To end the resets. (private for spud and Vail)

Papyrus waved as she left their house. "Will do! We both take care of each other anyways!!" he smiled and closed the door. "such a polite woman! So... what should we do now Sans??" Sans rubbed his face till he couldn't feel himself blushing any longer. "nothing much we can do. just gotta wait till we're allowed to leave.." Papyrus thought to himself. "So... Well! I could go see Undyne! try to figure out whats happening!!" Sans shrugged "that might work.. heh.. i'll stay back. gotta sleep, i'm tired.." he shrugged and walked up to his room, closing the door. Papyrus smiled wide and walked out of the house, looking for something to do around snowdin. Knowing Undyne was probably busy for a while.

She heard Asriel and stopped walking, turning to him and raising an eyebrow. "what do you want? I'm busy and have to try to set up schedules for the guard."
Toriel didn't except either of them to leave, she didn't walk very far before she heard Papyrus walk out. " Oh, going somewhere Papyrus? If you're going my way maybe we can walk together?" She smiled to him.

Asriel reached Undyne catching his breath. " Whew! Having legs again is going to have to take some getting used to." Taking one more heavy breath he looked to her." I know you're busy, And I promise I wont take up to much of your time. Look, I know where you can find proof. I am who I say I am. Ask Aphys about some of my family's tapes. There are videos on when I was a kid. Watch them, Very few know about them." He paused "I know you may disagree, but I have no reason to lie. I just really, want to be friends, with you, and everyone. Just please give me a chance and trust me this one time." Asriel smiled to her kindly waiting for her to reply.
Papyrus looked over at her and nodded his head "Sure! I was going to go see Undyne! Wanted to ask her what the plan was on leaving the underground!" He jogged up beside Toriel and then slowed down. "I'd love to walk with you! I can't believe Sans never mentioned you to me! How long did he know you!?.." Papyrus looked confused and he kept up the pace with her.

Undyne would trust Alphys with her life.. So when he told her to ask Alphys she looked a little shocked. Video tapes? no one ever said anything about them.. and she knew Asgore since she was a child! "I...." She tried to think of some way that he could be manipulating her or tricking her.. But she really couldn't think of anything. If there really was some old video tapes.. then that would be great proof that he's not lying about being Asriel. "...... Ok. I'll look into it.. But.. Even if this is true, that doesn't make you really Asriel.." She was just being stubborn crossing her arms and looking at him with more suspicion.
Toriel shrugged a little as they walked. " I guess because there was nothing much to say. We just told each other bad jokes through a door. And its a good think I'm going with you. I would also like to hear what Undyne has planned." They walked for a while longer till she spoke up again. " Did you ever talk to Sans about Flowey?"

" Like I said. What would I have to gain from pretending to be me. Plus, If I was trying to fake being the prince. I think it would have been more believable if I looked the age of when I died?" He could understand that she didn't trust him, then he started thinking. Is that why his mother and father have been avoiding him. Do they really believe in him? " Just, look into it okay. I don't want to go to the surface with you if you don't trust me. I mean, it should be with someone you trust." He looked down sadly and turned to walk away." That's all I wanted to say. Have a goodnight." Asriel was started to feel alone. He could try Papyrus...but he was busy taking care of Sans and Asriel didn't feel like seeing him.
"I spoke to him about Flowey a couple times! Mostly just telling sans about this new friend I made!! Flowey was very secretive though.. he liked to hide and didn't want to ever come out! When Monsters would come by and we were talking he would hide under the dirt! It was kind of cute.. He was so shy!" Papyrus smiled and chuckled. "I wonder if hes still around.. or if.. frisk needed to....... uhm! Well Undyne should be up here somewhere! On guard!" Papyrus kept walking.

Undyne scoffed a little "Fine.. I'll check it out.. I'll talk to you later" She walked off in the other direction, thinking about it and deciding she would need to do that the second she got off work. The way she said it to Asriel she made it seem like she didn't really care, but she was super interested to see if he was who he said he was.

