To end the resets. (private for spud and Vail)

Asgore could tell that Undyne wanted to say something, would make a point to talk to her later after the meeting. He then looked to Papyrus. " No one blames you for your actions here. I think we all excepted better of him. There will be no further punishment for him. Although, I can not stress enough that this will not happed again. Let that be a warning for all of you." Asgore looked about the room in thought. " As for Frisk, she will be buried in the castles garden, in two days. Please spread the word. All who wish to come welcomed." He nodded, rubbing his eyes. Toriel nodded, looking down sadly. " After that, we will then start our work on how to go about leaving the underground. Alphys, I'm going to need you to find out as much as you can about humans. I know we don't have much other than tales. But what we learned from Frisk is that they have changed."

Asriel narrowed his eyes as he watched the drunk skeleton. " Kill myself? Yes, I have thought about that myself. You are not wrong about me being a bag a shit...and trust me, I don't want to be your 'buddy' either." He sighed, showing no interest that he was going to follow Sans " But that wont bring Frisk back, in fact. We would be losing the last that remains of her. And making her sacrifice pointless. I didn't ask for this. But I'm now going to have to live with the guilt for the rest of my life." He turned to walk away, taking a few steps then stopping. " Go and sleep. We will talk another time."
Papyrus looked around a bit nervous and the crowed seemed to disperse, walking out of the throne room and clearing out in a couple of hours. Some monsters walked up to Frisks tomb and payed respects before leaving. Papyrus walked up to Asgore. "I.. I'm so sorry about that king Asgore. He's never like that! and... its.. its my fault! so if you're going to blame anyone blame me.. he said he didn't want to come along and I forced his hand!" Papyrus tried to explain that he shouldn't be mad at Sans, "Same for you Toriel. Please don't blame him.."

Undyne watched everyone leave and then called for the guard "Alright! Guards line up.." They did as they where told and she looked at all of them "I will put you two on guard, Bunny knight and Lizard knight.. don't get sidetracked while standing guard. If anyone comes up the mountain. I want you to hide and report back as soon as possible. Do not engage in any human activity! understood?" They nodded and saluted undyne before walking out of the throne room to where the exit of the cave was. Undyne sighed, "As for the rest of you.. just... go and help monsters... anyone who needs help with anything. Go and offer your hand.. We need moral up and I doubt anyone will be causing trouble for the next couple of days..." They saluted and walked out with the rest of the crowed. Undyne then moved next to Asgore and Toriel listening to their conversation with Papyrus.

Sans scoffed and rolled his eyes. He was too drunk and angry to have a conversation with him even if he wanted too.. So he just kept walking, making it home and falling onto the couch.
Asgore smiled to Papyrus, placing a paw on his shoulder. " I know my friend. Like I said, we are all hurting. But I don't think Sans drinking should have been the answer. Just please, go and take care of him. I don't think he should come back till we have our memorial for Frisk. He needs time to heal, and he needs you to help. I spoke out of anger, and for that I'm sorry." With that he gave Papyrus a light squeeze before letting him go. Turning to Undyne, thinking that maybe she wished to speak to him. " Yes Undyne. Seems you have something on your mind. You may speak freely. I do care on your thoughts on the matter." Toriel looked to Papyrus, " If you don't mind, I would like to join you. Maybe I can help with your brother?"

Asriel walked down the hall, stopping he leaned his back on a pillar. Sighing he spoke. " I really messed up didn't I Frisk?" Even though he couldn't see her, he thought that maybe she would hear him. He really needed advice on what to do to make things right.
Papyrus was rather enlightened by the hug and smiled wide, thanking his lucky stars that he didn't actually anger Asgore. "Will do Asgore! Thank you" he was about to leave then Toriel spoke up and offered to help. "That would be amazing toriel! I Would love you to help.. Sans just. It would be nice if you helped!!" He smiled and walked with her back home, it didn't take long to make it home.

Undyne walked up to Asgore and nodded "yes Asgore.. I.. Should we really be keeping the citizens from going to the surface?? I mean.. It has been our dream! To make it to the surface ever since we've been stranded down here. Now that Frisk.. well... I realize we need to mourn over her and.. not be to brash with our decisions. But. If we don't go to the surface.. wouldn't we be throwing away everythings she worked for? I know it won't take long before we come up with ideas on how to intigrate.. But." Undyne seemed a bit antsy and confused about the whole situation. "Why can't we just go to the surface. Frisk has shown us that humans have changed. We don't need to fear them" Undyne was a bit too eager to leave..

