now sore shoulder. Looking around, it was quite. "This is unsettling..." Looking up to Papyrus " How about you check on your brother, I think I should talk to Alphys. there is something else I need to talk to her about." He wanted to see if Undyne had been to see her yet. " Unless you...rather...I don't know, stick together?"
Papyrus might have been a bit too rough with Asriel, he didn't mean to be. He thought he was being normal, but then again Asriel hadn't been in his old body for so long. he probably just wasn't used to it. Papyrus looked around for some sign of Tem activity. but there wasn't any, he looked a bit confused and disoriented. "Wow.. Even this place got hit!" Papyrus scratched his head and blinked a couple of times in disbelief. Then Asriel said that they should split up, Papyrus felt very sad to hear that.. He liked being near Asriel, even if he didn't know him for to long. then he asked if they should stick together "YES!!" he shouted a little too loud then coughed quickly and hunched over a little. "I.. I mean.. sure! That would be a good Idea.. If something changes for us we should probably be near eachother.. to... help?" Trying to come up with any excuse not to leave him. "You know.. for... reasons!" Papyrus noticed Asriel was rubbing his shoulder like it was hurt. "Oh my goodness! did.. I hurt you? Did I pull a bit to h-hard?" Getting closer and looking at his shoulder.

Frisk giggled at the whole scene. She knew exactly what was going on, even if neither of the chuckle heads did. She floated up to Asriel and smiled warmly. She was getting an idea.. but she would hatch it after. Giggling she floated back underground, just watching the two of them acting like goof balls.
Asriel jump, getting a little startled by the loudness of Papyrus voice. He also didn't want to split up. Happy that he found an honest good reason to stay together. "That's what I was thinking. Gosh Papyrus, you're so smart." He smiled, still working on his shoulder. Nothing was broken, or pulled out. Now he had to figure out if they should go see Alphys, or check on Sans. In no hurry to see the older brother. " Lets see Aphys, she might already know what's going on. The we can figure if this is something we even need to be worried about." Asriel watched him come closer to look at his shoulder. He stepped back holding both his hands up. "No! No, no. You're fine. Just still getting used to having a body. I'm alright, see." He raised his arm, wincing a little, giving Papyrus and fake smile." See, all good...." He heard Frisk giggle at him, already know just how silly they must look right now.
Papyrus chuckled, glad that Asriel was ok. Calling him smart made him blush a bit, hearing it from him was so much sweeter and felt better for some reason. He shook his head. "we have no time to lose! I can get there really fast! But if you're still not used to your body.. I... could maybe... C-Carry you? It would be much faster, and I wouldn't hurt you by accident." Papyrus looked away waiting for his response. He was honest about this, not wasting to waste any time. Or hurt Asriel. Papyrus might have been oblivious to many things But he could tell he hurt him a little by accident. "So. shall I??" he cleared his throat and stretched out his back a bit getting ready.
"C-carry me?!" Asriel was a little shocked by this offer. His face turning a deep red. He knew that there was no way he could keep up with Papyrus on his own, but he didn't want to get dragged along either. Papyrus was strong enough that was for sure. But what if someone saw them like that. Asriel noticed how much he wanted to be helpful. He didn't want to not give him the chance. Sighing Asriel looked down at his feet, going back to holding his shoulder." I mean, if you really don't mind. And if you really think I won't slow you can." He said, just above a whisper. The though of being that close, made his body feel weak.
Papyrus felt extremely giddy by the answer, even if he wasn't sure why. He pushed it back to it just being.. well, he just wanted to get to Alphys's house as soon as possible! That was all! "oh! don't you dare worry! I'm strong enough.." Without much warning he moved his left hand to Asriels ankles and then his other hand on hi upper back. Swiftly making him fall into his arms and catching him as smoothly as he could. he looked down at Asriel "See! Super strong! Strong enough!!" he saw Asriel blushing and Papyrus started blushing too, his face turning warm and red. he shook his head and chuckled looking in front of him, holding him tighter and closer. "h-hold on!" Papyrus started jogging just to make sure Asriel was ok and holding on tight. "A-Are you holding on alright? Is this o-ok?" papyrus could feel his palms get sweaty and his head get even lighter than before. Asriels fur was so.. soft.. he couldn't help but feel a little more of it.. How soft and nice it was was making his stomach turn a bit.
" I don't doubt you're strong en-" She was cut off by falling into Papyrus arms, being held effortlessly against his chest. He felt as if his soul was about to explode, trembling in his arms, feeling like he was having trouble breathing. But this was an oddly good feeling, Asriel couldn't explain it. When he was told to hold on, he wrapped his arms around his neck, resting his head under Papyrus chin. " Yeah, I'm alright....I think..." He said tightening his grip on Papyrus. Closing his eyes, feeling a little nervous as he jogged on. Asriel hoped they got to Alpys soon, then again, he liked being held like this, now not really caring who saw them.