Frisk appeared seeing his face, clearly thinking about something sad. "Whats the matter Asriel?.. You seem... down.. Are you upset that Undyne didn't believe you?"
"Ah I see. Hmm, maybe he is hiding? I didn't see any dust so I doubt any monsters died yesterday." Or maybe what Asriel said held some truth...She shook her head at the thought. She couldn't think that her child could do anything like that. As they approached Undyne Toriel saw Asriel turn the corner. Looking to Undyne she tilted her head. " What that my son just now?"

Asriel shrugged. "I'm just getting the feeling mom and dad are avoiding me. Seems like all I have done since coming back is try to convince people that I'm, me." He pointed to himself as he said this. "I'm just tired, you know?" He sighed as he walked slowly, seemingly in no hurry to return him.
Undyne looked back and then turned back to Toriel "yeah.. He was just talking to me about the plan we're making. It should happen in the next couple of days." Papyrus perked up and his eyes widened "Plan!? Whats my part in this plan!?" He smiled wider than before and looked really excited. Undyne didn't think that Papyrus would be apart of this. Buuuuuuut, he could be some use.. she trusted him, a lot. "I'll think about it Paps.."

Frisk floated next to Asriel, "well. Of course you're going to need to convince people that you are who you say you are. You've been gone for so long. Most people would think its impossible.. and most people are going to need convincing. Its nothing wrong with you, promise. Its just normal." She smiled patiently at him and kept floating.
Toriel seemed confused " You and Asriel? Making a plan?" She didn't know she was so thrown back by this. But this would mean he is making friends, and that made her happy. She smiled and sighed. " Oh, that's wonderful. I'm sure it will be a great plan." She placed a paw on Undynes shoulder. " Thank you for including him. It must be tough for him, having to make new friends."

"I just didn't think I had to with my own parents. I thought that, I don't know, they would just feel it. I mean I am apart of them." He crossed his arms over his chest as he walked, just a little slower than before. Maybe the longer it took him to get home, the sooner it would be to turn in for the night and start over in the morning. " I need to find away. to speak with Papyrus without Sans knowing..."
Undyne looked at Toriels hand on her shoulder and she felt a little guilty, not believing Asriel was easy. His story made no sense, but seeing Toriel look her in the eyes with that happiness made her feel bad. She didn't want to prove that Asriel was just a faker.. make Asgore and Toriel even more hurt then they already where. But she needed to protect them, Undyne decided right then and there. That if she found the video tapes, she would believe Asriel.. Still be cautious of him, but at the very least believe him. But if he was a liar, there was no way in hell she wouldn't throw him to the wolves and lock him up for the rest of his life. "yeah.. Of course, he's a sweet kid." she said a little reluctantly. Honestly he hadn't shown her a reason for her not to trust him or like him.. other than that dumb eye joke.. but Sans made the same joke at her and all she could do was roll her eye.

"they believe you Asriel.. I know they do. Its just that they're still mourning my death.. you don't really understand how it feels because i'm still here with you. You don't know what it's like for me to be gone.. It makes people act strange. Go talk to your father, I'm sure he wants to spend time with you." She smiled.
Toriel nodded to Undyne. "Yes, he is. He always has been. So strange seeing him all grown up. I missed his whole childhood." She looked to Papyrus "Well, I guess this is where I take my leave. Have a goodnight, and I will see you both soon." She bowed slightly to them and started to walk off slowly. She also in no hurry. The castle didn't feel like home anymore. But she wanted to try and talk to Asriel. She hasn't really seen him since this morning. So she was feeling a little guilty for being gone all day.

Asriel rubbed the back of his head. "Oh yeah. I'm sorry I forgot about that. Guess it hard for to think that know when I'm able to chat with you like this. " He gave a soft laugh. "And you know, I meant what I said to Undyne. I just don't think it would be a good idea to join her if she doesn't trust me. She will need to focused on the job, not me."
Undyne waved slightly and watched Toriel walk off, it was going to be a long day. she needed her focus. "Sorry Paps.. no time to talk. Would you mind going and doing something else? I have to be on guard and... well. I can't talk" Papyrus smiled and nodded. "Sure thing! I'll take my leave." Papyrus just kind of ran off, looking for something to do.