Frisk appeared in front of Asriel with a smile. "not at all Asriel.. To be honest.. in your situation, I don't think you made any bad decisions.. Its a very hard situation and I'm not quite sure what to do myself.. With sans.. maybe......." She scratched her chin, thinking and trying to come up with something. "maybe... Talk to Papyrus.. He's willing to talk to you.. and he's the closest to sans. Maybe he has some ideas?" Frisk smiled and floated up to Asriels face patting his cheek. "you're doing just fine. Don't pressure yourself so hard. you'll only hurt yourself from all the stress"
As Toriel and Papyrus walked into the brothers home she sighed and gave a small laugh as Sans sleeping on the couch. " Well, seems like I might have not need to come." Smiling she sighed. "Papyrus, What do you think Asriel meant when he said those things? Truth be told, I was afraid of my own son for a moment." She looked down sadly, feeling ashamed for feeling that way.

Asgore smiled and nodded. " I understand you're upset. But we cant just all leave this place walk into human villages with out some sort of plan. It may start a panic, and that would be dangerous for us all. But we also can assume that all humans are like Frisk. I can't risk the safety of my people. Undyne, you wouldn't rush to battle with out some plan? I'm not saying we will never leave. We just have to be smart about this." It hurt him to see Undyne like this, she seemed as if Asgore was betraying her in some way. They all with have their time above ground. Just maybe not as soon as she may have liked.

Asriel smiled to the child as she patted his cheek. " Yeah, I guess you're right. Although Sans might get bad if he found out I was being friendly with his brother." He pushed himself off the pillar, making his way back to the throne room. " I should see how mom and dad are holding. To be honest, I'm surprised they haven't sent someone looking for me yet." He chuckled to himself.
Papyrus seemed a little curious "well.... that is a good question. I'm not sure! But!!" Papyrus smiled wide "If he is Flowey Then that means I know him!" Papyrus smiled wide and laughed a little. "One more friend for me! Flowey was always so nice and sweet!" Papyrus was Floweys favorite after all.. "well.. until he tried to kill all of us that is! Then he was a bit... well............ HMmmmmm I'm sure he had his reasons! Everyone has good in them!" He smiled wide again and put his hands on his hips smiling wide. "Maybe he was just trying to take the pressure off of sans?.." Papyrus was going to go and talk to Asriel the second he got a chance. Sans mumbled in his sleep and turned over.

Undyne nodded her head, she agreed.. she couldn't just be so brash and endanger lives like that. She would feel horrible if humans attacked monsters because of something stupid she did. "I understand Asgore. It makes plenty of sense. I'll... get the troops ready? I'm not sure what we should do now.. just.. keep them on patrol for now?" Asking for some guidance, since he seemed to know what he was doing for the most part.

Frisk giggled covering her mouth and dissipated slowly turning invisible.
Toriel listened to Papyrus, tilting her head some. He was such a strange monster sometimes. But such a good friend. "That maybe, But to claim something so...awful. I'm just worried about him, about all of us really. So much has happen over the past few days." She sighed, looking to sans as he mumble in his she. Making her giggle a little. "You know he needs, a good home cooked meal. Papyrus, would you like to help me in the kitchen?"

Asgore starred off in though, stroking his beard. Finally he nodded "Yes, I would hate to assume the worse, but I would rather us be ready for anything." By that time Asriel walked in, looking around. " Oh, seems I missed everything huh?" He said frowning a little. " Were is mom?" He asked looking at his father and Undyne, the both of them looking a little up set. " Is everything alright?" Asgore just looked at his son. He was so much older now, he missed out on his whole childhood. It was something that was going to take some getting used to. Having his son back in his life. He always dreamed he would see him again, he just never though it would happen. " Ah yes, I think we all had enough excitement over the past day. Its was better to keep things short."
Papyrus smiled wide "Of course!! I'd love to help you in the kitchen! I'm a bit of a master chef myself!!" he quickly walked into his kitchen and got out everything in a matter of minutes. "So! What are we thinking about making? Spaghetti!?" He smiled wide his eyes full of hope and wonder. He grabbed some food out of the fridge and put it on the table, a whole mess of ingredients. and a big empty bag of chips.. "But! since you are the guest in my kitchen! You get the choice of what we make" He looked proud with his hands on his hips looking over at sans. Sans pushed his face deeper into the couch and clawed at his ears, trying to stop the sound. Feeling around for a while, he found a pillow and put it over his head. Blocking out Papyrus's yelling.