Papyrus held on tight and Asriel hugged around his neck, placing his head under his chin. It made his eyes burst out and widen extremely, his forehead sweating super hard. His cheeks turning red hot, Asriels soft fluffy fur touching his face was almost too much. Papyrus shivered and then started sprinting, his arms wrapping around Asriel much tighter and protectively "D-Do not fear Asriel! I shall be there in n-no time!" Even if he really didn't want to be. he almost couldn't contain his giddy nature, his hands shivering. He was running so fast that the dirt behind him was getting kicked up really hard. They made it there soon and Papyrus slowed down, still holding onto Asriel and gently resting his cheek against the top of his head to feel his fur more. "we...... we're here.." he muttered.
Asriel nodded to Papyrus when he tell him not to fear. It was felt so hard to breath. Although all he was doing was just holding his breathe without realizing. Once he was told they made it to the lab, Asriel slowly opened his eyes. "Heh, you were right, you are very fast Papyrus." He mused, picking his head up from off his chest. He hated Hotlands. Being covered in fur, it was never pleasant. Asriel hesitated a moment before speaking. " Ummm, I-I think I got it from here. Lets just hope she is home. "
"o-oh! sorry" he put Asriel down and knocked on the door, "You're very soft....... i.... I like it.." Papyrus whispered a little looking away and putting his hands to his side. The door opened and Undyne was standing there she saw both of them and a smile grew on her face from seeing Papyrus, seeing Asriel she didn't really care.. but she did have something to say to him. "Hey guys! What brings you here?? Well.. Doesn't matter. I have something to say to you Asriel." She looked over to him and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath like she didn't want to admit she was wrong. "I... I'm sorry" She opened her eyes. "I thought that.. Well.. I was being a real Idiot!! Seeing those video tapes, there's no mistaking it.. That's you! Plus, I know every monster in the underground.. More or less. There's no other goat Monsters around.. And I can't think of a single answer for why you wouldn't be who you say you are! So.. I'm sorry. do you accept??" she looked at him with a questioning look and held her hand out like she wanted to shake hands.
Once down, Asriel fixed his robes. Smirking some as Papyrus talked about how soft he was. It was something he hasn't noticed yet. He stopped and looked at his paws then to Papyrus. "You think so?" His smile grew. "Well, I will tell you, its a pain to keep clean and brushed. Guess that's a perk of being flower." He said laughing, stopping when the door opened. His smile dropping along with his ears seeing Undyne standing there. His body stiffened as he held his breath. 'Oh please tell the videos worked....please....' he thought as Undyne looked him, telling Asriel that she had something to say. As soon as she said sorry, he let out his breath, his body going slightly limp. " I was never mad or upset Undyne. Like I said, I just hoped that we could be friends. " He held out his paw to Undyne." So yes, I accept."
She smiled a little bit and shook his hand. "well. I can only imagine you're not here to talk to me! So what brings you here? Alphys ask you to come over?.. well.... I doubt it, shes not really talking... mostly just. Laying around watching anime. Whats up with you two?"
Papyrus chimed in "Everyone's acting super strange! We need Alphys's help trying to unwravel this problem! She's the smartest person we know!!"
Asriel felt more weight come off his back. To get an apology from Undyne was a huge win for him today. The biggest was being honest with Papyrus, although he would like to talk more about the Flowey issue. But right now, things in the underground were seeming a little out of the normal. He really hoped that he was worrying over nothing and everyone was just sad about the loss of Frisk. Asriel nodded in agreement with Papyrus. " It might be nothing, but we just wanted to look in and see if she has any ideas. You said she is just laying around? Is that normal?"
Asking if that was normal Undyne opened her mouth and then looked back "welll...... y.. yeah.. Kinda" She looked back towards the both of them. "Listen guys.. I'm really sorry. I can't hang out today. Alphys said she just wanted to lay around the house too... She just wants to sit around and watch anime with me. I don't mean to be rude. Honest! But Frisk dying really hit her hard and she just wants some time. So.. I'm sorry. Come back another day though, I'm sure she will be willing to help. Just not right now." Undyne looked back and then smiled at the two of them. "Bye! Talk to you soon! Especially you Asriel.. Going to plan that little adventure soon!!" She gave a big toothy smile and the door closed.

Papyrus looked a bit disappointed. "oh.. I thought she would be able to help.. Apparently not yet!! Oh..."

Frisk appeared and whistled a little getting close to Asriel trying to grab his attention. Still giggling and looking happy "You guys have been working really hard... You know what always helps me think when i'm stuck and can't come up with an answer to a problem?.. Taking some time off! Why don't you and Papyrus do.. something.. I don't know.. Fun!! Go and get ice cream! build a snow man? Go swimming?? I don't know.. could help you think and figure out why you're feeling so weird" she held back her giggles but had a really big smile on her face. "Maybe go and play some game?"