She rubbed Asriels back and giggled. "see.. Everything's normal. It just feels really weird.. Maybe you should comfort your dad and mom. They might be taking the fact that i'm gone a lot harder than you even realize.. and I know everything you said you believed. You're right about it.. If she doesn't trust you she can do some stupid things.. I mean, she did burn her house down."
Asriel laughed. "What, she didn't trust her house either, am I going to have to worry about her setting me on fire too?" He said jokily, then sighing. " You need to stop being right all the time. I'm starting to feel useless. Maybe dad is still having his tea, I can join him." With that, Asriel picked up his pace making it home sooner than he thought.
Frisk giggled and just followed Asriel, not like she couldn't. She was bound to him and could only really move about 20 feet away from him before his soul dragged her back closer.

Papyrus made it to waterfall and walked around a small town full of fish people and other Monsters. Thinking about what he would do.
"Hey Frisk. I know you said that no one can see you and all. And I'm not sure if this is something you would even want to try. But maybe you could speak through me?" Asriel knew he was asking a lot. But he just to try. Anything is worth trying at this point. Soon he could see the castle ahead, in away he was a little scared to talk to his father.

Toriel looked up and saw Asriel walking a little bit ahead of her. He seemed to be talking, but there was no one there. She heard him talking to himself last night when he was in the bathroom.
"I'm not so sure if I could do that Asriel.. I mean, I don't know what I could do and what I can't do. This is all very new too me too, I'm sorry I can't be much help there.." Then something caught her out of the corner of her eye, she saw Toriel and yelped a little. "Toriel! act normal!" not sure why she was yelling, but she suspected that Toriel heard some of that conversation. "If... I think if you keep talking to me in public you'll start looking like a crazy person. You really need to be careful."
Asriel was about to reply when Frisk yelped, telling him that Toriel was coming. He turned around facing her, trying to put his hands in his pocket, the realizing that the robes did have any, her goes back and forth on if he wanted to cross his arms or put his hands on his hips. In between trying to put his hand in the non existing pockets before setting with his hands on his hips." Hey mom! How was the visit with Sans? Is he doing better?" Needless to say Asriel idea of 'acting natural' is forgetting how to used his arms, and yelling across the court yard. Toriel just stood there for a moment with a worried look on her face. " Are you feeling alright my child?" Asriel shrugs " Yeah! Just thought I would go and talk to dad. Haven't see either much since I've been back."
Frisk whispered in his ear, not out of the fear that others would hear her. But so he wouldn't have to look at her to listen to her, "I think she thinks your brain is scrambled.. you've been talking to yourself a lot lately.. well. Maybe not to yourself! but it looks like you are.. Uhm... Sorry about that. My bad." Frisk floats over to Toriel and frowns a little. "I wish I could explain. OH!! Just a thought. Buuuuuuuuuuut you probably don't want to tell them that you can see and hear me.. they will think you're insane.. you see and hear the little dead girl that you where holding?... That's too insane.." She looks a little worried.
Asriel keep a forced smile on his face as Frisk whispered to him. Toriel sighed and looked down sadly. "I know, and I'm truly sorry. I...we are still trying to come down from this shock. Asriel, are you sure you don't remember anything? At all?" He just shook her head. Toriel approached him and pulled him in to a hug." Will you tell me if you do, if something comes back?" Asriel nodded, wrapping his arms around her. " I promise..." He felt awful for lying to his mother. He wished he could tell her everything, all that he did was such a weight on his back, that he knew would crash down one day.

The rest of the day and evening went well enough, he did spend time with both his mother and father. Although they hardly spoke. Later that night Asriel went to his room. Locking the door behind him. "Well, I think my first full day back went rather alrighty." He didn't have to see Frisk to know that she was close by.
Frisk decided it would be a good thing to just.. Let Asriel have his family for the day. Not wanting to disturb him all day, she just disappeared and went into the equivalent of sleeping. kind of a meditation where she just zoned out.. Since she was a ghost she couldn't sleep and wanted to stay silent.