Undyne looked over to Asriel "She left with papyrus, going to go take care of Sans.. Guess she must have felt a little bad for yelling at him. Wanted to make things right." Undyne "We we're just discussing what we should do about the guard.. and leaving the underground.. any suggestions Prince?" She didn't feel comfortable calling him just Asriel, something she only really did for Asgore. She knew him the most and treated him like family.
Toriel giggled at Papyrus. It amazed her how different the bother were. " Spaghetti sounds delightful!" She walked about the kitchen helping Papyrus set up the counter with everything they would need. Thinking this was a good time to talk to him more about Flowey. " So, you were friends with Flowey? How did that come about?" She asked as she filled a large pot with water, and placing it on the stove. "Did he about Asriel?" She turned to him, hoping that maybe he might know something to clear this all up. She didn't want to believe that the same thing that tried to kill of then, was her child.
Asriel wrinkled his nose. " Just call me Asriel, if you don't mind." As of right now, he didn't feel he had the right to be call that. Still, the guilt hung over him like a storm cloud. No matter how hard he tried to shake it, it was always there. "And well, To be honest, Sans idea wasn't all that bad. I mean its been a while, but I have been up there and I know what its like. I know what to look for." Asgore shook his head. " No, I cant allow that. I cant have you in that sort of danger again." What Asgore didn't know was that Asriel have Frisk. Maybe she could help, tell him what to say, what to do. He shrugged, " Well just thought I would try." He thought to himself. 'Looks like we are sneaking out Frisk.' He was going to make it right this.
Papyrus thought for a moment. "Nope!" shaking his head and smiling. "He never once talked about Asriel! It wasn't an issue for him... I never heard him say anything about Asgore or you either! So... Not sure! Like I said, he was probably just trying to cover for sans!" Papyrus smiled and gave toriel the dry noodles that she would need to put in the pot.

Undyne looked at asgore and had an idea. "you know.. maybe Asriels right! Maybe he should go out and do reconnaissance. But... its true that if he got into trouble it would be horrible. But If he had someone you trust there with him.. someone who could..... I don't know.. fight off any humans who try to attack him" She slowly smiled her big toothy grin, clearly trying to imply that she should go with him. She wanted to see what it was like out of the underground! And she was willing to do this with the prince if he wanted to go. "It won't be a problem Asgore.. we're both the height of adult humans and could maybe blend in if we stayed far away from them. We would only watch them, hide our faces with hats and act like spies!" she was starting to get into this idea and smiled thinking of herself like a secret agent.
"Yes, you maybe right Papyrus." She said smiling, feeling better. Surely he would have said something, or even hinted. Now feeling a little worse for being scared of her child. She helped Papyrus finish making the spaghetti. " You may want to wake your bother so he can get something to eat. Maybe he sobered up enough and we can talk to him about what brought on what he said and did today."

Asriel gave Undyne a wide smile, watching her excitement about going to the surface. It was almost cute. Laughing her looked to his father. " Yea, I mean I would be the safest monster around." Asgore looked at the both of them, feeling like he was getting ganged up on by children. "C'mon, you know we will be super carful! And if something doesn't feel right we will come right back! Right Undyne?! Asgore groaned and laughed a little" Okay, Okay. Golly to two. After Frisks memorial. You can go, it will give you guys time to make 'disguises'." Asriel beamed with joy, looking to Undyne.
"Of course!" Papyrus walked over to sans, "sans.......... saaaaaaanss" He whispered and pushed his shoulder a bit. Sans didn't respond at all, "SANS!!!" Sand jumped up out of the couch and landed on his back. Laying down on the floor and blinking quickly, trying to regain his focus. "euuuhhhh..." "Wake up!! We've made dinner!" Sans sat up very slowly rubbing his head and sighing. "we?..." He looked over to see Toriel serving spaghetti at the table. Sans's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed the couch helping himself stand up. "oh.. w.. we..." He walked over to Toriel and scratched his head looking like he wasn't happy for what was going to happen next. "I uh.... i'm so sorry toriel.. i made a complete ass of myself.. and.... i really am sorry. i didn't mean to hurt you or asgore. and i shouldn't had said anything.." he looked like a dog that was shaming himself. Clearly he felt bad by what he did, not for Asriels sake.. But because he knew he hurt Toriel.