Asriel hated how disappointed Papyrus looked, he was just about to call out to Undyne. Then he heard Frisk whistle at him, with out thinking her looked around before remember to not look at her. As she talked he slowly looked at Papyrus. She did have a point. "Hey Paps. maybe we read to much into this. Maybe everyone if just really sad." He said shrugging. " And you know, there is still a lot of day left. How about we...I don't know..." He suddenly felt nervous. " Go for a walk, really get to know each other. Maybe get some ice cream. I haven't had any in so long...." He looked down, rubbing the back of his neck.
Papyrus's disappointment disappeared quite quickly when Asriel started talking, he made some good points. Papyrus heard all of his suggestions and he could feel himself starting to shiver, looking away and smiling. Of course he wanted to do all of these things!! He wanted to go and hang out with Asriel as much as he could today and tomorow.. and the next day.. and so on and so forth. he just wanted to be with Asriel, "Sure! that sounds absolutely lovely!" Papyrus could feel his stomach turning more and more, but then he took a deep breath and mustered up the courage. "There's a very nice place to get ice cream not far from here! just a little ways away. Going for a walk would be very nice! and afterwards.. maybe.. we.... uhm.. we could go back to my house! if you want"
Asriel sighed happily. He knew that Papyrus was normally a busy guy. He was worried that he might have had something better to do. "Oh great. To be honest, yesterday was a rough full day back. Today, well has been so much better. Its all thanks to you Papyrus. You really are a good friend. And I promise, I will a better one for you." He smiled at him. Frisk was right, it would do both them good to just relax. " Lead the way. And about going back to your place I uhh..." He already knew if he said know that it would make Papyrus disappointed. "....I would love to." He did worry about Sans, but maybe if he saw that he wasn't that bad guy anymore...things would change.
He told him he would love to and Papyrus nearly exploded right there on the spot! his chest and arms twitching slightly, like when you have a really bad cold and you're shivering but you're not cold. It was brought on from excitement and bashfulness, "R-Right this way! It really isn't far.. and...... about uh.. getting to know each other! I think that's a great idea! Whatever you want to know! just ask! I won't hesitate to tell you!!.. Probably!" They must have walked about 40 feet, making it to an ice cream vender. A blue bunny guy with a big yellow hat and a red and yellow t-shirt. "Hiya fellas! You guys need some ice-cream?" He looked excited to have a customer. They could kind of tell he didn't get much business.. "Yes please!! Two Nice-creams please!" The guy got out two nice creams and Papyrus grabbed the money in his pocket, then he looked down at his hand. "oh.. I uh. Only have enough for one." Papyrus looked at asriel, looking into his eyes. He knew Asriel was hot here.. Papyrus didn't feel it as bad here. He smiled slowly and gave the money to the bunny "One nice cream actually." Papyrus took the nice-cream and gave it to Asriel. "Here. I. Want you to have it.." Handing it to Asriel slowly.
The way Papyrus reacted was almost frightening, but also very adorable. Asriel laughed to himself as they walked. He knew that Papyrus was a gentle kind soul. But for him to show this much kindness to Asriel after all he did, friends and brother, and still forgive him and pretend as if nothing happened. It was amazing, he was amazing. He let Papyrus talk to the blue bunny monster. He was confused when he handing him the one nice-cream. "What about you? Doesn't seem right for me to have one and not you." He wished that he thought about leaving the castle with some money, but it never crossed his mind that he would need any. He hasn't needed much in so long.
"I'll be fine.. and if you really are bothered by me not having one.. well.. we could always.. share that one" Papyrus whispered in a very embarrassed way his eyes looking anywhere but Asriel. Saying that was just too embarrassing, even if he wanted to share with him. He wasn't exactly sure how he would react to it, probably with more blushing. Which would make papyrus feel like he was floating from how light headed he would make him. His cute soft cheeks turning light pink. Even just thinking about it made papyrus want to throw up and shiver.
Asriel coughed in shock that he would suggest such a thing. But the thought made his skin tingle. " Well...I uhh...I...No...Yes. I mean no I don't mind. Yes we can share" Trying to get his words out was like pulling teeth. " I guess since you bought it you can have some first." He said as he handed the nice-cream back. His hands trembling, he struggled to get them to stop thinking he must look like a fool right now. He turned his eyes from him, biting him bottom lip. Asriel was at a loss on why he was acting this way. Then again, Papyrus was also acting the same. Is this how friendship felt. Because he was sure if he liked it. It felt like there was a weight on his chest, making it hard to breath.
Papyrus took the nice cream back and took as small of a bite as he could, his stomach was so turned around at the moment that he couldn't eat much anyways. He gave the Nice-cream back to Asriel and nodded, "thank you.. I-Its very nice of you to let me have the first bite." Frisk appeared right behind asriel and giggled some more. Seeing how tense and blushing he was, Frisk thought of something.. if she focused enough. She put her hand on asriel and started massaging his shoulders making him loosen up a little. "breath Asriel. you're going to pass out if you don't" she giggled again and kept massaging hoping it would calm him down a little. "need some of my help? Maybe thank him and accept the ice cream. he's being nice, he just wants you to have it" she smiles at him. Deciding to give him some advice and help him out instead of watching him struggle and flop around like an awkward fish.
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