At the end of the day though Asriel was alone again and she came out of it. She popped her heat out of the bed slowly with a huge dumb grin on her face giggling. "yup. They love you Asriel! I wonder if Undyne looked for those tapes yet... oh! on another note. check this out!" she started floating through the bed really fast. Only her head poking out. "I'm a bed shark!!! Om Nom Nom!!!" she giggled again and kept going.
" I guess we will find out as soon as she does. I don't think she is type hold back. Unless she see that she was wrong, then I doubt she would say anything." Asriel chuckled as he pulled out the outer part of his robe, laying across the back of a chair. He watched the child float over his bed, then pretend to be a shark. He laughed hard. Although Frisk was bright wise child, she was still just a child. "Did you get a little bore having no one to talk to for a few hours? Oh, and please don't do that when I'm sleeping. " He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. "I think I'm going to go see Papyrus first thing in the morning. Keep your fingers crossed that I can do this without Sans knowing, or getting angry, or beating half to death."
"I won't! don't worry Asriel. I'll keep myself entertained." She smiled and floated up into the air. "okie dokie! I'm sure if you told him not to tell sans he would respect your wishes! Papyrus is great like that" She smiled and watched as Asriel got ready for bed, he started to lay down and she floated right next to his face with a serious look. She stared at him for a bit... they locked eyes and she just looked at him. "you forgot to brush your teeth........." She then slowly sunk into the ground and waited for him to come back. "Good night Asriel! Sleep tight!" She went back into that weird meditation, starting to imagine things. Almost like controlling a dream.
Once Frisk was out of his bed he laid down on his back, folding his hands behind his head as he closed his eyes. " I feel, I should leave that to him. He is a good guy. We both know Sans has secrets that would take days for him to tell. Papyrus is a good guy. I don't want him in the habit of keeping things from his brother." He laid there for a moment when she got a creepy feeling. Opening his eyes they were met with Frisks. He chuckled and got up and went to the bathroom. There he changed in to his sweat pants and tshirt, brushed his teeth and went back to bed. Falling asleep rather easily, though far from peace full. Nightmares kept him tossing a turning.

The next morning he woke up, still feeling sleepy. But he had things he had to take care of sooner than later. This time he was the one avoiding his parents, wanting to head out to Snowdin as soon as he could.
He was successful and found Papyrus pretty quickly, he was in front of his house doing his morning stretches with a huge smile on his face. No one else seemed to be out other than guards who where making sure everyone was ok.. It was a bit odd, usually people where out by this time. Papyrus noticed Asriel and quickly ran over to him "Ah! Asriel! Just the fluffy prince I wanted to see!" he smiled and stood heroically.
Asriel watched Papyrus for a moment, before he was feeling his nerves failing. "I cant do this...." Papyrus was the only monster who showed him kindness and took any interest in Asriel when he was Fowey. What he did you the younger bother was terrible. Just as he was about to turn and leave he hear Papyrus run up to him. Tilting his head some the looked up to the tall skeleton. " Fluffy...?" He looked down and shrugged, he wasn't wrong. It still sounded almost insulting. But he knew Papyrus didn't mean anything by it. Asriel gave him a small wave. " Howdy, Papyrus. You wanted to...see me? What for?" Asriel knew why he wanted to see him. But what did Papyrus want?
Papyrus cleared his throat and then put his hands together each finger at a time, he looked a bit confused and weirdly serious. "soooooo.. I know this will sound odd. And rather weird! Buuuut.. I just need to know, and I don't mean any offence by this! Obviously you don't look anything like him! and I don't.. Any way I'm getting off track. But.. Are.. You actually Flowey? I know the other day you said you where him, but.. that was a joke.. right? Once more! I don't mean to offend you!! Its just a question." Papyrus clasped his hands together and smiled warmly tilting his head and blinking a couple times wondering what he would say.

Frisk looked at Papyrus and then looked to Asriel wondering what he would say.
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