Undyne was super excited, then Asgore reminded her about Frisk.. She got a little caught up and completely forgot what happened. "I.. We'll do it for frisk" She smiled wide and made a fist looking deep into Asriels eyes, showing her determination. She wanted to do this for frisk and for her memory. "She would be proud." Looking back to Asgore Undyne smiled wide.
Toriel snickered as Sans fell off the couch, shaking her head she continued setting the table for the three of them. Stopping when she saw Sans walking up to her, the poor guy looked so pitiful. She couldn't help but feel bad for him. " I know Sans, I'm sorry as well. I should have never lost my temper the way I did. You are a good friend and I know you didn't mean those things." She pulled him it a hug " Now come, lets eat and talk. Because I have a feeling there is more to all this than just Frisk." She released him, taking her seat, waiting for the bothers to join her.

Asriel laughed and nodded. " I bet she would! " he smiled to Undyne. Asgore sighed and started out the room. " I'm going to have some tea." Was the last thing he said before leaving them two along. Then it hit Asriel, Undyne was threatened him yesterday. He seemed nervous, rubbing the back of his head. " Sooooo....this will be fun. I think it will take a lot more work to get me to fit in than you..."
He hugged back and loosened up a lot more. Not looking upset anymore, he did't want to lose one of his closest friends. He needed to be more careful, walking up to the dinner table and sitting down he started to twirl some spaghetti around his fork. "uh.. what do you mean by that?" he asked about her saying it was more than just frisk. "I was drunk.. that's what was more.. i can get a bit loud when i'm drunk.. that's all." He took a bite of the spaghetti and made a satisfied grunting sound. "yum. i can tell you made this toriel heh heh, its actually edible" papyrus sat down and rolled his eyes smiling from the teasing. It was nice to have Sans back to normal.

Undyne laughed a little while asgore left the room. Then it went dead quiet and she listened to Asriel talk, her face didn't seem amused. She was rather serious looking at the moment. "What did you do to Frisk. Who the hell are you." She started walking towards Asriel about to get in his face. "You wanna know what I think?.. I don't think you're Asriel. I don't think that for a second. I think you're some monster who happens to look like him, or you've changed the way you looked somehow. Now you're preying off of the sadness of that man!" She was whispering and pointed over to where asgore left. "I have my eye's on you. You better pray that you are who You say you are.. Or you'll have me to answer to!" She got right in his face backing him up against a wall showing her sharp teeth.
Toriel sighed picking up her fork Glancing between the brother, stopping at Sans. " It was just unexpected. I'm sure I'm just worrying to much." Taking a bit of food she chewed and swallowed before speaking again. "Just know, we are all here for you, and each other. We have some big changes coming up. So I mean this as a friend. Sans, I hope you got all this out of your system. Because we are going to need you level and clear minded from here on out." Twirling more spaghetti on her for she chucked. " And that was rude. I'm sure Papyrus in a fine. " She smiled widely at Papyrus then goes back to eating her food.

Asriel's smile faded as Undyne started laying in to him. Holding up his hands to her backing away. His mouth opening and closing as he tries to get a word in. His back hitting a wall, he had nowhere to go. It was hard to believe that the woman who he thought was being rather cute and child like was not this terrifying, scary warrior. Finally, she was done. " Don't you mean...eye..." He immediately regretted his words as soon as he said it. 'Well, this is how I die.' He flinches, closing his eyes waiting for her to act.
Sans wasn't sure why they would need him. He didn't really do anything, and tried his best to stay as low profile as possible. He didn't really do anything for anyone.. but she was right about him needing to keep his head level. This was the first time he had snapped in a very long time.. it even kind of surprised him. "Yeah... of course tori.. i don't mean to be a bother heh heh.. and it's all out of my system from here on out. promise." he put his hand over his 'heart' and winked before eating again. Papyrus smiled. "And I'll make sure he doesn't do something that stupid again too!!" he chuckled and kept eating his spaghetti. His cheeks going flush when she said his cooking was probably good. "y-you really think so!?"

He said eye and she just stared at him, shaking her head slowly. "See you on the expedition out of the underground..." She walked out of the room, her armor clanking and clinking every step. She just wanted him to be on his guard..

Frisk appeared and giggled. "good old undyne... There's gotta be some way you can prove who you really are.. To Undyne that is.. I don't think it would be a good idea to go to a dangerous situation when shes like that!" Frisk looked a little concerned and didn't want Asriel getting hurt.
"Thank you Sans, and Papyrus. This means the world to me." Toriel gave Papyrus a kind smile." I really do, you were just a great help in the kitchen. I can only imagine how well you do on your only. Perhaps you both can come over and you can for Asriel and I." With that she goes back to eating, remaining silent, deep in thought. Toriel wanted to get to the bottom of this Asriel claim he made this morning. Papyrus might have been right, but she saw how Sans looked at Asriel. Then again he was drunk, so that might have also meant nothing. She just had this bad feel deep in her soul. Once she was done she stood. "San, maybe since Papyrus helped me cook, you can help clean?" She winked to him as she walked in the kitchen.

Asriel kept his eyes tightly closed until he heard Undyne walking away. He didn't realize he was hold his breath till he let it out. Looking to Frisk she grabbed his chest, his eyes wide. "Good ol Undyne?!" He laughed " That's a joke right?! Because between her and Sans I'm going to die of a heart attack!" pushing him self off the wall he rubbed his face with paws. " You have scary friends..." He sighed walking across the throne room. "Well, we have two days to think of something, or she might come around. If not I might have to talk dad out all this, or maybe I can pretend be sick?"
She winked at sans and he blushed a bit almost coughing up his spaghetti, smiling a little bit flustered and nodding. "Well.. uh.. yeah of course i could.. and i'll get right on that" he smiled and was about to get up "You never clean! Never help me clean!!" Papyrus said a little grumpily "well... you're so amazing at it i never get a chance to do anything before you're finished" Sans smiled at papyrus and he opened his mouth to speak, then he smiled and stopped with his grumpy look "True!!" He stood up "Are you sure you don't want me to clean Toriel!? I am the best at it!!" He smiled wide. Sans chuckled a little and walked into the kitchen with her, grabbing the dishes before he got there smiling warmly and putting them next to the sink. filling the sink with water and dish soap.

"pretend to be sick?.. this isn't school Asriel.. she will just move it to when you're not sick. You need to convince her that you're who you say you are.. I don't know how you could do that........ maybe.........." Frisk thought for a second then snapped her fingers like she knew exactly what to do "I got it! Tell her about the video tapes.. tell her what was on it and how they play out. Then tell her to ask Alphys about it. Only Alphys has those tapes! if Undyne has seen them before she would know you're telling the truth! right? that would work.. wouldn't it?"
Toriel couldn't help but laugh to herself as she listened to the brothers go back and forth. She called out tot Papyrus from the kitchen. "I'm sure Sans and I have this, just relax." When Sans entered the kitchen Toriel was cleaning off the stove, she looked over to Sans as he started to clean the dishes. " You seem you're feeling much better. Please, in the future be more careful. You had your bother worried." She said, placing the left overs in the fridge before grabbing a towel ready to dry the dishes Sans cleaned. She wanted to ask him about this Flowey, Papyrus said they were friends. So sans had to have known something. But, she didn't want to press this matter any further today.

Asriel snickered and nodded. " I know, I was joking." He opened the door to the main hall looking to make sure it was clear so no one saw him talking to himself. Stepping out he continued. "Ah, so that's where they are. Its still early, and the sooner I smooth things over with Undyne, the better." Reaching the end of the hall he looked around once more " Sans will be tougher to gain trust. He knows everything, in fact." He thought hard for a moment. " She is with him right now, and if he is still as angry has he was. Or still not sober, I'm not sure if he wont spill everything. Not that I would blame him. I know he is a dear friend and he would just be looking out for mom's safety."
Papyrus sighed and sat down on the couch spreading out his arms and legs like he was made of puddy. 'relaxing' wasn't exactly Papyrus's strong suit, he was more of a go and get them kind of guy! But since the ex queen did tell him to sit down, he obliged and grabbed the remote. Turning on the TV and watching, it was Mettaton and he was talking about how they miss Frisk. How it was a tragedy and everything will be ok. "heh heh.. much better, now that you're here.. thanks for the food. how can i repay the favor?" sans asked turning to Toriel and smiling.

Frisk floated next to him and nodded as he talked. "true. He might tell her everything. Or he might might not.. you know how secretive Sans is when it comes to the things he knows.."
"Hmmm." Toriel thought as she dried a dish putting it away. " I can't think of anything right now. How about just an I.O.U. But right now, lets finish this. I must get back to Asriel, I just got my son back and I haven't spent any time with him." She frowned slightly taking another dish. She would year the TV from the other room talking about Frisk. It broke her heard that she wasn't alive to see all the monsters freed. Placing the dish in the cabinet she turned to Sans, putting the towel away. "I also want to thank you for keeping your promise. I know you did all you could for Frisk."

Asriel looked out the hall window that looked out to the garden where his father sat surrounded by yellow flowers. Asgore looked so worried, and sad. Asriel shivered, there was a time he loved those flowers, now they just remind him of all his sins. "You know, for a kid. You are very wise. I trust you, and you have not steered wrong yet." He smiled down to her, though a sad one. He didn't want to see ungrateful for this second chance. But deep down his soul ached.
"an i.o.u works perfectly.. and if you ever think of anything, don't hesitate to ask.. y'know i could finish these dishes and you could go see asriel. no need for you to stick around. don't worry about it" sans said reassuringly to Toriel. He didn't mind if she left, even if he did want her to stay. he knew how much she wanted to be with her son, Sans could understand that. "no problem.. watching over her was.. well.. dare i say, it was entertaining heh heh.. her little adventures through the underground.. it... yeah.. you're welcome." he sighed, he knew he just let her walk through the underground, but with her reset powers he didn't need to worry about her. she would always win in the end.

"Thank you Asriel.. but of course i'm wise! i'm Frisk!" she giggled and floated over him looking over at Asgore. "You're very wise too.. I think that you've just forgotten how wise you are because of all the stress. Its hard not to be wise when you've lived a thousand life times."
Toriel waited for sans to finish. She reached over pulling him into a hug. " I mean it. You have been such a good friend to us all. Thank you." She kissed the top of his head, then letting him go. "I will go goodbye to your brother, then I will take my leave. Please, don't be a stranger." She gave him one last smile before walking into the living room. "Well Papyrus. I must leave. I have a lot of catching up to do with my son and I'm afraid I have been neglecting him."

Asriel rolled his eyes pulling his gaze from the window as she made his way down the hall again. " Yeah, I'm wise alright. To be honest, if you weren't here. I'm sure I would have taken my life by now." He said sadly, remembering what Sans told him. It was still a tempting thought. But now killing himself would also mean killing Frisk. " I think I should find Undyne, no point of putting it off. The sooner I make things right. The sooner we all can get past this." He felt bad that he hasn't ever tried to spend time with his parents. But there were bigger fish to fry, he chuckled at that thought seeing that he was not off to find Undyne.
She pulled him into a hug and he looked up at her smiling wide and happily, hugging back and leaning into her a bit. enjoying the hug "its not a problem.. you've been just as good a friend to me if not better" he chuckled and then she kissed the top of his head, his face turning blue with blush. "i-i-i.. i won't be.. you don't have to worry about that.. i promise heh heh heh heh heh" he chuckled a bit nervously, hiding his face and his blushing by looking down at the ground. she walked away and he watched her, sighing a little with a smile on his face. "OH! I completely understand!! Please do visit again though! It was a lot of fun cooking with you!" papyrus waved and ran to the door, opening it for her as she was about to leave. Being as polite as always. Papyrus thought about how he would need to talk to Asriel too..

Asriel talked about killing himself and frisk sighed looking down, "it will get better Asriel.. please don't, you have so many adventures and things to look forward too" She patted his head gently. "if you need to talk about it.. i'm always here."
It was easy to hear undyne, she hadn't gone far. Her armor clanking from what seemed like miles away, it was mostly to instill fear in her enemies. But it didn't mean she couldn't get the jump on them while still wearing this armor. She was truly great in battle with it. "Get this over with then you can relax for a little bit.." Frisk said..
Toriel smiled to Papyrus and placed a paw on his shoulder. " I also enjoyed cooking with you. We must do it again. And like I told Sans, don't be a stranger, and please take care of each other. I will see you both soon. With that she walked out of the brothers home, making her way back to the castle. She wondered how all this will work. Would Asriel live with her, or his father. She wanted to be selfish and bring him to her home until they leave for the surface. But he is the prince and he place was there with Asgore.

"I know, and I'm sorry I said that Frisk. Don't worry about me." His smile seemed more warm this time as she patted his head. Opening the doors to the castle, he paused looking around, he knew that sound. He did a light jog following the sounds of her armor until he could see her. Taking in a deep breath he looked to Frisk. " Here goes nothing." He waited a moment while he gathered his nerves before running up to Undyne. "Hey! Undyne! Wait up! I need to talk to you!"
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